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File: 2 KB, 640x384, germany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19306356 No.19306356 [Reply] [Original]

I am a second-gen immigrant living in Germany and I realized that this whole country is basically a ponzi scheme. The more I earn, the more I get taxed, so it is impossible to accumulate money as an employee. And now they introduced a new tax on ETF to finance the failing pension system.
Meanwhile, real estate or inheritance gets hardly taxed at all.
The whole system is designed to make real estate owners wealthy while exploiting qualified immigrant workers

>> No.19306373

Cope ahmed

>> No.19306399

this. you can always go back to sand town, where taxes are lower.

>> No.19306410

Welcome to demographically collapsed countries, T*rk. Every developed country that isn't the US, France, New Zealand, or Iceland are ponzis.

>> No.19306432

> Germany. real estate or inheritance gets hardly taxed at all.
That is what poor people think. It isn't true. Rich people think about leving Germany, because taxes are eating them up. And will get raised on them yet again soon. Somewhere all this money has to come from now. If you own real estate in Germany there are about 5 different taxes, two of which you have to pay when you acquire it. The other 3 are owning and renting it out. Rich people pay such incredibly high taxes in Germany that some wish they'd rather not even have to be bound to this bullshit system anymore, you complete retard.

>> No.19306436

Crypto gains are taxfree when you hold for at least one year. This, apart from real estate, is your only chance to make it in germany.

>> No.19306450

Also big corps are paying low to no taxes here, even german corps like VW.

>> No.19306465

>The more I earn, the more I get taxed, so it is impossible to accumulate money as an employee.

welcome to every first world country in the world

>> No.19306481

then leave and take your parents with you

>> No.19306501

Wrong. 33 or so % income tax in USA for EVERYONE. In Germany it is over 50% if you make the fucking mistake of earning more money than the government thinks you should make without being punished for it.

>> No.19306519

That's not how a ponzi scheme works, kanak. also you have to go back

>> No.19306539

Okay, then got back to whatever shithole you cam from, retard.
You are a slave everywhere.

>> No.19306555

it's 42% and is only applied to the taxable income *above* the last level, so you will have less money left after tax compared to earning less. it's really a very common and simple system and you should have learned that in school.

>> No.19306562

>second-gen immigrant

>> No.19306591

former soviet union

>> No.19306593

I used to live in the US for a few years about 20 years ago. It was about 33% then, if I remember correctly. I haven't kept track of what went on in the US since then.

>> No.19306606
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>> No.19306632

That is very nice. But Switzerland also has extremely high living costs in comparison.

>> No.19306637

I pay the 42 % premium tax. I rent a small one room apartment in munich and drive a old car. I don‘t have much money to put in shitcoins at the end of the month. No Stocks at all. This is what the German upper class Lifestyle looks like:(

>> No.19306657

I was thinking about moving to Switzerland, but I heard that they are really racist against Germans and I would always remain a stranger there

>> No.19306673

couldn't stand living in a country where I am reminded on a daily basis that nobody gives a shit about homeless people. I did two internships in san francisco and everyday i was disgusted by the fact that there is no shared identity in this country and everybody just tries to outcompete everyone else.

>> No.19306688

>be me
>immigrant in belgium for 4 years now
>company pays rent
>company pays expenses
>don't own a car because I get to drive my gf's BMW
>literally all my expenses are food, beer and condoms

>> No.19306702

Ah, I see, I misunderstood you. You were talking about Germany not the US with the 42%
It isn't true. Because income tax also encompasses income from real estate and other investing. In the end, you pay close to 60% to the government, and they enable millions of lazy faggots to just not work.
Also, look at the ultimate high tax countries in Europe, Sweden, Austria, and so on.
You are literally being punished for earning money. While not making money for all kinds of excuses is being rewarded with free money. Why would anyone other than a communist think this is ok?

>> No.19306728 [DELETED] 

I do get the impression that Germany is set up to maintain oligarchical structures. Which makes sense. This is a process that happens everywhere (until some event resets it) and it makes sense the rich would rig the game in their favour.

>> No.19306733


>> No.19306744

pick one

>> No.19306779

literally not true you retard. usa has marginal tax just like almost every country. and states also charge income tax on top of federal government

>> No.19306783

do it, you're not german so you should be good. bye.

From a US perspective it's communism. from a communist perspective it's capitalism. from an educated perspective it's called social market economy.
if you're living a good life in the US than only because you have some high income job, and that's good for you, but it is at the expense of many others who live a miserable life because of your prosperity. if you can live with that, fine.

>> No.19306799

That's very nice of you, but I cannot afford to care about others if I cannot care for myself. German pension system will collaps sooner or later, and I fear the my generation is the one who will be forced to take the impact. So once I am old I will be like those homeless people in san francisco, collecting bottles

>> No.19306804

sonderzug nach mekka

>> No.19306805

You need to go back untermensch. No one wants you in germany parasitical faggot.

>> No.19306846

How the US not a ponzi scheme? It doesnt manufacture anything and is reliant on growing population of suckers to prop up the dollar

>> No.19306885

>From a US perspective it's communism. from a communist perspective it's capitalism. from an educated perspective it's called social market economy.
if you're living a good life in the US than only because you have some high income job, and that's good for you, but it is at the expense of many others who live a miserable life because of your prosperity. if you can live with that, fine.
I'd honestly rather live with the fact that only truly needy or handicapped people are being helped. Not everyone who just doesn't want to.
And if I have learned anything from the Americans that I took to heart when I was there, it is this: I care about the people that are my own. My family, friends, and wider relations. The rest of the world I neither have influence on, nor do I want to, nor do I care if 10 million new African babies that are produced daily die. Because no-one can feed them anyway.
Fuck the world. Take care of yourself, your own, and quit being a faggot.

>> No.19306896

The biggest parasite of them all wants them, the state

>> No.19306926

It engineers. Manufacturing is shipped to nigger tier countries. This increases the value of the products engineered. We also manufacture planes, trains, bombs,
And automobiles.

>> No.19306932 [DELETED] 

>but it is at the expense of many others who live a miserable life because of your prosperity.

This is wrong. Wealth creation is not a zero sum game. If you are a bloodsucking lawyer or something like that then this would be true.

>> No.19306944

I never said it is at the expense of others.

>> No.19307138

yeah he quoted me but forget a couple of meme arrows. i am not talking about the useless high school dropout who will never produce anything of value, but more about the (former) middle class that can't make enough to support their families while your heros (bezos, musk) do absolutely everything to avoid unions which would give them a little bit of leverage.
as I said, no shared identity, everybody is on his own. with the biggest military in the world it will be a great civil war to watch once this escalates.

>> No.19307151

> it is at the expense of many others who live a miserable life because of your prosperity
>I never said it is at the expense of others.

>> No.19307230

You have no clue. Before I accept new renters I have them submit their income proof to my lawyer. If it isn't at least 4 times the monthly rent, I refuse them! Not only to protect my own investment and income, but also to protect them.
I could sell all my real estate and go live in Cayman for the rest of my life. Which would be a whole less trouble than dealing with taxes, renters, renovations, maintenance, and so on.
You guys really have no clue.
What you want is straight up communism. Well, Germany is well on its way. I'll be gone in time.

>> No.19307301

lmao, you are a parasite, living off from wealth and contributing nothing to society.

>> No.19307328

Do you think I bought all that property with thin air? Do you think rich people were just Neets that got lucky? No, most of them worked very very hard to earn it. For generations even. YOU are the parasite. Asking that we share our money, just because we have it.

>> No.19307390
File: 290 KB, 671x5112, Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 11.07.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does the meme of Germany being a rich country come from?

>> No.19307404

I felt the same about Germany. Eventually I went to the US, yuge difference.
>US minimum wage is more than average German wage.
>Cost of living is the same.
>Effective tax (including health insurance, other withholdings) in the US is 29% on $88k per year.
In Germany I paid more than 40% for 45k€. Its not even a competition.

>> No.19307433

Your parent's generation bought property in a time where it was still possible, then closed the door for newcomers by voting for policies that will inflate housing prices.
Though I don't blame you for being a parasite, I would probably do the same if I could.

>> No.19307465

now you understand why they tried to eliminate jews

>> No.19307471

My girlfriend's son (22 years old) bought his first little apartment a few weeks ago. Not because we helped in any way. But because he went to a bank, took a credit, and will pay that shit off for the next 30 years.

>> No.19307491

>Enter ZOG

>> No.19307520
File: 80 KB, 1004x982, EUz2QSBWkAE4Ww7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is a country of slaves. Germans are known to obey like slaves without ever complaining.

Go back to work now

>> No.19307531

> behind Italy
> behind Greece
> behind (((Israel)))
> behind UAE
Should I just move to Poland?
I will soon have a MechEng/SysEng master's degree and I don't want to contribute to this failing coutry. I know Polish. Will I pay less taxes there?

>> No.19307619

Needing 30 years to pay off a little apartment is the outcome of boomer politics that drive up hosing prices

>> No.19307657

It's called Pax Americana and overpopulation

>> No.19307682

Not exactly. Apartments in big cities are expensive. Always have been. Which is why that sort of investment is a better idea than buying a cheap ass apartment somewhere in the countryside. The city apartment will gain in value over these 30 years way more. This has been the case since before ww2 in all European cities.

>> No.19307687

nah, it's called nimby

>> No.19307727

>The city apartment will gain in value over these 30 years way more.
Doubt it. The apartment might keep its value, but a price hike like in the past is not very likely

>> No.19307784

Well, like I said, it has kept true for generations now. Beats inflation at the least. Plus, gives you a bit of freedom if your stocks shouldn't have such a good year. I am a real estate fan. Although it means a lot of work and taxes and costs.

>> No.19307803

your family benefited from it, time to pay for the other leeches faggot

>> No.19307807

What makes France different from the rest of Europe?

>> No.19307831

mass importation of niggers and nafris to replace the native population for far longer and to a much higher degree (they get former colonies privilege) than any other country in continental Europe

>> No.19307846

You misunderstand, that anon was saying France ISNT a ponzi.

>> No.19307858
File: 22 KB, 760x480, 5AAF9ACF-C431-4A3B-8967-BF91FD644FB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it

>> No.19307866

In case you are talking to me? My family 'benefited' by studying and working their asses for generations! Including myself. So just that now, it be shared with lazy plebs? Oh no Anon, if it comes to that, I will know how to be gone in time.

>> No.19307884

What do you mean? Salaries are quite high those days, I make 78k as a JS developer

>> No.19307896

Your country is run by somebody whose family CHOSE to move to East Germany and joined communist groups. What the fuck do you expect Germany to be like?

>> No.19307922

dishonest talking point, you are twisting the facts

>> No.19307930

>The whole system is designed to make real estate owners wealthy while exploiting qualified immigrant workers
Yea, why do you think they let you in? out of the goodness of their heart.

>> No.19307937

keep reading faggot. I misunderstood

>> No.19308185
File: 50 KB, 873x210, vermieter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all about cash flow
>who tf wants to life in germany in 30 years time

>> No.19308416

>>who tf wants to life in germany in 30 years time
The young ones will have to.

>> No.19308452

But hey, they can then all be equally poor. It will be a paradise. Africans, Arabs, and a few Germans.. nobody works. Nobody pays taxes. This will be fun to watch from afar.

>> No.19308530

And how much of those 78k are you allowed to keep?

>> No.19308532

>my girlfriend’s son
German cuck at its finest lmao

>> No.19308572

It is possible to immigrate to USA as a poor Indian and become wealthy within a livetime. Germany offers no such opportunity

>> No.19308626

Komm nach Wien Brudi, hier ist es wie in Deutschland nur ohne die asozialen. Plus Lebensstandard ist um ein vielfaches höher, man bekommt Unterstützung vom Staat in allen Lebensbereichen und dominiert den leergefegten Arbeitsmarkt

>> No.19308685
File: 83 KB, 256x252, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I am 46 years old. Most women have adult kids at that age. The ones who don't are fucking crazy. Get lost. Newfag.

>> No.19308727

Although true, not so much since '08. burgerland changed quite a lot, life is now expensive. Also burgerland is a fuckin shithole. The meme you believe in is dying RN. The era for cheap money is over of burgers. Equilibrium will be sought

>> No.19308750

Du machst Spaß oder? Ohne die Assozialen? In Wien??? Wien ist voll von Leuten die nichts tun ausser vom Steuergeld des Restes Österreichs zu leben. Und damit sind nicht nur die 'Neubürger' gemeint. Wien ist eine Schande und grenzwertig kommunistisch.

>> No.19308772

Ok boomer

>> No.19308784

Ok then faggot

>> No.19308791

Keep paying the taxes you good lil kraut

>> No.19308796

Why don't you go back then? I bet the German ponzi scheme is probably better than the alternarives actually available to you. I feel sorry for you second-gen faggots. You spend your whole lives obsessing over your identity and your parents because they moved where the money was.

>> No.19308856

I'm only 28, but I can understand dating a woman with a kid if both of you are boomers and they're grown and out of the house.

>> No.19308869

Alles klar, Mohammed Kowalczyk

>> No.19308870

Ich habe gehört, dass der Wiener Wohnungsmarkt von Mietadel beherrscht wird. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich da als Neuzugänger eine vernünftige Wohnung finden könnte

>> No.19308902

Natürlich kannst du das.

>> No.19308921

>Komm nach Wien Brudi, hier ist es wie in Deutschland nur ohne die asozialen.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA das ist nicht dein ernst oder?
Wien IST die konzentration an assozialem von Österreich.
Degenerierte Spasten links und rechts und ein Wort Deutsch sucht man dort so vergebens wie selbstverständliche Höflichkeit.

> Plus Lebensstandard ist um ein vielfaches höher, man bekommt Unterstützung vom Staat in allen Lebensbereichen und dominiert den leergefegten Arbeitsmarkt.
Achso, du gehörst zu den asozialen Huankindern, das erklärt es.

>> No.19308960

P.S. weisst du warum du das kannst? weil wir NICHT kommunistisch sind! ;)

>> No.19308991

Seemingly most of them move to Portugal and Greece

>> No.19309008

Ok Brudi, ich werde mir mal Wien näher in Betracht ziehen

>> No.19309043

No, and also not yet. But the UK are a thing to be eyed. They might just become a tax oasis right there where we need it.

>> No.19309072

Lieber Anon, ich bin nicht dein Brudi. Ich bin dein schlimmster Albtraum. Um Rambo zu zitieren.

>> No.19309121

Ich hab in Hamburg und Berlin gewohnt, bezahlbare und gut gelegene Wohnungen in Wien zu finden ist ein Kinderspiel im Vergleich.


Das gute an Wien ist, dass solche Leute wie du weiter in Osnabrück/Fulda/Karlsruhe bleiben.

>> No.19309166

Ich gehöre zu den Trotteln die in Österreich Steuern zahlen um das Drecksloch und die Drecksfotzen in Wien mit Sozialleistungen den Arsch zu stopfen.

Gehts scheißn
t. ganz Österreich

>> No.19309212

Kannst du Hamburg oder Berlin empfehlen? Ich wohne in München und hier stimmt das Verhältnis zwischen Gehalt und Mietpreisen nicht

>> No.19309227

Ich zahle in Österreich auch Steuern und nun?

Armut wie in einigen deutschen Großstädten fördert Ghettoisierung und Kriminalität. Jeder Euro in Sozialleistungen, bezahlbaren Wohnraum und Bildung rentiert sich für eine Gesellschaft um ein vielfaches mehr als Steuererleichterungen für Unternehmen und aufgeblasene Politikergehälter.

>> No.19309229

Du hast recht. t. reicher Wiener.
Und es wird nun noch schlimmer. Sieh dir die Forderungen der AK an. Man kann nur noch auswandern wenn man was hat.

>> No.19309303

Auf gar keinen Fall. Was ich von München höre ist nur noch krank. Freunde die Vollzeit arbeiten zahlen bis zu 1000€ für WG Zimmer um nicht auf dem Land wohnen zu müssen. Berlin ist in meinen Augen ein Drecksloch, zum Party machen und Freunde besuchen ganz nett, bevorzuge aber Wien weil kompakter und weniger Penner die in die Bahn scheissen. Hamburg nur empfehlenswert wenn du relativ hohes Einkommen hast und Leute kennst, Wohnungsmarkt auch eine Katastrophe. Finde Wien vom Flair und Lebensgefühl überlegen.

>> No.19309381

Ganz EU bald:


>> No.19309429

Musel wie dich mögen wir nicht

>> No.19309471

Work work areBeit Mackt free.

>> No.19309478

München war der Wahn. Freund von mir hat um 600k ne Wohnung gekauft vor ca 10 jähren... hat sie vor nem jähr wieder verkauft für über 2 mio... München ist das London/Tokio Europas geworden was diese Preise betrifft. Und ich weiß net warum

>> No.19309517

Was ist denn in München? Ausser gutes Essen,gutes Bier, gute Gesellschaft? Das hast ja in anderen Städten auch

>> No.19309521

>sand nigger complaining about having to contribute

>> No.19309535

>aufgeblasene Politikergehälter.
Das ist es wohin deine Steuergelder groesstenteils fliessen und nur ein kleiner Prozentsatz geht an Sozialleistungen, die vollkommen wirkungslos sind. Wenn Menschen weniger Steuern zahlen muessten, waeren sie vielleicht auch weniger arm

>> No.19309609

The US is still the world's second largest exporter, anon.

>> No.19309630

90% of exports are us-dollars

>> No.19309668

krautschwuchtel hier
dieses land ist die absolute hölle wenn man geld verdienen will
paradies wenn man sich vom system aushalten lassen will
ich wollte im märz in die usa, hab schon arbeitsvisum, job, wohnung etc. jetzt sitz ich wegen der corona kacke hier fest und hasse dieses boomerland noch mehr als je zuvor. sobald trump die grenzen öffnet bin ich hier weg dann könnt ihr cucks eure steuern schön selber zahlen während ich mexikanische cuties in AMERICA bange. die merkel hat jetzt schon steuererhöhungen wegen corona versprochen hahah get rekt ihr cucks

>> No.19309669

The USA are our only hope. Even if all these faggots don't want to hear it. Without the USA backing Europe at this point, we go down.

>> No.19309688

So wie in den USA? Sieht man ja jetzt grad wie gut das funktioniert

>> No.19309689

fuck off

>> No.19309697

:D explain

>> No.19309717

it means go away

>> No.19309738
File: 91 KB, 474x263, gtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't explain, eh?

>> No.19309747
File: 1.03 MB, 1800x1800, n6ckbdtw9l921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More farms and farmers than your irrelevant euro country, more oil than your irrelevant euro country, more universities and practical research than your irrelevant euro country, higher volume and quality of every art medium than your irrelevant euro "country", the list goes on

>> No.19309753

It may be promising but don't they have very strong censorship there ?
I don't want to need a porn license to browse 4chan...

>> No.19309754

Well, dear Anon, that will never happen.

>> No.19309794

lol if I save taxes, I donÄt care about porn m8

>> No.19309817

NZ lol? Are you fucked

>> No.19309845

>the state
The only things benefiting of low wage workers are private corporations. The corporations throw money at the whores in the state and flood your country with retards to make labor cheaper, fag.

>> No.19309906

Angenehmes Klima. Viel Grün. Sicher

>> No.19309941

Every other point may be right but
>higher volume and quality of every art medium
you definitely not have higher quality.
European culture is based on tradition and an almost 2000year long history. Or above in souther Europe.
Whereas American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Mike Tyson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers

>> No.19309948

You’re both faggots

>> No.19309958

Wie gesagt, das hab ich doch in vielen Städten.. der unglaubliche Wertgewinn der Immobilien in München ist einzigartig. Ich beneide das. Ich will wissen warum

>> No.19309969


>> No.19310061


Tell the planet to stop using US markets to clear their transactions then. They won't, because nobody else can make that kind of market. But fortunately for you, America's gonna close down that global market and you guys can figure out how to make do. We stand at the precipice of the great Bye, Felecia.

>> No.19310083

>European culture is based on tradition and an almost 2000year long history.

A two millennia history of raping and pillaging and betraying your neighbors. It fits right in with the way joggers work.

>> No.19310087

I hope you are ready to stop posting on /biz/ and /pol/ and never making a comment on twitter in that case.
Or don't have the bad idea to browse hentai with politically incorrect content...

For me it's a bigger issue, I don't want to live in fear of the police going after me for some dumb reason.

>> No.19310142

Look me straight in the virtual eye mate... I am Satan. I do what I want.

>> No.19310162
File: 438 KB, 1400x977, Old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have a nigger fixation. In a majority of the US, people want nothing to do with niggers and have nothing to do with niggers. The media, however, is the voice of the jewish elite and not a representation of your average American.

>> No.19310299

its only worth as much people are willing to pay. we flood germany with 1+ million retards each year which all have the right to vote. you are lucky if they dont go full socialist the next 30years and take your stuff. the only thing positive about that is that it will hit the people most who were in favor of open borders in the first place.

>> No.19310301

You are free to do whatever you want in your prison cell, Satan...

You can send my regards to Assange the next time you see him.

>> No.19310384

>The media, however, is the voice of the jewish elite and not a representation of your average American.
Either case
>and quality of every art medium
is wrong

>A two millennia history of raping and pillaging and betraying your neighbors. It fits right in with the way joggers work.
Ok Chang, better than doing the same and being cucked by Mongols (or Mughals in case you are a pajeet and not a chang)

>> No.19310439

Oh? Have I done anything illegal as to your knowledge?

>> No.19310445

I'm an American, sorry Nigel.

>> No.19310500

And this is where you will see that these people do not even belong here...

Yo look at her bush. Has it got hair?

>> No.19310549

>The whole system is designed to make real estate owners wealthy while exploiting qualified immigrant workers
the whole german, austrian, swiss economy is built on the backs of turks and romanian wc cleaners. They exploit the foreign workforce as much as they can.
Save up some money and move to a better country.

>> No.19310599
File: 24 KB, 400x400, AbFKFDA__400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is why didnt go to a University here in germany. Straight after my Matura Diploma from Highschool i did an Well Paid apprentice and am working in the very same company and earn good.
If i'd go to university and waste my time there i'd surely earn more money but the higher i earn the more i pay in taxes.
So in order to earn like 3k€ Net you have to earn like 5k€ before taxes which is nearly impossible without job experience and as freshmen dropping out of Uni. Even if you have an University Engineering degree you wont see so much money ever since wages in germanistan are utterly low and stagnating since boomers began to retire.

Meanwhile what i do:

Live with parents, save every last goddamn penny i earn (hardcore mode) . Im mostly investing in healthcare, tech ,drug and telecommunication and Real Estate stocks.
With real estate stocks i get some money from the government back because the company also rents its homes out to welfare beneficiaries who let the gov pay for their rent, LOL

As soon as i earn like 3 to 5k€ in dividends every month im moving out of this crapistan germany.

>> No.19310603

You expressed this the wrong way. The way I like to state the truth is: WORK FOR ME YOU PLEBS

>> No.19310613

France? Is this bait? France has fallen.

>> No.19310689

Listen to me very closely now... I hate the French. My Grandfather was a highly ranked officer in the German Army back in the days... the French saw, and gave up. What kind of faggotry do you need to give up? Before a fight even started? As far as I am concerned all Frenchmen are gay.

>> No.19310787

Every European country has fallen, but France has bothered to keep some of the things that will make it relevant.

>> No.19310819

You are bound to end in prison quickly if you do what you want without any self restraint and faster in some countries than in others.

>> No.19310849

Where are you planning to move out ?

>> No.19311166

Ah. A student of niggerology i see

>> No.19311204

You my dear Anon would be fucking surprised :>

>> No.19311285


>> No.19311296

Fiat currency isn't real.

>> No.19311354


>> No.19311416

>As soon as i earn like 3 to 5k€ in dividends every month im moving out of this crapistan germany.
you need 2.4 Million euros in stocks at 5% yield to get 4k a year. How are you gonna get there, Hansen?

>> No.19311431

>a year
a month

>> No.19311516

>didnt go to university
time to rope anon

>> No.19311546

Oh no, native Germans will be able to maintain their wealth and immigrants will gain no power unless they are wildly successful. True tragedy, I think refugees should pay zero tax!

>> No.19311618

Immigrants that rape children, yes we needed them definitely. Wealth doesn't even matter then. Check this; we accept immigrants by the masses. to help them.. they rape our women and show zero respect for our way of life. what do we do? we still welcome them. How insane is this. How fucking stupid are we as a whole?

>> No.19311686

If some immigrant raped my child in a public bath, there would not be any more gutmensch. There would be bloody murder. First the guy that did it. And then the government that encouraged it to happen.

>> No.19311815

Yeah, that happens unironically way too often.
A friend of mine cancelled his Bausparer a few weeks ago. 8000€ it was
The guy from the bank tried to convince hin to buy a house or apartment with it.
Like it's a normal thing to finance this shit for 30 to 40 years.
Luckily I LINKpilled him and he bought 2500 LINK with it instead

>> No.19311820

Here in Switzerland taxes are very low and salaries are very high. Unfortunately they've also gone big on the mass immigration meme so they've stagnated for the past 20 years, but they're still much higher than anywhere outside the US, but with even lower taxes.

>> No.19311843

It wouldn't be the first time..
Please tell me

>> No.19311880

>türken raus

>> No.19311972

Very high taxes
Very strong censorship
High crime, weak anti crime measures
Very bad laws on defense (look up Tony Martin)
Low salaries
Mass immigration to pay for boomer pensions and benefits

It's shit m8. Just your average EU globalist battery farm

>> No.19312048

Tell you what? That he is Satan? And does as he pleases? He said that already. Keep glowing though :>

>> No.19312526


Its not worth in germany to attend an University bru, the more you earn the more you pay taxes. And taxation changes the higher u earn.
So it could happen that you end up earning same as a mechanic as an engineer with uni degree around here...

>> No.19312701

Soon to be MechEng master here.
I would earn maybe 4k more on average in my first year.
Just with a Bachelors I would only make 1k more than the average mechanic per year.

>> No.19312732

This isn't a Germany or migration problem but an EU boomer problem. It's the same everywhere. They bought the property on the cheap and own everything. You can work your ass off but good luck if you're not inheriting from your parents.

>> No.19312786

But munich has ridiculously high rent and perhaps the biggest housing bubble in all of germany

>t. Used to live in munich

>> No.19312796

The sad thing is you will probably lower on the social hierarchy and can afford less than some 20 or 25 year old kid who had property-owning (usually multiple) parents. I know a fuckload of kids who just rent out their parents extra properties, MAYBE work some extra pointless job or sell weed and pull in double or more the average income, drive BMWs or Audis and have time to go to gym and live a healthy lifestyle with travel and parties all that bullshit. You can have a better job, work more, have none of the privileges but because they rolled a better dice you will be forever fucked in most of EU. The sad thing all the majority fo hot bitches will flock to these landowners too. Literally, landownership is the ONLY saving grace in most of EU, if you don't have that you are fucked beyond belief with rent prices, taxes etc.

>> No.19312803


>> No.19312842

and then the prices of property are so high you will never be able to afford a shithole small 100 year old decomposing apartment close to any city center or any semi-attractive area with your shit EU salaries. the best thing to do is to beg a bank to give you a loan and instead of paying the rent, buy a property, rent it out and use the rent to help pay off the loan. you will have to wait 5-10 years or more depending on the cost for that to pay off though, while you are probably living with your parents or renting a tiny room yourself.

>> No.19312868

sorry for the multiple posts, but i forgot to mention this loan idea only makes sense if you have a sizeable deposit already saved up. otherwise you will need to add more years to the estimate to where you will be able to own and live in something yours. by the time that happens you will be older, more jaded and with worse erections. could also just wait for chainlink to x100...that could be your only way to quickly improve your life in Europe

>> No.19312906

This. Thank you. I donÄt care. I am am a made man. But looking at his situation, Germany will not be ok soon. And there is no 'wir schaffen das'

>> No.19313611

>I am your worst nightmare
>made man

>> No.19313627

Leave, you do not belong there and migrants prop up the housing market.

>> No.19313732

Yeah baby, you like that cringe don't you?

>> No.19314353

ajoh du geile sau du

>> No.19314405

same but ethnic belgian

>> No.19314436

You have to go back, sandnigger.

>> No.19314455

Du ahnst nicht wie geil :D

>> No.19314476

this is bullshit, you only have rising taxes till a special level of money you get, currently it is 57052 Euro for 42% percent tax and with 270502 euro you have to pay 45% and thats it.

>> No.19314504

azo voll assi ey