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File: 103 KB, 1600x800, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19062630 No.19062630 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19062654

Gay Larp from a non Ghostie.

>> No.19062682
File: 640 KB, 723x844, fd13a4fb9887e4c2cd46e84efda364f5_mario-clipart-mario-ghost-mario-mario-ghost-transparent-free-for-_723-844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean to tell me that this guy worked for the government at one point with high level clearance then saw all the nonsense that the government does , so he quit and ran his own cybersecurity software where he sold his company for 70M then dived into bath salts and hookers shitting in his mouth and living with 10 prostitutes where one of them pointed a gun at him while he was asleep and tried to rob him but was unsuccessful then he told the world about the government and the powers that be of the corruption and then allegedly murdered a guy in Belize , Ran as a Libertarian Candidate in the fucking US then got arrested and then broke out of prison and almost got assassinated a couple of times and has since been on the fucking run , and will become a martyr because everyone will want to use GHOST as his memory will live on as his political opponents try to kill him because he exposed the Epstein shit to the fucking world is going to make his own fucking cryptocurrency with its own blockchain and for its DEXes and who has 1M followers on Twitter which he shilled XVG and PIVX which both returned 1000x+ ROI on Investment isn’t going to push this fucking coin to the fucking sky
Then you are absolutely fucking retarded and deserve to be poor. Personally I’m all In

>> No.19062689
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Missed the boat ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.19062692

everyone will, u have to dump before them. ghost is just a masternode scam. u can buy it at cheap later if u want

>> No.19062743

>.30 prepare to be dumped on
>.40 prepare to be dumped on
>.80 prepare to be dumped on
>$1 prepare to be dumped on
>$1.1 prepare to be dumped on
>$1.25 you are here
This is going to be over $5 by the 25th. $2 by 9pm tonight for the announcement. You're a newfag who doesn't understand why a McAffee coin is getting this much hype. There hasn't been a reason for a coin to pump like this since 2017. Also I'm about to spam reddit to buy on Mercatox. Prepare for fucking liftoff

>> No.19062775

Here's the thing faggot, you can't dump esh before getting ghosties. It's the entire point.

>> No.19062897

desu, it's newfags who think ghost is worth anything. we all know McAfee is just a shitcoin shill, nothing he touches lasts for more than a minute.
>Advisor for AMB
>SKY fanboi with awesome back tattoo
>lent name to McAfee dex
>shilled shit tier unhackable hardware wallet
>advisor and shill to many many other projects
don't try to tell me he pumped these projects either, cause they were already topped out when he jumped on. he hasn't been a good shitcoin shill since 2017 coin of the week days, and back then absolutely everything was going 10x.

so now he's lending his name to another privacy coin....another fucking privacy coin. like the market cares about adopting another fucking privacy coin, and the jeets want us to believe this is actually going to be worth holding? kek. you can hold my bags if you want, cause I'm out.

>> No.19062952

ffs, dude got a skycoin back tattoo and shilled skycoin for weeks! did it pump? no

>> No.19063046
File: 1.81 MB, 377x450, 1464418005441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll buy this guy's ESH. Hands off fuckers, they're mine. I already claimed them.

>> No.19063078

It doesn;t need to last longer than a minute.

Just go up to a billion mcap.

Idiot no ghoster

>> No.19063084


>> No.19063095
File: 275 KB, 1040x984, Ghost_Train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All this fud sucks.

Can't you guys come up with anything better?

>> No.19063105

kek. it's has pumped anon. ESH was 4 cents like a week ago...greed is going to be your downfall. smart fags got in early, and are getting out early.
this is BTCP 2.0

>> No.19063124

>desu, it's newfags who think ghost is worth anything. we all know McAfee is just a shitcoin shill, nothing he touches lasts for more than a minute.
>>CEO of LUX
>>Advisor for AMB
>>SKY fanboi with awesome back tattoo
>>lent name to McAfee dex
>>shilled shit tier unhackable hardware wallet
>>advisor and shill to many many other projects
>don't try to tell me he pumped these projects either, cause they were already topped out when he jumped on. he hasn't been a good shitcoin shill since 2017 coin of the week days, and back then absolutely everything was going 10x.
>so now he's lending his name to another privacy coin....another fucking privacy coin. like the market cares about adopting another fucking privacy coin, and the jeets want us to believe this is actually going to be worth holding? kek. you can hold my bags if you want, cause I'm out.
based and redpilled

>> No.19063126

Diggerent times anon. People have their hopes up because HEX pumped to 800Mio MC, this alone will pump ESH to 150mio, I get your logic anon but logic is rhe wrong move right now.

>> No.19063224

>I judge the success of projects by token value pumpamentals and not delivery of product.

>> No.19063249

different times, yes. McAfee was a excellent shitcoin shill during the great normie flood of 2017, by the time 2018 rolled around though everyone had gotten wise to the game and nothing was pumping anymore.
All this ESH pump has signaled to me is that shitcoin season is back, and we've definitely been enjoying the gains on a number of IDEX tokens. ESH won't last though, but the gains will get shifted to another one soon.

>> No.19063265
File: 150 KB, 692x778, D338C349-93E2-4F9B-A28E-309CA4C6D262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s gonna dump hard on biz and all the pajets

>> No.19063267

kek, yes of course. ghost is a meme coin retard. nobody cares about it's actual tech or success. if you actually do....oof

>> No.19063593
File: 143 KB, 1242x983, 90A97BD2-7A83-441C-9C36-AEC8009A31BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all know he’s the chosen one. We’ve all been fighting about which Bitcoin is the most superior, when the most superior one isn’t even a Bitcoin at all

>> No.19063688

People act like McAfee wants to just PnD this coin, he would never put his name on a product he wasn't going to go balls deep in. He would have just shilled this for a week and moved on. It's literally called Ghost by McAfee. This will be a Top 20 coin, stay poor fags.

>> No.19063721


lol. Just imagine that being your. How much acumulated brain damage did you need to acquire for that?

>> No.19063754
File: 201 KB, 693x598, 1589222802789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember anons... these posts are by incels who have never experienced the touch of a real woman

>> No.19063925

Can’t find that post kek

>> No.19064616
File: 165 KB, 1655x1051, 5823CBD4-1B80-4CCE-BA17-F5F7D57280BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will definitely dump into my adult diaper

Pajeets will do the needful

>> No.19064718

Thanks, OP. Selling now or tomorrow and buying in cheaper. Could you tell me in private at the exact time and how much you're going to dump so I can set my buy orders accordingly, pretty please with a cherry on top? I'll digitally suck your genitals.
