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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19467061 No.19467061 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19467203

It's another tranny pnd by same kardiachain shillers. Billions of tokens are being unlocked in the next months. Look at this devastating unlock: https://wiki.akropolis.io/tokendetails/

Biz isn't fking dumping ground of u scammers and shillers, first kardiachain and now Akro

>> No.19467379


Do you ever get tired? You've been at this all day.

>> No.19467702

Sharing Facts, saving Biz from ur scams

>> No.19467716

>It's another tranny pnd by same kardiachain shillers. Billions of tokens are being unlocked in the next months. Look at this devastating unlock: https://wiki.akropolis.io/tokendetails/
>Biz isn't fking dumping ground of u scammers and shillers, first kardiachain and now Akro
This faggot is just a lying fudder so he can continue to accumulate at these prices. The previous unlocks all say 0% released, reason: No unlock necessary, as we have accumulated enough AKRO from the previous unlock, AND have purchased some from the market.

If you follow the project the team haven't even unlocked tokens they could have unlocked by now. I guess it was a release schedule made by Huobi but from what I see they never unlocked any additional tokens. If they wanted to dump they could have done it now - no need to wait for June or July. About 75M tokens go to presale every month but as you can see it doesn't affect the price much https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R7GDIhQeA8SNCl2f5b4rvgzUk0icdsIH6bkhbvnFI3A/edit#gid=24093091

>> No.19467912


Your fud isn't accurate, and that's why it's annoying. At least try to come up with good fud. Presalers paid way more than the current price (presalers paid around 3 cents if you take into ETH's price at the time), so won't dump for a 90% loss, as has been obvious if you follow the price action on their previous releases. And the team gets tokens unlocked this summer but their unlocks are diluted over the course of two years.

>> No.19468012

OXT and LEND are better buys though

>> No.19468015

5.7 mil stack looking comfy

>> No.19468133

fucking bullish bought into this at like 0.001 cent per btc expecting it to hit 1 cent good to know 3 cents is damn near plausible

>> No.19468255

nice stack fren.

we are all gonna make it

>> No.19468687 [DELETED] 


>> No.19468711

So u are saying that tokens haven't been unlocked since 2 months. In that case we can see tripple unlock this time. OMG, it's even more dangerous

>> No.19468736


No, team unlocks didn't happen. They did for presalers, and the team has a long-ass vesting schedule.

>> No.19468761

6 cents my dude. 6 cents.

>> No.19468891

I'd have like 500k at that point, a nigga can only dream

>> No.19468923

There's like a few resistance points above here and then I giant fucking void to 6 cents. Its not off the table. Set your targets and take profits along the way.

>> No.19468943
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stupid fucking shithead was too late to buy link so now he has to play shitcoinroullete for the rest of his life

>> No.19469019

Yeah thats what I'm thinking I don't fuck with USDT so i'm looking at the btc pairing but theres like nothing resistance wise once its blows past 31 sats maybe 71 sats but honestly I don't think akro will stop until it hits like a 10 mil mcap. So the ten cent 100 sat range. As long as akro doesn't go on binance the gains should be significant

>> No.19469037


>> No.19469060

>As long as akro doesn't go on binance the gains should be significant
Completely agree.

Ive noticed a bit of a shift over the years. Most still stack sats, but more and more usd or stablecoin pairings exist than say back in 17 when all you had was btc pairings. Ive been stacking sats in bullish periods and stacking fiat or stables in bullish times. Been working good so far but I still check x/btc charts for potential reversals even when im stacking fiat. I hope that one day most coins just decouple from btc but we are a long fucking way off from that.

>> No.19469070

Meant to say stablecoins in bearish periods.

>> No.19469081 [DELETED] 
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So u saying, token haven't been unlocked since 2 months, hmm then it's even more dangerous. OMG tripple unlock possible this month. Have some shame scammers

>> No.19469088


What's wrong with it being on binance?

>> No.19469098
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So u saying, token haven't been unlocked since 2 months, hmm then it's even more dangerous. OMG tripple unlock possible this month. Have some shame scammers

>> No.19469118

Problem is Tether, shit needs to implode on itself in order for legit stable coins to take over. A usdt pairing means binance is gonna manipulate the shit outta the price given the chance. Once usdt is gone and the mt gox 2.0 happens because of it defi and true stable coins are gonna rise from the ashes.
Anyone have any exeperience using the akroOS for loans? kinda wanna dump some of my bags and get some more via that. Just don't like the 90 day hold period for people to pay it back, shits gonna pump in like a month or two and I don't want funds stuck in a loan

>> No.19469149

almost every coin that gets listed on binance via them trying to promote it on labs or launch pad just fucking dwindles out and dies and sees no real price movement. They print and dump usdt into btc and alt coins to manipulate the prices so they can cash out into btc and have actual liquidity. Proof: see the chart of almost every coin that was listed on launch pad or labs almost all die out

>> No.19469157

charts are always high ass starting price that immediately dumps hard af and just flatlines for the rest of time

>> No.19469164


Cheers, thanks, anon. Hopefully AKRO has also taken note.

>> No.19469169

I truely cant wait for cz to die. But a mt gox style hack would be fine too. What do you think of adai? If my math is right, I'm gonna get 3.5 percent per year minimum just for holding but sometimes dai freaks me out. Currently hold usdc when I need a stable coin.

No clue on akroOS, sorry.

>> No.19469213

you mind explaining to me how to read the etherscan links on their release schedule? I'm confused on how to read the information for the contract like how do you know when the contract executes outside of the google doc saying so? Shit mainly just says heres 75000000 akro to this address and is dated like 300 days ago

>> No.19469266

op here, akaro is a pump and dump scam. the akro team said they would pay me 70,556.05 Indian Rupee to shill on biz but they only gave me 7,556.05 Indian Rupee

>> No.19469269


I actually went heavy in presale, but couldn't really explain it other than I get my allotment once a month - and it's not always on the 15th.

It's been depressing as hell when you dropped 40 ETH into it and your allotment is worth about 200 dollars a month. You guys are lucky to have been able to accumulate it at retard lows. I'll consider myself extremely fortunate to break even.

>> No.19469666

I don't fully trust dai yet, desu the way it works in keeping it's price stable is confusing to me and I feel like it's fail safes don't work well in market crashes. Specifically because I don't fully understand and can rationalize the market factors and demand that would keep dai and maker dao stable. In the case of a market crash their fail safe is making maker holders basically pay out the debts. So I feel like the Maker it'self should only ever issue out like half as much dai as mcap of maker. but honestly I'm not qualified to really comment on it. For the time being I just use ftx during bear seasons.nice way to leverage trade without actually having to use leverage and risk getting liquidated

>> No.19469937

best of luck anon, wouldn't recommend icos personally hope you make the money back one day some how. only icos I trust are ones related to legit exchanges poloniex was a good legit one before they got bought out and I should have bought the damn atom ICO would have been easy money. My personal current investment strat that lend me to akro is to look at projects based on business fundamentals and not price fundamentals. Go hard researching who they work with who they are partenered with and what that means; are they actual partners or sponsors? sponsors just mean they paid them for it obvi. having a good UI and working with other legit projects are also good fundamentals. thats why ubt pumped so damn hard legit ass partners simple ass UI and use case. If a boomer couldn't use the coin or product it ain't going anywhere. UBT, uniswap, tezos, etc pumped and got big for these reasons. I don't see akro being that big in the space but business fundamentals says it should pump fucking hard once substrate, pokladot, and mainnet is in full force