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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 900x600, LRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19467781 No.19467781 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19468010
File: 184 KB, 2058x1114, 20200510_050038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19468066

Loopring solved blockchain scaling issues.

ETH is pumping because LRC has made it commerically viable. LRC is pumping because it made ETH commercially viable.

The number 1 argument against crypto adoption has been overcome. The sky is now the limit.

...and all of this occured in plain sight while /biz/ distracted itself with shitcoin scams.

>> No.19468283

yeah why the fuck are bizlets not talking about this? absolute dogshit coins are peddled here every day and shit like this just slips under the radar

>> No.19468322


>less securer


>> No.19468335

Undervalued, just like ARPA.

>> No.19468353


>> No.19468576
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I have been quietly dropping little red-pills once in a blue moon, and there are a couple other uncucked anons here shilling this or other legit projects.

In fact some of you might recall there was a jeet larping about being prepared to drop 100 BTC into an alt project yesterday and I quietly dropped some info in the guts of that thread.

Trouble is /biz/ has too many jeets, joggers and bugmen gumming up the works. Even the age of peak autism where every other anon was shilling the LINK scam with based memes was infinitely superiour to the current jeet paradigm.

>> No.19468755

A few weeks ago I cleansed my shitcoin portfolio with fire and open up 2 roughly equal positions in UBT and LRC... Obviously one of them is performing better than the other. To my surprise, Loopring has been one of the comfiest holds I've ever had. In fact, so comfy I prevented myself from swinging them by locking them into the 90-day staking contract(which at the time felt really risky) and the rewards are legit. I don't have enough data to get a good idea of what a comparable APR is yet but given the adoption is going to surge with upcoming Loopring-Pay and the likely adoption of zk-rollup tech in other projects it will only be higher.

>> No.19468769

Lrc, pnk, dxd and eth is all you need.

>> No.19468821

Loopring's technology is amazing but the token itself is only used for the exchange though? Not particularly bullish on that although it's a good DEX

>> No.19468839

The zk-rollup tech is probably the biggest factor in why $LRC can make some serious moves from here but lowkey the dex kills idex in every way. They only had Link when I recognized how nice it was and decided to stake but soon after they just started adding new coins and I think they could all be gems. Rocketpool, Auctus, Keep, and DxDao all have gem potential and are in varying levels of early. It doesn't have KYC and it's just a really clean ui and user-experience. I kind of want to add to my position and stake more but it keeps going up so I'm just going to stop shilling for now and let yall figure it out from here.

>> No.19468851
File: 153 KB, 720x960, C3A5E4A1-E07F-4765-AAB0-BCBDC578DF1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hi can it go? Put a couple thousand into a pump or put it into bat like I usually do?

>> No.19468874

10/10 if natural bits

>> No.19469327

And next is liquidity network which does the same thing but its only 700k Mcap

>> No.19470173

Staking earns a portion of protocol fees at a time when bond yields are going to go negative...