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19138062 No.19138062 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone collecting (rare) cards and maybe selling them in the future? Will the current pokemon sets reach high prices in the futures?

>> No.19138136


>> No.19138152


>> No.19138157

>Anyone collecting (rare) cards and maybe selling them in the future?
No, but I find it interesting. Check out the channel Alpha Investments on youtube.
>Will the current pokemon sets reach high prices in the futures?
No, they're massive overprinted.

>> No.19138158

It’s cardboard. Worthless even less useful than paper money. Good luck.

>> No.19138165
File: 102 KB, 1019x643, 1019x680_41e8a03bc040aa60016cf54cfe5ee3e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, yeah...I'll pay for my groceries at costco with a few Pikachus. You have a higher probability of baying with BTC in the next few years than paying with a Blastoise.

>> No.19138194

It's not a currency dumbfuck, they're collectibles.

>> No.19138202

I have poke cards from my childhood. They only have sentimental value.

>> No.19138211
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wanna know how i got these cards

>> No.19138222

I see he's a MTG guy, I'm more of a pokemon guy
For most people its about nostalgic value

>> No.19138245
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>> No.19138308

These will continue to moon, don't tell anyone about the looked over vintage tcgs yet though.

>> No.19138341
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>investing in pokemon

>> No.19138376


The rise in price of Pokemon cards during the last 5 years has been the closest gains in comparison to crypto in the field of collectibles.

>> No.19138380
File: 885 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200428-193622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that cars worth like $100k? I really want to buy a basic set booster box, but they're around $8k

>> No.19138413


I bought two of those base unlimited boxes in 2017. I was aiming to buy 10 but never got round to it. I will be holding them for my retirement, or perhaps for my descendants.

>> No.19138462

mother of god

i remember when i was like 7-8 years old begging my parents for $9.99 to buy a booster pack from KB Toys at the mall. the memories.

>> No.19138482

I think one was sold for $55k. Incredible price
I wonder if the newer cards will rise as hard the old ones.
Picture? How much did you get them for? And where did you find a reputable seller?

>> No.19138538

I have a box of Return to Ravnica unopened cards. I've been out of the MTG scene for a few years now but I'll probably hold onto that box for the next 30 years and maybe it'll be worth something someday. I sold my binder full of rares/mythics though when I was hard up on cash, got $600 for it. I regret it now, but what's done is done.

>> No.19138582


I got them stored away at the moment. I posted a photo of the two boxes on biz a couple of years ago with a timestamp saying something like 'biz elite investors club' with a guy wearing sunglasses if anyone here remembers. I was recommending that people buy the booster boxes as they are a no-brainer (as people keep opening the boxes, they will only become rarer). It is rare to get an asset that decreases in supply like this.

I paid £3000 for the two of them. I made contact with the guy through e bay and we worked out a sale directly through pay pal. He seemed reputable.. These days you gotta be more careful, I expect an increase in fakes. Provenance matters even more now.


You have the younger generations growing up with the new stuff now, who knows maybe they will super charge in 20 years.. Also they could go up in price from the current generation of investors, just as a trickle down from the older stuff even.

>> No.19138603

And that is the driving force that will take these boxes to $100k's in twenty years when man children actually have money

>> No.19138672

You really should sell now. When the crisis kicks in no one will be spending money on your cardboard bags.

>> No.19138720

Only 0.1% of population will have any disposable income in 20 years. The rest will be scraping by to afford meat or milk.
You are a brainlet and you didn't sell your meme collectibles now, you will be left bagholding them until you die.

>> No.19138880


Not looking to swing trade these. I would be too scared of being locked out of getting back in again.

>> No.19138957

Smart man, don't listen to that idiot

>> No.19138999

>just buy cardboard when unemployment and the economy contraction have reached all time high

>> No.19139028

You can ALWAYS tell when someone is a crossboarder.

This thread reminds me of the autist saying to buy GameStop stock

>> No.19139039


If I listened to people around me I wouldn't have whacked 3k on Pokemon cards to begin with heheh.

>> No.19139085
File: 2.89 MB, 2910x4230, 20200513_205312v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still have all of my collection, some tens of thousands of cards from the base set and first few expansions that I collected as a kid in the 90s with my little white suburban weekly allowance.

I'm not stupid, I know they're not really worth a whole lot (they're not mint and I'm too lazy to go get them graded). But I also kinda don't want to sell them anyway

If you wanna see a specific mon in the orig 151 lemme know and I'll post with an updated timestamp

>> No.19139136

I got a misprinted Pokemon card, never seen any examples of it online. Wonder what it's worth sometimes.

>> No.19139235


Nice, I keep my childhood collection in its own binder separate from other stuff. Cool to have.

>> No.19139257

bought some mtg cards this year, lets see if it will bring anything

>> No.19139298

Awesome, mind sharing the legends? No timestamp needed
Which one anon?

>> No.19139339

Holy fuck, I thought I was looking at my own pokemon stash. Cheers friend, I have the same red pokemon binder with a fuck ton of old rare pokemon cards

>> No.19139417

MtG ftw

>> No.19139440

Currently collecting Japanese Pokemon promo cards. There's some really good deals out there on Japanese sites. Good thread , OP

>> No.19139455
File: 2.92 MB, 3024x4536, 20200516_154213v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These legends?

>> No.19139620

Yes i meant legendaries. Nice to see they've been taking care of very good.

How does the japanese market compare to the english one? Are there more fakes? Maybe it's harder to spot because it's japanese?

>> No.19139659
File: 2.77 MB, 4536x3024, 20200516_155737v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw some of my favorite cards aren't the mons but the trainers

>> No.19139781

>tfw you'll never feel Misty's wrath

>> No.19139818

I have yet to receive any fakes. I do see a few on the market and im sure more will start popping up as tcg collecting grows. As far as the market goes, Japanese promos (minus the real famous ones) do sell for a decent amount to sometime a lot less than on ebay. Ive been building up my collection and in the process also been buying up cheap promo cards i find to sell later. To give you an example, ive bought a few adv promos (brocks mudkip, ashs treecko, and mays torchic) for a coupl dollars on japanese sites. You could easily sell these on ebay for 15-20 a piece if theyre in good condition

>> No.19139845

Misty tears english version is different than the japanese. Another example of a card you can find cheap on japanese sites and then sell for more on ebay

>> No.19139911

That's interesting. I'm located in west europe so i guess shipping prices would fuck me too much. Are you flipping them too?

>> No.19139913

cryptokitties are the best collectibles and you can't prove me wrong

>> No.19139984

Not too sure, i use 3rd party middlemen services like dejapan and buyee. Shipping usually comes out to 30-40 to the states plus you have to pay a fee per item. It's only worth it if you buy a bunch of cards which is what i do. I cant imagine shipping being that much more expensive to europe

>> No.19140214

I still have all my old cards. I will play you in a 1v1 if you are okay with classic rules. I was one of the top 500 players globally though.

>> No.19140259

>I was one of the top 500 players globally though.


>> No.19140386

I miss this game so much. I still remember going to a tournament way at the edge of my state, being unable to sleep the night before, and dismantling my haymaker and creating an entirely novel new deck based on Chansey, Theater promo mewtwo, and Jungle Clefable. Stack 2x double colorless on Chansey, kill the enemy's base pokemon on turn 2, retreat or scoop up your chansey (or kamikaze their next pokemon), and swap in mewtwo to absorb the special double colorless energy up. Scoop up the mewtwo when he is low and get your energy back and rinse and repeat with the chansey for an easy win in 6-8 turns or less.

The Slowking decks, Rocket Zapdos Haymaker alternative, InSaNiTy, Do the Wave (Wigglytuff), and Dark Do the Wave (Sneasel) were also based. Some of these decks we ran had 40-50 trainers in them.

>> No.19140469

Makes more sense than USD.

>> No.19140595

Did you battle Jason Klaczynski?

>> No.19140890


They should definitely release a digital online version of the game. Would be big for sure.

>> No.19141079

they did but it was for the more modern version of the TCG. They completely removed the classic game and ruleset from circulation. I am surprised the cards are not worth more, but then again with no demand due to no players who is expected to buy these outside of collectors.

I used to play the gameboy advance cart and see how insane of a deck I could make and still win. I beat the game with a moltress deck your opponent build once even. Generally the most fun to go water dance though with blastoise. Fuck that game was fun. Magic does not give me the same level of satisfaction at all.

>> No.19141108

No I wasn't that good, only went to one major tournament, and it wasn't even top tier or anything, just a promo tournament. I regularly cleared house at all the places I went to though. I was a poor kid, but was able to get 5 bucks a week, sometimes 2x a week to enter my local tournaments. Me and my buddy would leave with $50-$100 worth of cards prize money every time just about. They ended up switching to Yugiooh and DBZ because they were tired of my autistic ass clapping their cheeks. I don't blame them, I was a fucking monster.

>> No.19141125
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, 20200516_172923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe someone can romhack the gameboy game to allow multiplayer over the internet

>> No.19141148

I had a similar thought a while back. I would play it. The only solution I can think of though is using the old "Apprentice" program. It was designed for Magic but some people adapted it for Pokemon TCG. Not sure if it is around anymore even, this shit was like 20 years ago.

>> No.19141156

F yeah man. Old school Pokemon could make a return.

>> No.19141175



>> No.19141184

You can make a nice profit flipping certain Funko pops. I saw a post about it.

>> No.19141189


I reckon they could make quite a sleek version, like the Magic online game.

>> No.19141191
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Is that a game boy color? I grew up with those

>> No.19141208


>> No.19141233
File: 11 KB, 240x240, 1567121861105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, bros... I had so many nice pokeman cards as a kid, I wonder how much money Id have now if I didnt throw them away

>> No.19141259

Probably like $50

>> No.19141276

They aren't worth that much, even the misprints that I have are only a few hundred at most, and these are rare. I do feel like the most valuable cards are missing from my collection... but it isn't really anything worth too much money these days. Just the memories and the ability to piece together a deck is nostalgia crack... shame.

>> No.19141292

Base/Jung/Foss, Gym/TR, Neox3 sets were the golden era for deckbuilding. Would kill to play that now.

>> No.19141304

Pokemon TCG on the blockchain anyone?

>> No.19141350
File: 2.82 MB, 3024x3701, 20200513_212710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TR was my absolute favorite expansion

>> No.19141354

Did people actually ever the game or did they just collect the cards?

>> No.19141368

The game was fucking awesome... used to laugh at the fuckers who collected without playing. Basically virgins.

>> No.19141390
File: 50 KB, 480x640, rocketzap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that rocket zapdos tho, or team rocket's trap...

>> No.19141445


>> No.19141481

The only cards that are worth anything are the type of cards that are needed for IRL tournaments and shit. No one cares about a holographic Charizard, people care more about a card that can win games but are hard to come by.

>> No.19141506
File: 3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 20200516_175622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only true for new cards

Love this card. Legendary birds and mew are my favorites. Pic related

>> No.19141568


I played nationals in like 2001? The meta was movie promo mewtwo, wigglytuff (pluspower = 70), scyther and buzz deck

Ur deck def close wiggly is a beast

>> No.19141923

owner of 3 UNOPENED Gen 1 Pokemon packs - DID I SAY UNOPENED?

>> No.19142209
File: 41 KB, 512x564, 1586407413086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god this board is pathetic

>> No.19142347

Yes, I've made a ton of money off MTG. I used to speculate off certain standard cards and always made some profit sometimes I really hit it big (Buying/trading for snapcaster mages at $10-$20 dumped them at $60, could've sold at $120 about 1-2 years later but w/e). Also buying and flipping collections. I still hold some old school cards from alpha, beta, a full revised set and quite a few high end EDH cards I intend to keep. Have some higher end sealed boxes as well.