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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19315555 No.19315555 [Reply] [Original]

Fund is about to fly on Bitforex.

>> No.19315771


>> No.19315852

I hope so. I bought some big bags at 280sats.

>> No.19315906


How big anon? I threw some btc at it at 270. Have around 70k.

>> No.19315993


Yes imo. Max supply is small.

>> No.19316253

Look at all these blue digits. We're going to all make it bros.

I got around 120k of this shit.

>> No.19316278

>Decentralized Price Oracles for Unification coming this week

Ah, the Chainlink partnership is finally going through.

>> No.19316392


Massive things coming.

>> No.19316407

What’s the supply since the swap?

>> No.19316409

im done with the chainlink pump n dump bullshit

good to see another project introducing this feature. good work. im stacked at 100k fund staked

>> No.19316420

120 million $FUND


>> No.19316509

>94mil circulating supply on gecko
>34mil on cmc
What is the actual circulating supply?

>> No.19316585

CMC is fucked from the token swap still
Coingecko has it pretty much right.

its 100% circulating. technically.
but, the Foundation has like 50million "permastkaed" to secure the new network

>> No.19316732
File: 16 KB, 600x315, 48074507-2FCE-452D-A765-53AF07F5629F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets a centralized price oracle and thinks it’s the next LINK

Anon, I...

>> No.19316792
File: 101 KB, 756x896, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually a deceeeeeenetralized price oracle and there is no partnership with /biz confirmed

>> No.19316845

Imagine saving images to your computer named “cuck”. You must get a lot of pussy anon, save some for the rest of us kek

>> No.19316925
File: 140 KB, 986x496, incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine saving images to your computer named "incel" does this mean the partnership with /biz iz confirmed?

>> No.19316959

Holy shit I just saw the volume hahahahahah I turned a measly 1.1 BTC into 19.5 with LINK. Want me to double the daily volume on this shitcoin and pump your baby bags there lil guy? Kek the absolute state of poorfags, couldn’t even get a few grand in and out of this thing without ridiculous slippage. Fuck I don’t miss being poor

>> No.19317026

yes. . . nobody buy nething except link so that ser gay can dump 1 million a week on us on binance. link is like xrp now- they just perpetually dump admin and hire shills from macedonia to create sentiment and let us think its going up again.

smarttt monies is not on link but on "the next link"

fund wont last forever, but it will give me the 50x that link will never give.

>> No.19317165

There is no next LINK brainlet. The whole “there needs to be more oracles projects for decentralization is a retarded argument. LINK is a network of nodes. Why would you use a separate inferior network? I’m sorry you missed out but trying to find the “next LINK” is a hopeless quest.

>> No.19317326

Fuck off Sergay.

>> No.19317362

sorrydad - it is not the "next link"in terms of price oracles-you are correct- when you next leave your basement next time to dosum reseach you will see that fund is more like eth or a complete ecosytem-

ie "price oracles" is literally one of a thousand things it can do. i think when the op said "next link" he meant like the next shitcoin that can make us 100x++ with volume and stay there

>> No.19317429


chainlink is designed to fail.

dapps are dead. one trick ponies have no runway.

Unification $FUND is a wholistic solution to blockchain usability

>> No.19317494

Holy shit look at your English kek. The absolute state of this community. Sub 20btc volume, clearly designed for poorfags lol.

>> No.19317549


everyone here needs to do some serious research....


no scam "token sale" here like 99% of other projects. they instead built it like a tech startup.

No "early investors" to dump huge sell walls.

somethings you niggers will never understand.... this project *really* isn't like anything else and unironically 4chan is for sure the worst place for this project to be shilled. Unification is more suited for Silicone Valley vs this shithole of a community

>> No.19317581


>> No.19317717

Shill me on it when I can get $10k in and out of this thing without it slipping 10%+. Until then it’s only good for poorfags with baby portfolios.

>> No.19317731

Checked. $5 EOY.

>> No.19317749


>> No.19317989

The point is getting in projects before you’re able to do that

Fund is the next x200

Kys poor fag loser

>> No.19318047
File: 15 KB, 201x251, tF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so based that you spend your time on image-boards insulting people who don't write in perfect oxford english and can't afford to "cum in and out of a coin" for 10k a day.

this is the problem with LINK and the community - you have forgotten your roots and will be destroyed by Thunder Fire.

we as a community are moving all of our resources over to FUND which is the "coin for the people."


>> No.19318266

Worrying about 10% slippage on a low cap is silly. Previous history of myself involves buying 60% slippage market buy chunks of shitcoins to see 400% raises in the coming weeks. That's UND.

>> No.19318559

When are we gonna be on a non-pajeet tier exchange?

>> No.19319319

Bidesk is solid. More will come.

>> No.19320042

Spread will be back until 25 cents. Get in what you can now, as it'll pay dividends later.

>> No.19320227

send it rakesh

>> No.19320497

Only truly iron hands will make it to $20 UND like the STRAT run. I almost made a 30x on Stratis. That mistake will not be repeated.

>> No.19320768

Bidesk isn't bad but more liquidity would be nice
Of course I don't mind right now since I got in early
We all are so fucking early

>> No.19321019

This baby is going to do a lot more than 30x

>> No.19321232

Where to buy this coin

>> No.19321296

probit is good

other options are bitforex and digifinex

>> No.19321326

You didn't sell your mainnet FUND before Bitforex market launched?


>> No.19321617

Bidesk all da way

>> No.19322053

I did and rebought. Comfy.

>> No.19322108


>> No.19322190
File: 34 KB, 514x606, Screen Shot 2020-05-25 at 3.53.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like anons are waking up and buying FUND

probit just jumped 100 sats

next stop 500 sats. then breakaway to 1000

>> No.19322216

what the fuck why is so much more on probit

>> No.19322226

probit has fast withdrawls and no kyc
people will pay a premium for good service i guess

>> No.19322255


>> No.19322281

Imagine not holding a 100K suicide stack of this lil baby

>> No.19322298

400 USD spike cause le junior streetshiter and his girlfriend pajeet. guy's be kind, it's their entire net worth

>> No.19322801

What the fuck was this

>> No.19322830

its called a PUMP

>> No.19323510
File: 26 KB, 923x262, 1e584259e89dde0e87a33fc015ab0667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When to sell? As much as I'm loving this pump, nothing lasts forever

>> No.19323867

This is honestly just the beginning. 1000 sats end of week

>> No.19323903

take some profits at 1000 sats but keep a moonbag for sure.

ive taken profits already at 3x
and i will take more at 5x 10x and then hodl for 50x

>> No.19324004


>> No.19324742

When it's a full on parabola. Probably not yet.

>> No.19325051

>up 40%
I don't think this is it.

>> No.19325107

So lemme get this straight anon - you expect around a 10x pump in the next 2 months despite it already being at $0.04??

>> No.19325160
File: 87 KB, 606x729, @ big bois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are absolutely bringing this project down. WRK chains are its ace in the hole; not competing with LINK. Everyone with an internet connection knows oracles are chainlinks. Stop being delusional.

I hold FUND, and LINK. FUND is its own beast, but a decentralized network of oracles is not it. Just because Unification CAN serve as a price oracle, does not mean it will.

Neyma and Sergey have met and discussed these things before, see pic. Stop being so ignorant and stupid.

>> No.19325210


You've a massively inflated ego. Yeah you made some money with LINK. We all did. I guarantee I made more than you as well. Couldn't launch 100 eth at LINK when it was on ED without it soaring the price either.

You buy in here with your low amounts, in multiple transactions until you have your desired amount. You're just a phase 2 nucrypto person. You'e some money now and think you're too good to do what created your numoney in the first place.

>> No.19325228

Were you there, during this sweaty and chinky hong kong meetup?

>> No.19325495

$5 eoy

>> No.19325510

I don't know about 10x, but probably a few times higher than it currently is. What does it being 0.04$ have to do with anything? The marketcap is like 3.5mil, which is fucking nothing. Unless you're looking for some under 1 mil shit coin pump n dumps for daily 100x moon missions.

>> No.19325530


7d +29%
14d +116%
30d +137% <-- YOU ARE HERE
90d +850%
1y +3500%

Just 3 mil. market cap now.

>> No.19326085

poorfags seem to be converting now that they are missing out on early easy gains.

stupid niggers acting like newfags stepped up and made the choice to change their destiny and become moonbboys.

better late than never lol glad i bot at sub 200 sats hahahaha

>> No.19326111
File: 10 KB, 222x227, feelsssa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been watching the FUNDamentals on this and it's different than most shitcoins shilled here on biz.

Things to understand that makes a difference

1 - This is a native blockchain - not some defi wonderboy erc20 shitfest

2 - the team is silicon valley professionals and been quietly working on it for the past two years

3- when asked, the team's goal was to have 100 WRKchains up by years end. Each WRKchain can consume up to 1million FUND per year- however much will be less. With the Total supply of 120million this can lead to an incredible natural demand

4 - The CEO is tech celebrity status- and not a meme character like the chainlink guy - but actually a celeb. Listen to any of his videos or interviews and you will see. This is what it requires for a coin to go from top 100 to top 10.

All in frens

>> No.19326291

All I need is those trips though thanks I just bought
That ID too
2.8 USD When Fund

>> No.19326910

I was there. Neyma winked at Sergey after and made him cry.

>> No.19327752

Logic says FUND will goto $1 and hold due to the 120 million TOTAL supply. that puts it as 120m MC which is around top 100

this is the easiest buy and hold and flip for 40x there is right now.

Btw.. I was also in HK on that fateful night. Rumor is after the event neyma and sergay went to a private club where neyma stripped down to his shorts and wrestled a bear and did vodka shots till dawn.

>> No.19328682

Got my Buy walls set. Thanks BIZ!

>> No.19329175
File: 1.00 MB, 858x589, 1583818833043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those digits and blue ids
This really is the next link, unironically all in.

>> No.19329346

srry sers. i try 2 buy funds however all exchange ony have buyers - no person seeling funds how do i buy?

>> No.19329366

market buy on probit

>> No.19329576

Noooo. Dont post it Here. Didn make my accumulation yet. Now its moon time

>> No.19329811

Still early

>> No.19330136

agreed fren- This is like bickering about ETH when it was trading at pennies. Give it a little time we will be bickering as FUND ranges in the $100's - and look back to here and laugh,. it feels like early 2017 all over again.

>> No.19330281

bitcoin clearly is going to crash to dust. Why by anything till that happens. None of you shills have explained that, theres no rush on any of this shit because no matter how good a project when btc almost dies all this shit is going to dust with it

>> No.19330427

you get this shit
untill than accumulate all one can afford to buy more btc.
cos btc will rangebound months and FUND will have done 10x - 30x. Put profits in next btc cycle. Sell top. buy gold &real est store untill next cycle.

>> No.19330796

FuND GonNA OvERtaKE BiTCOin???? TOP1 SOON????!!!

>> No.19330998


Whatever doomer. I'll just accumulate more and more of this gem.

>> No.19331050

People have been saying this for 10 years

>> No.19331987


>> No.19332071

If $1 is the best you can hope for a year from now with this then they’re are better buys elsewhere


>> No.19332095

Yup. Got those too anon except Suter. Never read about that yet.

>> No.19332155

It’s the riskiest but massive potential if it comes anywhere close to its mission

>> No.19332631

Alright anon, I'll read about it. But I gotta say, the STA journey is poised for a 10x at least, at this rate. Feeling happy.

>> No.19333354

Hello boys, how are our gains doing?

>> No.19333463

I'm at 4x right now. From 2.5 ETH to sitting on 10 ETH.

>> No.19333483

My bad anons, wrong damn thread.

>> No.19333640


Why do you think it'll go that high?

>> No.19333775
File: 3.14 MB, 409x230, 1530066640156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helloo sir i just buyying the FUND expecting massive massive profit

thanks to you sirs village can eat the basmati rice

>> No.19334047
File: 88 KB, 645x702, roadizroad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]