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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19217392 No.19217392 [Reply] [Original]

The problem with LINK is that it's like the shitcoin flavor of the week that never died. It's anything but organic.
You want to talk about "having 3 years" and who/who isn't a newfag? It took 2 years of obsessive, cult-like marketing for Link to see the kind of gains that dozens of easily-forgettable 2017 shitcoins took a month or less to pull, and half of that was only because you all lied about a bunch of fake partnerships.
The anti-LINK threads are more than justified considering that you clearly either paid off the mods or they don't give 2 fucks about the board despite all the complaints about it. It's exactly what you deserve for shoving this shit down everyone's throats for so long.

If LINK weren't dependent on /biz/ and reliant on a team of private Discord shills that conveniently begin shilling around the same exact time everyday (6 AM EST), they clearly wouldn't need to have 25 threads up at the same time to prove this convoluted point... For that matter, why do so many Linkies have to step up and try their hand at justifying themselves in this thread if it really doesn't matter that much? If it doesn't matter, why are you all so defensive, so easily triggered, so quick to project and insult when the smallest of things don't go your way?
I'll be honest in saying that, had it not been for the obnoxious level of spam, I might have bought a bag. At this point? I wouldn't touch it with a 12 ft pole.

link posters win because there is a prolonged and dedicated effort by you and others like you to spam incessantly to the point that moderation can't begin to keep up or is in direct collusion with you. there's nothing organic about it.

>> No.19217571
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Do you see that huge ungodly push in posting of useless chainlink threads?

this is the classic and usual scamming techniques made by the team. They salt the forums like any other pnd shitcoin. It's called false consensus building and band wagoning. Don't fall for it.