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19143488 No.19143488 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a body like this?

>> No.19143514

Good diet.
Solid fitness regime.

99% chance you wont get all 3 of those, so probably not much you can do.

>> No.19143520

sucking cock

>> No.19143533

ss gomad

>> No.19143536

Go carnivore, unironically

>> No.19143559

ask fit

>> No.19143584

Bloat Maxx

>> No.19143591


Look at the cumgutters on that gumcutter

>> No.19143624

Varied pushups, hanging leg raises, 200 calorie deficit. Almost every day.

>> No.19143638

Unironically stop eating

>> No.19143645

bodyweight exercises and restrict calories/intermittent fasting

>> No.19143669

Build muscle and cut calories

>> No.19143673

Unironically roids stims gh and starving

>> No.19143713

hire a professional trainer
exercise constantly
eat meals at a huge calorie deficit that are hand-made by personal chefs
literally make it your life

>> No.19143716

Zebra cakes

>> No.19143836


>> No.19143950

Don't eat too much and do basic exercise. Run, push ups, chin-ups, dips, ab-shit.

He's not big here, just lean. Girls really like this aesthetic and you feel really healthy, though. So it's a good option if you can't be fucked with paying for a gym.

>> No.19144004

All these types of scenes are usually shot with the actor getting a pump. Unless youre on roids you don't look like this all the time.

>> No.19144019

god tier genetics and dehydration
plus cameraman magic

>> No.19144105

GENETICS and DIET lmao. Implying Hollywood isn't 99% roidragers who pump themselves full of bullshit and get 50 lbs of lean muscle in 6 months. The best lie Hollywood ever told was convincing the public that its actors are natural, just so Stacies can finger themselves to living vicariously through them thinking they'll also be rich thot Hollywood celebrities someday as long as they keep shaking their asses on Instagram for 1000 likes well into their late 20s.

>> No.19144115


>> No.19144126

Eat 1 meal every two days.

>> No.19144151

this exactly. the only way to get a body like that with actor timelines

>> No.19145397

not really roids but yea lots of supplements... shit like hydroxycut will get you ripped FAST if you are working out regularly and not eating like a total pig.

>> No.19145714


>> No.19145724


>> No.19145735

By bio hacking with intermittent fasting. Fag

>> No.19145764

Keto diet and intermitten fasting. Do some push ups in the morning and long walks. No sugar allowed.