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File: 167 KB, 1080x1008, 20200520_111145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19212056 No.19212056 [Reply] [Original]

I'll end any fud you have, debate me.

>> No.19212106
File: 5 KB, 224x225, thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copied whitepages

Outsourced Pajeet coders

Head developer of esh not knowing his own coders

ghost token not dropping on the 25th, an erc-20 token as a placeholder being dropped

>> No.19212145
File: 51 KB, 432x250, Wavesbet-Airdrop-WBET-1vvycinxnzjk2uov5ahym2k7a06oiwwgxza98j1uqf3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard that the team are just laundering money using w-a-v-e-s-b-e-t.

>> No.19212156
File: 59 KB, 590x485, 343f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5083455.0 -Swap - December, 2018
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5153172.0 - Switch - June, 2019

>> No.19212260


1. I think johns tweet answers this, it's a fork from divx, it's not illegal, they copy pasted out of laziness but they're also added new stuff. They're aware of the bugs and are not exactly replicating it, it'll be a FORK.

2. Would you be able to write code when you're 74 and high on bathsalts 24/7? Nothing showing they're literal pajeets. More likely some people who John has done work with in the past and he trusts to leave it to, since when has John been stupid?

3. Like I said, probably John's connections. Man has shilled coins in the past, bound to have spoken to well versed and knowledgeable coders who could do with some money.

4. What does that have to do with anything? Esh isn't ghost, it's just being used to get people used to the idea of Ghost and hyped before the actual product gets dropped, developments take time.

>> No.19212274


What did you want me to debate about this exactly?

>> No.19212309


I don't have any proof against it but I also have no proof against god existing but it doesn't mean either are real.

>> No.19212370

God is real.

>> No.19212379


I'm not claiming he isn't, I'm saying I don't have proof.

>> No.19212398
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Weak fud.
Nobody gives a fuck.


>> No.19212444


What time is John washtrading his ESH/WAVES tonight. Any minute now right?? when is the red candle?

>> No.19212470
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>What does the fact that the actual coin isn't being released but a pajeet erc20 shitcoin token instead have to do with anything?

>> No.19212478


>I think johns tweet answers this, it's a fork from divx, it's not illegal, they copy pasted out of laziness but they're also added new stuff. They're aware of the bugs and are not exactly replicating it, it'll be a FORK.

And they wont tell you exactly what this 'new stuff' is - strange right?

>Would you be able to write code when you're 74 and high on bathsalts 24/7? Nothing showing they're literal pajeets. More likely some people who John has done work with in the past and he trusts to leave it to, since when has John been stupid?

That crackhead hasn't done anything relevant for 20+ years and has no standing in the dev world, zero, Zilch. The fucker has been fucking over folks like josh for years. Just go and ask the folks over at Promether.

>Like I said, probably John's connections. Man has shilled coins in the past, bound to have spoken to well versed and knowledgeable coders who could do with some money.


>What does that have to do with anything? Esh isn't ghost, it's just being used to get people used to the idea of Ghost and hyped before the actual product gets dropped, developments take time.

They will 'postpone', and then refactor, and then fix, ad infinitum. Pumping and dumping on your ass. But you be a good ghostie and keep answering all our questions.

>> No.19212481

Mcafee is involved

>> No.19212515

What kind of gay faggot meme is that? Why don’t you fuck back where you came from nigger

>> No.19212518
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>weak fud, muh original code
They stole everything anon..

>> No.19212611


I understand there's a lot of uncertainty but when are you ever certain about anything? Clown world.

>be me
>have never coded anything in my life
>I can create a perfect privacy coin tested and bugproof in weeks easily, it's not hard inventing new technology. I do it everyday in the shower lol.
>INVENTION 1 neverending pencil? Why dont they just invent one? And maybe infinite power too, would be easy just use like turbines. Debate instead of calling me a pajeet you tard

>> No.19212654

holy cope you're never gettin the real ghost sandeep, your erc20 shitbags will be worthless

>> No.19212674


They maybe haven't finished it and fleshed it all out yet, they're not todd fucking howard, 16x the transfer rates using all NEW technology.

If you can trust one thing about John it's that he wants drug money, what better way to get it than invent his own money that he gets for free and then convincing everyone else it's worth their drugs?

You have to realize John is a millionaire right? Do you think he just found his seat at the table? He fucking earned it.

He could, for sure. But that's not to say that he will. Not really looking for but he could this or he couls that. He could track you down and rape you but hes not going to is he?

>> No.19212700

Kek this fucker opened up a debate me thread.

>> No.19212702


You're absolutely right... I was a fool but your superb rhetoric has convinced me... I'll tell the village leader we'll need to take a second loan from the church on the cows... I've failed...

>> No.19212752


>a debate thread (snickers) I'll show them... PAJEET LOOL SMELLY SMELLY PAJEET HAHA. I might run for debate club at school. Kek on these normie plebs. Desuuuuuu

>> No.19212861

This is fucking delusional. But keep buying them ghosties.

>> No.19212876

>doesn't address Facebook with a 600 billion dollar marketcap and plenty of money for research using an incredibly similar logo.

If that's the case...
Ethereum stole Ethereum Classic
ZEC stole Bitcoin Core

Amazing how your type went from saying the whitepaper doesn't matter when it dropped to saying PIVX has been ripped off and had their tech stolen.

PIVX is pissed because if Ghost is able to implement zk-snarks or even zk-sharks then they will look like retards. Also understand, zk-snarks fundamentally changes how the chain functions and it is not included in the current PIVX implementation. The fact of the matter is, neither you or I know exactly how the mainnet functions, but if it is a PIVX fork with snarks as they say, then this is huge and they have beaten PIVX to their own roadmap goal.

>> No.19212913


How bad did you get burnt big boy? Grow some fucking balls.

>> No.19212946

Its not cryptocurrency.

>> No.19212966


>> No.19213048

getting pivx fork up and running in a few short weeks with some idiot named josh and outsourced pajeets. you do realize you're gonna be holding an erc20 token for a long as time trading all on speculation that the coin will even come to fruition, right?


>> No.19213087
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>Mcafee is an old greedy hog and he gives zero fucks about any of you. He is 74 years old, snorting coke and fucking ghetto thick assed wild hog smelling black hookers while a McAfeeTM device drops pikogramms of Rush under his nose. He burns the candle on both sides and just wants a big payday before taking the big old rest...
Now debate me and before you say any word think about all the hard work and love you needed to be here in this exact shitty moment.

>> No.19213100

Never held ESH. Don't care about muh privacy coins. Just calling out this bullshit for what it really is.

>> No.19213128

The fuck are you even on about. Delusional fag. It's not about code base forking, they just plagiarized the whitepaper. And stole some logo. And none of the folks involved can actually code. Keep buying anon.

>> No.19213184


>> No.19213235


Do we have a start date on development? Everyone is still home, don't see why they couldn't release something reasonably fast? "Some idiot named josh" does his name make him any less qualified? I'm sure at the McDonalds were you work you have a manager too. This market is speculation you monkey, name one single coin that has any use at all? If everything cryptocurrency related got deleted off the interner nothing would change. Nothing.
An actual team means fuck all, you have no idea who is working on this project. No one does except the devs.

>> No.19213365

>And they wont tell you exactly what this 'new stuff' is - strange right?
the privacy protocol coding
>That crackhead hasn't done anything relevant for 20+ years and has no standing in the dev world
literally headed up a tech holdings company that had 800m in crypto. Lives his life completely on crypto, and (right or wrong) is constantly asked about crypto opinions and predictions.
You're absolutely fucking delusional if you don't think he has connections in tech.
>They will 'postpone', and then refactor, and then fix, ad infinitum.
[source: my asshole]
You're in denial and in contradiction to your own argument. It would behoove him more to just get some clone coin out to make more money rather than ride a pump and dumb on a fake airdrop.

>> No.19213473

You don't understand how forks work do you?
Oh and keep buying into that copyright FUD
They faked it and updated the paper so that they could cry wolf on Twitter.
Guess they forgot to update this whitepaper PDF with the newest "revision" though


Seethe more.

>> No.19213590
File: 1.85 MB, 1256x1258, Screen Shot 2020-05-19 at 2.43.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know josh is an idiot, go to his telegram and interact with him. He defended against pivx like a little bitch, has zero programing knowledge, is late on deliverying simple things like blog posts, HIS ENTIRE TEAM IS FUCKING SPICS AND SHADY BROWN FAGGOTS GO AND SEE FOR YOURSELF... and he's unironically a kike.

there is no start date or anything else because it's being run by an incompetent faggot.



>nobody knows except the devs
and we don't know who the devs are, we haven't seen any code and we can't publicly scrutinize anything. guaranteed the outsourced devs are brown scammers or literal niggers, per usual with shitcoins.

>> No.19213620

take your pills /pol/ack

>> No.19213715
File: 1.91 MB, 1136x1186, Screen Shot 2020-05-18 at 11.03.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off josh, you are fucking everything up. oh ok, you want a bunch of low retards programming this thing? you want all these spics pushing everything forward? this thing is gonna fail because of this nonsense, practically has.

anyone who isn't honest about how shitty this ESH team has been so far, is part of that faggot shill team. YOU FAGGOTS POST BIZ THREADS IN THE TELEGRAM TO GO RAID< WE ALL SAW IT

pic related is what your faggot team looks like

>> No.19213747


They could've handled the PR thing much quicker, he probably had to wait for John to wake up to get some advice. He may not be smart, but he has McAfee on his side. He's got all he needs to moonshot this shit. McAfee can't run this shit. He's wanted by too many people.

I don't advocate blanket hating races because that's retarded thinking. All people can be smart and kind/loving, there's a million factors in turning out a good/normal person, not exclusive to race and your immediate surroundings growing up.

I'd prefer an autist than some HIGH IQ businessman jew. Fake company PR releases to make everyone happy can fuck off.

>> No.19213751

>t. I don't understand how mainnet launches work

>> No.19213769


more to the universe than that which can be discreetly measured, seen, and understood with human perception.

>> No.19213801
File: 842 KB, 1292x1252, Screen Shot 2020-05-18 at 11.04.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not gonna launch, not with this team. nothing is going to launch, you're getting an erc20 and weeks of cope and bullshit while they pump and dump on your little pee pee. how retarded are you

>> No.19213864

>not exclusive to race

Ever hear of averages you fucking spic?

read the bell curve you dumb faggot. now it's obvious you're a faggot telegram shill from your low iq team. get fucked nigger

>high iq businessman jew

he doesn't know

>> No.19213883


Can you send a screenshot of them raiding us message? That's pretty fucked if they're actually doing that. Havent seen many broken English posting that I didn't think was ironic but you never know.

We don't know the team anon, we know the pr people

>> No.19213990


If you want to live your life around cherry picked and biased data, then do it. Hate and be sad all your life over meaningless shit.

Go baack to pol holy shiiit

>> No.19214127

There is no evidence at this point to suggest you are correct
They've made good on their exchange listings
They've made good on their roadmap from over a year ago to expand and branch Switch.ag out
The recurring fees that can be generated from staking, pool fees on swaps, and bets through wavesbet which are all now connected to McAfee will be more than a simple PnD scam.
PnD would destroy that means of recurring income.

Also...those ERC tokens will only be airdropped to ESH holders. There will only be those tokens that will then reflect the price of Ghost fomo more than ESH does and that is when the real shilling begins.

I appreciate that you think you're helping me, but I made up my mind after a significant amount of research that I can back up with factual links, not opinions such as yourself.

>> No.19214172

Why did he choose a literally who token instead of a token much more known for not being sketchy in it's approach to shill you ghost tokens?

>> No.19214203

>we don't know the team
because they're literal hired niggers from fivr.

>> No.19214207

Because McAfee is attempting to cultivate an ecosystem


>> No.19214240


What would the difference have been?

>> No.19214280
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They cashed out on the dump to hire whomever the fuck they want now.

>> No.19214294

just stop already this is fucking pathetic. i like the ghost coin concept, i want mcafee to win, your refusal to acknowledge the glaring retardation of the ESH team shows that you are part of that team. your inability to scrutinize the disaster that has been ESH/Josh thus far is so fucking telling. just fuck off already kike-spic

>> No.19214309

josh hasn't written any code and the ghost "airdrop" is just another erc token, just another way for them to string you along to extract money from you. they have done no work.

the work they plagiarized was a version of pivx that had glaring security issues

get your money out of this and leave the discord. you are delusional at this point

>> No.19214322

>I'll end any fud you have, debate me.
I have 8k ESH and like $300 in ETH. Could I just swing the $300 now by buying some more ESH and then selling them (just the $300 ETH to ESH buy-in) to BTC so I can basically get drugs for my camping trip at a discount?
tl;dr is ESH go up for next 2 days?

>> No.19214338

yeah who? some low level pr spic, almost guarantee it. pivx is an absolute shitcoin disaster. you're making it worse

>> No.19214381

You are still presenting no counterargument within factual context.
How much have you been paid to come here to this board?
I sincerely hope it is not enough to feed your family if you can't even argue against the likes of me.

>> No.19214414

>cherry picked

so you don't acknowledge human biodiversity is a thing? there are no difference between races, on average? you think sweden and africa and mexico are all the same? that if you put a bunch of Austrians in Ethiopia they's run around with their dicks and breasts out throwing spears?

just shut the fuck up, please. fucking brainlet

>> No.19214438

Why is ESH not on a proper exchange? IDEX is slow garbage without sell limits

>> No.19214479

as someone who has lost $500 in the last 3 days from this shitcoin, i think its going to go up till the 23rd, then tank after the 25th. Do with that as you will.

>> No.19214488


what the fuck are you talking about did you see how many exchanges they announced since pivx FUD? right before the airdrop there gonna be trading competition so volume of ESH will be 50x bigger than actual

>> No.19214529


>> No.19214545

dumb money. i bought in at 1.60 and i feel that we are in the same boat

>> No.19214556

>counterargument within factual context
you argue like a bitch. All people need to do is read this one post:


and then go to the telegram and engage with the team:


if you're not a nigger, kike, jannie, trannie, etc you will see, just by reading that medium post, how incompetent the switch team have been thus far

>how much have you been paid

you're literally projecting with the paid shill meme you filthy spic. who would pay me to shill against switch/josh. I'M PRO GHOST YOU BRAINLET, THAT'S WHY I WANT MCAFEE TO GET A REAL TEAM.

back to your telegram group you obvious shiill faggot spic

>> No.19214588
File: 1.63 MB, 1038x1168, Screenshot 2020-05-19 at 14.10.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just wait two or three days to see all of below:


allegedly there is OKEX in play

>> No.19214590

You mean a centralized exchange? IDEX is one of the most legitimate DEXes out there, although now if you want higher limits there's KYC, so it's more of a hybrid than a pure DEX. In any case, there are more listings on the way.

>> No.19214638
File: 675 KB, 738x1586, Screenshot 2020-05-19 at 22.55.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OKEX according to pic related

>> No.19214665

gtfo you have an agenda here kike, you fucking glow, you think we are stupid? why would you care so much about anons' $? a humanitarian crypto police officer on 4chan? give me a fucking break faggot

>> No.19214666
File: 175 KB, 2312x520, Screenshot 2020-05-20 at 03.43.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stex is already on, check CMC

>> No.19214780


are any of these instant transfers

>> No.19214806

holy FUCK

>> No.19214836

t. Didn't read the thread

>> No.19214861


I think it's pretty obvious I was meaning in personality. A retard could tell you africans are on average, physically larger than the chinese.

>> No.19214975

Live On
Coming up on
Active pools on

So much anger.
Yeah, keep telling everybody how you support the "idea" and not the team that bring it to fruition. All of my posts have been in defense of both.
You olive branch your argument to try to sway on the fence opinions and FUD that at present it can't successful with the current members.
Seethe more fren.
Not selling my bags.

>> No.19215071
File: 17 KB, 200x313, Nvm+i+found+a+better+quality+one+for+you+_49069bbbcbbb981afcb5283e8f59362c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>so much anger

concern trolling 101

>seethe more fren
>not selling my bags

just read the above fellas and tell me this isn't a paid spic shill from the telegram. "ok Jose, make sure you use the lingo of whatever image board you're shilling to... here, here's the list for key words to use on some basket weaving site or something"

>> No.19215153


checkout My Big Toe, by Thomas Campbell he is actually making scientific experiments proofing that we live in a simulation and that also implies that god itself is a computer capable of creating virtual realities, like the one we live in.

it's interesting, and based.

>> No.19215849

Switch started in 2018 also, they were just known as etherswift

>> No.19216103
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>> No.19216185

so much fucking cope from people with weak hands

>> No.19216905

fuck off back to discord, jose

>> No.19216930

I never get in on discords or airdrops, forever doomed to actually perform due diligence, sorry son but you shouldn't of dumped.

>> No.19216990

>Why did he choose a literally who token
Because the concept of ESH/Switch as a decentralized private way to switch currencies works well with figuring out who would actualy hodl/use Ghost. Also, the low mcap makes it moon harder.

>> No.19217010

Not the guy that you are replying to, but his argument is much more appealing than your ad hominem ranting.

>> No.19217060

Cringe. Just buy the next bubble (MPC) via ARPA desu. Stop fucking with scams it's almost the golden bull.

>> No.19217079
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/Stealth Mode/
Like A Ghost.

>> No.19217093

Imagine not being on this ghost train holy shit.

>> No.19217126

>due diligence
when will you get the actual ghost coin, not just an erc20 token?

name me 3 people on the ghost team

>> No.19217151

back to redddit and your telegram faggot fest, jose. is josh paying you $4 an hour? that's pretty good for mexico i guess

>> No.19217197

Holy shit bro you're STILL here? We've all been burnt before, don't act tough on the internet. How much did you lose?

>> No.19217211

>nb4 N-n-n-none! I don't buy shitcoins baka

I don't think anyone on the planet would shit on something for over 5 hours for nothing

>> No.19217252

the fact that /biz/ went full retard the second it took a shit due to fearmongering. then /biz/ went full retard the second it appeared to be alright

>> No.19217255

>still here
19 posts by your id. josh needs to give you a raise, spic

>> No.19217268

i havent replied in 3 hours holy shit im gonna get fired :(

How much did you lose?

>> No.19217281

If you didnt sell you have a gambling problem, I didnt sell.

>> No.19217395

in sub 10 cents out at a dollar ninety. how heavy are my bags you little nigger

>> No.19217491

post proof retard

>> No.19217549

>post proof
imagine me logging into my idex to prove something to a literal nigger shill

>> No.19217675

You’re not funny and your post reeks of autism and inceldom.

>> No.19218152

Oh look OP never delivered, I hope all of you that bought his coin lose all the money you need for bills & you die penniless on the street where people shit

>> No.19218577

I thought this was a meme, what does that even mean? What is the definition of a cryptocurrency?

>> No.19218594

Did I hit a nerve? Obviously i'm trying to be funny and have to prove it to strangers online, that's the objective of my posting to make you laugh

>> No.19218623


>It takes me hours to decrypt my password going through the correct channels... I have to translate it from binary to AES and then to TRIPLE des...

That's probably why you got burnt faggot, because your password is too complicated for you to fucking remember

>> No.19218682

>What is the definition of a cryptocurrency?
The definition for cryptocurrency is below. This is how it became regulated in '15. Now I can provide the whole document but we all know you don't /can't read. Below is all you need to know.

>a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.

>> No.19218706

>what does that even mean?
It means that you are a fuckin newfag & shilling shit you don't even know anything about. EVEN THE BASICS.

Your shitcoin is a scam BY DEFINITION

>> No.19218731

I think either you're retarded or you made this question dumb on purpose. It will be a Cryptocurrency, by wikipedia definition. Basically an online "coin" that can be exchanged and logged completely through the internet. what is this question? seriously?

>> No.19218741

God is far beyond whatever it is youre talking about. I will look into the book you suggest, but know that God. The Father. The One Above All. God is beyond any understanding, any knowing, and certainly science. God is based and I love Him.

>> No.19218751

What the fuck do YOU think the coin is?

>> No.19218785

no its very easy fro me to log in, i just don't do it for nigger shills. now get back to work shilling for your jew boss josh, nigger slave

>> No.19218823

Oh you're shill #21? I'm #20 lol! we're in the office one over omg

>> No.19218853

A scam ICO. & retard, its not what I think, its what it is.

Why are you shilling scams?

>> No.19218854
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>> No.19218909

are you >>19218706?

Anything is a scam then, you retard. Stocks are a scam, pure speculation. Money is a scam, you're betting by selling something for money that money is worth more than what you sold. Anytime you've ever bought something you've scammed someone, betting that what you've bought is more valuable than the money you've spent on it is a scam if your definition of a scam is what you say this coin is "Betting on the future price of a product/service"

>> No.19218913
File: 785 KB, 1712x1839, 3E310054-51A0-47B3-AB29-544A04D64BBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. PIVX bag boy

>> No.19218932

It is an ICO, does that make it a scam? what makes it a scam?
Give me something to debate you stupid monkey

>It's a scam retard

>Why is it a scam, care to explain?

>No. It's a scam faggot pajeet. kill your self.

>> No.19218981

>are you >>19218706?

>Anything is a scam then, you retard
You have no clue that airdrops/ICOs are considered unregistered securities. You have no clue about the reality of what you're shilling. you're a '17+ fag, your opinion is worthless.
Sorry retard I actually trade, I don't buy shitcoins

>> No.19219005

sorry I guess you didint read the part where I said it's speculative. Nothing is guaranteed. I wonder if you're one of the special needs boomers who is going to sue his renters for not paying rent during corona. You're lucky the economy got injected or anything you own would be fucking worthless.

>> No.19219083

>e I said it's speculative.
I guess you didn't read the part where I said its not speculative. you fuckin retard, do you want to read the guidance that made cryptocurrency what it is?

>Nothing is guaranteed.
Dunno, guarantee you have an IQ below 100.

I thought you wanted a debate you fuckin cunt shill.

Op concedes that this shitcoin is a scam & not cryptocurrency

>> No.19219116

I don't remember it being claimed as a Cryptocurrency by anyone, and i'm sure if they did it's by generalization.

>Here he here he, I do announce myself as victorious it this battle of whit and rhetoric!

You don't get to decide when you've won in a debate retard.

Do you know what speculation is? I'm speculating that this will be worth assloads more in the future. THATS WHAT YOU DO WITH STOCKS YOU TARD LOOOL

>> No.19219171

Did you know that stocks are actually a scam? there's nothing at all about ownership of a % of a company that's real. Shares aren't real. It's guaranteed by some form of government but if the stocks/shares disappear NOTHING in this world is lost. Grow up.

>> No.19219195

Buying stocks is buying speculation. You're speculating the government wont stop enforcing it and that they'll increase in value because OTHER people THINK they're worth more.

>> No.19219227



>> No.19219270

>Cryptocurrency by anyone
I provided the definition here >>19218623
, its the definition in oxford, webster all the commonly accepted dictionaries. this definition comes from the below link. This originates from '15 when they where deciding how to regulate CRYPTOCURRENCY


Read it retard

>Did you know that stocks are actually a scam?
I hear what your saying retard
> there's nothing at all about ownership
stocks are owned by cede & co
>Grow up.
you still haven't got a rebuttal to the fact that this shitcoin is not cryptocurrency

>Buying stocks is buying speculation.
WOW OP has genius level IQ

Debate me on the fact that this shitcoin IS cryptocurrency...oh whats that you can't
I'll wait