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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19512263 No.19512263 [Reply] [Original]

>What does STA do?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Niggerfaggot kike whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some kikes and pajeets here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>Where do I see the price?
You can use the same link to swap as you can to view real time data. Just set the input to a stable of your choice like DAI or USDC.

This is a Uniswap V2 link. Not ideal, but it's an option and useful if you prefer seeing a graph directly from Uniswap. Note that it does not have the same liquidity as Uniswap V1.

Coingecko is slow. Take note of the spike on 05/31/20. This is the actual start of STA V3.

>Where do I put my liquidity?

You can also put it into the Uniswap V1 pool, but you will be missing out on more rewards and incentives to come from Balancer: https://twitter.com/StateraProject/status/1267342879682371586 (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Link to new Medium article on STA, feel free to share
>Official Github

>> No.19512320

>What does STA do?

Makes you rich

>> No.19512334

10 cents

>> No.19512385
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Soon bros

>> No.19512404
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>Let us examine Statera in motion. On every Statera transaction 1% of that transaction’s value is burned. Meanwhile, in the Index Fund portfolio, all five tokens maintain a 20% share of the portfolio’s wealth through the use of a smart contract portfolio manager. When an asset’s ratio increases relative to the others, the portfolio will re-balance itself by selling the token that has gained value. This is accomplished by utilizing arbitrage opportunities in the external markets for the imbalanced tokens. This means that if Statera’s price drops, the portfolio manager will sell the other coins for Statera. If Statera’s value rises, the portfolio manager will sell Statera for the other coins. This is good for a variety of reasons: the AI is a direct competitor to swing traders, discouraging the dumps and pumps that always come from that. Moreover, it also helps negate dumps in general, as it offsets the loss from a large sell order.

>Now we can see where Statera’s magic happens. By including Statera in the portfolio, Statera’s deflationary process speeds up, tokens are burned, and supply is reduced. As a result, the trading volume of Statera is naturally bound to increase. On top of that the portfolio acts as a liquidity provider and collects fees from the trading it conducts.

You will literally regret not buying when it's this cheap. I can see this being rival with chainlink and ETH by the end of the year. NEVER SELLING

>> No.19512436
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This is one of the best biz finds in a long time

>> No.19512446

Guys holy shit its getting to the point that i'm worried about metmasks safety for this bag. any advice?

>> No.19512457



>> No.19512463

is this what happens to pajeets when they stop scamming?

>> No.19512474


>> No.19512494

Get a cold wallet, store the pass phrase in several offline locations, as well as memorize it.

>> No.19512498

make sure to have it autolock itself if its idle for 5 minutes, that will make it a little safer.

>> No.19512500

What do you guys mean? Just woke up

>> No.19512504

All that bagholding of xrp and vet got them ripped

>> No.19512529

6 cents
>6 cents
6 cents
>6 cents

>> No.19512533

When taking profits with this what is the best token to use? DAI? USDC? ETH?

>> No.19512541

Next dump that occurs, don't panic, you're just letting the whales accumulate even further.

>> No.19512558

>taking profits on day 5

>> No.19512569

Statera is mooning to the point some anons don't feel safe with Metamask for holding such big amounts. We're at 6 cents anon

>> No.19512605

I got in late at .032, but It's now a 2x baby

>> No.19512671

Does anyone know when wallets will show price?

>> No.19512681

mine already does, but it's lagging behind

>> No.19512693

damn nice. it's raising too fast I was gonna transfer money to my bank today and buy more ahhh

>> No.19512695
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>this is only day 5 for most of you but only 3 for me and I cannot think of anything else but STA now
>literally told my friends and family that positivity might come back into our lives
>reading through all the threads I missed to see how the discussions evolved, to see if they were issues or problems that legitimately needed to be addressed like the lack of marketing or low liquidity at the beginning

This is a fucking wild ride. Only put $400 or something after the Fredrick FUD and I've made immense gains. This is going to the stratosphere

>> No.19512761

I usually take them in eth since its the most usefull for me

>> No.19512792

Sooo... what’s to stop this from tanking? How is this gonna work out in 2 months when the balancer doesn’t have enough sta to keep the 20% value cause it’s worth nothing and there’s not enough coins

>> No.19512798

I would suggest ETH because of potential bullrun, but who knows.

>> No.19512801

You mean on metamask?
It sometimes shows and it sometimes doesn’t. Don’t rely on it.

>> No.19512832

Been thinking about buying for a few days now secretly hoping it will crash...

>> No.19512843

An hour ago we had a big dip from 6 cents to 3 cents because of some weak hands taking profit or perhaps swing traders. Unfortunately for them, Thanos pumped the price back up to 6 cents in a mere 45 seconds. Topkek.

>> No.19512847
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>> No.19512864

It won’t. Just get in now and sit back and enjoy the ride

Price would skyrocket.

>> No.19512913

>balancer doesn't have enough STA
What the fuck do you think the balancer does retard

>> No.19512918

But he has a point, if the pool runs out of STA then the distribution won't be equal anymore right? STA would end up being more than 20% of the pool

>> No.19512928

Lol why would it run out of STA? Thanos just buys more STA to keep the balance. Thus burning tokens thus decreasing supply thus increasing value.

>> No.19512963

STA literally can’t run out in the pool. Based Thanos literally just buys more.

>> No.19512966

We need to get this listed on coinmarketcap and get some eceleb to shill it to people

>> No.19512970
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>6c again

>> No.19512985

Why would the pool run out of STA? How would that even work?

If there's not enough STA in the pool then Thanos just buys more

>> No.19512993

It’s impossible to run out. Pool will always buy and sell to keep 20%. Even if LINK rockets to $1000

>> No.19513002

New ATH incoming.

>> No.19513011

He will buy 2 STA from me at $10,000 each before he runs out, and i‘ll happily sell them to him

t. soon Top 50 wallet

>> No.19513012

What wallet are you using? Trust wallet does show a shitty price graph and supply but it doesn't calculate holdings worth

>> No.19513017

seems like people are selling to get initials out around this price range. Im thinking about doing it too

>> No.19513021

That's the beauty.

In a bull market, LINK goes to $1000

a SHIT TON of STA is then bought up by the pool.

we don't even need STA to go mainstream to make it, Thanos will take care of everything

>> No.19513025
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FUDders have started concern trolling now

>> No.19513036

>if sta loses it value then thanos will sell other coins for more sta to keep the balance
>there is no more sta to acquire because it’s all been burned through finger snapping
>..... ?

Am I bring stupid or what? How’s thanos gonna sell eth for sta when the sta price drops if there’s not enough coins to do it. Yes I’m talking a lot longer down the line after everyone’s cashed out, but still. I’m not getting this part

>> No.19513038

Based numbers. Optimistic to say the least

>> No.19513049

how does thanos get the funds to buy?

>> No.19513069

STA is divisible by 18 decimals so thanos could buy 0.00001 for a 1000$ if he would need too

>> No.19513070

Ok, so while I feel like this is a golden ticket, what would it realistically take for this thing to go under?

He sells the other assets he holds

>> No.19513072

Idk if its weak fud or just anons that are trying to take the leap of faith but have one last question. If its the latter here you go:

In the beginning, all of the 5 tokens were worth $1000, so the pool size was $5000.

Now, say all other 4 tokens remained at their old value ($1000 / token), but STA did a x10, so STA value in pool is now worth $10,000.

That's much more than 20% of the pool, so the balancer must balance it out.
Note that now the pool size is $10,000 (STA) + $4000 (other 4 tokens) = $14,000.

So, to balance it out, each token should now have value of $14,000 / 5 = $2800.

To reach this goal, the balancer must sell the excess STA, and that would be $10,000 (current worth of STA) - $2800 (the new target worth of STA) = $7200.

The balancer (Thanos) sells the excess on various exchanges to which it has a trading bot interface to. Currently, it's only Uniswap.
Note that by selling, it performs transactions, and thus burns tokens, so the supply also decreases!

So, now that the balancer has sold the excess STA, it obtained $7200 dollars (say, in DAI coins).

Now, to balance out the other 4 tokens, it must buy $7200 / 4 = $1800 worth of each token.

So, it buys $1800 worth of ETH, $1800 worth of LINK, etc.

In the end, it's all balanced at 20% for each token - all 5 tokens are now worth $2800 dollars each!
And the total pool size remained at $14,000 dollars - so no value was lost!
Plus, you also get the trading fees, which are added to the pool!

That's the magic of the balance pools."

>> No.19513076

FUD'ers haven't even read the OP or how the balancer works. If it isn't FUD, it's just straight up retards. /biz/ doesn't deserve this token.

>> No.19513079

what i mean is, what if people pull funds from the other holdings?

>> No.19513080

It'll be much more. I just threw the rest of what I had in at the dip below 5 cents.

>> No.19513082

Based, welcome to the top 50 (soon)

>> No.19513098

So is 6c too late to buy in, be honest with me anons

>> No.19513100

Do you even maths brah.
You're saying it cannot keep 20% when the price would be worthless, how does that even make sense?
If STAs price is in the dumpster, it would be more than easy to maintain 20% because that's what the coin started at. It's an index fund backed by 4 big coins. 2 of them need to fail along with STA for it to be a real concern.

>> No.19513111

You can’t “pull funds”. The pool is owned by the contract, and ownership of the pool is represented by the BAL token or whatever the fuck it is.

>> No.19513116
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yeah pretty much, probably a lot of retards who dont know how to read but if you show them they will jump on the train.
pic rel

>> No.19513117

This coin is still displaying incorrect data on normie tracking sites. You need to juggle between a github for volume and swap pairs for price in real time. the real FOMO has not even begun anon

>> No.19513124

If Thanos buys more it skews the pool even more in favor of STA, completely breaking the 20% distribution

If STA keeps mooning and the supply is burnt, eventually the pool could run out of STA. When STA pumps, the balancer sells STA to re-distribute to other coins (keep the 20% distribution). If STA keeps pumping, it could eventually run out of STA to sell (unless enough people add their STA to the liquidity pool I suppose).

>> No.19513129

This. Imagine it with real data on a real exchange.

>> No.19513148

based trips
cool anon just wondering how the bot manages its own funds to buy and sell other funds in case of dumping to maintain other funds

>> No.19513162

Is it worth adding any of my stack to the liquidity pool? I have about 20,000.

>> No.19513169

i dont know if you are lowkey fudding or just dense but read this if you are genuinely curious.

>> No.19513171

The pool was balancing perfectly even at STA launch, when it had 38M inside of it (STA value basicly 0). It's 1% burnt on evey transaction, with 18 decimals.

>> No.19513173

I might be misunderstanding something but currently the pool has 367478.56 STA
Let's say STA keeps on pumping, the balancer would keep on selling STA to re-distribute. Eventually, if the pump continues then the balancer would run out of STA to sell. At that point, I don't see how it would be able to keep the 20% distribution unless people are willing to add STA to the liquidity pool

>> No.19513180

damn can this dip please? i wanted to buy 5k more but dont want it to end up running me over 300

>> No.19513189

Big pool -> Thanos has enough value to buy STA if it drops, to maintain 20% in the pool -> STA price rises.

Now, about the pool size - it's literally growing because STA is growing, other cryptos growing because of bullrun, and more investors join the pool because of it's benefits (read thread and explanation to know why).

This is an index fund with 2 involvement options, which both raise the value of STA: buying STA directly and getting more volatility and higher risk/reward ratio, or joining a balance pool, and getting less risk, but more certain gains over time.

You can combine these strategies by holding part of value as STA, and part of it in the pool.
This approach is highly recommended and explained in these threads.

And no matter which approach you choose, you raise the value of STA.
Unless, of course, you withdraw from STA system completely (sell STA and withdraw from pool), which is not advantageous to anyone, because why hold LINK, BTC, ETH in your wallet, when you can hold them in the pool and enjoy much higher gains and less risk?

>> No.19513194

Less than 1000 wallets. Less than a week old. No anon. You are still in the early phase. Accumulation phase hasn’t even begun. Then after that is fomo phase. You’re still early as heck.

>> No.19513205

It can buy and sell.. if it got too low it would buy it on Uniswap.

>> No.19513220


>> No.19513224

Anon it's only selling the difference in price everytime. It's constantly moving it. A coin can't go only up. (even if this seems to be the case)

The more STA value rises, the less STA you need in pool. If sta gets to 1$, and the pool value is 100k, it would only need 20k STA inside of it. It will not run out.

>> No.19513225

I have 50 ETH and a 65K stack of STA...

Should I go all in?

How would I even buy 51 ETH worth right now, I can barely get a smaller transaction to go through as it is.

>> No.19513231

I know that, but how does it keep the 20% distribution if it runs out of STA to sell because STA kept on pumping?

>> No.19513245

If the pool runs out of value and balancer can't keep up buying back STA, then STA drops, and more STA holders join a pool to hedge against losses -> pool grows -> balancer can buy back more STA -> STA value rises.

This is precicely created to keep the balance in everything, that's why it's called Statera.

>> No.19513253

it starts buying it.

>> No.19513260

People kick themselves in the shin for not getting in earlier or buying more during the dip.

But they are angry because they can't become millionaires from a $200 investment. You still can make mad gains if you continue to accumulate however much you can. This thing is a long term hold

>> No.19513265

It will never ever run out. The price for STA can only go up to keep it in balance. If 1 STA is left it would have to be $20k In price to maintain balance. Which it would buy up to make it happen.

>> No.19513267 [DELETED] 

anybody got that sta hex comparison handy some anon just posted in another thread?

>> No.19513274

Right, that does make sense, as STA pumps less of it is needed to be sold, eventually could need only a fraction of a STA to keep the 20% distribution. Thanks for the explanation

>> No.19513275

Whales are accumulating. I’m going down in holding list.

>> No.19513276

Not sure if I would risk all in lol, but throw 10 or 20 eth at it if you want. There is a big chance it will at least 20x from here, but its mostly a financial experiment and not really a use case oriented project. Make sure you put the gas higher in metamask when you swap initially, also check slippage and maybe increase %.

>> No.19513288

Buy 5 eth worth at a time. If you go all in Thanos will notice it and burn your ass by rebalancing the price.

>> No.19513295

I don't know why I was being so dense, it's actually quite simple. Thanks for indulging me

>> No.19513312

Amazing. A bullring would just drag sta up with it.

>> No.19513319

Welcome. Now go get a bag if you haven't done so already.

>> No.19513321

Yes that was mine here you:

To put things in perspective HEX did a 25x in its first 100 days. Statera pulled a 25x in 5 days. HEX is sitting at 178.369 holders. Statera at 931 holders. HEX is at 813 Million marketcap. Statera is at 4.5 million.

HEX has a supply of 195 Billion. Statera has 95 million.

Statera burnt 6 million in 5 days. At this rate the supply will be around 10 million in 3 months depending on how many iron hands we'll get.

That means $1 = $10million mcap
That means $800 = HEX mcap - $800 million.

>> No.19513323

it is possible that STA will continue to rise in price and eventually eat the entire cryptoecosystem as everyone trades their btc eth and stinkies into STA, with a $250B+ mcap

>> No.19513326

I thought we were going t hit 1k holders in 2 days. Instead its gonna happen in an hour.

>> No.19513327

And now if you say "lol why would they join the pool if STA was dropping, and not just exchange it for BTC, etc."?

Here's the point, by joining the pool you exchange your pooled tokens to BTC, ETH, LINK, SNX and STA in equal distribution, plus you get trading fees, and BAL token minings (everything explained in thread).

So there's more incentive to join a pool than to keep your BTC in your wallet.
Even more so if you were a STA holder and know how the STA system works.

>> No.19513330
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no worries fren.

>> No.19513351

Yes but little at a time.

>> No.19513369 [DELETED] 
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Fuck fuck fuck I got my 500e worth of eth stuck in system because I don't have passport for 4 weeks to verify myself. Pls don't leave without me anons. :((( 0x19DaB5467d5FA0e85AAEfB62A37f7aE165690869

>> No.19513375

Fuck my sepa transfer needs one day more. Already have a bag but wait for me please

>> No.19513376

We'll probably see one or two dumps today, depending on how many weak hands we got.

>> No.19513379

if this hits $100 I could retire straight out of college

>> No.19513400

Based. Hodl. Imagine it with the coming bullrun in 2021.

>> No.19513417

I will suck dick for sat or eth to even baby make it

>> No.19513418

are we just people in the right place at the right time? it doesnt seem like we should be making money this easy

>> No.19513433

No, not the entire marketcap but will go pretty high. The Burn mechanism in combination with Thanos it is inevitable that this token will go into the top 50 in a short time. We're so fuckin early, people don't get it.

>> No.19513446


Two days ago I decided to pay big fees to make direct VISA transaction instead of waiting bank transfer and now it really looks it was worth it. This has been already great journey and we are just beginning

>> No.19513449

you are being rewarded for taking a risk for the cause. you are virtuous

>> No.19513453

Do any of y’all realize that 1% burning of transactions provides MORE value to your holding than ANY staking rewards currently available?

>> No.19513498

What do you anons think we'll hit today? 8c? 10c? more?

>> No.19513510

Pretty sure it’s up like 3000% already.

>> No.19513520

Yeah I tried using visa but my shit bank wont let me. Might miss some gains but will accumulate soon

>> No.19513554

Screencap this

>> No.19513564

I know what you mean anon. I don't feel like I deserve it. I've been so tarnished by the 2.5 year bear (athough made some decent gains this year) that it doesn't seem feasible.

But it IS feasible. It's happened before, and it will happen again.

$1M market cap is by no means unrealistic.

Twitter has not yet caught on.
Reddit have rejected it (post on the daily discussion got downvoted to hell)

They will buy in at $1.

The data isn't even correct on the tracking websites so volume looks pitiful (we know it's not), you can only buy through fucking Uniswap, which normies outside of biz don't have a clue how to use.

So yes. Right place. Right Time.

Enjoy the ride.

$1 is FUD.

>> No.19513570
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What will happen to our tokens? Just saw this

>> No.19513579

7 today, 10 tomorrow

>> No.19513583

GitHub still does not have the contract up but it can be found here


>> No.19513605

It’s fake and gay. Don’t fall for FUD

>> No.19513610
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fucking pajeets man...
made me actually check the telegram and i hope you all recieve the fucking rope.

>> No.19513623

Reddit are butthurt basedboys not buying another biz coin out of principle after missing out on chainlink

>> No.19513643
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Kek dont fall for the fud anon.
>pic related

>> No.19513654

oh they will. don't you worry.

>> No.19513657

Watch out lads, there's a fud campaign going on that another version (STA v4) is in the works.

FUDDERs want your cheap bags. Don't sell.

>> No.19513663

Seems like a good prediction to me. I'm on board!

>> No.19513668
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>> No.19513700

Shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.19513711


>> No.19513724

Fake, pajeets copy pasta code creating new token only to grab your money. Since everybody know that STA is here to stay and there is no exit scam possible the people stay with the safe token STA. Pajeets try to FUD in the hope that you will move over and can grab your money. It is not true, don't fall for FUD and pajeets. Stay on the safe side and enjoy the ride up.

>> No.19513726
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Go ahead and sell
See what happens

>> No.19513735

That’s why I’ve not pooled yet.

>> No.19513767

I don't even reply in that thread only to see it dying out. Best thing to do IMO

>> No.19513798

What will happen first? 1,000 wallet holders or fall below 95 million total supply

>> No.19513811

fall below 95 million
I'd bet on it

>> No.19513835
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aaaaaand we're pumping again

>> No.19513865

Never. Fucking. Selling.

>> No.19513894

Just do 18 eth, keep the other 32

>> No.19513945

thats been confirmed fake

>> No.19513977

Ledger Nano X just purchased. Time to lock these puppies away for the long run.

It's been glorious fellas

>> No.19513979

6 cents seems like a strong resistance. ha

>> No.19513987

thanos will get stronger as time passes and as more people join the pool. buying STA is practically a bet on the whole crypto market, and you need STA to join the pool, so STA's value gets carried along too. all the lame fudders that say a new copy will replace STA.... there's a reason why normies know BTC and not BCH.... LINK and not BAND... they will try to make a killer STA and they will FAIL. the first mover advantage here is extremely important because of the liquidity pool, no one will risk joining a 1k liquidity pool by a "STA killer" when there's a 100k one with STA.. add to that the golden bull run that we all know is coming + 1% burn rate.. comfy af

>> No.19514009

I mean that's essentially what happened with early btc, eth and link buyers, part knowledge, part dumb luck. It was inevitable it would happen again, these threads will go down in biz history and Sta is unironically a top 20 project in the making

>> No.19514019

This. All you have to do is buy in now. Hold and watch your percent of total supply go up and you make it

>> No.19514021

And here they say 4chan isn't good for you

>> No.19514054
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some things are good, and others are not.

>> No.19514107

Feels good witnessing it. Feels even better investing in it

>> No.19514108

i'm feeling so cozy right now. got in at around 3.5c. keep buying more as my confidence in this increases

>> No.19514135
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Feels good. Feels good!

>> No.19514156

based launchpad chart

>> No.19514177

The only way we make it is if we don't all dump and try to exit scam newfags. If everyone holds for a prolonged period of time, this shit will literally be the moon of moons.

>> No.19514186

We are all so blessed. God bless you all. You’re literally going to be millionaires for browsing an image board.

The meek shall inherit the earth.

>> No.19514204

what part of "thanos rapes whales for breakfast" do you not understand?

>> No.19514205

Whales won’t dump. Just shave 1% off at time and live off it.

>> No.19514241

I only have 13.5K of these :(, will I still get to hangout with you all?

>> No.19514243

what is CyberFM (CYFM) in the contract's etherscan?

>> No.19514253

Buy more fagot

>> No.19514256
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what do you think we all do in these threads fren?

>> No.19514258

I'm not concerned of that because Thanos will step in. What I do hope is that all whales who hold more than 250k STA dump asap.

>> No.19514272
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>he thought I was planning on selling at $0.50, $1, or even $10
Don't worry anon. I won't sell until it reaches ETH in terms of price. Trust me, I can wait. And I fully and genuinely believe that it is this valuable after seeing how it recovered from a dip this huge in mere minutes. Last men standing will be the winners.

>> No.19514275

This. If this can reach a 100 million volume, our dumps wont even be felt anymore as so many normies and bots will buy the dip.

>> No.19514295
File: 8 KB, 226x223, 1487431744476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what part of "thanos rapes whales for breakfast" do you not understand?

>> No.19514314

not selling

>> No.19514316

Sorry not even thinking of selling till my stake is worth $500k.

>> No.19514317

Can’t wait for twitter people to watch my STA whale wallets.

>> No.19514345

Uniswap is spazzing out - anyone else having bother?

>> No.19514381

Sir yes sirs!

>> No.19514391
File: 98 KB, 250x250, 1591283373438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strongest sell signal

>> No.19514409

I'm selling pizza for STA.

>> No.19514426

Please go ahead and sell. It instantly recovers anyway, and it will burn more of the supply

>> No.19514427

Whales will never sell. Dude, if this hits $1, all they need to do is take some slices out of their holdings every day/week for the rest of their life. I won't be surprised if all the whales are in a group chat together now figuring out what the most economical percentage is at each holding (series expansion bros ww@).
It's also game theory. Unless they're all retarded, they realize if they try to swing, all the other whales will swing and crash the price (temporarily), and get their own holdings eaten up.
In the end, it's an index fund. Only /wsb/ would be retarded enough to swing an index like the S&P500.

The one anon telling everyone how to spend their holdings needs to add his write-up to the OP. Save and sell <1% of your holdings as long as it's above $1. If it dips, stop selling and wait for it to recuperate.

>> No.19514430

No issues here.

>> No.19514452

fucking based. Platinum hand holders will be rewarded the most.

>> No.19514458

I’m trying to buy more and can’t even load the token it just says searching for exchange

>> No.19514475

reload the site and link your wallet first.

>> No.19514494

Done it - I’ve got two wallets and both not working

>> No.19514521

Anyone here knows their way around German Crypto Tax laws?
I know it's tax free if you hold it for a year, and it's Last in first out. But does that refer to fiat only?
Basically I can shift crypto around as much as I want, but the first time I take fiat back out, that's when the jews will look at the date when I put fiat in for the last time?

>> No.19514523

is there a way to add just 1 token to the liquidity pool ?

>> No.19514527

I had 50k but sold 10k to get back my initial investment. All profit now. I know I will probably feel dumb later but it feels comfy and I'm trying to be smart.

>> No.19514529

Goodnight anons, I hope you all have a good time.

>> No.19514540

They're working on a convert button that automatically converts your 1 token to all 5 I hear.
But for now, no, you just have to convert it.

>> No.19514556

That would be pretty awesome.

>> No.19514570


>> No.19514576

Hold your 50K here on out to $1, iron hands get blessed.

>> No.19514586

1 month price predictions? I'll start. 50c by end of June.

>> No.19514595

Based on the past 5 days we should hit $1 July 5-8th

>> No.19514612

$1+ by July 1st.

>> No.19514624

Top 30 here, not selling until $1, and only then it’ll be 1% per day.

>> No.19514654

Twitter has even caught on yet. Finally, one for the autists here on biz.

Correct. People seem to forget that whales have usually made it already, they’re not hard pressed for cash. I’m top 30 and will have no immediate need to sell my stack, ever.

>> No.19514663

>tfw 10c EOM ended up being FUD
I'll bite, how about $1 EOM with a large dump from the non-whales taking profit, while everyone starts to start selling 1% of their holdings. It'll go down to maybe 80 cents mid July, and then bounce back above $1 mid-July, and go up pennies for a couple months because everyone is going to be selling minuscule amounts a day.
If this hits an exchange, we might see it rise even further.
Read: >>19514427 and past threads with mathematical/accounting anon's advice on how to maximize profit while playing safe.

based top 30 wallet holder here too. I want all my anon friends to make it.

>> No.19514710


>> No.19514713

I think it'll slow down a bit but we will hit 1usd eventually.

>> No.19514725
File: 364 KB, 750x913, B98BCC08-3BD0-445C-9F5B-CB5C6187D424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek look at these retards
It’s done a 10x since

>> No.19514734

It’ll speed up.

>> No.19514751
File: 96 KB, 750x243, 4DCD9DA1-7464-488D-AC37-3867ED8C821F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit faggot kek

>> No.19514752

Bros I cant buy eth because my coin base is fucked. Is it safe to buy ETH off of Wyre through Metamask?

>> No.19514768

I'd be happy, its going up either way. Thanos makes new highs hard to break down.

>> No.19514782

What's the incentive to not sell all at once? I've seen people say Thanos would crush whales trying to sell big stacks but why is that? Besides the fact that if it stays stable you can maximise profits by shaving it off little by little, but assulming you dont care and just wanna cash out a big stack

>> No.19514825

For one, price slippage would be immense

>> No.19514827
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>> No.19514831

Everytime you sell supply is burned. So sell all at once and you're out but sell a few percent at a time and you'll get compounding returns

>> No.19514852

You would be able to cash out a ton but would lose a lot compared to if you did it bit by bit.

>> No.19514877

You could of course, but liquidity on uniswap is low. If I were to convert my 390k stack I'm looking at 20% slippage, aka 20% loss of profits. Thanos would then counteract my STA selling by buying STA with eth, providing liquidity for the resulting buyers. If I were to do that, price would drop from 6 cents to 5 cents or so, and we all saw what happened the last time it dumped to 3 cents about two hours ago.
There's no reason not to sell over time unless you really think it's going to plummet for good.

>> No.19514933

Alright bros I've been here since 1.5 cents. My coinbase has been cucking me so hard I was only able to buy about 140 usd worth. I have 369 bucks worth of ETH on my coinbase. Can someone hook me up and trade my ETH for STA? coinbase is cuckold plus

>> No.19514943

Okay, this makes sense. I'm starting to think that 1$ isn't the main goal anyway since we're going so fast. My hands were strong but now they're titanium, and my stack is tiny so I need higher highs to make it. I'll only start shaving off a percent per week at 1$ I think, thanks anon

>> No.19514969


>> No.19514986

also get a metamask wallet

>> No.19515019

Bro are you serious I dont think you know what I'm asking. I have a metamask wallet. The problem is I cant transfer anymore ETH into my metamask wallet. I was wondering if someone would trade me ETH for STA because coinbase wont let me transfer my ETH to my metamask

>> No.19515023

So how is this different from Ghost? Did anyone here get fucked on that one?

>> No.19515028

Just FOMO'd in, been thinking about it for 2 days, finally on board !

>> No.19515031

W-what was t-that?

>> No.19515046

No celebrity sponsor
No even the same use case
Working product

>> No.19515057

Its absolutely nothing like ghost.

>> No.19515069

>He bought

>> No.19515077

how can you even trade eth if you cant transfer to your metamask wallet?

>> No.19515093

No but I got 10x out of Esh

>> No.19515098

Just think that if you didn't fuck around for 2 days worrying you'd be 4x richer right now

>> No.19515100


>> No.19515111

Why is everyone concerned about $1? Why are we not thinking of higher, like 5 or 10 dollars.

Has there been anything like this before? Why is $1 so special. Lots of shit coins reach $1.

>> No.19515121

no, there's crypto<>crypto tax in germany as well

>> No.19515127

Because of how the balancer works, the more people that stay in, the more balanced the price is. That's why whales and people prefer shaving off minuscule amounts, because they know it's either going to stay stable or slowly rise up.

If you had say, 100K STA, and you sold it all at $1, you'd have $100,000 USD at the end and 0 STA.

If you sold 1000 STA (1% of 100K), at $1, you would have $1000 USD, and 99000 STA.

If the price of STA goes up the next day to (and this is dramatic but just for convenience sake) $1.1, and sold another 1% of what you have now (99,000*0.01*1.1 = 1089), 1000 USD from your first percent + 1089 USD from your second percent + 98010 STA.

Assuming the price doesn't crash and say it just keeps increasing by 10c a day for 100 days, when you finally get down to the single digits of STA, you're selling your STA for $10 a piece.

You would have 10x your profit.

Of course, it's not going to rise 10c a day, but even if it rises 1c a day or a fraction of it, you would make significantly more than what you would have if you just sold all at once. If the price does crash and go below $1, just wait until it goes back up because the dumps will be eaten up by both Thanos and newcomers buying in.

I'm phoneposting and busy but I hope this makes sense.

>> No.19515151

1usd isa sort of symbolic nice goal for now but I agree we can go higher.

>> No.19515160

What the hell is this insane moon mission?

>> No.19515176


>> No.19515184

It's the true Chad coin we've been waiting for
Join us anon

>> No.19515185

It does anon, thanks a bunch. That's definitely what I'll do since even at 1$ I only wanted to cash out like 30k and leave the rest in. I believe this can go much higher than 1$ if the devs market it right

>> No.19515186

We could use our gains to advertise

>> No.19515192

Was about to press buy on Uniswap and the price just skyrockets
what the fuck

>> No.19515202

People are buying in, don't worry with such a large rise, it will drop back to where it was for a couple minutes since there are retards who will see the rise and try to swing, unless Thanos decides it's time for spanking.

>> No.19515206
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>> No.19515207


I'm going to be rich.

>> No.19515211

i want a dip anons please fud

>> No.19515212


>> No.19515217

I wish I could say there will be a dip

>> No.19515235

Based Thanos, roping swingies

>> No.19515236

yes can anyone explain why is it going so fast? number of holders has grown but not exponentially.
Whales aren't selling so STA isn't getting burned as quickly.
I haven't been monitoring BTC,LNK,SNX but I doubt they're mooning hard
What am I missing?

>> No.19515237

I bought 9900 at 4 cents, and am considering getting more. Should I?

>> No.19515269
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>> No.19515293

It's price discovery. It's still way too cheap, and will keep going up for a while.

>> No.19515304


>> No.19515309

7 cents
>7 cents
7 cents
>7 cents
7 cents
>7 cents
7 cents
>7 cents
7 cents
>7 cents

>> No.19515311

Guys, I'm fucking stupid and I don't know how anything works but I know that this needs more buyers to work and I'm willing to buy, how do I buy sta, do I have to just buy some bitcoin first or something, I only need like 300 dollars to spare this month and I can't buy a 9000$ coin

>> No.19515337

just sold my hex to put it into sta

>> No.19515339


>> No.19515341

buy ETH, then swap for STA on uniswap.
It's all on the OP.
Welcome anon

>> No.19515342

Kek welcome to crypto. Buy as much eth as you can and swap it on uniswap v1.

>> No.19515344

Buy ETH, swap on Uniswap for STA. Just hold, $300 you won't be able to pool but it's fine.

>> No.19515347

0.1$ 07/06 is fud

>> No.19515356

>>Where can I buy?
>Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>> No.19515359

Haven’t seen anons work like this together for a while

>> No.19515360

At this point I think 10 cents is inevitable
$1 is still far off, but I believe we can get there
So yes, there are still gains to be made

>> No.19515372

lol you don't need to buy the whole coin, just your money's worth of ETH, them follow the OP pasta

>> No.19515376

$0.1 is a 30% pump away

>> No.19515391

My stack I bought for 500$ is now worth 150k


>> No.19515415


>> No.19515419

Wait, what? What price did you buy in at? 0.001?

>> No.19515420

gratz anon, not everyone got in this early but you made it

>> No.19515422

Google how to buy ethereum in (your country)
Buy ethereum
Get metamask wallet (chrome extension)
Send your bought ethereum to Metamask wallet follow the how to buy part in OP

>> No.19515426

I know.
But there's so much crap on here, it's hard to know what's good and what isn't sometimes.
Doesn't matter anyway, still in earlier than some people !!

>> No.19515432

Fuck you must've been so early. 400 bucks here and I was relatively early on v1 and bought some more two hours after v3 launched and they're "only" worth 4k. I'm still glad but your gains are next level

>> No.19515442

for sure!

>> No.19515456

>10 cents
I believe it. Bought another 4k. It's not exactly a large stack, but it's good to be a part of this.

>> No.19515458

I’m going to have an actual aneurism. Bought in at a cent - Im sitting at 11k. How the fuck. What the fuck. Is this actually it?!

>> No.19515459

In another thread, people didn't have enough ETH for transactions, and I shit you not I saw 3 anons all offer to send him gas money at the same time.

>> No.19515461

Put your future millions into assets and don't blow it all on Cars and cocaine - and you will actually make it.

>> No.19515481

Grats anon. Remember to shave off tiny amounts. I assume you're in the top 15 with 1M+ tokens?
Sell 0.01% of your tokens a day while it's above $1 for income for life. Grats.

>> No.19515497

if he's not bullshitting he's wallet #4

>> No.19515499

An anon was gonna off himself last night because he sold and put it in another shitcoin and lost everything and he needed the money to feed his family. Some anons sent him half an ether and some sta. Never seen anything like it on this website

>> No.19515519


>> No.19515531

This is it, Brother. Don't think it get's anymore 'it' than this

>> No.19515537

I just added to my stack.. i bought in at .009, but I feel like there's not much stopping this train so why not

>> No.19515540

We're making SO MUCH fucking profit, holy niggerballs.

>> No.19515547

Bingo. I bought as soon as he posted the link to the new sta. I must've been the first buyer bc the price wasn't moving at all for the first minute

>> No.19515561
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So this is what a non scammy project does to the mind. I really hope we're all going to make it.

>> No.19515568


Damn son. I put $3k in at $0.005. Held through day 2 insane FUD crash. $41k now.

I'll be selling in small increments AFTER $1. We can all make it anons. Fuck normalfags.

>> No.19515577

Based. I'm hoping there's a write-up on how to manage the STA properly in the OP, as well as selling options without dumping.
With this rise, we'll likely see a correction very soon, don't want them getting weak hands again.
Go see an accountant, otherwise I'd suggest selling 0.001% of your tokens a day while it's above $1, for literally $2000+ a day for life and more as it goes up. Don't get greedy, and best wishes to you anon.

>> No.19515584

One of them was me. I want people to succeed. Beware though, a pajeet tried to post his wallet to get gibs but he had an eth plus 100k STA in his wallet. How fucking greedy can someone get?

>> No.19515596

What is final supply of STA?

>> No.19515602

Fuck that pajeet piece of shit. Yeah, always gotta be careful and check who you're sending transactions too, as well as connected wallets.

>> No.19515603


>> No.19515606

Do I just set up an appointment with a tax lawyer or what? That was my plan but never had this much money ever

>> No.19515614
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We still need them to buy at some point, though.

>> No.19515624

Currently 95 million. But the supply reduces from every transaction, so that number will only go down

>> No.19515653


>> No.19515655

God it just keeps going up, is it safe to keep buying. I have never seen anything like this.

>> No.19515683

0.10 soon enough

>> No.19515686

This thing was designed to keep the price steady, and the people who could tank it are doing nothing but buy more.
So you figure it out.

>> No.19515689
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In picture, the people i introduced to the coin yesterday.

>> No.19515691

mate, still so super early

>5 days old
>no real exchanges
>twitter & plebbit don't know
>metrics on tracker sites are incorrect so it's flying under the radar

>> No.19515696

An accountant, CPA preferably. My family is a business field so I have my father to assist me with big money, so I can rely on him, but I dropped out of accounting to pursue engineering.
Find a CPA as soon as you can (especially in regards to crypto taxes). I don't see whales dumping and crashing the price in the foreseeable future because they'd just shoot themselves in the foot so you'd be good.

>> No.19515698
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Is it normal to be incredibly fucking horny whenever you make absolutely massive gains?

>> No.19515704
File: 124 KB, 583x482, 1591058986691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 2 ETH worth of v1
I didnt swap it to STAC (v2)
I missed out on the initial v3 announcement because I was sleeping so I lost all of my v1 and missed out on early gains of v3
I decided to buy another 2 ETH worth of v3 anyways
I held through the insane fud on day 2

These diamond hands are not selling until this hits at least 5$

>> No.19515715
File: 30 KB, 400x400, mirinno_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.19515750

Take your holdings

Multiply them by 3.68

That's your equivalent stack in LINK

How early do you feel now anons?

We've all made it here.

>> No.19515758

good job anon. You will make it.

>> No.19515769

How many tokens do you have anon? It might be more beneficial to sell small amounts up to $5, as we don't know where the price will stabilize until it hits an exchange. It might stabilize at $3 and only drop/rise pennies a week/month.
But it could hit $5 EOY, who the fuck knows at this point. If I see the price rising rapidly past $1 and up to $2, I might cut down selling 1% to 0.1% but YMMV depending on how many tokens you hold. Whales can afford to shave off 1/1000th of a percent easily.

Wish you luck anon.

>> No.19515792


>> No.19515801


Your suffering shall be rewarded with mad ROI. This time we really did make it.

>> No.19515806

$0.08 about to break
$0.10 end of week was fud, it's going to fucking happen today
holy shit we're all gonna be rich

>> No.19515810

I bought 200k sta for 1 eth but sold it for 7 eth when the fud dip happened


>> No.19515811

Oh and one last comment before we reach end of thread, we will probably see a correction very soon, newbies taking profits and hoping they can swing. Just ignore hold and check back later in the day.

>> No.19515812

Any Aussie staties up in here? It’s 2am in Melbistan and I need to wage tomorrow but this is too much fun. 2017 vibes.

>> No.19515817

all work and weak hands makes for a poor boy

>> No.19515835

I tried to sell too, luckily the transaction failed so I just saw that as a sign from neptune and bought more.

>> No.19515837

Not Anons, not devs, not tech support. Literally NO ONE.

Keep your seed phrase backed up as a hard copy and put it in a safe.

You wouldn't be human otherwise

>> No.19515846

Same, luckily I bought back in

>> No.19515856

~700k holder here.
I already recouped my initial investment on this. I threw some fuck you money at this thing and it stuck.
Already am a made it chad so only gonna sell this if it goes $10+
Have it in a leadger X wallet now, not gonna touch it.

>> No.19515883
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>Statera insider here. Look, I don't have much time for that, the snap is coming in thirty minutes. I just wanted to say I saw with my own eyes the leaked whitepaper. It IS AWFUL. I can't describe anymore, but you should sell sell sell right now. Exit as much as you can and buy back after the whitepaper because the snap is still free money even if statera has an awful whitepaper

>> No.19515892


>> No.19515903

10 cents today feels like a guarantee at this point

>> No.19515902



>> No.19515905


>> No.19515917
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>> No.19515919
File: 215 KB, 498x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's been an issue with the gulp function. We are sorry to announce that we had to terminate all activities and transactions tied to Statera V3. Keeping you updated on the upcoming Statera V4 which will be our last revision of the token. Thank you for your support, and expect a new airdrop soon!" - Abu Bakr

>> No.19515922

dump tic rocket someone

>> No.19515924

10c EOW was FUD all again, wew.

>> No.19515927

This is unreal. Haven’t been this early to a pump like this in a while.

>> No.19515943

>some anon dumped his whole stack
>price recovered before I could type this
epic fud bro

>> No.19515954

EOW prediction?

>> No.19515957

A classic for the ages

>> No.19515971
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Thank you based Statera furfag for pumping our bags.

>> No.19515982

Fredrik, are you still here you fat fuck?

>> No.19515989

I bought 1k but I'm getting ghost vibes, everyone in this thread is talking the same way save for the confusion on how to buy it.

This seems like the midwit coin.

>> No.19515991

When a large stack sells off it actually helps STA because it lowers the supply
Nothing can stop us now

>> No.19516009

I'm still stacking if there is a dip to 5c or 6c I will throw fuck you money on this

>> No.19516011
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What is there to talk about? The number goes up. The project isn't run by a retarded troglodyte like ghost and has an entirely different, unique use case.

>> No.19516013

i-i thought /biz/ said its bad when a token pumps this crazy and its imminent a crash is coming but it just recovers quick af. i feel way better than when i had ESH too because fuck john mccaffe and josh. you guys are wild lol

>> No.19516016

yeah you better sell it bro, total scam

>> No.19516032

The person behind this fud made his research at least to mention the gulp fuction

>> No.19516038

Even ghost did a 10x
Just be smart

>> No.19516040

sell then pussy

>> No.19516041

gonna dump to 6 cents in a while

>> No.19516044

that faggot needs to post more of that statera furfag's shit
we were pumping like crazy last night when those pictures were being posted

>> No.19516046

Explain to me why I should trust uniswap

>> No.19516049

This isn't just a token.
This is an index. It is backed by 4 giants in the crypto sphere.

>> No.19516053

They fixed the gulp function.

>> No.19516066
File: 106 KB, 560x819, Thanos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then sell your stack
I dare you

>> No.19516071

Holy shit, we might actually hit .10c today and at that key level weak hands will sell off cutting supply and pushing us higher. We literally are all gonna make it

>> No.19516074

can anyone link the price? statera site says it's still at 65 cents

>> No.19516078

It was 0.05 when I woke up this morning, how much more pump do you expect lol

>> No.19516080
File: 472 KB, 640x640, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do you trust more
/our/ autistic Chad or some boomer drug addict who's been shilling shitcoins on twitter for as long as shitcoins have existed?

>> No.19516088

go to uniswap v1
select 1 sta and try to sell it for aDAI
that's how you can monitor the price

>> No.19516106

It was 0.035 when I woke up kek

>> No.19516107
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Thanos making whales watch them burn. Based.

>> No.19516114

12k left to be burned before below 95 million. Was 250K FOUR HOURS AGO!!!!!!

>> No.19516142

If it dips 10% more ill swap 1k link

>> No.19516148

thanks. anyway to check market cap??

>> No.19516184

997 wallets!!!

>> No.19516185

100% of the token are in circulation from what I understand, so just multiply current supply by the price.

>> No.19516193

weird how I don't even blink when it goes down a cent and I lose $3000

>> No.19516194

Coin price x number of coins should be close enough imo

>> No.19516217

almost back up again heh

>> No.19516223

circulating supply * current price = mcap
right now its 0.0728 * 96mil

>> No.19516255

Another based thread

>> No.19516257

how you track this anon

>> No.19516262

~95mil * 0.077

>Checked price
>Wrote 0.07
>Had to correct to 0.077 after I wrote the sentence

>> No.19516263

8 cents!!!

>> No.19516267

my bad, now up to 0.0821

>> No.19516273

it comes back up in the time it takes you to blink kek

>> No.19516274

0.082 by the time I posted

My face is melting, guise

>> No.19516286
File: 91 KB, 709x693, lucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all gonna make it

>> No.19516288


>> No.19516328
File: 104 KB, 1080x631, Screenshot_20200604-094506_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys, I did it but like I said I'm retarded and only know about coinbase,I did the mistake of buying through bank account so I can only buy with half my eth amount

Can I like buy more eth to swap instantly from one of you or is there something else I can do

>> No.19516343
File: 395 KB, 640x1128, 367b3237ec96b332356c7d84c2221e8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still remember when people were questioning 0.01$ like it was a few days ago... Oh wait!

>> No.19516407

thank you fellow stat furfag

we've crossed 1000 addresses!

>> No.19516419

is this uniswap v2??

>> No.19516488
File: 47 KB, 636x968, yiffy_arbitrager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek original stratera fukumoto poster here, I love what has become of it
best mascot

>> No.19516510

There is no good way to by from others except maybe localbitcoins.com but it is a paint to use and expensive. You used contract 0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>> No.19516582

where are you anon. might be able to help

>> No.19516694


>> No.19516750


>> No.19516783

anyone telling others about statera should buy it for them and keep like 5% of their stack as a fee ;) greedy pajeet here

>> No.19516811

Not going to lie, that is a good deal for both parties involved desu

>> No.19516834

And we're under 95 million supply!

>> No.19516913

it really is. most people want to invest, but don't want to bother with it or just don't know how to. this facilitates it i guess

>> No.19517193



>> No.19517219


>> No.19517232

This is the dip


>> No.19517258

Nice, bought some, moving up already pajeet. Whale plays. Called shakeout weak hands.

>> No.19517301

Yeah that's the one I used

Coinbase, or Oregon if that's what you meant

Right now I'm just really trying to wrap my head around all this liquidity stuff, from what I've read I apparently have too little to do anything right now so what do I do?

>> No.19517358

Just hold STA, nothing else for the time being, and maybe read up about crypto in general so you have a better understanding of it. Once you understand it better, you will be able to decide from there, but for right now, treat it as a stock and just hold

>> No.19517485

did you use uniswap v1 and how much is locked in cuckbase