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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1917125 No.1917125 [Reply] [Original]

Do we have any people here that aren't wageslaves and don't have a 'real' job? That mostly means online businesses or other money making schemes:
-'seo cucks' whatever that means
-e-mail lists
-adsense and such
-other site/blog monetizations
-and countless others

How did you make it?

>> No.1917153

Well, I have a job but my bills are paid by landlording. Does that count?

>> No.1917164

sure, that's a great thing, sadly I have no way of doing that. I just do some slavework online, which is super easy and pays 'well' for my country, but I need more profitable and stable stuff.

>> No.1917182
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Rentier signing in. Pretty comfy. Biggest joke is I pay zero tax (only health insurance) while the average worker (someone who actually creates value) is taxed like hell.

It's quite funny to think about it, system totally screwing the ones who should be supported.

>> No.1917189

Self employed for 5 years. I buy and sell real estate. Make about 100k a year give or take. I look to make about 5-10k on each deal. One a month and I'm set.

>> No.1917213
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>Cryptocoin savings
>webcammer gf

my life is a fucking meme

>> No.1917232

>webcammer gf
That's the funniest part.

>> No.1917399


Do you invest in anything else?

>> No.1917438

I have about 8K in gold and silver. Other than that, no. Real estate gives me double digit returns when I hold it, and infinite returns when I flip, so there isn't a better investment for me personally.

>> No.1917441

i'm the guy you replied to btw. on my computer now instead of mobile.

>> No.1917454

can you recommend some reading material for that? I want to get into that. How did you start financing?

>> No.1917460

If you find a really good deal the money will follow. Look up "wholesaling" on biggerpockets dot com.

>> No.1917486

>be me
>drag my ass from one demeaning wagecuck job to another
>build illusion of credit worthiness and earning stability
>buy "fixer-upper" in older but decent area of city
>rent out every single room in the motherfucker to my idiot friends
>friends pay off all of my mortgage each month except $50. I pay more than this each month to pay off mortgage at accelerated pace, reducing total interest to bank
>build home equity, trade in house for nicer house in nicer part of town
>rent out every room in the motherfucker
>start saving and investing in Mutual Funds because I don't know any better, it seemed reasonable at the time
>go to Uni, study Commerce, Finance, Economics
>really start to invest hardcore
>people have no idea that in the stock market ON AVERAGE your money doubles in nominal terms every 7 years and doubles in real terms every 10 years.
>idiot friends jerk off to fantasies about building better mousetrap, side hustles, etc.
>instead I buy AMZN, AAPL, NFLX, TSLA, NVDA, GS, JPM, BRKB, etc, etc. I don't know shit about mousetraps, but I can identify motherfuckers that do
>today, net worth approaching 800k, last year it grew by 150k.
>it is a mathematical certainty now that I will be a millionaire, it's merely a test of how soon I can accomplish it.
>I live off of rental revenue, capital gains, dividends, REIT disbursements, and the occasional side-hustle that I do for mostly sanity reasons because I've almost self-destructed in rock-star mode. Once I started falling into trap of thinking I had "made it" I started to fall apart with no direction or motivation. You have to have a dream to keep pushing you, even if it's an autistic one.

>> No.1917592
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Disabled war veteran, vA compensates very well.
I also trade between cryptos to support a drug habit.

>> No.1918110

Full time carer for a sick parent, while also sharing some of the illnesses in the early stages and unhealthily co-dependant on family. No wife or kids, so it's looking like a mail-order-bride in the mid-thirties or forties.

As for money, NEET/health bucks, while also learning the stock market (currently a hundred bucks up on a share that has community interest, and is thus a pretty safe bet I hope, despite it only raising 2 cents) and liquidating nerd assets like models, roleplaying shit and graphic novels. I plan on, for the next decade, putting half my 'worth' into the market, and a third I'm not living off into gold and silver. It won't be much, as health bucks aren't exactly amazing, but perhaps I can make something of myself.

>> No.1919347

> i make bank from adsense / media net / etc
> have a dropship site which not live yet building FB page then going to do ads and shill my products to said page

There are many cons no one talks about for not real jobs.
>procrastinating is easy
>boring as fk
>being alone staring at pixels all day
>basically a gamble
>learning all the tricks of the trade
>takes skill to start earning
>extremely time-consuming
> hard to find good outsourced workers
>scammers everywhere
>have to diversify monetization in case of a ban or policy change like amazon recently
>hackers galore
>spending money to make money
> have to manage sites, social media, ads, seo
> no time off

>> No.1919356

Online poker 10nl

>> No.1919358

is she hot

>> No.1919461

>mathematical certainty to be a millionaire
The crash is coming, anon. Watch out!

>Falling apart after "making it"
I feel you there. Good advice. I guess you literally have to aim for Mars like Musk.

>> No.1919814

NEET here. I don't do jack shit all day but post on 4chan. I'm actually looking for work but i can't find anything. I signed up for amazon flex but it's not in my area yet.

>> No.1920436

How, tell me

>> No.1920459

I'm a student, but I'm successfully self employed. My secret is doing stuff in a gray area of legality and diversifying your income. I sell knockoff stuff on eBay and other online sales places, I sell replica handbags and shit on Craigslist as well, but I sell them as knock off. I have a couple blogs with adsense and affiliate clicks, mostly porn. And I used to sell fake ids. I sell test banks, answer keys, and other school supplies on sites like Chegg.

The secret is to always think about how a situation can make you money. I needed a fake id, so after learning how to make one for myself I turned it into a business. Any semiexpensive item I want, I find a convincing replica on AliBaba and buy in bulk. Then I sell the rest online. I went to China with all the money I made, found dank sources for replica shoes, clothes, and handbags, so now I source those.

It's super easy to make money. Just find a source of something, find a market, and then buy from the source and sell to the market at a mark up.

>> No.1920465

That's not a gray area of legality. That's full on illegal.

>> No.1920467
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Started doing this after work
Didn't expect it to work

Going to make a new site and an accompanying youtube series showing step by step how to do this

>> No.1920490

Nice, yeah, the minuses are often overlooked, but it still beats a real job for me anytime.
Can you elaborate more on how you managed to succeed? Did you follow all the tutorials on the internet, found your own sources, etc?
Great, would you say it's still okay to try getting into poker nowadays? I hear from some poker-connected people that they don't really recommend poker nowadays, except if u are a real genius/really love it.
Sounds like blackhat in real life, pretty illegal if you ask me. At least it's working out for you, most people would never manage to get far that way, I think.
Looking forward to it, you monetize your wordpress via adsense/affiliate with SEO?

>> No.1921052

Pretty fucking stupid. I know a guy who got kicked out of college and spent some time in prison for being the best fake id guy at his school.

>> No.1921065
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Two things:

>failed kickstarter
Building a business is a fucking bitch, especially if you need components manufactured overseas (because that manufacturing literally doesn't exist in North America at all).

>YouTube channel
It's in the gaming/technology sector.

>have a few thousand subs
>earned about $300 so far (after about 6 months of work)
>spent MONTHS only getting a few hundred views a week, a handful of subscribers
>finally upload a video that goes big
>hit 100k views, >2k subscribers in about a week

Ultimately it just pissed me off because 98% of that traffic came from YouTube's main page. Finding success on YT is completely arbitrary and fundamentally out of your control. It, very literally, is just "maybe you'll get lucky and start to make money lol!"

The good news is I enjoy making videos, and I'm interested in the stuff I make videos on. But it is hard to find motivation with the constant anger and depression, but that'd happen regardless of what I was doing, wageslave or otherwise.

Ask me anything.

>> No.1921069

link to webcam

>> No.1921070

Ask you anything about what? You're a failure (your post is literally evidence of this) who has no valuable info to offer.

There's fucking nothing of interest for you to say

>> No.1921074
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>Ask you anything about what?
About YouTube, what do you think I was talking about?

>> No.1921077

But you failed at youtube... You earned $300 in 6 months and that was purely down to luck


>> No.1921085

What is it, a blog?

>> No.1921095
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Okay maybe that was poorly worded. It's not a "one and done" thing; you get and keep the ball rolling by releasing new videos, interacting with viewers, and expanding traffic. I got ~2,000 subscribers from that one video, and since then I've gain almost another 1,000 from releasing followup videos and other organic traffic.

People who put in less work or create lesser quality than me can become more successful literally "just because". I was just venting my frustration.

>> No.1921101

Why do you think that specific video was the one that took off

>> No.1921103

I'm 20 now, have been successful with internet marketing for the last 4 years (after spending ages 12+ trying to find shit that works).

£35k/y of passive income (literally the only work I do now is to pay my hosting bill w/ btc every month). I could scale to more, but don't really care to. Paying my way through university pursuing my interest in AI w/o having to worry about getting a job at the end of it.

I'm still not very intelligent though, and probably wont contribute anything meaningful to my field of interest. Any dumb fuck can make money on the internet, but if you're a dumb fuck, you wont realise that the pursuit of money is totally hollow until you make a load.

>> No.1921111

It happened to have the correct set of keywords, phrases, and title for YouTube's algorithms to put it on the front page. They aren't public with how those algos work, they never will be, and the only way to find out is by trial and error. I haven't been able to replicate anywhere near that level of success, but with enough guessing and checking, eventually I'll crack the code.

It's mostly annoying because the actual quality of your video has *nothing* to do with how much traffic it will get. None, whatsoever.

>> No.1921112

Went to school for graphic design and am now a freelance web and motion designer. Kinda stressful but it's okay. Thinking of getting a TESL cert so i can teach English on the side overseas as well.

>> No.1921129
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>It's mostly annoying because the actual quality of your video has *nothing* to do with how much traffic it will get. None, whatsoever.
Oh, similarly, the quality of a physical product is basically unrelated to how commercial successful it'll be.

Literally the most important factor in ANY business, any at all, whether it's a YouTube channel or a semiconductor manufacturer, is marketing. That's it. Marketing is >90% of what makes any endeavor successful. Everything else comes second; product quality, usefulness, price, customer service, anything. All that comes after marketing.

And that pisses me off. Making the best product/service/videos/websites/music/entertainment in the world means absolutely nothing if it isn't marketed extremely well. I can't wait to get enough money to fuck off from all this and never get myself involved with this rat race horse shit again.

>> No.1921137

I'm a merchant (offline), I make around 15k a month but don't pay taxes because I just "invest" the money in my company in Panama. This is 100% legal (not American)

>> No.1921180

Interesting, what brings in the most profit for you offline?

>> No.1921704

I just buy shit from chinks and sell it to little stores. Pretty much anything, toys, boxes, plastic shit, electronics etc.

>> No.1921737

Online college instructor
>check email
>post "thanks for your contribution" reply to discussion board posts
> takes about 5 minutes
>do it 4 times during the day
Pays about $80k per year

>> No.1921970

How did you get that job? How do you get paid for nothing lol

>> No.1921978

so you are doing like kind of dropshipping but in real life?

>> No.1922005

Are fake id's only good enough to fool doormen at pubs and clubs? Or are they actually good enough to open bank accounts, get a passport etc.

>> No.1922007


Damn son, nice traffic growth. Can you give us a short tldr of your strategy?

>> No.1922009 [DELETED] 

isaiah plz...

>> No.1922055

Kinda, I'm like a provider of Chink shit to small retailers. I am the Jew now.

>> No.1922064

fuck a job m8

>> No.1922087

what site do you buy from ?

>> No.1922719

about half a milly from crypto shit

>> No.1922732

Rev.com, captioning videos.

No shitty referral links and literally any moron with a few working hands can do it. Pay is shit until you caption over 1,200 minutes, then you have first pick on videos which range from lectures to YouTuber channels to documentaries to kids tv shows.

Make roughly 350 per week. Could push it to 500 if I sat down and put in 10 to 12 hours a day doing at it. Decent site if you're a decent typer. You're gonna have to wade through a lot of shit before you get to where you need to be though, but it's all work from home and you get deadlines that are way more than you need.

>> No.1922754

you can always fund an anime OP

>> No.1922947


Buying her used panties doesn't count as her being your gf.

Anyway, freelance here with a couple of sites on the side?

> How did you make it?

I lived with my parents for a while and had very little expenses while they took off.

>> No.1922982

Got affiliate, Ebay, Amazon, SEO, server admin, web design, etc etc skills.

Been hustling for more than 10 years. Usually make only about $1500 per month. Occasional peaks at $3000. Always dreaming of the next scaleable thing. Next time I get a buffer, I'll start a pizza-place in my main SEA location.

It is all quite tedious sometimes, however, I would rather do this at $1500, than slave in an office for $3000. The freedom, and potential of cashing in when one strikes lucky, is too good. I'd be scared if I was 100% working class without any potential backup though. If the bottom falls out of my business, there will always be a relative or friend that can help me with food/sofa/wifi until I can sort out my shit.

It feels very good to have a wide range of skills though. If my Ebay thing crashes, I can switch to another $1500 thing in 30 days or less.

>> No.1923789

what about postmates? that was my first job real job after being an on and off neet for the past 5 years.