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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 1137x613, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19113413 No.19113413 [Reply] [Original]

Example, ETH:

>Literal who chink exchanges generating more volume than ever before
>Reddit integration
>Full media attention
>It's still dumping since Jan 2018

Why the fuck are you still here?

>> No.19114046
File: 21 KB, 261x200, professor whisper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19114119

I am still here because I look at the fucking volume. Volume doesn't lie. There might never be such a bull-run like in 2017, but there is a lot of interest in crypto, esp ETH 2.0. And at some point, price will move.

I'd be damned if I collected shiny heavy metals or dead boomer ETFs while one of the most interesting stories in money was playing out at the same time.

>> No.19114147


Volume is off chart

>> No.19114164

99% of the volume are bots and margin trades backed by fake stablecoins.

>> No.19114178

Can’t even buy stocks anymore when opportunities like owning a piece of new technology

>> No.19114195

When? 2022? 2024? Kek

>> No.19114317

It’s all on chain http://etherscan.io/chart/tx

Who cares if it’s bots most stocks are HFT anyway none of it is real you fool

>> No.19114371

You should familiarize yourself with the concept of wash trading. Look it up.

>> No.19114382
File: 31 KB, 595x639, makes_dubu_think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shouldnt this pump the price on a fundamental basis?
PoW = Proof of Work = Miners dump their coins to pay for electricity
PoS = Proof of Stake = Stakers get paid to hold and reduce the supply
Shouldnt this make ETH moon?

>> No.19114389

Stocks represent shares of actual companies with employees, with assets, with REAL cashflow.

Shitcoins represent nothing at all.

>> No.19114426


t. high time preference nigger

>> No.19114456

It should. And it will. But it still takes time.

Shitcoins represent share in their respective networks. This doesn't mean shit for tokens, but it means a lot for eg. ETH which is both a share in the network and gas for transactions.

>> No.19114473

I disagree completely utility drives value and there’s massive amounts of utility. Further more a ton of public companies have negative earnings and can hardly justify the existence of value chain (this we’re seeing a transfer of value)

Look it up bro

>> No.19114514

stay poor

>> No.19114552
File: 74 KB, 742x745, 1586469789270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil doesn't represent ownership in the energy companies therefore it's worthless

>> No.19114572

You'll be even poorer when you lose all your money betting on shitcoins lmao. Stay NEET, hopefully mommy doesn't kick you out.

At the end of the day when I own a large publicly traded company I own something real and tangible that will continue to exist for the foreseeable future.

Buying fucking pepecoin or cuckcoin or trumpcoin is a scam. Look at ALL of the scams with crypto over the years.

>> No.19114637

>comparing shitcoins to oil

>> No.19114647

>I own 100% of Pepecoin, what exactly do I own?
>I own 100% of Johnson & Johnson, what do I own?

Crypto is just a great way to extract money from psuedo-intellectuals who get sold easily on buzzwords, the ultimate /biz/ move would be to have started an exchange years ago and run off with the money claiming you got "hacked"

>> No.19114709

And yeah dude a shitcoin literally no one uses for any transactions or anything else except waiting for it to 1000x in value totally has just as much value as Oil which is used in just about every manufacturing process. I'm definitely the brainlet here.

>> No.19114778


How is there higher on-chain volume than in december 2017? Didn't the network get brought to its knees back then by cryptokitties?

>> No.19114843

Fake volume wash trading fucking noob

>> No.19115162

>At the end of the day when I own a large publicly traded company I own something real and tangible that will continue to exist for the foreseeable future.
>Buying fucking pepecoin or cuckcoin or trumpcoin is a scam. Look at ALL of the scams with crypto over the years.
Yeah, imagine if Enroncoin had happened in the space of publicly traded companies, impossible.

I mean, you kinda have a point that stocks exist for much longer and therefore, there is a lot of shareholder protections. But at the end of the day, it only helps you that much.
If a company does stock-buybacks higher than the profits, things will come tumbling down https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-16/u-s-airlines-spent-96-of-free-cash-flow-on-buybacks-chart

You are also right concerning true shitcoins with a valuation of $5m or less. But you are dead wrong concerning ETH, there is real and true economic activity on that chain and it is not going to go away any time soon. It's like a bluechip stock, just in crypto - you know it will be around 5y down the road.

>> No.19115623

for your information
YOU don't own a piece of a large company
your broker owns it and he is not legally obligated to give you shit
look up the fine print of your contract if the broker gets into debts with its primary dealer they are free to loot everything to pay of the primary broker, funny how classlawfare works isn't it

crypto at least has the advantage over all other asset classes that you, the final owner own it clear and without storage fees, transfering and veryfiying realness is also quite easy

tl;dr don't trsut boomer equities they have grown fat and are ripe for the harvest

>> No.19116074

>your broker owns it and he is not legally obligated to give you shit
>look up the fine print of your contract if the broker gets into debts with its primary dealer they are free to loot everything to pay of the primary broker, funny how classlawfare works isn't it


In Canada your brokerage accounts are insured by the CIPF if your broker goes bankrupt for $1 million CAD for unregistered and TFSAs, and an additional $1 million CAD for RRSP's. You can also have accounts at different institutions as each account is insured for $1 million.

>> No.19116215

>look up the fine print of your contract if the broker gets into debts with its primary dealer they are free to loot everything to pay of the primary broker, funny how classlawfare works isn't it

In fact where the hell did you hear this?

>> No.19116272

It already scales better because contrary to bitcoin, eth devs actually upgrade the layer 1