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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 164 KB, 1080x720, thegodsofcryptoATgmailDOTcom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1911736 No.1911736 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/. It’s me.

Tomorrow, I will be doing one last pump.

We will all be pumping MUSIC at 9pm EST.
Nine p.m. EST. If we work together, we can send this coin to the moon. It doesn’t have to crash in 30 fucking seconds because it has higher volume.

After the MUSIC pump, I will be retiring the whole Madman pump n’ dump business.

I decided to stop taking money from my fellow /biz/raelis because even though we are all here to make money, we shouldn’t be taking it from one another.

We have to unite. We have to come together. We can be greater than all the other boards. We can be more powerful and more profitable than any of us would be working alone.

I’ve started recruiting a super team of whales two days ago. This group will lead /biz/ to victory.

Those who are interested can email the group at: thegodsofcrypto@gmail.com to apply.

- madman & the gods of crypto

>> No.1911739

Poor coiners also welcome.

This was previously discussed in this thread: >>1909690

>> No.1911746

The game plan for this group is:

1. Build a fucking army of /biz/raelis. (Recruit over email and eventually create a private Slack group to communicate. Whales and poorcoiners welcome)
2. Plan and execute pumps of high volume coins on the scale of PIVX.
3. Educate and build awareness of coins that have real value and a future, for long-term investing. (specifically BitBay)
4. Just be all around, nice, friendly people looking to educate and support the crypto world.

>> No.1911785
File: 101 KB, 489x550, image_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are sad and delliusional person. I hope in near future Atleast try to convert to Judaism so you could justify scamming people

>> No.1911794


How poor ? I'm very poor but willing to learn and to invest more in the future, I just started yesterday

>> No.1911808

Anyone can apply, we are creating the army of /biz/

>> No.1911812

Please tell me how this is a scam.

I honestly believe that if we work together we can make more $ than any of us would by trading alone.

>> No.1911822


Pick one

>> No.1911848

what % of the crypto world do we think is /biz/?

>> No.1911856

i don’t have actual data on this. i’d be curious to know too

my guess would be hunnnit fiddy percent

>> No.1911859

you look young and dumb. that's my fetish

I want to suck your cock

>> No.1911889

Whats the cut off of BTC wallet to joint his elite club

>> No.1911892

9pm EST tonight or tomorrow? Thread yesterday said 9pm EST on 3/29, which is today

>> No.1911893

OPEN TO EVERYONE. Whales, poor coiners, every one in between.

Email us at thegodsofcrypto@gmail.com

>> No.1911899

Tonight, 9PM EST 3/29

>> No.1911900


>> No.1911916
File: 9 KB, 481x215, how-smart-contracts-work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this be a use case for smart contracts?

Like the idiots who risk money on this guy could write a contract that all his ether goes to them when they inevitably lose money on this crap?

>> No.1911949

you unfuck my asshole with MUSIC tonight and I'll follow you into Hell m8

no homo

>> No.1911959
File: 405 KB, 1982x1526, Screen Shot 2017-03-23 at 6.10.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes it could be. BAYposter here. Do not let The Madman's reputation influence your decision on BitBay - arguably the most undervalued coin on the market right now.

If you think i'm shilling, tell me, and I will go off on the many reasons BAY is a rock-solid investment.

1.) Presently can be used on the Market Client, a fully decentralized market (where can your shillcoins be spent?)

2.) Transparent development process (David Zimbeck has been following the same roadmap for years and has proven his dedication to creating an excellent cryptocurrency)

3.) Real-world uses for average consumer (unless you enjoy paying Amazon and eBay a shitload of fees for selling product on their marketplaces)

4.) Near unlimited upside potential (less than half a cent per coin)

5.) Not been truly pumped yet (hit 600 sats earlier this month upon release of the newest wallet w/ high-quality security features, this is a relatively unknown coin)

6.) The "rolling peg", estimated to be complete sometime in Q4 2017, which will reduce the volatility of BAY by pegging it to a certain dollar value and freezing and unfreezing BAY units (to put it as briefly as I can)

All I can say is speak with David Zimbeck on his Slack, he'll typically respond in under a day's time. It's not even a contest when you compare the features to other currencies at the moment.

tl;dr Invest in BAY or remain Forever Cucked for trying to beat the system and day-trade

>> No.1911973

> 3. Educate and build awareness of coins that have real value and a future, for long-term investing. (specifically BitBay)

David is the real deal, and BAY is the future.

The Gods of Crypto will help educate people and push BitBay into the spotlight where it deserves to be.

t. madman

>> No.1911978
File: 7 KB, 250x201, 1489195190048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wrote these guys an email, but they request pictures of my coins and wallets

why tho, this smells like scam desu senpoi

>> No.1911985

Do I need to apply if we're already bros?
(Nick starting with a P, ending with OU)

>> No.1911988

I sold my bitbay a while ago, but all this shilling is beginning to wear me down

how much could a bitbay be worth in 2020, if everything goes as planned?

1 bitbay ~ 1$?

>> No.1911994

Yes, please apply through thegodsofcrypto@gmail.com

We already have 19 members. But only around 120 BTC in capital. So, please spread the word.

Anyone who wants to join The Gods of Crypto is welcome.

>> No.1912047

Post a discord and keep this thread alive

>> No.1912057


Naturally if everything goes as planned this coin could easily reach 100, but nothing goes as planned.

We're estimating that we reach near 10 cents after the introduction of the peg. We are only just now reaching the marketing stage of the project. But the fellows in the Slack should be able to answer you much more effectively than I:


>> No.1912064

We are accepting applications right now.

In two or three days we will move on from recruiting phase to planning phase.

For the planning and group communication we will be using Slack or Discord.

>> No.1912076

got me around 6k of musics now

hope they reach just half a dollar, that'd be sweet desu

>> No.1912128



>> No.1912170

Thanks everyone! A bunch of people joining since this post went out, it’s very exciting!

Please do spread the word!


>> No.1912400

This coin is not going to have a 100 billion dollar market cap. Ever.

1 billion probably not either. T b h.

>> No.1912404

I'm new to this whole crypto scene, how do I make money off of this? should I just buy this shit now and sell once you've pumped it to the moon? Is that how easy this is?

>> No.1912541

You should be pumping MiloCoin. Such an easy one to do.

>> No.1912564

its not that easy, once the dump starts it goes fast and if you sit in too long you'll still lose money, regardless of how high it pumps

>> No.1912647

MUSIC pump starts in 45 minutes!

9pm EST. And then madman retires.

>> No.1912664

Pump target?
inb4 everyone tries to sell it under the target.. don't get me wrong I have MUSIC already but won't take profit if it'll be weak bounce

>> No.1912672

yeah if you say a target, youll just have people selling under and ruin the pump. just make an exit strategy you are comfortable with

>> No.1912691

Ok, my exit is 10x from here even if it takes months. lol. I'm setting an alert at 5x, if you guys can reach that I'll take you guys seriously.

>> No.1912696

Let's go /biz/ bros!

>> No.1912699

How long do you have to sell?

>> No.1912703

What exchange do you guys use?

>> No.1912704

stop fucking pumping MUSIC and buy BAY you utter fucking lunatics

>> No.1912706


>> No.1912708


>> No.1912709
File: 65 KB, 500x552, 1457623185464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all you Madman followers

Ill just leave this here


>> No.1912728

what's a realistic target to hit?

>> No.1912730


bittrex is the best and the fee is 0.25%

>> No.1912739

He asks crypto worth because the group is for market manipulation you retard. Knowing the amount of capital the group has to invest is obviously important. He's not mining your shitty emails.

>> No.1912743

>this tbqh

it's a business group, he actually asks very little, he just wants proof of your holdings and nothing else, he dont even need some stupid fee to join

>> No.1912744

pump and dump is fraud anyways.
no harm in ripping off criminals

>> No.1912754

gtfo libtard pussy ass nigger

>> No.1912755

This shitcoin isn't even on Polo.

>> No.1912759


>> No.1912761

Actually it sounds like a good /biz/ idea to create a group like that but it wouldn't be /biz/ if we wouldn't call everything a scam.
Good luck cryptoguys, I honestly root for your group. Show those newbies the power of /biz/.

>> No.1912767

same thing as a hedge fund really

>> No.1912780

If we United, that would be sweet. Let's get this to 1k sats at least.

>> No.1912781

MUSIC dropping like a rock
You fucktards got kiked again

>> No.1912790
File: 60 KB, 250x239, 14601554228889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these idiots falling for madman power cycling his router and posting every 5 minutes

>> No.1912792

it's barely even moving desu

dumb nocoiner

>> No.1912799

It just dropped 30 sats, retard

>> No.1912801

Hey feg its us.

Your /biz/ army is about to turn on you.

They know what you are doing.

>> No.1912803
File: 179 KB, 1815x483, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, but technically, it's going up

>> No.1912804

yeah now, not when you posted your dumb reply

dumb negro

>> No.1912807
File: 88 KB, 677x995, 82c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow it's slowly starting to go up. Get in now to make some bucks, or forever become a fucking KEK.

>> No.1912808

It was down 30 sats when I posted
It's down 55 sats now

>> No.1912809

It pumped more than 1000 sat with the last pump and isn't even retraced 50%... learn to read a chart retard

>> No.1912812

Lmfao its dumping as we speak

>> No.1912821

Observe, friends, as the madman jew brigade attempts to make their money back

>> No.1912822
File: 195 KB, 1814x483, waves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a different view

>> No.1912826

It's going down, drilling earth to get to the moon through China

madman is a genius

>> No.1912833
File: 84 KB, 1392x242, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1912837


>> No.1912843

reeeeeeeeeeeeee it's 3:22 am here

i want to go to bed, pump or dump, atleast make an end to it so i can sleep peacefully

>> No.1912844

It's dumped

>> No.1912854

Hey timezone-bro! highfive*

>> No.1912857

hahah *high five*

not him tho but iwanted to touch you :P

>> No.1912861

funniest shit i’ve heard all week XD
Please post wallet so I can send a tip

- madman

>> No.1912867
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>> No.1912868


>> No.1912878
File: 8 KB, 250x242, 1416023865134s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.0065$ --> 0.0064$

time to bail desu

>> No.1912885
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>> No.1912904

So uhhhh...we gonna get started soon or what?

>> No.1912914

anytime now. hold your pants.

>> No.1912920
File: 55 KB, 1170x390, Screen Shot 2017-03-29 at 9.42.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


word. funds are on the way famalam :D

- madman

>> No.1912923

>$20 for a giggle
You're a turbojew but you're an alright turbojew

>> No.1912924

so u pumping or nah?

>> No.1912933
File: 182 KB, 788x590, JA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. 90% of the posts in this thread are madman on proxies

2. madman buys these coins first before telling the fools on /biz/ and sells as you idiots pump

3. people fall for this

4. im in disbelief

>> No.1912935

b-but its not pumping

>> No.1912936
File: 94 KB, 333x477, 1490506256931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks famalami

>> No.1912939

There was a minor pump before he dumped right at 9pm

>> No.1912955

Jeez guys, if you think it's a scam then go and do something else... check back tomorrow and laugh at us if this fails... (or we will laugh when it's over 5k)

>> No.1912958

1. Madman is too stupid to figure out how proxies work.

2. Madman sold all his MUSIC this morning.


- madman

>> No.1912959


madman exhausting proxy #364452

>> No.1912962

What time is pump? It's not moving m80 but I want to belieb

>> No.1912967

>I want to belieb

believe that you will be holding bags for madmans greed.

you wont be disappointed.

>> No.1912971

pump is over. madman is done with the pumps. i’m moving on to the next venture.


please email us if this is something you belieb in

>> No.1912976

The pump started at 9pm EST and all that happened was it dropped 50 sats; I'm confused

>> No.1912985
File: 177 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170330-030010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty guys, you all made me a little cash! Dont believe these idiots... It makes me more money.

>> No.1912993

You got caught by a liar! Should of just made a tiny bit off other stupid people like me.

>> No.1913013

Cool 25 sat pump guys, good job ;,D
I can't believe I stayed awake for this. I'm setting my sell order now at over 3k and check it in a few weeks.

>> No.1913015

sick 10 dollar returns, youre a daytrader bro