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19367240 No.19367240 [Reply] [Original]


We need to talk. This is a mutually beneficial conversation. There are strategies to be deployed to make money with Crypto that I think are being ignored.

Lets think of it like this. What is investing? It is deploying capital to receive a return.

What are our capital?
1. Time
2. Money
3. Brain power

There is too much Money, time, and brain power given to try to find, time, and buy into these pumps and dumps to try and make a 100X.

So what happens? YOUR capital is limited. You only have so much time in every day and so much brain function you can give to determining PnDs and so much money you can buy with.

So what happens? You miss allocate your capital and then either lose money or are on the sidelines watching others make money.

There is a better way. Lets live in reality.

There are three categories in Cyrpto.
1. BTC
2. Actual usecase projects
3. PnDs

You should be investing in all 3. however remember you have limited capital. If you want to make steady money and make it you need to be wise in how you allocate. If you go all in BTC you will be waiting years. If you go all in 2 you will be waitings years and then those could fail. If you go all in on 3 you can lose it all by getting dumped on.

>> No.19367267

Wise words risk management anon.

>> No.19367305

So lets talk about how to allocate to all three.

1. You should DCA into BTC. Set an amount/time period. But leave enough to invest into 2 and 3. Again lets not limit our capital into 1.

2. Spend your time and brain function capital into researching long term projects. ETH is a good example. There are others. Once you identify long term projects deploy you other capital, money and hodl for the bull run.

That leaves us with category 3. If you are wise you still have all three of your capital categories remaining. Time, Brain Function and money. Category 3 requires less money than 1 and 2 but MORE time and brain function.

It is riskier. So what do we do? Do we FOMO into something when threads are popping up everywhere? Or have we deployed our capitals to already be in those before that happens and are we taking profits when the threads pop up?

>> No.19367378

Sounds like coping bullshit, only way is x100 leverage or pure luck lottery level. Im sorry to break it to you

>> No.19367426

So lets get more into Cat 3.

Lets be real.

IF we are trying to time that 10X or 100X and we spend our capital 1 of 3 things will happen.

1. You will nail it.
2. You will get dumped on.
3. You will miss easier money because youve already allocated your capital.

2 and 3 are more likely.

Lets be real.

There are alot of rich smart people out there gaming this system. Why fight against it? Let them be the big boat and lets follow the wake.

So what do we do? Spend your Time and Brain function capital watching WHEN THE ACCUMULATION takes place. THAT is when you buy. THEN you SELL when the FOMO starts.

Sell for what? maybe a 2x. Maybe only 50%. Why? Because a 50% profit is BETTER than any money managers in the world. AND taking profits gives you what?

YOUR CAPITAL BACK. You dont have to spend time and brain function dedicated to one cyrpto not to get dumped on.

You now have your time, brain function, and money with profits to go into something else and make 50% profit again. and again. and again. How quickly do these PnDs rise and fall?

If you can do this you will make more money over long term than getting lucky with a 100X or whatever.

Remember. Your capital is important and limited. Dont get left holding a bag.

Then with your profits you roll them back into categories 1 and 2.

>> No.19367448

So for me. I check things every morning. Find where the accumulation is taking place. Join the fun then 24-48 hours im selling. And starting the whole thing over again.

So yes Ive already made my purchases for today.

Start to deploy this strategy.

Lets be real!

>> No.19367550

Thank you

>> No.19367985

kind of you to put this into words for newfrens, anon. what pnds did you get? im taking a break from active investing this week but am curious what the hot new shit is

>> No.19368642

>I check things every morning. Find where the accumulation is taking place.
Explain it to a brainlet with examples. Do you go to a site like Coingecko, check the recently added ones and manually check the buy and sell orders of the coin on the top exchange?

>> No.19369369


MIND for one. Not even on coingecko yet. Will go up.

Raise looks really nice. DeFi is kind of the next big develop for crypto. So I think any decent DeFi will have its day.

Also grabbed some VXV.

>> No.19369452


Nah, I used to try and scroll through Coingecko. Not realy worth it. Sometimes if its newly added.

First and formost it must be on a decentralized exchange. It allows for massive onboarding of anyone regardless. Some of these coins people shill here are hard for entire geographical regions to buy. If Americans cant buy it easily I dont bother. Why? Because Americans have the greatest access to USD which is what pumps price. Take 1000 americans buying a coin versus 1000 chinamen. The price will go higher with American buyers. So decentralize exchange is a must.

Then I go and look at the 24 hr volume. If its got decent volume thats good. THen I look at the price change. Under 10% price change isnt enough. I like 15-25%. Means people are accumulating but youre not buying the pump. Then I look at the coin. Must be decent. I try and stay away from 1 billion plus coins.

So there ya go. Dont get greedy. Sell for profits.

>> No.19369455

Good strategy.. this is mine

I search pump and dump or low market cap...

Once I double i pull my initial investment and ride the wave out

If it seems to have reached a top pull the rest out

Reinvest into coins in 2nd category



>> No.19369512

Yep. very similiar. Its what smart money does. Its why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The poor are so eager to 10x or 100x and get rich quick they ussually end up ruined.

Remember. Time in the market is better than timing the market anons. Have a strategy. Stick to it and keep making money.

>> No.19369622

Anon got your eye on any for this week?

I rode the xio wave and the buidl wave pretty good

Sta too but it got messy...

Looking where to put my money for the next few days

I’ve been doubling my long term stacks lately hehehe

>> No.19369682


Raise, VXV, and MIND for sure.

Band looks interesting. Maybe more of a long term hodl.

>> No.19369706

Thanks where can I find mind?

>> No.19369740

>If you go all in BTC you will be waiting years
Sounds like you don't have enough in

>> No.19369788

almost bought REN this morning but IDK just something in my gut said not too. Glad I didnt, it Dumped pretty good today.

MIND is on uniswap. Here is the contract.


>> No.19369815

Ive got a decent stack of BTC. My goal is to get to the 21 club

>> No.19369964

How or where do you buy your coins? I live in Australia and was using a site but it never has any of the coins I hear talked about on here? If I'm looking to get in early where's the best place to buy?

>> No.19369976
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Had a few bitcoins back in 2012, sold it before it was worth much. Dumb I know, but at to me at that age, that small amount seemed like a lot.

Since then I've put a few grand into various stocks, oil, airline and gambling companies mostly.

Thinking of getting back into crypto, I quite like the idea of it, and the blockchain technology behind it - not just in it for the money.
Though the money certainly would be nice.
I don't have a lot to start with, I'm a student, only work part time. about 9 grand in cash + stocks.
Kinda kicking myself I didn't buy BTC while it dipped earlier this year, I was also hovering my finger on Afterpay shares just before that skyrocketted.
Its hard to find decent coin brokers in Australia, they all have unreasonable fees or some kinda bullshit catch like you can't actually withdraw anything from your wallet and you have to fuck around and trade it off to somewhere else where you are allowed to do that.

Sorry to ramble, basically I'm following the thread and wondering if you've got any suggestions on a good starting point.

I'm thinking approach it similarly to how I've approached stocks, 50% into blue check, 25% into medium growth and 25% into 'fuck it' wildcard coins.

>> No.19370004

I used coinspot, bit of a normie site but it doesn't have any of the fuckery you describe as far as I know

>> No.19370021

Didn't mean to greentext uniswap lol it was copied to my clipboard dunno how that works

>> No.19370081

Hah, yeah it does that if you have something in the thread highlighted then click reply I think.
I think it might have been coinbase? Or coinjar?
I can't remember, I signed up for like 10 of them.
Including coinspot, a friend of mine said they're decent too, haven't actually bought anything on it yet though.

>> No.19370235


So for how to allocate between the 3 categories you must first set your goals.

Are you trying to live off of this as your livlihood? Then maybe you need to put more into category 3. Its more aggressive but also more risky.

Or lets say you are young and dont mind working a job for 20 years so when your 40-45 you can retire. Then you will want more into 1 and 2 and use 3 to help DCA into 1 and 2.

Those are the two extremes. For me. I will tell you this.

I have 70% in 1 and 20% in 2 and 10% in 3.

Now I have done that because I am youngish. 30-32. I wont be touching my btc for at least a decade.

>> No.19370247


>> No.19370279

>a literal 2 year old shitcoin
you're retarded OP
kinda hoped you weren't

>> No.19370384

Sorry. MINDS. Forgot the S.

It just got listed on coingecko 5 hours ago. It will go up. Theres money to be made.

>> No.19370402

I was in tears, DISSAPOINTED

But then it hit me. Very clearly! I had finally broken the glass of wisedom

OP is clearly
1. fake
2. gay
3. a Linkedin posting trannyfucker

Seriously OP, fuck off. Your post is written like one of the worst kind of LinkedIn shills. Why can't you have a regular conversation.

PS: My congratulations on reading all these self-help books that taught you that lists should always consist of three bullets. You learned very well!

>> No.19370428


>> No.19370474

Hmm, I'm thinking maybe risky while I'm still studying and try to sort of make a livelihood with this plus part time work, I mostly do random contract shit.
Then once I'm done with this and settle into a decent job, go for the safe route for a few decades while I work.
DCAing would be less effective for small investments though wouldn't it? Because of trading fees?
I have sort of being DCAing into this crude oil hedge fund for a few months, adding $500 a month. Only been doing it for 3 months.

>> No.19370553

Haha made me laugh. No worries. Think whatever you want. I dont do social media or whatever linkined bs.

Just see many anons crying after they get stuck holding a bag. Then it forces them to shill their bags. Its sad. I want the best for people. Take it or leave it.

>> No.19370579


DCA is always the best way. Mathematically it is best. Time IN market is better timing a market.

Risky isnt bad since your young and can recoup your loss by working harder. But be diligent in your research

>> No.19370592

>Time IN market is better timing a market.
>Just see many anons crying after they get stuck holding a bag.

>> No.19370636


Those are about two different categories. Time IN market for 1 and 2. Dont get stuck holding category 3. Feel like I explained that but maybe not.

Also since I started this thread and first mentioned MINDS its gone up almost 15 cents...

>> No.19370647

Fee is 1% which is yucky for large transactions. Just found this out myself.

>> No.19370662

Sorry about your BTC anon horror story

>> No.19370685

cool shill bro

>> No.19370724


not shilling. Just using it as an example. There are multiple I bought this morning. Didnt even list them all because Im not trying to shill or turn this into a shill thread. There are plenty of those. Not sure if Ive offended you or something but you seem bitter. Best of luck to you.

>> No.19370751

Also should add. No one is 100%. If you make a bad buy and its just not working out dont be afraid to cut your loss. Remember this all about capital allocation.

>> No.19370772

How can you tell if an accumulation period is happening?

>> No.19370780


look at this!

See, I told you. You can literally watch them accumulate and get ready for shill PnD


>> No.19370790


If the price has been flat awhile and then you see spikes. Someone is accumulating. Thats why I like to see the 15%

>> No.19370847

I'll have to read into DCA a bit more, I thought it was just a security thing and that lump sum purchases were more potentially profitable but also more risky.

What kind of research do you suggest?
With stocks you can read up on a company and their investment strategies, dividends and such.
With cryptos it seems all you can really do is look at their price history.

Hmm yeah that would add up fast.
Its a bummer but I've tried to take it as a learning experience.
It was something in the range of around 20-30 BTC. I used the money to buy CS:GO skins lmao.

>> No.19370894

Thank you anon, my last question is what time chart do you use to determine this? Like the Weekly, daily, or hourly chart??

>> No.19370926


>> No.19371017

Blessed stay safe

>> No.19371172

What do you suggest we do if we spot an accumulation period?

>> No.19371209

Join in the wake and sell for profit. Just don’t be greedy trying to get that unicorn 100x

>> No.19371596

Pretty good thread. Much better than most.

>> No.19372142

Cheers OP. Sending you good vibes.

(And a long bright green dildo for good measure)


>> No.19372998

Ok so I made some money today and Im looking for my next buy.

1. Needs to be on decentralized exchange.

2. Want to see some accumulation.


Look at this one. Its pretty new and people are accumulating. Look at the last 24 hours and compare that to before.

>> No.19373040

OP is a gambler not a trader. BTC is the only investment grade coin.

>> No.19373224


search achive. No mention of this. Today many people buying 10k+. Going to call it. You will see threads on this in 24 hours.

>> No.19373228

Is there a way to have a stop loss without keeping your coins on an exchange? Also how would you recommend storing cash between trades? I don't want to have it stored on exchanges as well. Tether seems to be a scam, asking to collapse and DAI seems so complicated that I have no idea how it's actually supposed to work.

I just started out with crypto trading and I'm 1/3 BTC, 1/3 ETH and 1/3 NKN. So I guess I'm kinda on the same path as OP.

>> No.19373340

Use uniswap and just trade for ETH. Then you can cash out your eth or keep eth as cat 2 or buy BTC with ETH for cat 1.

plus no KYC

>> No.19373354
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Good choice. IOTA retards try to copy what NKN does after their tangle not working.
If there would be only one it would be Ethereum and only Ethereum. BTC is a shitcoin. BTC maximalists are brainless retards

>> No.19373373

also looking at AUC right now aswell

>> No.19373430

BTC is not a shitcoin.

>> No.19373526

Thanks but uniswap is too expensive and limited. I prefer stuff with more control like IDEX. And yeah I get your point with ETH, but it's to fragile for me to "store" my war chest. You can't buy the dip, when your currency just went to a 10 year low over night. I really want some fiat ready to buy flash dumps (maybe even with prepped orders at different points).

I strongly believe in what NKN is doing, however I'm not sure if it will ever pick up. Marketing is important and they don't seem to pay the usual influencers to shill their coins. I think they believe, their tech will speak for itself, but history has shown time and times again, that it's not the best product that wins, it's the most shilled one.

>> No.19374054

ya someone or some group is accumulating alot right now.


>> No.19374282


took less time than I thought haha

>> No.19374440

and the second one.


This will go up. Money to be made.

>> No.19375298


did anyone dip there toes in with this one?

>> No.19375302
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What is the best way to semi-anonymously fiat into coin in the first place?

I'm hoping to onboard fiat to crypto via store-bought prepaid debit card. Can use personal cc if I absolutely have to. All the crypto ATMs in my area require selfie w/ gummint ID, biometric etc. Meeting a stranger IRL to exchange cash for crypto via localmonero or similar seems really sketchy.

Any exchanges or onboarding methods that don't require this?

I started a thread, but not too many replies, no solutions

Thank you for spoonfeeding a wagie trying to escape the cagie!

>> No.19375378

just buy however and tumble with Monero. The premium you have to pay for anonymous options is not worth it.

>> No.19375424

I am trying this with a few eth to see what it does

>> No.19375471
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depending on the premium I might still be ok with it

I can't even seem to find an option though

Other than giving someone cash and having them buy for me and transfer

irl friends are pretty normie/not into crypto and giving strangers cash for crypto seems like a surefire way to get ripped off

>> No.19375473

OP I gotta say your are not a fag

>> No.19375487

Thank you kindly

>> No.19375515

you could try with giftcards, paysafecard or something like that. But I wouldn't be surprised if this comes with 10% or more premium. Just send to Monero wallet and back into some other wallet. If you are super paranoid, don't send back the exact same amount, keep a little on your Monero wallet each time and obfuscate even more that way.

>> No.19375574
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yeah I was thinking prepaid

but every exchange is on the KYC thing, so even after into monero how would I diversify?

Another anon rec'd phemex, might try that

>> No.19375794

not really sure but aren't there DEXes or things like uniswap, that don't require you to register?

>> No.19375844

Anon you shared very valuable advise about making money instead of succumbing to greed etc but the thing is that even though you might've mentioned minds, hue as mere examples, it comes as shilling and might turn off some anons. Anyways, your post is highly appreciated. I myself am guilty of not taking profits off of that insane 30x XIO pump a while back.

>> No.19375943

Thank you for the kind words. Ya I really didnt want to mention those because it feels shilling. I also hate when people give "advice" but dont back it up. So I used those two as examples. To be honest over the last 24 hours Ive bought 7 different ones. All varying degrees of success. So I didnt mention others for the shilly aspect of it because I agree with you. Best of luck to you in the future anon. Remember profit is profit. Whether you take it at 2x or 5x youve made money. Always learn to be content too.

>> No.19376032

I'm good anon but i appreciate the post for other newfag investors.

I'm gonna be okay bro. Traded my way up beyond 21 BTC.
And yeah, I only invest in blue chips.

My biggest positions are:

And yea, I know im going to be majorly rich in a few years.
>there is no get rich quick scheme that isnt an outright scam or literally illegal.

It isnt a problem for me bc I don't mind waiting.

>> No.19376067
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I'm looking into uniswap now
looks pretty new, their FAQ says "coming soon" lol
I also don't really understand the difference between a dex and an exchange

I'm really new at this, I apologize

>> No.19376159

an exchange is centralized. So the exchange provides the liquidity for whater the token is.

The dexes are decentralized so other people pool their tokens to create the liquidity.

I prefer dexes because I dont have to keep creating user accounts and KYC to trade crypto. You pay more in fees but to me its worth it.

>> No.19376242

yea the general rule about centralized exchanges is that you never long term hold anything on them bc in crypto those exchanges have track records of getting hacked, etc. users losing their crypto to them. hundreds of millions in crypto has been stolen via centralized exchanges and some of its been inside jobs - hence its always always better to use smart contract based DEX or something like Uniswap bc they dont carry that kind of risk associated with hacks. and if u absolutely have to use a centralized exchange, never keep anything on it that you are not actively trading. always use decentralized wallets that you personally have the keys to.

>> No.19376244

Hey I mentioned this to another anon in a thread yesterday or day before, but what do you guys think about lending USDC to crypto.com for the 10-12% interest? I can get a secured loan on my CDs @ 5.55% lend that usdc to them and get 4.55-6.55% appreciation I can reinvest into other crypto and pay back the loan as well. Seems like the only risk is of default/exit scam by crypto.com and I believe the payment is in MCO which is also a risk unless you immediately sell. Idk they’re huge platform, I applied for the Visa card and they’re growing so it might be a good time to help their liquidity before they secure that liquidity and slash rates. At the very least it seems like a good way to buy into crypto and avoid fees. Idk haven’t done it yet but if I did I’d probably gamble it on CRO for the danker gains lol fucking shitcoins.

>> No.19376263
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that sounds like what I'm looking for, and more in line with the crypto ethos...
Which dex(es) would you recommend? Idex?

Thank you for the info sharing, anon!

>> No.19376309

Crypto.com is a lot like Bitconnect in many ways.
The only way they are able to pay out the high interest rates they do is by getting new users. Most of their money is spent on marketing and keep in mind their platform is only insured up to a $150,000,000 loss via hacks etc and also keep in mind the TOS you agreed to when u signed up blatantly says that if anything happens to the platform and you "lose" your crypto or the company does, they legally are not responsible for getting your money back. It's very high risk to use the platform and their interest rates thru their Earn program are as high as literal scams online offering the same rates. Hard to imagine crypto.com has somehow found a way to make such a thing possible for themselves financially - which is something to bet against. Protip, they dont have a special recipe in the market and the money u put in the earn program they literally tell u they go and gamble with in the market. So, now that you know this I hope u dont actually keep a lot of money on their shit, its way too high risk compared to a decentralized wallet you control yourself.

>> No.19376314
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right on, that makes sense
it leads me to ask, why would anyone use centralized exchanges ever then? Are there any advantages that outweigh the risks?

Thank you for the info!

>> No.19376336

>why would anyone use centralized exchanges ever then?
the only real reason to use them is for the much higher liquidity many of them have.
so if you are wanting to do fucking 100's of thousands in volume then you have no real choice but to use a CEX.

>> No.19376342

I personally like Kyber and Uniswap

>> No.19376359

I think decentralized DEXes are still pretty new and they might be completely limited to ETH based tokens. So it might not be possible to trade some other coins. Also especially with shitcoins you often simply have not much of a choice. You just have to use whatever is available.

>> No.19376410
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ah, I see
well I'm a teeny tiny fish with more time than money, so sounds like dexes are the way to go

thank you, I'll look into those! what makes you prefer those two?

>> No.19376480

>kyber / uniswap
my personal favorites and you can now pickup RSR on kyber so to me thats priceless

it is the fakest DEX there is, they outted themselves as a centralized exchange larping as a DEX a couple years ago. its a hard pass from me especially since im a burger and have to do VPN fuckery to even trade on it.

>> No.19376543
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Well I'm not sure where each of these would fit into OP's categories 1, 2 and 3, but these are what I'm looking at to start out:


maybe rocketpool

As I start feeling more comfortable and confident, I'll try to do more of OP's category 3

>> No.19376607
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Yes that’s my apprehension I get those bitconnect vibes fren. I haven’t leveraged my secure assets, just speculating on the trade offs, appreciate the feedback. The difference I see is I suspect they’ll roll back these interest rates when they reach sustainable liquidity and their VISA program is one of the best I’ve seen. I think the gamble is if they don’t receive adoption and liquidity they’ll exit scam for sure, but if they get their VISA program rolling and become a staple for using your crypto in real world they could be sustainable.

>> No.19376613
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>it is the fakest DEX there is


dang, I was just reading their site and thinking that it sounds pretty good

dunno if I'm gonna make it lol

>> No.19376624

All those I would classify as 2 except xrp. Do not buy xrp

>> No.19376640


Idex is fine, its nothing fancy though

>> No.19376678
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I'm a burger too
have to use VPN? arghle barghle yeah I just saw that it's blocked

guess I can cross that one off the list

>> No.19376731

I have the 500 MCO stake VISA and have been using it for over a year now, im in the US.
Anyways, its a prepaid VISA which means a heap of businesses simply wont accept it - so thats a real drawback.
Also, crypto.com will jew you when you trade on their platform - its another method they use to make money.
About 5 months ago I liquidated my MCO position mostly bc of how its just a prepaid VISA that only works "half the time" - and trading on their platform rapes you with fees.

At one point I was long on MCO but the more I looked into it and the more I used their product the more I began seeing the bigger problems. An example of this is how shit tier that app is, if you use it regularly for a few months you'll experience service outages with it and thats not good at all when you have money on there and are trying to use/send/etc.

I'd rather just use Coinbase as my fiat on/off ramp when I sell now and the limitations on the MCO VISA are horrible, even the 500 MCO stake doesn't give you anywhere near the benefits it should and then you are just locking up $4,000 to simply use a prepaid VISA - its kinda a dumb play imo.

drop into a Linux VM and install windscribe as your VPN, then connect to the Hong Kong server - its what I do and it BTFO's IDEX, Huobi global - etc all the time. we live in the least financially free country on earth, burgerland. ik the feel bro

>> No.19376764
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really? How come?
IIUC, it has a lot of billionaire loominati backing, and it's cheap enough rn to be a for-fun bet...
ride the wake for a cheap buy in?

>> No.19376878
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hmm i don't know if it's worth the hassle when there are alternatives

when did things get so off track here? I'm not even trying to do any shenanigans, I just hate the feeling of the surveillance state closing its noose around my neck...
inb4 1913 1933 1972 etc

>> No.19376923

Coinbase has a crypto/debit/credit card system that they have began rolling out to various countries and US states - I'm betting since they are a extremely well capitalized company that they will make the MCO VISA look like a joke. i still have my MCO VISA but i'd rather wait until Coinbase allows me to use their card if u nomsayin.

>> No.19377080
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>Coinbase has a crypto/debit/credit card
too bad coinbase has the KYC take a selfie with ur gummint ID thing
not available for us in the USA yet anyway
but still, interesting. If they weren't visa I'd def use it. Prob will still use it anyway
>tfw bending the knee to the banks after years of resisting cuz convenience
feels badman

>> No.19377090

We need to pump IDENA DNA with method 3

>> No.19377203

Is there a way to contact you? Do you have discord? I am in space since 2013, could talk about some things...

>> No.19377312

OP here.

XRP makes new coins to sell to raise money for their stock prices. The backing you’re talking about is on the stock side.

>> No.19377324

I’m in a few discord’s. I’ll be honest if it’s about pumping coins I have no interest in that.

>> No.19377659
File: 84 KB, 750x750, cookiemonstermfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, I see

so you wouldn't even use XRP for you category 3?

>> No.19378335

You can use anything for that if you think it’ll go up in 24-48 hours

>> No.19378416
File: 71 KB, 580x630, whenshoulditellherimalizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with an increasing amount of normies/mainstream ppl talking about XRP, I was thinking it would go up in the near future

didn't know about the shenanigans though, thank you

so for your cat 3, you usually get out after 24-48 hrs?

>> No.19378454

ty for great thread anon, reminds me of 2018

I know about the casual PnDs but what about the IRS taxation on all trades that need to be reported every year? It seems a much viable and stress free strategy to just go all in #2 (ex: LINK) and when it pumps to ridiculously high prices, cash out only worrying about long term capital gains instead of having to hire a CPA to track all your trades/gains via category 3/2 PnDs which can stack in taxation esp short term earnings immensely.

>> No.19378766

Where do you go to see this? I can't see any of your example shitcoins on coingecko large movers. Do I have to look up each coin individually?

>> No.19379753

Based thread with some good advice.

>> No.19379822

stop spoon feeding newfags. pnd's are already getting shorter and shorter because everyone's so nervous about getting stuck. we need top buyers and we need bagholders. let them learn on their own time

>> No.19380410

it takes the avg anon who discovers /biz/ just a few of the pnd's that get pushed here before they learn to only buy blue chips.
its mostly the zoomers looking for "get rich quick" shit who try to ride the pnds anyways and get burnt by their own greed when they dont dump the bags when they know they should

word to anyone jumping on the /biz/ pnd's - always always always sell that shit, never for any reason ever fuckign hold it long term. also remember, especially if u are a burger, participating in pnd's is an ILLEGAL, and the SEC niggers will eventually decide to ass rekt u if u get too big about it.

always especially if you have lower lvls of investment capital - just buy blue chips. theres a few of them and you'll notice they all have exceptional daily volume, unlike the pnd shitcoins you will many times be left bag holding bc there isnt any liquidity to buy the bags you are trying to sell. and REMEMBER - there are predatory pnd faggots who will scam you on /biz/ - they NEED your liquidity to fomo in so they can unload bags on you they bought way before they worked with several other pajeets to spam post biz with their "revolutionary new crypto" - just approach everything you see on /biz/ with the attitude that "ITS A PAJEET SCAM!!!" until the asset proves itself otherwise.

>> No.19381510
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Thank you to OP and all the other anons who shared knowledge and advice
I really appreciate it
Not trying to get rich quick, just want to take care of aging senpai and not be a wageslave until retirement. I also like supporting decentralized and permissionless econ, if we're going digital I really hope we can have good alternatives to the central bank cartel stuff.

Thank you again, I REALLY appreciate it!

>> No.19381783
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why RSR?
Category 2 or 3?


>> No.19381843

Anyone know if burgers using VPN can get over the $5000 limit for unverified IDEX accounts?

>> No.19381883

>2. Actual usecase projects
Thanks. Just bought more. I am now 4k USD deep in this. I got 2 BTC. Should I sell 1 and buy more LEND or what should I buy?

>> No.19382183

Im fairly new and mostly holding BTC and some other coins I plan to hold long term aswell. Been looking to start trading, whats a good exhange for this? I have a coinbase and probit account.

coingecko and Uniswap keeps coming up. Are those my go-to's for trading?

Is 2k USD good seed money to start this little venture?

>> No.19382325
File: 2 KB, 512x512, 100x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 100x. wat do?

>> No.19383270

How do you research before buying into category 3? There has to be a method to shitcoin buying. Go to coingecko, look for 15-25% increase in weekly but still low mCap? Then what?

>> No.19383311


>> No.19383364

>What are our capital?
>1. Time
>2. Money
>3. Brain power
We have 0 on 2 and 3.

>> No.19383395

i have so many questions please come back OP

>> No.19383416

omg, you need to back.

>> No.19383564
File: 27 KB, 380x374, 1543696269527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a category 3 example, RDN has:

1) gone up 15% in the last 7 days according to coingecko
2) is available on Kyber and Uniswap
3) just had a beta release of their mainnet

does this make it a good candidate for trying to ride a wave? it even has a recent spike in some volume..

>> No.19383593

I'm all in 2 but I'm also going to copy paste spam this thread from now on