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19071294 No.19071294 [Reply] [Original]

Surprisingly good investments

>> No.19071306


>> No.19071347

>not waiting the new iPad Air 11" that will be full screen and will cost half the price.

>> No.19071399
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Sony Wh-1000xm3 headphones

I use them everyday. worth every penny

>> No.19071404

An ipad is the worst investment nigger, what are you, a zoomer? PC Desktop or go fuck urself

>> No.19071467

noooo you can't just enjoy apple products you stupid fanboy! you overpaid, just buy a $50 android phone

>> No.19071473

I found that exact model on the literal floor last year. It works perfectly.

>> No.19071502

I was gonna get an iPad Pro for drawing but then I realized I can’t draw

>> No.19071510

unironically owning a desktop is the gayest shit any human can do without literally taking dick.

any normal human being uses a laptop. its small, light, and PORTABLE.

LITERALLY the only people who have desktops are massive nerdy virgin faggots who want 160FPS on whatever soul-sucking, obesity-inducing video game they're currently playing. thats so fucking gay i dont even know where to start.

>> No.19071511

Yes, I got a 2019 iPad mini last week and it’s been my favourite purchase In years. I always thought tablets were gay, but the iPad mini is great at lots of things. Netflix In bed is pretty dope too.

>> No.19071529

You're just wrong on so many levels I don't know where to start, it's like explaining something to a toddler, it's time consuming and not worth it.

>> No.19071535

you cant lay down at a PC desktop. i want to lay on the couch and use my computer. ipad is good for that

>> No.19071559
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>posts a liability


>> No.19071561

They're a joke. The top band is uncomfortable as fuck, you can't turn off the god damn voice bitch (low battery! please recharge headset! and the sound quality isn't all that special

>> No.19071562

>cracks a onions green

>> No.19071563

>i want to lay on the couch and use my computer
lol fatty

>> No.19071599

do NOT, i repeat, do NOT update the firmware on these things. I swear on my moms life that every update they bring out they make the NC less effective over time, forcing you to buy the new Sony1000xm4 later down the line, trust me, this is ultimate redpill advice im giving you. I had the 1000xm2 and they did the same shit there, ruined the NC with an update and cant do rollbacks or anything, fuck Sony

>> No.19071631

based. I never update anything cause all my shit works.

>> No.19071632
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>> No.19071676

I work for a fortune 500 Fintech company that creates and maintains banking/transaction software for literally tens of thousands of banks and hundreds of thousands of ATMs/POS devices

I work on/test/run the programs using a fucking HP Zbook running on an 8th gen core i7

your stupid desktops are ONLY useful for running your cringy video games at 1440p @ 200 FPS

imagine spending $5k plus to play a damn game. CRINGE

>> No.19071678
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I use my AirPods Pro everyday for music and phone calls.

I turn on active noise cancelling to drown out the noise since everyone is home and then use transparency mode when I take phone calls so I can hear myself and avoid yelling

>> No.19071739

I work for a fortune 500 Fintech company that creates and maintains banking/transaction software for literally tens of thousands of banks and hundreds of thousands of ATMs/POS devices

I work on/test/run the programs using a fucking HP Zbook running on an 8th gen core i7

your stupid desktops are ONLY useful for running your cringy video games at 1440p @ 200 FPS

imagine spending $5k plus to play a damn game. CRINGE
>I don't play games

You don't get it, i'm not gonna even explain it to you because you're high on yourself, seethe harder

>> No.19071742

Nerds are the ultimate consoomers yet think someone who buys a quality product and hangs onto it for 4-5 years is a sheep falling for corporate marketing tactics

>> No.19071799
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True, if you don't have a high end workstation and >32"monitor you're not doing real work.

>> No.19071808

>You don't get it, i'm not gonna even explain it to you

because the reason you have a desktop is probably fucking retarded. what? are you wanting to render youtube videos at lightning speed for your 25 subscribers? pfffttttt get real kid.

>> No.19071825

is that real?

>> No.19071844

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.19071845

I hate to say it but my Apple Watch. Got mine for only $200 and paying at the register takes literally 1 second and I never have to touch my phone or wallet for it. Probably saved me from a couple of deadly coughs from people behind me.
In general, you should try your best to optimize your IRL relationships. Try to maintain a positive relationship even if you dont really like them. Give little gifts to your friends. You never know when you might want their help.
Also, a squatty potty. My shits have never been better

>> No.19071924

If you often enough find that workers are NOT decent people, maybe your vocal skills are missing some charm over the microphone. Try the face-to-face approach instead. Use your charisma in person. Go inside.
Greet them before you start ordering. Oh hi, there. Oh, wow, it smells so delicious. I've waited 14 hours to eat, etc, just got out of the hospital. How are you? Just something decent and polite as greeting, then give your order. Throw in a question/request. Would it be okay if I get 2 more of those biscuits? Are they as fresh and delicious as I remember? Smile. See if they don't just say, oh chile, I'm gonna ask you to wait a couple mins, cause we got some in the oven right now. Is it true you have real honey if I ask? That would be great on a biscuit. Be really nice. Manager moseys over, say hi to them too, and tell them how nice the person was helping you order, etc. How do I spell your name on my yelp review cause I've never had such a polite experience here? Make their day, dude. Extra thanks. Play it by ear, ask for the hookup on the hot sauce x5. Ask if there is a tip jar, ROFL of course they do not have one, but ask.

>> No.19072089
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Pic related. Best investment.still can't beat that picture quality

>> No.19072121


>> No.19072314

logitech g pro
best mouse

>> No.19072673

A 4K ips monitor 24 inch or bigger.

If you actually work on your computer you'll get stuff done faster and more comfortably.

>> No.19073250
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>> No.19073317

Whats stopping you from both? Are you 24/7 laying down lol.

>> No.19074460

wait what? How did they get the cat to do that?

>> No.19074585

Can't play most video games, can't test if my video game works for the largest chunk of the market I'm trying to sell it to, bunch of free stuff is likely incompatible with it. Whu would I pay a lot for only basic functionality when I can buy a windows and both the basic functionality + capable of playing video games without thinking "does it work on apple"

Nonetheless not a fanboy of windows, apple, or linux. Just the reality that windows has the highest amount of possible fields of use.

>> No.19074688

Laptops used to be okay with their semi-open architecture, but now they're made to be used and discarded as a whole unit. Look at how much adhesives, glues, and weird screws go into making these devices as difficult to repair as humanly possible. The original Surface laptop even used WELDS. You used to be able to unscrew one little standard screw from the back to release an access panel, and batteries used to be removeable, but these assholes figure it's better for their bottom line to make you buy a whole new machine.

>> No.19074728

>muh video games

God you're such a loser. When are you going to grow up and join the rest of us adults?

>> No.19074731


Don't even try to contest what this man is saying

>> No.19074782
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My passive side hustle is bank accounts. A lot of them give you money if you open a new account and deposit a certain amount within 2-3 months.

I keep the minimum amount in there to avoid fees and then I close the account after 6 months.

>> No.19074794

Two years ago, I bought the world’s shittiest Bluetooth car stereo for $20 new from Walmart. Shipping took a week and a half but it’s been running for the last 25k miles has given me zero issues. The $160 stereo in my daily driver is much more finicky.

>> No.19074819
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Pic very related

>> No.19074843

Estradiol patches for what? I'm a pharmacist so I'm mildly interested.

>> No.19074887

You can downgrade the fw

>> No.19074893

>suprisingly good investments
>everyone posts media devices
Am I on Reddit?

>> No.19074900

It feminizes my penis.

>> No.19074949

I'm disgusted. But good luck on your journey.

>> No.19075051

Of course it is. Didn't you see the filename?

>> No.19075904

Safety razor. It saves tons of money by circumventing the expensive razor Jew. 20 bucks for the razor and less than 10 for half a years worth of blades. After the initial payment, that's around 20 for the year. Lather lasts awhile too.

>> No.19075972

Any pitfalls for this?