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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19454729 No.19454729 [Reply] [Original]

Akropolis (AKRO) is the most exciting blockchain project to watch in 2020. 2m marketcap, defi, all-star team, backed by maker, ethereum, polkadot, chainlink, bancor, etc, mainnet in june, staking, burning, buy backs. 1000x potential.

>> No.19454756

bought a bag , huge potential !

>> No.19454794

nice pick, already accumulating

>> No.19454807
File: 246 KB, 596x677, messari_mainnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presenting tomorrow at Messari's Mainnet conference.

>> No.19454882

where to buy?

>> No.19454940

Akropolis is a domain-specific financial protocol dedicated to the needs of the informal economy. It is designed to:

enable anybody regardless of geography to quickly set up, operate and grow informal autonomous financial organisations (AFOs), e.g. digital co-ops, guilds, mutuals

enable a previously impossible interoperable scalable network between them and external third parties, whereby value can be exchanged freely in a trust-minimised way (e.g. co-invest, lend/borrow, trade).

reduce instances of fraud and misuse of funds

>> No.19455011

This all seems well and good but I'm failing to see how it's different from existing defi applications with smart contracts.

>> No.19455027


>> No.19455091

Fuck off. I have 247,000 of these, I'm shilling it now.

>> No.19455168
File: 43 KB, 500x361, Attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't touch Akropolis. It's another tranny pnd. Billions of tokens are being unlocked in the next months. Look at this devastating unlock: https://wiki.akropolis.io/tokendetails/

>> No.19455188

You need 1 Million AKRO minimum.

>> No.19455237
File: 218 KB, 596x615, Hackmoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bilaxy or Kucoin.

They are also a part of the EthGlobal hackmoney hackathon. Whipped up something called Pensify in two weeks. Hopefully they will be a part of the finalists tomorrow.

>> No.19455338

Did you even read your own link? The previous unlocks all say 0% released, reason: No unlock necessary, as we have accumulated enough AKRO from the previous unlock, AND have purchased some from the market.

>> No.19455341

Their presentation at Ethglobal was a little rushed but the devs are turbo autists so I can forgive them for that.

It will be cool of the credit pool mainnet launch is announced tomorrow.

>> No.19455387

lol, then it's even more risky , they will be all unlocked together this month

>> No.19455538


Highly doubt any of those projects are actually "backing" this shitcoin.

>> No.19455676

Seems like you might be wrong. The web3 foundation gave them grant money.


>> No.19455822

>35,34% up
nice try pajeet