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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1925344 No.1925344 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.1925349
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it's a russian scam, just sell it now

>> No.1925351

>listening to ETHcucks, ever
Lesson learned anon.

>> No.1925352

Welcome to /biz/

>> No.1925358

>Bitcoin is going up
>Eth is going down
I'm glad I'm not an altcoin retard.
Over 100% profits so far

>> No.1925365

Im happy that i rode the eth train from 0.017 to 0.055 but im well aware that it'll never overtake btc

>> No.1925372
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atleast you didn't buy when it almost reached 60$

just sell it now if you can handle a little dip, its a crypto, it's the most volatile thing you can invest into, but high risk gives higher rewards

>> No.1925382

Sell it and get onboard the litecoin rocket, you'll make your money back.

>> No.1925385


Just hold it you fucking pussy.

>> No.1925388


In that order, is where you should have your money.
ETH is kill

>> No.1925392

XRP is a jew coin, banks only uses it to experiment with blockchains, they dont intend to use it for anything else

Via is a negro coin

PivX is pretty good tho

>> No.1925396

whales trying to get cheap eth before partnership with tesla and google etc. is announced. Digix ceo told to much:

>> No.1925401

>Tfw the "who's who of planet earth" is NEET autists on 4chan who've never had a job and invest their money based on anonymous shitposter's shilling

>> No.1925406
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This tbqh

Anyone should know that this kind of dip is not natural, there's only positive things coming to ethereum, which is why dumb negro whales wants as much as possible.

this dip is being orchestrated by whales, if anything, this should give you confidence that ethereum is going to be big.

>> No.1925410

Well we did meme trump into the white house, maybe vitalik can see the potential

the 4chan logo would look nice on that ethereum alliance chart tho

>> No.1925411

Holy shit.
My sides are in orbit.
Why would Musk touch your shitcoin?
World's most inefficient computer.

>> No.1925417

It's already at $47 again. Chill and hold faget

>> No.1925420
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>buy into coin after it hits mainstream

>> No.1925422

Probably for the same reason microsoft, morgan and intel touched it

they can see the potential

>> No.1925431

Because Musk is a con artist?

>> No.1925440

don't worry, you can still buy bitcoin at $1,000

it can't go anywhere but up


>> No.1925460
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>> No.1925466
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Just end me

>> No.1925478

I didn't lie wingnut, stop being a fucking pussy we're fine.

>> No.1925488

speckle me this
and didle me that

>> No.1925561

Sell now!
Gibe cheap ETH pls

>> No.1925808

i hope it goes to 0$ fucktard
crypto coins are the greatest shit someone can "invest" in
enjoy the fact this board is full of pajeet scammers and high school kids

>> No.1925848


>nothing personal kid

>> No.1925858

because there isn't as much demand for decentralized smart contracts as you think there will be

>> No.1925900
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Are you tard?

XRP has a practical use case. An official, tested and now wanted use case. Reduces bank transfer costs significantly.

>calls a coin meant to take away profits from Jews...a Jew coin

>> No.1925911

Op your a retard for listening to biz but instead of panic selling it furthering your retardation just hold it and sell it at break even if your a pussy or at 70 dollars which is the next target in the next couple months

>> No.1925917

Feels bad man.
I hold ETH and Lisk

Both suffered from the dip.
Atleast Lisk has already survived the dip and going back to normal price.

>> No.1925931

>successfully reuses rocket he lands
If spacex was publicly traded I'd be buying stock in it right now
bitcoin costs over $1100 now

>> No.1925936

Its a coin meant to decrease costs for jews, not take away their profit.

>> No.1925943
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It'll go back up you fucking dumbass, and it's gonna go back down again. Idiots who think a drop is foreverXD.

>> No.1925972

Sell your ETH OP before it bottoms out and you lose everything!

>> No.1925981

On the bright side, I only have 3 ETH :^)

>> No.1925998

He actually delivered on Tesla tho...

>> No.1926008

Either be prepared to be a bagholder for a year or sell it now and just accept the the loss.

>> No.1926016 [DELETED] 

Make lots of gains here https://ads.cash/prelaunch/2.html?id=mmjordan007&link=1

>> No.1926027

In the past few days the volume has doubled from 150000 to 300000.

What does this mean?

>> No.1926028

just buy eth and sell (short) the same on margin.

A dump is brewing to rekt the longs that were gathered at $50.

Another leg up will happen in a few weeks though so set a stop at your entry, we could see $38~ imo

>> No.1926033

ETH will rise again but it'll take a while.

>> No.1926085
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>> No.1926325


you have to hold long term anon. don't chicken out.

here's a piece of advice i got over a year ago which i didn't take. had i taken the advice i would have multiplied my eth by 5.

put your eth away for a year or even two. do not obsess over it, do not look at it. do not track market movements. close the box and forget for a year. you'll check back in 18 months and eth will be around 300$.

i bought 4k at 8$, it went up to around 30$, i sold when it started heading back to 25$. imagine the gains had i kept a cool head and held until now. makes me want to kms desu.

>> No.1926347

you forgot an extra 0 on that 300, anon-kun

>> No.1926363

XRP is being experimented on, there's no plans to use it, they are just testing out the blockchain system.

and even if they decide to use it, it'll be used internally to reduce costs for the bank, not for you, you bloody retard.

this is also why it'll never reach any delusional amounts like 10$ per coin like most of you XRP fags think.

It'll be entirely controlled by the banks.

get your head out of your ass pl0x

>> No.1926379


Shit that would make many people millionaires. If it goes to 1$ that's already great

>> No.1926442
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>coin gets hyped and pumped the fuck up
>eventually the pump runs out of buyers and the price stalls
>systematically retraces as winners take profits and losers cut their losses
>bagholders whine about "whales" "manipulating" the price

How new are you? You actually non-ironically believed a 5x rise in price in less than a month was organic and long-lasting? What a fucking retard.

>> No.1926464

OP You're a fucking retard for buying recently and thinking it would shoot immediately to 100.

Bought in at 20, I'm perfectly okay with these slight fluctuations.

>> No.1926595

Can't you just invest this shit in a DAO within ETH or is this not a thing anymore?

>> No.1926615

>buying into shitcoin alternatives
AHAHAHAHHHAHAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Done shilling your """""investment""""" /biz/?

>> No.1927417
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>pick only one

In order to lie, biz first need to know the truth.
You are fucking pathetic faggots, even /pol is smarter then (((you)))

>> No.1928112
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>> No.1928122

Quit panic selling then. Look at the order book we are under attack by bots that are artificially driving the price down by reselling to themselves at a lower price.

They are doing the same to first blood, don't buy into the fear and give them cheap shit just hodl

>> No.1928123


>> No.1928141

sell it when it hits zero you will become very rich.

>> No.1928162

Vitalik has said repeatedly that Ethereum was never intended to be priced high, as it is a token rather than a currency. It has no more value than Monero, and has less tech development than even IOC.

Ethereum's real value is somewhere between $15-$25.

>> No.1928173

>attempts to call others out on being stupid
>is incapable of correctly typing ''than'' in its proper context

Good job!

>> No.1928175

>"Th-the market is being manipulated! I won't fall for (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((t-th-their)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) tricks, I'll be a millionaire by the end of the month if I just hold"
lmao you coincucks are pathetic

>> No.1928176

>"I-it'll outpace bitcoin, just you watch w-wagies!"

>> No.1928182

Invest in a meme stock market that tries to look like the stock market.

Invest in Physical and Tangable google like gold and land.
You got...

>> No.1928184

alts are a meme no normie has ever heard of, btc dominance is going back up

>> No.1928185

physical goods*

>> No.1928190

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.1928194
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>bought hype it was going to moon
>Spent 2k when it was at $50
>Dropped to 46
>Listened to reddit that 46 was a steal
>Dropped 1k at 46
>Down to 43 spent last $500
>Watch it sink lower and lower

>> No.1928197

Man ETHcucks have no resolve. Bitcoiners have been here promoting BTC through thick and thin, at 1300 and at 800. ETHcucks get babbys first selloff and immediately start posting frogs on /biz/.

Are ETHcucks just all around shittier speculators then BTClords? You certainly seem to have way less fucking money lmao. I have 36k tied up in BTC and haven't panicked yet.

You fucks wait until you get a REAL selloff, then you can come cry here. For what it's worth, BTC is back and we're going to at least $1200 again so you might as well hop on a long position and mitigate some of those losses, lmao.

>> No.1928200

you are a meme my man

t. sold at 0.055 btc

thanks for holding our bags tho i guess?

>> No.1928202
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>no normie has ever heard of
Mr. Goldstein will take care of that.

>> No.1928217

Brainwashed Americans.

Do You Deserve it?

>> No.1928237
File: 48 KB, 540x540, eJwNy0EOwiAQAMC_8ACWXUCgHzAefAMhlNCaVgisJ-PfbeY8X_EZh1jExtznArDuM7exysltpFpkba0eJfV9ytxOSMwpb2d58wTSFm_W6BAUortooGANeqdVsF6R9wrh8bxHUuiUJhMJr2GjCU6-ehW_PyZDJSk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy DCR niggers

>> No.1928243

Yeah been through some shit with BTC but can confirm it is back yet again, I'm on ETH too but don't concern myself with short term flucs there either and just stick to the fucking script.

>> No.1928246

I have a Special brainwashing Message For You Americans.


The Subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKFx0MMqb48&index=27&list=RD1lWJXDG2i0A
Fuck I swear to god those words where different.

I heard gay things, honest to god.


Record all You hear.

>> No.1928247


You were spot on.

>> No.1928248

I swear I heard Gay lyrics, nothing against quite gays...

I swear Im not making things up.

Fuck, I may be crazy.

>> No.1928250

File a complaint with the SEC and have /biz/ locked up for the P&D fraud they did to you.

>> No.1928252

Dude... I swear I the Lyrincs where not the same.

I am implying that we where being brainwashed Trump some how stopped it.

>> No.1928254


It feels so good to cash out at like 48, should've done it earlier but I hesitated. Either way, once this bitch goes to 20, I'm buying again and riding that wave.

>> No.1928257

Even Normal Television Shows.

like Family guy where going all pro gay.

Bear with me, Nothing against gays.

Its as if there was some kind of a brain washing that we somehow averted.


Thank god! for Trump.

>> No.1928260

Buying and shorting the same amount is the stupidest thing I've ever read... it's the same thing as selling your position, except you are paying the margin interest.

>> No.1928270

Bearing and bulling and doing?

What about something else other than the Human opinion that makes up 1/3rd of an investors opinion?

Hey man.... You asked for it.