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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19368331 No.19368331 [Reply] [Original]

>lever up a ton
>homes appreciate in equity
>rent out to AirBNB
>rent out to retards
>if your home value crashes, just leave it who cares

Is this shit sustainable?

>> No.19368380

doesn't your pic answer that?

>> No.19368392



>> No.19368463

>Is being a Landlord the new easy-wealth meme?
>the new easy-wealth meme
>the new

Bro, its the original easy-wealth meme.

>> No.19368502
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It isn't easy, but it's one of the most straightforward ways to gradually build some generational wealth for yourself. Takes some patience, vision, and income, apparently this is a rarity in America. I'm on this path right now.

>> No.19368722

How do you scam landlord out of his lands & houses?

>> No.19368826
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>> No.19368849


Did somebody hear something? Thought I heart a rat squeaking, might just be a fat chapotard

>> No.19368853

Are you a mid 20's amerilard with good credit and like 15,000 saved away working full time, hoping to get your first downpayment for a home in 5 years?


>> No.19368854

She cute

>> No.19368872

It's great how you morons will bitch about landlords and cheer when they are about to lose all their property, but fail to understand the ones taking the land from them is banks. At the rate we're going bankers will own ever bit of land in the country. They already own most of it, but keep bitching about landlords.

>> No.19369015

>Is being a Landlord the new easy-wealth meme?
Is being a Janny the new easy-wealth meme?

>> No.19369086
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Landlord here, I'm am stoked to buy cheap properties over then next couple years. All the lightweights that inevitably enter in the tail of the bullmarket using low effort high risk strategies like fucking leasing apartments so they can Airbnb them, eventually make my life easier when their schemes implode. For the last few years I've bought nothing but completely wrecked properties that I rehab myself, because nearly everything else is way overpriced because of people banking on equity gains instead of cash flow (pretty much the same as is going on in the stock market). I'm only 40% leveraged and want to expand, so a massive drop in prices only helps me. The only people dumber than these highly levered Airbnb hosts are the retards that think this signals the end of landlording.

>> No.19369088
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>> No.19369123

>shitty facebook meme
I am surely btfo by this poor rentcuck now

>> No.19369188

I've considered RE for so long but I can't get over how scammy it seems to charge poor people to live in a box I provide.

>> No.19369231

Bankers don't want your shitty house. They don't hold them they sell them.

Yes because real estate has been on like a 10+ year bull run and now no one will shut up about it.
I mean don't get me wrong, mathematically it is probably the best way to build wealth for most people. The issue is that the barrier to entry is incredibly high.
>muh FHA 3.5
Yeah I know, it's great and all except it will still typically require you to have $17k for the down payment, plus closing costs. You also need to have furniture and cash reserves for repairs and SHTF.
It's just really out of reach for a lot of people and I hate how these YouTubers make it seem like it's soooooooo easy.
The people buying now are having the toughest time because even if you have room mates in your SFH that you bought with 3.5%
A 3/1 $500k house will cost you $17.5k downpayment, where im at that rent is going to be like 2100-2400 and with everything you're paying $3300 so even if we take the higher end that's 800/head from roommates and 1600 total and now you are paying that $1700/month + repairs and if one of them moves out it's now 2100/month and if they both move out then you're on the hook for everything until you replace them.
It's just not the kind of situation I would like to be in. It really doesn't offer me any kind of peace of mind.
If I was in a position to either put a lot more money down or had a higher income to cover the costs with more breathing room then sure. As It stand right now I'd rather be the guy paying the $800 in rent than the guy who bought at the top of the market and is struggling to maintain ownership.
Most these landlords bought their shit 10 years ago and have seen enormous appreciation. At some point the market has to hit a ceiling because there just aren't enough buyers who can swing the financials of a $700k SFH in a mediocre neighborhood at best.
Btw I live in a pricey North East Coastal market so my situation is probably a lot different.

>> No.19369234
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>mid 20's


>good credit


>15,000 saved away working full time

pretty much

>hoping to get your first downpayment

No, own two properties already and working on my 3rd. Very easy to do in a locale with a great price/rent ratio and lenders willing to spot you 5% down. Sorry you were cursed with a shithole that doesn't afford you the same opportunity.

>> No.19369254

How wrecked are we talking? What costs do you put back in to fix?

>> No.19369264


Meh, once you actually take a look at or experience the risks involved, maintenance work, organizational work, dealing with taxes and annoying local governments, you realize that they're really only playing a $100-200 monthly fee for the convenience of not having to do it themselves. Everyone is perfectly capable of being an adult and figuring out if owning is right for them.

>> No.19369269
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airbnbs went bust

>> No.19369278

Meant to write 2100-2400 and the math was on the 2400 side.

>> No.19369288

Easy, dont rent to poor people. That's what I do, and it's resulted in this coronavirus being little more than a small blip on the upwards trajectory. Poor people make landlording an adversarial endeavor, which is why nobody builds affordable housing of any sort anymore.

>> No.19369364

shut up and pay my mortgage, rentcuck.

>> No.19369397

Yeah but I'm too poor for class A but that makes sense. I'm honestly just going to go with some single tenant net lease or something.

>> No.19369497
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So wrecked a down-to-the-studs full rehab is required, including all electrical and plumbing systems, full exterior, roof, windows etc... Just the material and appliances for the rehab are typically 200%+ of the property purchase price. My last project I purchased at auction for $40k, appraised for $240k finished, and I make $2300/month in rents from it. Doing full rehabs blows, it's a lot of work that I do mostly myself, but very worth it in the end. Still very looking forward to buying cheap places that aren't completely wrecked.

>> No.19369614
File: 99 KB, 1000x751, not-paying-rent-is-antisemitic-coronavirus-landlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tap into your retirement, its raining parasite