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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19486955 No.19486955 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I'm sure you've missed me but I've been spending more time on Twitter lately. I've curated a pretty good feed by following people I like and I'm not sure this place can really compete at this point.

>> No.19486981

4chan can't possibly compete with Twitter if you curate your following appropriately, and /biz/ is infested with poojeets and retarded rebbidors.

only reason to come here is the occasional entertainment posts

>> No.19486993

Nice nips on the nigress. Sauce?

>> No.19487019
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 76632DE9-ED54-4A1B-B133-0F488EBB610A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, hey, I always thought he was gay, but he has fine taste in women

>> No.19487032

Reverse image search retard.

>> No.19487043

I’m retarded, help me out

>> No.19487045

that’s jack dorsey

>> No.19487058

Raven Lyn Cornell

>> No.19487060

wtf I have to be Jack Dorsey rich to get a gf like that?? it's not fair bros. I haven't even made it to 1 million yet

>> No.19487076

Turning twitter into a publisher rather than a platform will kill your website Jack. Your time is over.

>> No.19487117
File: 179 KB, 750x495, 4DCB1837-246D-403C-B3AE-3B362C4CBE4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m8, you’re alright

>> No.19487125

Yeah, I've followed lots of small anon accounts who often follow back when they see you're the same sort of dude. I'm probably interacting with more channers there than here when you consider all the pajeets and normies diluting this place. Just missing chan threading and anonymity.

Big problem is Jack could change the algorithm and fuck up my feed or just ban me and ruin it that way too.

>> No.19487158

>I'm probably interacting with more channers there than here when you consider all the pajeets and normies diluting this place. Just missing chan threading and anonymity.
Yeah, sadly.

>> No.19487164

No, you just need to be white

>> No.19487202

Pretty sure the millions and millions of dollars wouldn’t hurt your odds

>> No.19487282


does anyone want to start a startup with me cuz seems like that's literally the only way to make that much money in a short period of time. I want to be rich young and bang cinnamon QTs plz bros

>> No.19487464
File: 679 KB, 1234x700, 4A24D5EC-5338-42CC-B8A7-717755A5A443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do We need a start up for pic related

>> No.19487908

No everyone knows that success entrepreneurs in tech fields always go for the worst chicks. Like literally all of them, I can't think of a single billionaire tech dude with an attractive wife/gf. Grimes or maybe Zucc's wife just because she's Asian are probably the hottest but that's not saying much.

>> No.19487946

>go to invest in "technology index"
>it's got facebook and twitter in it

How about an index that has companies that produce shit of value in it. At least Apple has factories.

>> No.19488152

But how are you going to find out about the latest Uniswap microcap pump-and-dumps that are going to the moon??

>> No.19488594

>gucci purse
>look on face saying owwww but jaaackkkk I want icecream

>> No.19488878
File: 29 KB, 360x360, dowant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dats a premium pussi

>> No.19489001

>I've curated a pretty good feed by following people I like
Would you share the profiles you are following?

>> No.19489125

checked and how much KLEROS does SHE hold?

>> No.19489133

u serious? Twitter is basically 4chan if it had a character limit and literally every single person acted as entitled as the most narcissistic tripfag

>> No.19489442

shut the fuck up

>> No.19490616

Half the fun is building it yourself. I like to check out timelines of people who make good comments (ie responses to bigger tweets) and when you find someone you like they will have retweeted other people you might like and there will be more comments on those tweets and you can spiral like that looking for frens. People who like your tweets are also potential frens. You can also look at people like or retweet a good tweet that isn't really big.

I'll leave a few random bigger accounts you could start your search from

and of course, the best bitcoiner on twitter (the only good one actually)

>> No.19490916

when you're not bad looking and are a multimillionaire and not a complete autist like zuck you better have a cutie gf otherwise you're a loser.

>> No.19491094

Looks like a certain Kleros team member
Heard she holds over 10mil

>> No.19491149

she's a model not a random nobody

>> No.19491254

Those are two men

>> No.19492169
File: 1.65 MB, 1289x1078, 1591190565635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor man's alternative is to be a popular vegan youtuber.

>> No.19492216

I've seen her vids. She's got a tight body

>> No.19492266

Damn u have shit taste. Grimes?? Zucks wife???

>> No.19492308

Wearing Rick Owens, but thinks he's fooling the world that he's just a hobo. Pathetic.

>> No.19492324

Funny thing is, if platforms are held to what their users posts, it'll kill /pol/ faster than anything else, if 4chan survives at all. /pol/ literally choose the future where they get censored to hell and chased off the internet all just to troll le libs some years ago.

>> No.19492326

>gucci purse
It's Chanel, hun. Like /biz knows anything about fashion!

>> No.19492352
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>Grimes or maybe Zucc's wife

>> No.19492398

that's the funniest shit about trump trying to repeal the law that makes it so sites aren't held liable for what their users post. if that actually happens 4chan would disappear overnight all because /pol/ thought it was funny to meme trump into the white house.

>> No.19493080

Better yet, it'll make "killing" any social site, whatever it's site culture and leaning because all you need is a couple of supreme autists spamming the site with extremist shit and encouragement of violence, and the site's mods will either have to work doubletime, go offline or get fucked. Including /pol/s secondary homes, whenever 8cuck, stormfront, breitbart comment field, whatever radical blog site and so on.
The ones who always screamed the loudest about MUH FREEDOM OF SPEECH ended up killing any form of speech. Especially Trump's favourite platform to shout political stuff to "connect" with his voters. It's kinda beautiful to see them fight so hard to be heard only to wipe themselves off the web.
That said, i doubt it'll pass.

>> No.19493356
File: 157 KB, 1078x1058, 1591194737370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/nessman twitter

>> No.19493672

based and bananapilled

>> No.19493702

What a massive cuck. Why do they all cuck out to the kikes?

>> No.19493728

This faggot borrowed his GF's spare sandals to go out. Too into minimalism memery to own shoes.

>> No.19494958

famalam that's garbaje

>> No.19495000

Is Jack Dorsey a nice nipped negress? Or are you a retarded faggot?

>> No.19495097

i wonder if you can actually bet on a company going down in price. OH WAIT YOU CAN!

>> No.19495391
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>> No.19495428

are dorsey's hips really as wide as this picture implies