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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19319207 No.19319207 [Reply] [Original]

Bancor is the ultimate CHAD token

They flipped Uniswap trade volume yesterday.

Just the beginning.

Bancor V2 will see an exodus of liquidity providers from Uniswap to Bancor.

Just watch.

>> No.19319269
File: 140 KB, 1280x509, E972BB8C-320C-4005-BE4D-09952F58EAFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A /biz anon called Bancor comeback in February.

>> No.19319289
File: 156 KB, 848x960, vadi@ gostosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a lucid anon.
I'm proud of you

>> No.19319349


They’re starting to see the light.

>> No.19319874

Bancor (BNT) is the most undervalued DeFi project by P/e ratio according to this report: https://cointelegraph.com/news/traditional-stock-market-valuation-techniques-reveal-overvalued-defi-projects/

>> No.19319927


Bancor is the dex that invented automated market makers and was copied by uniswap. bancor’s v2 is now again redefining liquidity with lossless single asset pools. If they indeed eliminate impermanent loss like they claim and the staking model for bnt is ripe, liquidity will converge on the bancor platform.

>> No.19320070


Indeed a reckoning is coming for Uniswap. The impermanent loss for stakers there is intolerable. They are no longer any good profit making opportunities when providing liquidity. Not worth the risk.

>> No.19320082

Wasn't bancor the jew coin? I dnt mess with yids desu

>> No.19320130

are there any good articles on the tokenomics of bancor token? how do bancor token holders actually make money?

>> No.19320138


Its run by some smart jews that invented defi. my bet is on them. the frog force is converging behind BNT, and we all know what that means.

>> No.19320172


splainer on bnt tokenomics: https://support.bancor.network/hc/en-us/articles/360012373979-What-is-BNT-Bancor-Network-Token-

bancor v2. the new bancor pool design: https://blog.bancor.network/announcing-bancor-v2-2f56b515e9d8

coming staking rewards (exactly like synthetix): https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-staking-rewards-ad432e5d590d

>> No.19320277

AAVE needs to be up there too
People don't understand the full implications yet

>> No.19320325


Good talk from new Bancor team at ETH Denver on the direction they’re going in. Very informative. Project looks strong.

The model they are releasing is exactly what made SNX so successful.

Also, their protocol token, BNT, actually gives them a far better offering for holders and liquidity providers. There’s a lot more you can do on a DEX when you’re not relying on a blockchain level asset like ETH, which cannot be customized by community DAO to add staking rewards (inflation).


>> No.19320357
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Aave also very strong. For sure. there’s actually some partnership with bancor and aave in the works it seems

check out this bancor aave lending interface: https://aavex.decentrify.io/

it’s “alpha software” so may be risky to use, but looks interesting.

also see screenshot from aave discord. something bigger in the works


>> No.19320685

Literally feeling the FOMO for both AAVE and BNT right now

My only question is
Where to buy these coins?

>> No.19321137


best place to buy BNT on bancor.network
best place to buy LEND is Binance

>> No.19321465
File: 670 KB, 1624x1585, BC2DE580-7D8D-401D-8404-569F52A992A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme of the year 2017

>> No.19321494
File: 946 KB, 980x1329, BNTsoFKINGalpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme of the year 2020

>> No.19321555

nah. OP meme with bancor frogs is meme of the year. based.

>> No.19321687
File: 104 KB, 1138x1104, CC72E25F-D56A-4B97-AEA4-46727CC256C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bizlet simps are so predictable. BNT is for chads only now

>> No.19321843

Not buying your kike bags, shlomo.