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19475316 No.19475316 [Reply] [Original]

Cypherphunks hate speculators and control too much of the network. They will keep coordinating dumps. And if that doesn't get rid of enough shaky hands, they will stage another "dao hack"

>> No.19475556

Or BTC Just took a dump and ETH followed due to listlessness. Your theory sounds interesting though.

>> No.19476086
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>> No.19476532

I got liquidated. I was going to start a short 10 mins before the dump but got distracted. Fuck me.

>> No.19476857

whales hold both. Winklevosses hold an equal amount of Ethereum and Bitcoin. Projects like Ren will put bitcoin on ethereum

>> No.19477113

Futures did nothing but open the door to allow manipulators hard fucking of the market. Anytime momentum builds in any direction, there is an asshole with a stack of cash ready to crash or pump - opposite whatever direction the majority thinks "value" is swinging towards. Futures being introduced into a market without the proper regulation necessary to prevent bad actors combined with the infancy and rather miniscule market cap of BTC effectively choked this industry. Crypto will become the norm, but futures without regulation ensured anything that is directed to succeed by power players will do so at the comparitive handicap of the rest of the market.

>> No.19477211

Ever find it funny none of this "regulation" that was promised by the fed has materialized? Btc, and by it's tethers to the market, has been castrated by the "slow roll" - a political strategy where damage is caused by slowing any beneficial changes to correct the system to a crawl. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a directed effort to allow the fed time to come up with, and disburse it's own controlled form of blockchain while ensuring the likes of free market Bitcoin and it's associates tread water in the meantime.

>> No.19477223

high IQ take

>> No.19477251

Or we're in a bear market. And it will take a few years to reach the next blow off top that we saw in 2017. Patience.

>> No.19477360

I've been here since before 17. Denying the manipulation present in the market that was not here prior to the 17 run is selective vision

>> No.19477377


>> No.19477404

go for Harmony One instead. it does everything eth 2.0 promises but now

>> No.19477425
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>> No.19477723

I'm still invested, and I still believe success will come from the free market. But it won't be some random alt coin that overcomes this wall. Harmony one is being shilled on this forum non stop by paid groups. But I digress.

It will take a market cap sizeable enough - creating enough financial mass to absorb these manipulation attempts to overcome this dynamic. To a point where the profit/risk ratio is better elsewhere. Or, regulation.. though I've heard no talk of that happening anytime soon.

Point being, if you're in this market, you may make good money on random alt coins by the ways of rising tide of the market. But for a proper free market valuation bull run to occur - that will be from the strongest players in the market being able to overcome this dynamic. Investing anywhere else is akin to being an oxygen dependant barnacle attached to a whale, hoping it comes up for air soon. Though there are projects with promise being developed, the key players have 10 times the corporate backing, 10 times the dev team and fund, and a key early foothold in the market. Most everything else is indie-game style dev groups hoping to hit it big or make enough waves to quietly "fail" while the core group slinks away with the magically "spent" funding.

Yes, there are SOME promising projects out there. But the crypto community as a whole would be best served by sticking to the core projects, or at least the top 20 or whatever. If people did this, you'd see a run similar to '17 again for all involved. As it sits now, we are too fractured financially and informationally to ever convince the public of the merits of crypto. We drown the public in a sea of voices, discouraging investment.

>> No.19477761

>Futures did nothing but open the door to allow manipulators hard fucking of the market.
The day it announced I literally told my friend its fucked. Didn't sell enough, kek
> Anytime momentum builds in any direction, there is an asshole with a stack of cash ready to crash or pump - opposite whatever direction the majority thinks "value" is swinging towards.
This market is still tiny AF. Market makers gotta market make
>Futures being introduced into a market without the proper regulation necessary to prevent bad actors combined with the infancy and rather miniscule market cap of BTC effectively choked this industry.
They do, same as other commodities, PoW coins (BTC) are regulated by the CFTC. The issue is this market is small AF & its so far on the fringe who gives a fuck. That whole 'China hustle' shows how little they care even if fraud is committed on retail in the tightly regulated equities market. This isn't even fraud.

You hear about market manipulation in gold/silver, nothing is done, these markets are huge, gold is like 8 trillion ffs. There's no conspiracy, just an open market. The worst part is, these 'regulations', they're just fines. Fines the people that broke these regulations are fine with paying. They've already made more than that breaking the regulations.

This market has always & will alway be 'manipulated'. The whole regulatory environment would have to change to appease everyone. This market will bounce back, i see history repeating itself.

>> No.19477789

eh if the tech is so incredible it will steamroll no matter what. you can’t get the multiplier gains with large marketcap tokens. also smaller projects can be a lot more creative and have a higher chance of creating a killer app that leads to mass adoption.

Look how slowly eth has developed. It got exposed by cryptokitties. It’s a dinosaur already and people know eth 2.0 won’t be released any time soon.

>> No.19477957

The problem with everyone within a group thinking technology will overcome regardless of what the individuals as people do is exposed by countless examples of better technology failing - one example that comes to mind would be the minidisc, but there are countless others.

>> No.19478009

I agree, to expect regulations fixing this is hoping for a hail Mary at the end of the fourth. And, the market manipulation in larger market's shows how easily manipulated crypto is, with far fewer controls and a much smaller marketcap. Most individuals in this space are nothing but krill to the free reign pirates that do as they wish. It's a manipulators dream here.

>> No.19478018

Expect have no one build on it.

>> No.19478162

I would also point out that your example of gold/silver being castrated by futures was yet another form of currency that challenged the fed's control.

Cryptos best hope is in a project large corporations will see value in and back. These entities control politics through inserted agents and massive lobbying budgets. I see corporations as the Trojan horse path for crypto to avoid ending as yet another state/fed entity through laws and bills opening the legal doors necessary to let the ruffians in.

>> No.19478302

I can’t even count how many faggots like you have come and gone over the past few years so sure that your shitcoin is the one that will dethrone ETH because the tech is so great. Harmony is DOA just like the rest. Your money is gone. Go cry in the corner with FTM, ICX, WAN, ZIL, NEO, VET, AION, I could keep going.

>> No.19478373

The market either bears short term investors, or short term memory for sure.

>> No.19478554

>But for a proper free market valuation bull run
Nah no point in going against momentum. Make even more when it goes the other way.
>As it sits now, we are too fractured financially
Anon bank/USD issues are bullish AF for BTC, especially for BTC as you can hedge with derivatives now.
Personally I don't think cryptocurrency (PoW) will ever be be anything more than what it is today a private reserve currency. sure we might compete with/surpass gold. Gov issued I highly doubt will be cryptocurrency, it will be blockchain. i.e this space is never getting regulated.
back in '13 I was working in a pub frequented by a group of Ex goldman boomers. They had a little investment group meetup. They knew I was interested in crypto, they liked it for 2 reasons 1. it was having a bull run & putting numbers up that nothing else was at the time 2. be your own bank. They didn't buy b/c fiat on ramps where shit + ffs these fuckin boomers didn't know how to a computer/smart phone. I was surprised that these boomers even wanted to know.
ffs my boomer father is on the precipice of buying some. I bought him a trezor years back.
Personally i've learnt a lot since futures came along. I've learnt how to actually trade. These derivatives are not as 'evil' as you think. I'd say most of these shitcoin projects are worse. At least with derivatives the barrier for entry is higher.

>I would also point out
How could I argue with reality. Personally, the more I understand about the system/these instruments the less malice I see. This is about money, how to make it & how to protect it. The system is already designed to fuck us, these instruments are created by the 'house nigger' to extract as much personal gain as possible.

>Cryptos best hope
This is again is just reality. Who the fuck would have a computer today if it was still run by the open source nerds (Love you btw).

>> No.19478574

I don’t long I just buy spot. Only new fags use leverage

>> No.19478624
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>> No.19478710

tezos has fared much better price wise than this piece of shit. When is eth 2.0 coming out? Lol in your wet dreams. You know it won’t happen this year. Look at the code

>> No.19478742

I've looked at the tezos block explorer. It has like 5 transactions a minute, most of which is just staking rewards being shuffled around. Piece of garbage shit chain that no one uses. Pure speculation.

>> No.19478765

eat shit boomer

>> No.19478825

you didn’t answer the question. when eth 2.0? lol you don’t know. Btw Vitalik is one of the biggest tools in crypto who hasn’t done shit lately. An absolute embarrassment. He tries to flex his intellect all the time but has no real solutions. Supported by pedos too

>> No.19479268

Working a pub or being a bartender is an awesome source of information if you are in the right places. Kudos to you on that, taverns have and will always be places where loose tongues and honest minds prevail - for better or worse

I also agree that it's not necessarily malice. As you said, it's not really good vs evil, but rather the system of things protecting its own interests.

>> No.19479423

Yeah but FUND exists

>> No.19479829

let the newfags bitch about manipulation, The brutal reality is it's your job is to take their money. Best of luck at predicting the future anon.

>> No.19480446

Same to you

>> No.19480553

if eth is so awesome then why is its price still tied to bitcoin? lol flippening my ass

>> No.19480691



>> No.19481175
File: 111 KB, 540x416, VITALLLIKKKBUUUUTTTERRIINNNNNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just leveraged some on ETH on aave and went long, Bitmex must be SEEETHING that price oracles are excluding centralized exchanges ur shorts have no effects LEL!!!!!!! Praise lord vitalik !!!!!

>> No.19481712

It only looks that way from your biased perspective; what's actually happening is that bitcoin's price is tied to eth.

>> No.19482085

lol delusional. mc smaller. didn’t xrp bump out eth one month. vitalik your pedo hero