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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 1000x500, unibright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19254652 No.19254652 [Reply] [Original]

get in lads

>> No.19254667

volume precede price

price about to get torch
my ass sore from sitting too long on the porch

>> No.19254675

What? Are you high?

>> No.19254713


>> No.19254727

This could be another LINK and I would miss out... Or this could be another faggoty scam and I'll waste money.

God this website is so fucking gay it's infuriating.

>> No.19254750

This is one of the very few projects I believe in. The only reason we are seeing much of a decrease is because of BTC, its a pretty small dip anyways.
Its possible I will lose it all, but compared to all the other shit on this board this past week I actually feel confident to hodl.
But I am just some anon

>> No.19254760

not this time. it’s whales taking profit into this crazy pump

>> No.19254761

look at who's involved and you would know it's not a scam

- I hold zero UBT at the moment. I did buy in originally around 0.11 but I dumped it all at 0.51 to throw into link

>> No.19255021

Fine but how do you buy it? It's not on Bittrex or is it supposed to be available later today?

>> No.19255251

It’s on IDEX

>> No.19255261

Hotbit has huge volume, very user friendly to use

>> No.19255300

Uniswap unironically, probably the quickest way and still has good liquidity. With a project this legit might as well just market buy

>> No.19255321
File: 41 KB, 1043x795, ubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine what happens once we get a real exchange like coinbase or binance soon...

>> No.19256439


Look anything I say will just come off as shilling, but it really is legit. Ask yourself why John Wolpert, someone who is already rich and not an investor, who is only interested in technology, is talking about UBT. He is the last person I would expect to tweet about a full on scam. Biz is notorious for shilling pnd’s, but occasionally they find diamonds in the rough. This is one of those moments and if you have the balls you will seize it.

>> No.19256657

It’s holding up really well.

>> No.19256715

this is going to $1 eoy.

>> No.19256921


Pretty much. Also it doesn't have pajeets as its already a low mid-cap. Its in that nice area of never having to worry about liquidty, but also not needing a country's GDP to make it mvoe significantly.

Most UBT holders have some LINK too, and some have some LEND (Aave). Aave itself is great, but I don't hold the token or know its funciton. But yeah, UBT and LEND are gonna be the biggest mid cap gainers of the next bull run.

Steer fucking clear from any "ETH killers" or "LINK competitors"

>> No.19256965

>what is wash trading

>> No.19256993
File: 139 KB, 719x704, TOKENNOTNEEDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no no not this john wolpert? fuck off scammer

>> No.19257005

some of us are aware of certain German securities laws and we are not saying what is up.

>> No.19257008
File: 106 KB, 752x668, ubtbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw your token is a useless chuck-e-cheese vidt token

>> No.19257018

lmfao if that happened id be a multi millionaire .... thanks for the hopium

>> No.19257108

Kek they timed the bittrex listing to coincide with the SAP/Microsoft baseline demo. Those brilliant bastards, too bad btc shat the bed.

>> No.19257170


>> No.19257300

lmfao. you can see the fake transactions in real time. pull up any orderbook and see for yourself, the transactions occur between the spread

>> No.19258013
File: 227 KB, 885x409, Screen Shot 2020-04-26 at 9.40.23 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you're "exit the game forever" guy.

>> No.19258087

Dumbfk.. its real but its hidden, most of the orders are hidden u pajeet, u can create hidden orders

>> No.19258092

what's up UBTards; I just bought in. I legit just ignored this for months because I thought the logo was super dumb. I apologize. I have actually read up now and started accumulating. Looks like a new price floor is going to settle in and I will DCA as much as I can hopefully before it moves up again. Godspeed lads

>> No.19258108

I know this for fact because i just bought 32k in between spread, got filled in between

>> No.19258138

Based hindsight poster