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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 634x410, Greenback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1908772 No.1908772 [Reply] [Original]

MiloCoin General/MAXIMUM COMFY edition

MiloCoin Scholarship news has been posted and wew lad is it epic!

VIDEO IS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ziz_Wa7M1TY&feature=youtu.be

I’m not gay, but $1 per MiloCoin is $1 per MiloCoin (kek confirmed 1.50 btw)


>Official MiloCoin website:

>Step-By-Step Guild on How to Buy MiloCoin:


>MiloCoin Video
youtu.be/rQu1-zil_z4 [Embed] [Embed]

>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:

>Skip right to the wallets, baby!

>Looking for some nodes? We gotchu!
(guide to add these addnodes on page 6 of ANN thread)

>Buy MiloCoin (before it’s too late)

>MiloCoin Blockchain

>Coin Marketcap

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit
Some anons are saying we should bite the bullet and get on Reddit, what say you?

>Why haven't you done your part yet?
Start tweeting Gavin and insta'ing Milo. Lets Moon!
c-cex.com/?id=vote <--scroll to bottom and submit MiloCoin
support@coinexchange.io ← email them demanding MiloCoin get listed

Do the above and post about it in this thread, usually based anons will send you some MiloCoins

>Best highlight of the previous thread:
People are impersonating insiders... kek

>Comfy related soundtrack
www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DSVDcw6iW8 [Embed]

>Quick Rundown (what you need to know):
We are 20% through mining and prices will NEVER be cheaper, enjoy the miner dumps and discount MiloCoins - refined investors enter the market here. MiloCoin is listed on Yobit and NovaExchange for comfy trading.
Gavin has already responded positively to MiloCoin, Milo's response is practically a given, how many coins will you have when the price skyrockets because of this?

>> No.1908784
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First for moon.

18K holding strong.

>> No.1908789
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I'll see your MILOQT and raise you another

>> No.1908799

25k holding strong. buying more friday. Can we ban the NEET beggers who can't even afford 1 coin?

>> No.1908806


MiloCoinContent (TrumpCoinContent) here boys, just putting my wallet address here in case any nice fellas want to help me reach the stratosphere

(its the same address as the video description in case anyone tries to pose as me etc.)

>> No.1908810

11K strong here. Wish I could afford more, already sold some of my Lepen at 20sats to buy the last few Milo I got.

>> No.1908822


it's everything we could have dreamed of.


I've got 115k that's gonna help me get "fuck you " money

>> No.1908829

14.88 MILO each to the next 12 oven-worthy faggots that reply with their address

>> No.1908830


Milo is doing God's work.

Straight from the homo's mouth.

Kek is god of trolls, therefore Milo is doing Kek's work

>> No.1908834




>> No.1908838


Fuck yeah for Milo.

>> No.1908839



I am


Assuming my post is good enough.

>> No.1908843

hey ma! your boy finally got in on one early.

I could cry.

>> No.1908858


3 degenerate kike faggots paid 14.88 MILO each. 9 more addresses to go....

>> No.1908859
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>> No.1908861
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Arigatou na

>> No.1908863


>> No.1908864

The Milocoin economy is propped up by NEETBUX. It's a farse.

>> No.1908865

I see it in my wallet already! Thanks!

>> No.1908874

1 more GRIDS infected kiddie-diddler paid 14.88 MILO. 8 more addresses left.....

>> No.1908875


>> No.1908877
File: 63 KB, 381x500, milomoon3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When Milo moons I'll enjoy qts like these every morning and night,

>> No.1908886


>> No.1908897


kek just granted you going balls deep in qts every night by letting us hit 1.75 per coin


>> No.1908909

14.88 MILO sent. Next thing I'll be sending is you......to the gas chamber. Filthy Jew rat.

>> No.1908914

I've reported the first video to Mr John Travoltas people, Scientology, ever heard of em'?

you are fucked now kiddos

>> No.1908919
File: 60 KB, 756x690, 69milo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

69 is the real number here.

Also this video is awesome. Top notch editing.
Milo will like it, but he needs to see it.

I'm starting to like the idea of blasting twitter.

>> No.1908929

how the fuck do i get a wallet address? looks confusing af

can you send them to me?

>> No.1908932

Love free Milo's

Guys make sure to share the new video, like and subscribe!!!

>> No.1908945

wagie here.
should I invest in this?
it would be my first crypto

>> No.1908954


Milo me up, daddy

>> No.1908972
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Making sure this thread is alpha

>> No.1908993
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post your milocoinprofits-fu

>> No.1909003

>69 is the real number here.

I'll make sure you are the 69th nigger I hang on the day of the rope then.

>Milo me up, daddy

Only my future beautiful pure Aryan children are allowed to call me daddy.

You will beg Mike Pence and I to let ISIS throw you off a roof after we have tortured you with the electric clamps for a week, you filthy degenerate.

>> No.1909026
File: 108 KB, 600x800, CX7c16PUMAEYCyE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad you called me a kike, my children will be half Japanese.

pic related: My future wife

>> No.1909027

you're mean

>> No.1909041

nigga you probably 300+ pounds of pure fat with acne all over your face, jerking your dick off to gay furry porn and tranvestites, never touch a woman or being acknowleged by one. That's why you being such a scumbag piece of shit straight out of the gate.

turn the router off, and hop on a treadmill you fat fuck

>> No.1909051

jesus christ

>> No.1909061



tf r u on about cont

ill rekk u

>> No.1909063

Jesus christ, you are some whiny little bitches. You are investing in a coin dedicated to a professional troll. I didn't think a little bit of 1488 LARPing for shits and giggles would be enough to make you all call the waaaaaaambulance, but I see I was mistaken.

>> No.1909066

lol you couldn't handle the return bantz by >>1909041


>> No.1909089

get your crayons and dignity off the floor and gtfo. "shits and giggles" offending people for no reason when guys were donating 69milos for ages in these threads, and i was the one posting this 69 oc shit. acting like you are big shot while donating fractions of a cent. disgusting

>> No.1909090



beam me up baby

>> No.1909096

Dude how sensitive can you get.

Nobody cares, we are simply trolling you bro.

Thanks for the coins brah

>> No.1909103
File: 446 KB, 500x214, RELATED.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for yourself -i'm dead serious, fuck that dude and his 14 milos for offending people.

>> No.1909116

/biz/ is the finance equivalent of /pol/

Nobody here gives a fuck about 1488. Most /biz/ users have a /pol/ tab open anyway.

>> No.1909120


>> No.1909133

holy shit i didn't even know what 1488 means. i just didn't like his attitude. i'm not from usa
video is working? or there any news?

>> No.1909134

gonna dump some eth for a few of these bad boys

meme Magic and the percentage gain I can get off a good shitcoin is irreplaceable

>> No.1909142

time to get my pajeets to work on shilling this last chance fellas

>> No.1909157

I'm literally shaking.

Please stop cyberbullying me. You are making me feel unsafe.

>> No.1909180
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>> No.1909236

I want to mine MILO but I only have a 2GB NVIDIA. Is it even worth my trouble?

>> No.1909238

pretend I'm brain damaged. how can I buy some Milocoins today. emphasis on today, I'm a leaf btw if that matters

>> No.1909245

gpu mining really isn't worth it at this point

>> No.1909249

What about 4.1GHz i7?
I'm such a newb at this but I want in.

>> No.1909257

1) Buy BTC on Kraken.
2) Transfer BTC to Yobit.
3) Exchange BTC for MILO.


4) Transfer MILO to MILO wallet and add nodes to config to allow passive staking to generate more MILO. Unless you pay out your ass for electricity, in which case probably not a good idea.

>> No.1909271

cpu mining is worse than gpu mining. your best bet is to just buy some coins and stake. I have just under 40k and I get ~100 milo daily from staking

>> No.1909301

wut lol

>> No.1909342

Do you have no idea what any of the things I listed are?

>> No.1909385


Am I oven worthy now?

>> No.1909406
File: 731 KB, 1000x2000, OFFICIAL MILOCOIN TIER LIST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting the based MILO TIER LIST that an anon made last thread. I'm a filthy pleb tier boy so I'd love some help to go up, thank you


>> No.1909435


>> No.1909444

1btc volume soon llads

>> No.1909505



>> No.1909520
File: 43 KB, 736x420, e1cfd7809b5870c0a46c341db610cd80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brehs, th i c c volume

>> No.1909577


Thanks for your input duly noted thx

>> No.1909773

Buy BTC on coinbase, transfer to nova, sell for milo

>> No.1909807
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real human bean tier checking in

>> No.1909842

Why is my MiloWallet always out of sync? just downloaded it

>> No.1909845

Keep it open for a while until it syncs

>> No.1909848

the first sync always takes the longest,
just be patient.

>> No.1909854

Thanks, any idea how much total data is downloaded through this?

>> No.1909885

did you add nodes m8?

if so it'll synch in like a few hours

>> No.1909926

Don't think so, only downloaded the client. I don't want to keep my cryptos on an online exchange.

Have 1tb of internet usage, but i can wait a few more days and download it then. Thanks

>> No.1909935

You need to add nodes since the devs didn't build that shit into the client for some reason.

>> No.1909965
File: 6 KB, 807x39, votemilocoinccex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please take a moment to vote MiloCoin onto C-Cex.

You can cast a vote for the equivelant of 1usd (.001 btc).

You don't even need an account to cast a vote, just send .001 btc to the C-CEX MiloCoin voting address:

You can also vote for free, by making an account on C-CEX and transfer .1 BTC to C-CEX (you do not have to spend the .1 BTC, just have it on your account)
Once you have .1 BTC on you C-CEX account just go to https://c-cex.com/?id=vote and click "cast vote" for MiloCoin (you can do this ONCE PER DAY)

You can afford 1 sheckel to help MiloCoin succeed. This will increase our exposure and our volume!

We are currently being beaten by the likes of SWAGBUCKS and SOILcoin.. CMON BREHS!!

Free votes can be done once a day, but paid votes (1 measly dollar) can be voted unlimited times.

Do your part you lazy jew

>> No.1910012

sending .1 to ccex to chill on there and vote daily , then send back?

can do

>> No.1910120

send 1 shekel vote.ntoo lazy to hold .1 on csex

>> No.1910163

Other ways to contribute for us poorfags?

>> No.1910191
File: 66 KB, 750x533, 1490747302666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get .1 btc somehow
sent to ccex.
vote free everyday for a few days
send btc back to its cozy home.

no money spent, just time.


>> No.1910214

"free vote'' rakes time and these lazy jews won't do that

>> No.1910224
File: 286 KB, 987x807, milocoin-titties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon lads,
1 shekel each

>> No.1910631
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Will be doing this after work today

Specifically, the tits and the voting

>> No.1910697

Guys, please do your support Milocoin, it takes just a few minutes to do the following:

- https://www.reddit.com/r/milocoin/ Write, link something positive about milocoin or milo. Don't forget to upvote stuff
- Share the milocoin website or Ann to cryptorelated subs e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/altcoin/
- Voat is a similar website. Try posting about milocoin there too if you like

- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5WTKDkoG7WIDvnLewk26bg Subsribe to the official channel and like/comment/share videos

- https://twitter.com/getmilocoin Retweet & Follow the official account
- Tweet about milocoin!
- Start tweeting insta'ing Milo about milocoin and the milocoin privilege fund!

support@coinexchange.io <- email them demanding MiloCoin get listed
https://poloniex.com/coinRequest <- Use this online form to get Milocoin listed on poloniex
support@bittrex.com <- Send em an email to get Milocoin listed on bittrex

- Use your signature and leave a link to ann and/or the official website
- Talk about milocoins in other cryptorelated forums you are visiting
- Got a blog? Blog about milocoin. In return you will get some nice links & traffic :) (e.g I will link you from reddit and here in the ann if you tell me)


P.S. I love free gay coins: MVsxSQPHBfbomxt4ZoRbGsBBPDPYBwTunZ

>> No.1910745

pls respond

we all need to do this at least once. Getting owned by berncash

>> No.1910768
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>> No.1910822

>market cap of $33.000
So it's only this general on 4chan /biz/ memeing and buying this.

>> No.1910960

So I'm thinking we make MiloCoin related names on leddit and start posting in discussions organically. People will notice the username and get interested or get triggered. Both increase exposure.
I think this is a better idea that spamming threads with BUY MILOCOIN XD

instead make your username related and just post in random discussions

>> No.1910998

33,000 usd??!! and it's only been listed like 2 weeks!?

DAMN milocoin looks like THAT?

>> No.1911051

24% through mining lads

>> No.1911052

He is a pedophile.

>> No.1911057

If you want to win you need education


>> No.1911060

>TFW don't get paid until NEXT Friday. Might as well be next year.
you live

>> No.1911080
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>> No.1911098
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/MILO Boyz 2017/
just getting caught up.. absolutely based video

>> No.1911123

who tf is this?

>> No.1911126

Stop bumping this you fools. It'll never moon, Trumpcoin is 10x as high, why haven't you jumped on the train yet? it's gonna pump over 4th of July, potentially past .50

>> No.1911149
File: 121 KB, 500x1024, 1445735766873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by 4th of July Milocoin will be over 10 cents, almost 25 times what it is now. the equivalent for trumpcoin is around $1.10.

ask yourself honestly what is more likely:
>10¢ Milocoin
>$1.10 Trumpcoin

no one is going to put money back into Trumpcoin, you're wasting your time in these threads, but bump away if you want.

>> No.1911171

Trumpcoin was great, I'm thankful I got to be a part that and make good money.

But comparing the early charts of TrumpCoin to early charts of a milocoin, I can't but help think this is round 2.

I don't expect much to happen for a few weeks (again using TCs chart as a comparison), but I believe well see .10 at an absolute minimum when this thing is all said in done.

As for trumpcoin, I'm nearly as certain that it's time has come and passed, it won't pump again imo.
I see that it's still hanging on for dead life in terms of value at .05 a trumpcoin, if it were me I would liquidate anything I had of TC while there is still volume at .05

Ross it into milo and go AFK for 90 days. Best strategy imo

>> No.1911176

Can i see your crystal ball for a bit?

>> No.1911205
File: 96 KB, 480x640, 1489692554727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep holding that bag o trumps my dude

>> No.1911213

it's called "having been around and made money in this shit before"

the fact that there has been a constant Milocoin General since before it was launched would be enough for me to gamble on it if i knew nothing of the reach that the Milo brand has. the constant fudding is also a sign that it has enough exposure a few weeks in for people to come and shittalk it out of fear. plenty of coins amount to nothing, they arrive on /biz/ and disappear, but Milocoin isn't one of them. it isn't even started yet.

>> No.1911250

Anyone want a laugh?
Go find the original trumpcoin bitcointalk announcement and look at the first month or so. Wasn't even on coinmarketcap for a month.

Milo is doing just fine

>> No.1911266

Maybe I'm just so detached from you all, but I'm not even sure why there's discussion on "should I buy", I make like 55k a year and to drop like 200 on a promising altcoin is like not even a discussion.

Decent graphics? memorable? Announcement uses proper English?
okay done. move on.

how poor are you guys?

>> No.1911288
File: 4 KB, 85x144, 2017-03-13-13-53-59-1734889345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much bantz
let's party!

>> No.1911371
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i'll party

>> No.1911417

When this coin hits 888 sats, you're gonna see some serious shit

>> No.1911500

Can someone worth a lot of Milocoins, maybe an early miner or something crash the price down?
I want to put like .5 btc into thus coin, but I ain't paying those prices

cmon, lend a nigga a pencil

>> No.1911517
File: 88 KB, 600x600, 1457719336068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone do that? dump coins they don't want to sell to probably buy them back more expensively.
spread your buy orders out and hope for the best.

>> No.1911520

Anyway to short trumpcoin?

I'd ask I their thread but they'd just reeeeeeeeeeee at me

>> No.1911527

not many exchanges offer the option to short. trump is only on yobit and ccex and neither of those offer shorting, so i don't think so.

>> No.1911578

sending .1 now to do daily free voting

inb4 ccex takes my btc ;^)

>> No.1911620

Cab I buy these with PayPal?

>> No.1911624

not without a few steps. you can buy bitcoins with paypal on localbitcoins and transfer the btc to the exchange then buy milos.

>> No.1911628
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Yup, transfer me 100$ for 1000 Milos. Deal ?

>> No.1911656
File: 12 KB, 222x227, 2017-03-14-11-08-45-1729983231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back you go m8

>> No.1911665
File: 105 KB, 250x396, TinyRick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want me to break Your face pal ?

Tiny Rick looking at You.jpg

>> No.1911676

New to crypto. How do you know?

>> No.1911688


>> No.1911752
File: 2.83 MB, 775x7009, Loxism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really, really hate the_donald

>> No.1911772

You realize that Milo's a kike too, right?

>> No.1911777


Yes, I am here for money. And while I don't love Milo he's a good guy (wouldn't trust him around my kids though.)

>> No.1911880

this coin made me take the time to listen to his videos, I'm actually quite impressed, when he's not going full nathan lane, he's quite impressive

>> No.1911918

I just noticed that in this new video on Youtube in the description box the first thing is "DONATE".

Can You guys put it somewhere below or make first comment about it so we can upvote it ?

To put DONTE CREATOR instead of link to the official website of this coin is just bad look.

When it's done, I will start spreading the news and even write to Milo through couple of different sources, since still there's no news about that "contact guy" who called Gavin. It should be done by now.

Video has 200 views, it should be thousands since it's very well done. This should be already viewed by Milo, he should knew about the agenda behind the coin, and it should be presented to him not as pump/dump coin but there's many ways to present this to him as a business opportunity.

If there will be nothing done by the end of the week, I will contact devs of this with my view of how this should be done and my CV.

I've worked in B2B for years, and this "contact guy" is wasting everyones time atm.

>> No.1911922

im the video guy and yeah happy to change it

>> No.1911925


do your thing

>> No.1911937

contactbro seems like a stand up bloke, but with your XP, why not jump on board and help out?
are you vested enough to see the fruits of using your skills labor?
how much would you need to commit?

>> No.1911975

join the team now faggot. No time like the present.
The right memecoin with the right management has literally changed people's lives

>> No.1912032

I just spent like .2 btc buying a whole bunch at 450 sats, but I didn't get my milos...did I get scammed??

>> No.1912041

I really, really like this idea

>> No.1912048

Good job thanks

You are the dev or You are just asking ?

I will contribute until Friday/Saturday, I have a busy week.

>> No.1912050

If you want to get rich, get some LBC while you still can.

.you can thank me later

>> No.1912055

>The right memecoin with the right management has literally changed people's lives

>> No.1912066
File: 4 KB, 257x142, 2017-03-20-15-43-37-1447498714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1912067


Send me some bitcoin and I'll buy them for you

>> No.1912094

Hey man if you wanna stay poor, that's on you.

LBC is taking off and it's up to you to get on and catch these gains

>> No.1912100
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so certain it's gonna go up, I have to tell everyone to ensure it :^)


>> No.1912108

>be me
>meet a white girl at Starbucks
>this little bitch wants her throat fucked

wat do?

>> No.1912117
File: 344 KB, 1092x1080, promotrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax - dev & team are contacting Milo formally this week

Good call on the video though

>> No.1912127

Trying to help you fuckin NEETs take it or leave it dude

>> No.1912130
File: 44 KB, 355x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought in around August or September, eh?
good luck recouping

>> No.1912155

Wanna help? Send me MILOS my boy, that's that real to the moon shit


>> No.1912162

go vote on ccex you fuckin BERNout

>> No.1912196
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is, they have only one shot on presenting this to Milo.

With what's on the table / public right now, I don't see $ signs in Milo eyes. (pic related)

He will not give a flying fuck about what's written on colorful images.

There's zero publicity, there's pages after pages of people who owns the coin saying that they want to sell it at 0.1, 0.2,0.5C and just leave it.

Last "huge" news was "Privelege Donation" which main slogan is "The Privilege Grant is available exclusively to white men, in support of their post-secondary education."

With all due respect, who the fuck thought this is a good idea ?

This information or website will be blocked on any social media, and anyone thinks Milo will risk his GIGANTIC profiles on Facebook and Instagram for it ? Even traces of linking his persona to something openly racist like that would cause him to lose money.

Where's the other usages of this coin ?

Where's link to his most popular agenda right now ?

I see mistakes all over the plan, and I see potential for greatness. Is there any official email/skype that I can contact devs directly ?

>> No.1912223
File: 20 KB, 480x493, 766b52a177015a63cb67b1e5b125812978092d08007a4511d57eb0740c606a2d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you had me fooled for a while.
But who forged your fucking resume, hot shot?

The privilege scholarship is literally milos charity and verbiage is nearly verbatim.

>will he risk being associated with it?
You mean like fucking founding it?

Going door to door trying to sell home security is B2B now?

/biz/ ladies and gents

>> No.1912238

do you see how >>1912196
puts spaces before every punctuation?

He's pajeet, or some sort of foreign shit skin, just ignore him

>> No.1912262
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitskin fudder located

>> No.1912270


Holy shit this website and fund is real and not created by Devs.

I am an idiot and I admit it. Close the curtain

>> No.1912273
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>Privilege Grant
>Openly Racist
>Thinks all cards should now be on the table

OK we're done here

>> No.1912303

no bullying, stick around :)

where you from m8? Which old British colony

>> No.1912329
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>> No.1912393

Buy Milo

>> No.1912426


thanks daddy

>> No.1912482
File: 1.06 MB, 2000x1333, 1372896790166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumpin this shit post more memes MAKE NEW ONES DAMNIT I WANT RARE MILOS SENPAI

>> No.1912578

gib volume plox

>> No.1912673

Is there a reason you picked ugly women to show off Milo coin? Don't you want people to be interested in it?

>> No.1912675

Buy dopecoin

>> No.1912687


>> No.1912710

mfw faggots are cooler than most millenials now

>> No.1912798
File: 36 KB, 640x480, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw haven't checked these threads since before it even had a price.

not bad faggots

>> No.1912879

Video was nice boys. Keep up the good work. Fuck the MSM. Gay boy needs to come out of hiding and destroy them more with his huge dick.

>> No.1912970

cheap milos on nova, so yummy
nom nom

>> No.1913175
File: 234 KB, 637x797, milocoinLOLs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

76 posts since I left for work


>> No.1913182
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>> No.1913184
File: 8 KB, 160x152, Preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next dubs with an address posted gets 10x their dubs.

99 get, would make you a rich chad in 6 months

>> No.1913283
File: 3.64 MB, 1903x3864, Election Night Catalog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1913291
File: 6 KB, 275x183, mypart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so close to have 800+ milos in one roll. WEW

>> No.1913301
File: 186 KB, 700x669, KIQTOFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check 'em family

>> No.1913304
File: 818 KB, 1024x1024, 1489752306514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 1 off of 3300 x 10
>tfw missed out on 33,000 milo
>porbly wouldn't have delivered anyway
>back to music
>pic unrelated

>> No.1913307

Roll em'

>> No.1913309

holy shit, would i have owed you that much?

>> No.1913310

Rollin one more time. Don't wanna get too greedy

>> No.1913311

self roll, if dubs we go .01 by sunday night

>> No.1913315

Congrats man, you just won 110 milos from yourself.

>> No.1913323

penny by sunday night, kek willed it.

>> No.1913339

Has anyone got it?

>> No.1913345

Where's the most accurate price location on Milo

>> No.1913350

check my dubs then

>> No.1913499


>> No.1913500

>tfw I get 99 on the first try

>> No.1913521

Guys, one of the devs got contacted by my buddy who is in Gavins camp and texts milo regularly. He's laying low, but is planning a return once things settle down and it will be as "extravagant as ever". He is extremely interested in the coin, not because the money he can make or because it's "like bitcoin", but because it's, and i quote "ridiculously perfect".

Expect the devs to "tease" big news in a few weeks, then a few weeks later reveal his involvement (which is tbd if it'll be a Instagram mention or actual endorsement), right now milo is thinking he will take a picture in a milocoin tank top or hat..or cover himself in physical milocoins like the ones that were made for trumpcoin and post the pic on insta.

He WANTS to be questioned about why there's a currency with his face on it.. he wants the controversy.

a chapter in a new book is planned on ways people have honored him and MiloCoin could get a blurb

Deleting this post soon.

you're welcome

>> No.1913525
File: 513 KB, 980x472, milocoin_thumbsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent m8, literally the highest possible amount...extremely good roll

holy fucking shit

>> No.1913526

Really? Wow. That's awesome. I can't get paid fast enough. I need to be in elite tier.

>> No.1913538
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, milocoin-vaporwave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HYPE. Its happening boys! Thank you anon.

>> No.1913539


I want to believe

>> No.1913541

aaanddd I can't delete posts on the mimi app. Oh well, fuck it anyway

sorry Stewart, nobody reads this fictional board anyway

>> No.1913544

get him to share the video

has he seen that?

>> No.1913547
File: 223 KB, 1103x740, youarehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP ANONs friendship.

But we salute you man.

>> No.1913549

Thx m8

>> No.1913567

Alight bitches going to short the hell of this coin tonight. Get ready for 200 sats sell orders yippee!
Alright bitches going to pump the hell of this coin tonight. Get ready for 1000 sats buy orders yippee!

>only one of them will happen

>> No.1913584

Which one then?

>> No.1913589

no one cares about the chat of people who don't know what SHORT means.

>> No.1913596
File: 14 KB, 500x500, literally trade milocoin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selling down =/= shorting

so might as well just buy and pump for us and be happy lad

>> No.1913598

I don't even think you can short milocoin on any exchange.

>> No.1913600
File: 636 KB, 670x1192, 1489695596046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Clover, it's on F-Droid. Mimi is Reddit tier pleb shit.

>> No.1913610

a simplified explanation of SHORTING:

>ABC stock is $1
>You open a SHORT position of 1 share- you borrow 1 share of ABC from the exchange/broker and sell it for $1
>Price falls to $0.50
>You close your SHORT position- you buy 1 share at $0.50, give the share back to the exchange/broker and keep the $0.50 difference.

if you short and the price rises to $1.10 and you close the position, you buy a share at $1.10, give the share back and you have lost 10 cents.

shorting is not lowering the price, it is a method of taking advantage of the price lowering.

>> No.1913629
File: 364 KB, 342x548, theonlyc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont forget to vote on CCEX so we can get that thicc trading volume

>> No.1913637

#FreeMilo already goddamnit, I'm out of youtube milo kino

>> No.1913733

>Expect the devs to "tease" big news in a few weeks

>> No.1914085


>> No.1914091
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>> No.1914111
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2016-10-17 17-07-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when I'm walking on the moon



>> No.1914122

Nice digits senpai

>> No.1914125

Kek is with us boys
1.25 soon

>> No.1914133
File: 645 KB, 1280x1805, tumblr_offbvpdODt1vpybydo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another blessing from the Great Kek.

>> No.1914140
File: 821 KB, 2534x3000, oIy02FK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Incorrect sir

1.5 it shall be.

>> No.1914189


>> No.1914201

These digits say 2.75

>> No.1914232

Does anyone have an estimated timeframe for lift-off?

>> No.1914266

full moon or half moon.
probably full moon 6-8 months. although most people itt will blow their load in some of the early pumps and won't get the full 1.00 pet milo finale

>> No.1914280

pump to like a real solid 1 cent..few months later pump to 10-15 cents fluctuating.One final big pump to .25-50 fluctuating


>> No.1914308

someone got 990 free milo?

>> No.1914344

I'm a complete noob and am hoping someone here can help me out.

I have currently got 30.36898753 in MiloCoin.

I'm in Australia, when I finally decide to sell the MiloCoin, how do I go about this?

Coinbase doesn't allow to to sell BTC, only buy so how can I transfer the MiloCoin to BTC and then withdraw in AUD?

Also, out of interest how much money are you guys throwing at this in hopes of a decent return?

>> No.1914369

Not aussie, but you can go from milo to btc when ready then use a aussie compliant seller, at worst local bitcoins. I believe we have a decent aussie community that'll tell you which exchanges allow selling if coinbase doesn't.

I put in a full btc right when it was listed on nova. But that's cause I'm greedy af

>> No.1914390

That'll be like 45 dollars in a 6 months m8, is it really worth selling btc for 44 bucks?

>> No.1914409

Awesome, thank you for the help. Good to know I can actually get my money out if need be which was what I was worried about.

I'm new to all this, honestly don't have much of an idea of what I'm doing. I wasn't sure if i could get my money back from BTC to AUD hence why I only brought $50aud of BTC to buy MiloCoin.

How much do I need to be putting in to see a decent gain? I feel putting thousands into something that could potentially be a big shilled meme may not end well due to my lack of experience with cryptocurrency and trading in general.

>> No.1914414

Milo Yiannopoulos
12 mins ·
Facebook Mentions
Exciting Privilege Grant news coming tomorrow!

>> No.1914419


>> No.1914433

They're all shilled bro, but as someone whose been here a while, if you can get in early on a memecoin with potential you can see massive returns.
The challenge is picking the one you reckon has "the legs" and picking it early.

personally I like what I see in milocoin and since its in like pre pre early stages, I'm confident I'm buying in early.

Never invest more than you can afford to lose and all that jazz, but if you're gonna drop humdrees/thousands, do it as early as possible, MiloCoin or not.

>> No.1914435

it's fucking happening and it fucking happened. Sounds like you have like 24 hours to get your moon ticket if you haven't bought in yet


>> No.1914440

I like what I see in MiloCoin too, and being very early stages makes me a bit more optimistic that things will go up from here.

By massive returns, are we talking about like a 50% increase or is that unrealistic? I make a decent salary (80k a year) but I'm finding it hard to justify throwing too much at it just due to lack of experience.

Would it be worth putting in like $500? or would it be essentially pointless? I'm sorry for all the questions, I really am super new to all this.

>> No.1914456

Do not invest any amount even a penny if you have not accepted that it could be GONE from you 100%.

Trumpcoin got me 3000% gain, that's not a typo, I got in first month.

But unlike these other shill threads, we don't promot/beg you to throw btc at milocoin, only invest what you have accepted is lost forever. The really money comes from when the traders and non 4 Chan readers enter the market, there's no reason every poster itt can't see gains.

>> No.1914472

This makes me happy considering I've been here since the coin fucking launched on nova.

>> No.1914475

Wise words, I think I can deal with loosing $500, it will still hurt a bit though for sure. Maybe I'll just do $250, but is there even a point in that case?

3000% gain is insane, holy shit. How much did you invest if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.1914513
File: 25 KB, 320x320, 1468371788299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm now Daddy-tier and still have some buy orders which will hopefully get filled today.
Strapped in and getting comfy.

>> No.1914517


Feeling good on lepen?

>> No.1914528
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>> No.1914532


>> No.1914533

>Maybe I'll just do $250, but is there even a point in that case?
you are buying 1 milocoin for around 0.5 cents. the likelihood of it not rising to 1 cents is almost zero. you will be able to sell your $250 stake next month for $500 if you want to. is that pointless for the 10 minutes it takes you?

le pen is too high risk for too little reward. volume is too low for the price rise, it is being inflated & the devs have so many sell orders on each price that you are always behind them in the queue.

the time to buy le pen was 5 sats. now you are jumping on a wave that is peaking.

>> No.1914542


What about Mcrn? I held both since 10, you don't think they'll go higher than100?

>> No.1914550


>> No.1914626

Damn son.
You putting at least a k into milo?

>> No.1914650

I've been in for over a week, and yes.

>> No.1914803


>> No.1914961

yuge news tomorrow lads

>> No.1914974

Going to hold on to just a bit of this shitcoin just in case it gets big

>> No.1915052

So much drama in the LBC it's kinda hard being Snoop D-O double g.

>> No.1915058

2.5 checking in.

yes poor, yes mad

>> No.1915084

2.5 what?

>> No.1915283


2.5 Milo coins anon

>> No.1915299
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>> No.1915313

2.5k brehs

>> No.1915324

I just know the mission is in pre launch mode and I've never space traveled before. Could only afford 2.5 and some anon rolled for like 990 last night ;_;

>> No.1915333

We're all gonna make it Brahs

>and if you're over 50k milos
well (you)re really gonna fucking make it brah

>> No.1915349


So are we all in acceptance MILO was referring to the privilege grant on Milocoin.info?

I mean what else could he be referring to?

>> No.1915378

Can you use a mycelium wallet for milocoin?

>> No.1915450

holy shit if true

>> No.1915506

Where did he refer to it?

>> No.1915551

You guys dont even put effort into your scams now do you this is just low quality pump and dump

>> No.1915555

... said the cuck as the space lift doors closed before him

>> No.1915582
File: 407 KB, 597x464, milomoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rekt by digits of truth

>> No.1915584

He's either trying to produce enough FUD to get the early miners to dump down to like 200sat cause the volume is low enough this early

a TrumpCoiner going down with his bags as we go up

an idiot

pick as many as you'd like fa,m

>> No.1915637

Pump group member lad here. uses to post in TC threads occasionally.
we are planning on pumping the night before milo acknowledges it and the day of, and a few days after.

You may see a pump tonight. I say "may" because we have a. insider who says there's a 50/50 chance that milo includes milocoin in his announcement tomorrow.

Not sure if our group will think 50% is enough, but don't be surprised. Could be a good chance to increase your net worth before tonight

t.hanks and good luck

>> No.1915654

No, you say "may" because you're roleplaying and you are giving yourself some room to say that you didn't guarantee your FUD tactics.

>> No.1915681

what timezone are You talking about. Milo won't post shit until tomorrow

>> No.1915703

usually pretty late in the states and we use an event before during and after to pump

>> No.1915713

This is classic shill talk, people don't waste your money on some coin based around an annoying faggot literally no one cares about.

>> No.1915720

Are any of you faggots mining this shit? Three of the five pools have 0 hash rate -.-'

>> No.1915721

The basis of a coin means nothing. The only determinant of a coin's value is the hype it can generate.

>> No.1915724

Yep. Maybe you should have rolled better digits.

You know, like these.

>> No.1915725

>"""""""""""literally"""""""""" no one cares about
>hundreds of millions of views across social media accounts

wew lad nice cog dis

>> No.1915747

then have a good night, im going to bed in EUROPE MAAAAAAN

>> No.1915750

Care to enlighten those of us who don't fully grasp shorting cryptocurrencies?

>> No.1915760


See that's where you are 100% wrong, Ive lived off trading for the past 2 years so know more than some retarded shilling this for "hype"

Fundamentally this coin does nothing, it's just the devs from TrumpCoin trying to make a quick buck.

>> No.1915761


Kek has spoken, shadilay

>> No.1915805


Trumpcoin pajeets made lepen, you can tell by the unique yet random words they use as well as the lack quality past skin deep.
milocoin is what those idiots shoulda done as a sequel, and they know it. That's why they keep trying to weasel into milocoin but are routinely btfo

>> No.1915873

Quads confirm Milocoin as the ship to end all ships. As the literal currency of freedom.
Where we're going, we don't need libs.
We're starting a new civilization on fucking Mars.

>> No.1915892
File: 1.35 MB, 620x400, christinahendricksnphburtkatumblr1_537059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup faggots

>> No.1915915

Milo? seriously how stupid are you guys to buy into this scam or even try to pump this absolute low quality shit, at least the president ones had some easy pumps like what the fuck even is this, "the coin that wil end sjw and being straight?".

stupid faggots

>> No.1915973

Dangeous faggots

>> No.1916039
File: 163 KB, 526x526, milocoin-deal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

three 3's

making it' .. to the moon confirmed

>> No.1916145

Everyone is on findblocks
>inb4 everyone on one pool is not a 51% attack

>> No.1916224


Trump devs have nothing to do with MILO, in fact they are routinely btfo when they offer to join the team.

>> No.1916241

so is the mac wallet never going to open?
It's been "coming soon" for a while now..
I was excited to get on the ride, but I can't :(

Can anybody help a newfag out please??

>> No.1916300

Someone made a mac wallet and released it on the ANN.

>> No.1916353

where can I find this?

>> No.1916358

whats the font used by milocoin on photoshop?

>> No.1916361


Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Come back and let me know if it works.

>> No.1916433
File: 247 KB, 2100x1500, Milo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

donate if you like this

>> No.1916457

>in fact they are routinely btfo

>> No.1916495
File: 44 KB, 885x301, milo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babby's first steps ;_;

>> No.1916518

look at >>1913610
if you think the price will rise, you buy and go LONG
if you think the price will fall, you SHORT

exchanges such as poloniex offer shorting, but yobit and nova don't.

>> No.1916521
File: 201 KB, 1281x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta start somewhere my dude

>> No.1916531

Milocoin is now available on the Blockfolio app so you can track your holding.

i use the mac wallet and it works.

you should read https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1823780.380 post number 391 and 397.

it took me a while to get it syncing because i couldn't find the Application Support/Milocoin directory. if you donwload the Milocoin.conf in post 391 it has the first 2 addnodes you need, copy that file into the directory or it won't sync.

>> No.1916540

Link for lazy

Looks like a sweet app in general.

>> No.1916543

true or not, it won't take much to pump it. 0.18btc to 1000 sats, 0.36btc to 2000 sats, 1.5btc to 5000 sats.

friday is a good day for a pump.

>> No.1916546

>listed on blockfolio
well shit that's cool as fuck

>> No.1916549

it's useful. i set alerts the same as my sell orders and then you get a message saying the order has been filled. useful to get notified of pumps, especially for putin and pepecash that would randomly pump.

>> No.1916553

Does it actually execute the sell orders or is it more like a checkbook register?

>> No.1916555


Biggest reason while i'm accumlating lol, so much pump potential, i'm trying not to raise the price but i can't help it :p sell low guys!

>> No.1916562

kek fuckin willing it. CHECKED

as soon as we eat thru a few miners sell orders it's moon city.

Fuckin stoked

>> No.1916563


The latter, I don't think yobit has a mobile app.

>> No.1916565

>like a checkbook register
you still need to do the sell orders yourself on the exchanges, but i use blockfolio to alert me when the price has got to the price of the sell order.

>> No.1916594

Don't see it on the blockfolio app

>> No.1916598

Nvm just had to sync. This made my fucking day.

>> No.1916601
File: 59 KB, 1118x435, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily dose of morale boys, slow progress is progress none the less.

>> No.1916616
File: 202 KB, 700x638, Comfy-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are gonna look back at these screenshots and fuckin weep with comfy nostalgia. We were here early man... we were here

>> No.1916644

Alright no coiners your 3 digit sat sale will end soon than you think, you all had weeks think about it. Now, the market has to make a choice to stay or pump.

>> No.1916665
