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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 153 KB, 960x1280, madman-proof2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1899087 No.1899087 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, it’s MADMAN. I promised I’d be back.

It’s time for a 4chan coordinated pump.

The rules:
1. We are pumping GOLOS.
2. Begin buying GOLOS immediately.
3. Spread the news on /biz/

In 5 minutes, I am buying 1.5 BTC of GOLOS, and another 1 BTC in an hour. And another 1 BTC hour after that.

Hop on the rocket now ladies and gentlemen.

The pump is starting NOW! Don’t miss this train.

>> No.1899100

Alright I'm down

>> No.1899103
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>> No.1899105
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WOW, so this is the famous 4chan businessman.
Really makes you think

>> No.1899106


I can't read russian OP. Idk what the fuck is this coin about.

>> No.1899109

I'm in

>> No.1899111

the madman

>> No.1899112

Can someone quickly explain who is this famous MADMAN?

>> No.1899116
File: 10 KB, 567x522, 1441077536442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899118

Price and volume are starting to go up

>> No.1899119

all good, let's fucking go!

>> No.1899120

Where buy?

>> No.1899121


SUKA SUKA i'm nico belic

>> No.1899122

Haha this is nothing. You just watch

>> No.1899123


>> No.1899124

>/biz/ only pump

dude there are about 10 of us on here, how the fuck are we supposed to pump it?

>> No.1899125
File: 71 KB, 263x630, Do not trust these coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1899127

t. Buy my bags

>> No.1899128

Bye bye sell walls

>> No.1899132
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy golos comrades

>> No.1899134


When I say it’s going to pump. It pumps. I’ve done this 4 fucking times in the last 2 days.

>> No.1899135

Wait a second... why does it say "buy ARDR" in the image?

>> No.1899136

It’s about to break 2000.

The target is 4200

>> No.1899137

I did

>> No.1899138

wait what

>> No.1899139

Do you realize its only sold on 1 exchange.

It takes time to register there and transfer btc money

>> No.1899142

Haha that’s my bad guys. Switched from ARDR to GOLOS last minute to throw off some people trying to sabotage.

>> No.1899143

Did you shill 2give which is currently sitting at 67 SATs?

>> No.1899144

im glad i get to be a part of this. just don't leave me hanging let me know before everyone dumps

>> No.1899145

The target price is 4200 anon, it will get to at least 4200 before 5pm EST

>> No.1899147

lol that 1400 sat to 2000 sat bid wall

>> No.1899148


Nigga pay attention to them charts. don't leave your computer for nothing. not even to pee

>> No.1899150

We broke 2100!!!!

Next stop 4200.

If you get in now, you can literally DOUBLE your investment by the end of the hour.

>> No.1899152

>I’ve done this 4 fucking times in the last 2 days.
Where did he do this? On /biz/ ?

>> No.1899154
File: 243 KB, 732x412, GET MILOCOIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight, you can only trust MILOCOIN

>> No.1899155

all in
the m-m-m-M-A-D-M-A-N-n-n

>> No.1899156

Pretty sure he's shilled DOPE, 2give and probably TX and ark lol

>> No.1899159

check your facts before you go running your mouth anon.

This whole thing is a coordinated 4chan pump. These profits are /biz/ exclusive.

>> No.1899161

We should do this everyday, lads

>> No.1899162

and he's doing this for all of us to join in on the riches

>> No.1899163

top 50 whales are being harpooned one by one haha

>> No.1899164

This coin is literally game changer. To buy and sell now would be asinine. I personally will keep it as investment

>> No.1899166

was just going to say why doesn't he do this every day...

>> No.1899170

The next wall is at 2200.

Who has .67 BTC and wants to be the hero?!

>> No.1899171

> preparing potential bagholders and giving them the "DO NOT SELL" attitude needed to make them bagholders.

This thread smells of samefag

>> No.1899174

I'm putting more in... buying in as fast as i can

>> No.1899178


>> No.1899179


correct. we don’t need this kind of attitude in here.

IF WE PLAY NICE, WE CAN ALL PROFIT! When will you guys get this through your thick skulls.

The MADMAN will take care of you. I’ve come through on my promises several times already, with photo proof lmao

>> No.1899180

2.4btc til we reach 3k sats

use the force.

>> No.1899182

>so shit it isn't even on yobit

>> No.1899186

you need to do this every day m8, ill put my trust in you!

>> No.1899187

Only sane person in this thread btw.

>> No.1899188


>> No.1899189

Why won't you do it yourself?

>> No.1899191

Remember anons, the more we buy, the more we all gain.

>> No.1899194

Read the OP, I want to keep this pump alive and well. I am putting in 1 BTC every hour for the next 2 hours.

This is a team effort, I can’t do it alone. I can only coordinate the masses with my madness.

>> No.1899195

words of a cheap man

>> No.1899198

Still kinda pissed that our MADMAN pump on XMG yesterday stopped halfway through.

Some idiots went blabbing on bitcointalk and ruined the fun for everyone.

I was going to take that baby to 10k like promised.

>> No.1899205

Hey MADMAN would you be down for a group on skype or discord? It could be fun and less trolls, maybe only people with more than 2 btc will join.

>> No.1899206
File: 162 KB, 1838x501, I second this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899207

>more than 2 btc

That's not fair and you know it

>> No.1899210

2btc until 3k sats.
pitch in boys.

>> No.1899211


Absolut is Swedish. Faggot.

>> No.1899216

Hey i didnt make the meme you double nigger

>> No.1899217

Yes, I’d be down for a Discord chat. invite only

>> No.1899219

#5 in volume increase lel
14% behind #2

>> No.1899220

>These profits are /biz/ exclusive.

>> No.1899222

just bought .25 btc worth, dumping below any of you faggots bc not stupid

>> No.1899223

Okay guys. The 2200 wall is going to come down in...idk...30 seconds?

And then we move on to 3000 sats. Let’s goooo!

>> No.1899225


see >>1899136

>> No.1899226


It's going to take over 3btc to get to 3000

Can't be done

>> No.1899227
File: 478 KB, 1680x1050, JudVR4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys you do know you are literally eating away OPs sell orders right now, dont you?

Im the guy who sold all his magi stash 1 hour before the crash. Heed my call, dont buy out OP.

>> No.1899229

I fucking a toad a so.

Onwards to 3000!

>> No.1899231

Everyone start shilling this on /biz/

>> No.1899232


You used it though. Triple nigger.

>> No.1899233

Okay post your discord and I'll add you.
As for the rest of you post your username and proof of having at least 0.5 btc, this is fair af and is just to weed out the shitposters.

>> No.1899234
File: 60 KB, 320x320, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too far man too far

>> No.1899235


>> No.1899236

Hi OP here, literally just dumped about half a BTC in...so fuck off.

You obviously don’t understand what’s going on here. this is an official MADMAN thread and you can gtfo

>> No.1899237

i bought in at 2000 sats so as long as it gets to 3000+ i don't really care who I'm digging out of a hole

>> No.1899240

Well don't say I didn't warn you guys

>> No.1899241

You have to show history to prove your claims

>> No.1899249

he has, lurk moar

just get in and help us nigger

>> No.1899253

Every hour more people visit /Biz and see this post on the top. If thats you its not to late to buy into this pump right now. You wont make millions but you can have gains before the 4000 mark! LETS GO!

>> No.1899255

lol like actual buy history

screen caps

until then, OP is fucking everybody

>> No.1899256

you didn't warn us.
now if you don't want to profit with us then kindly fuck off

>> No.1899259

Buy history can be manipulated so nah, wouldn't prove anything.

>> No.1899265
File: 240 KB, 425x320, reggieshrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t need to prove myself to you man.

Please feel free to sit on the sidelines for this one. Maybe you’ll learn your lesson and will be smart enough to jump on the next MADMAN post tomorrow

>> No.1899266

i'll sprinkle some chips on this fuck. let's do this, MADMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1899268

>Buy fuck loads of cheap shit coin
>Hey biz buy this we're all gonna be rich

Rinse and repeat.

>> No.1899269

smart anon right here. still time to double profits if you buy into this dip

>> No.1899272

>tfw you bought in at 1300 last night for no reason

I love you guys

>> No.1899274

10 uses only. Expires in 30 minutes.

>> No.1899278
File: 14 KB, 1827x133, timeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post title :D

This shill is so amateurish my sides hurt. Meanwhile I make good gains elsewhere, pic related. Im small-coiner, no denying that, but then I just paid 1/3 of my rent just by this trade so I cannot really complain.

>> No.1899280

Who is dumping? Somebody has weak hands lol.

They’ll regret it when this reaches 4200.

>> No.1899281

THANK YOU! - Yung Tide

>> No.1899286

Op is dumping and reaffirming everyone right now, keep buying goys

>> No.1899293

You made 0.004 BTC, how is that 1/3 of your rent?

>> No.1899296

I am the OP and MADMAN and I’m not dumping!

Hold strong everyone, I’ll buy into this wave of dumping.

>> No.1899297

Not everyone lives in US dumbass

>> No.1899299

Can't join. Is it out?

>> No.1899300

Neither do I dumbass

>> No.1899301

Haha look at these idiots selling so cheap.

MADMAN said 4200, and I fucking meant it.

>> No.1899302

Can you sound any more desperate?

>2000 sats
>as long as it gets to 3000+
Guess you got played right there. Told you so.

>> No.1899304

why don't you? do you like being poor?

>> No.1899305

i lived a 2nd world country last year
was paying 100$us for rent/month

>> No.1899307

Who's creating a Discord btw? I'm good for the BTC

>> No.1899310

I have probably higher standard of living than you

>> No.1899312

The discord link is not working for me. looks frozen or something

>> No.1899313

flop or not, I've got money to play with. so lets play

>> No.1899314

How much money did you make a month?

>> No.1899315

I aint scared

>> No.1899316

Okay. Whatever asshole just dumped I hope you’re happy.

The rest of us will carry on to 4200

>> No.1899320
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, lolol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think OP had one of these kinds of haircuts

why would you ever trust him?

>> No.1899323

So how much of that 1BTC did these fools buy out from you? You gotta drop second BTC any time soon?

>> No.1899324

stayed for 5 months
worked for 2 months, earned 800$us
spent around 1500$ during my stay.

>> No.1899326

Haha rek’d. I do look untrustworthy.

I went to the salon the other day and told them do whatever the fuck they wanted.
I honestly don’t care anymore. Hair is a stupid waste of time.

>> No.1899327

Fuck that was a close one.

Here we gooo. It’s finally going back up!

>> No.1899328

dropping the 2nd bit coin now er wot?

>> No.1899330

yep. sorry, man. I'll clean house of the wall flies in a few minutes and you'll have another chance. Watch the thread.

>> No.1899331

Sounds like fun.

>> No.1899332

it was an accident

>> No.1899333
File: 13 KB, 146x185, 011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899335

MADMAN is dropping another 1 BTC NOW!

>> No.1899338

most ex-soviet countries cost around the same.
i was sharing the comfy 4 1/2 flat with 1 flatmate btw

>> No.1899340

Why did you kick me out the group you fucking fags

>> No.1899348

This is textbook greed. Sinning isn't winning, ya fools.

>> No.1899352

Are you guys giving up on me? I can’t push this to 4200 on my own


>> No.1899357

how to buy shitcoin? I have 6 BTC available

>> No.1899358

Probably because you didn't contribute.

>> No.1899359
File: 16 KB, 480x360, gordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot m8?

>> No.1899361

can u wait another 10 mins for my gay etherium to go to gay bittrex and then for me to sell my gay etherium for gayer buttcoins and buy str8guyg0l0s?

>> No.1899366

go to Bittrex
search GOLOS under market tab
put buy order

>> No.1899368

don't buy it all at once though. spread it out over time

>> No.1899370

Just talked with the other whales. We have agreed to hold on this one.

We will continue slowly buying this up to the target of 4200.

For all you noobs out there, this means you should buy this dip.

>> No.1899374

lolol post screens of conversation you fucking kike

>> No.1899376

I thought you were pumping this alone? /Biz/ exclusive gains?? You guys might as well just write THE MADMAN a check for $200 and cut the coins out of the equation

>> No.1899378

Well that worked well

>> No.1899379

how long have you been using 4chan?

>> No.1899380

Don't like your face.

>> No.1899383

I can confirm this.
Weak hands sell before 4200.

>> No.1899385
File: 201 KB, 1838x473, nice try jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

means it's going down

>> No.1899387

I personally love it. It's a face that makes me money

>> No.1899389


Jesus christ, 10 btc volume, what kind of kindergarten shit is this?

>> No.1899391

Years and years

>> No.1899393

whales relative to the size of the pond.

a 15% splash from a whale is a 15% splash

>> No.1899398

Should have stuck with ARDR.

More even order book and liquidity.

>> No.1899399

op is a master scammer. dont fall for his pumps. look at what happened to 2give and xmg kek

>> No.1899400
File: 180 KB, 1858x511, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and for anyone else who's listening, Ether is going to be crashing pretty fucking hard

>> No.1899403

much easier to pump shit thats only on bittrex.

>> No.1899406
File: 177 KB, 1854x497, yikes again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same with Dash

>> No.1899407

Yeah look at what happened, 2GIVE went from 200sat to 2000sat. Wouldn't call that a "master" scam.

>> No.1899408

Yeah, i lowered my eth holdings from 500 to 200 yesterday, might buy back in if it crashes

>> No.1899409

how do you calculate these stuff?

>> No.1899411

eth holders are in it to safeguard their btc fiat value from this following week's events

>> No.1899413

XMG was ruined because another anon went and spilled the beans on BitcoinTalk causing whales over there to dump.

>> No.1899415
File: 187 KB, 1851x500, woof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogecoin on the other hand.......

>> No.1899417

I get that, it's still pennies though

>> No.1899418

Can you explain? A lot of my money is in ETH

>> No.1899419

The only reason why i am not trusting OP is because:

OP is probably not even the real MADMAN.
In the timestamp it says BUY ARDR instead of GOLOS

OP probably saved that picture from older ARDR thread which is now deleted and re-using it here claiming to be the real Madman.

Also the filename says madman-proof-2 implying there was originally at least 2 proof photos posted.

Make a new timestamp and prove you are the real madman or fuck off.

>> No.1899422

because he shilled it? dumbass

>> No.1899423

it's going to be cheap as fug so you may as well

I've only been doing this trading thing for a week

.....but I have taken acid twice during the week

maybe it helped?

I dunno

start turning on the shit in the "Studies" tab and find the patterns

nobody should worry about nothin'

just sell at the right time

>> No.1899427
File: 392 KB, 3840x1080, bkbsOX4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we supposed to read something from these pics of yours? You are polluting /biz with them for a few days now.

>> No.1899429


>> No.1899430

in the previous thread, we suggested ARDR, GOLOS and NXT. we chose GOLOS and a minute later, OP started this thread.

>> No.1899431


I already explained the ARDR fuck up here: >>1899142

But fine...i’ll make a new pic. what do you want it to say dude?


>> No.1899433

"I'm useless piece of shit which cannot even shill up some random crypto on /biz"

>> No.1899437

yeah, they're pieces of my fucking crystal ball

the line above "EHLER FISCHER" is the Momentum
what goes up must come down
there's always a rebound

you see it zoomed in, in the minute by minute view
you see it zoomed out, like this

>> No.1899438


>> No.1899447


>what do you want it to say dude?
"Buy Golos" would be enough, but its always better if you add something funny there.

>> No.1899450

Lol poorfag, MADMAN will make us all rich.

>> No.1899454

nah hes just making himself rich

>> No.1899456

I promise it's not going up

>> No.1899457

whens the second pump

>> No.1899459

He didnt even drop second BTC cause the sell orders from his first one havent filled fully... but sure, whatever helps you rationalize your losses.

>> No.1899460
File: 189 KB, 1849x471, op should be gassed .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899464

literally a ponzi scheme
>inb4 all shitcoins are ponzi schemes

>> No.1899465
File: 213 KB, 960x1280, madman-proof3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the haters, starting to piss me off.

I am the real MADMAN. I am OP.

>> No.1899472

5 uses. Expires in 30 minutes.

>> No.1899476


>> No.1899480

you look so fucking untrustworthy, no wonder

>> No.1899484

Ok i guess i was wrong. He is madman.

>> No.1899486

Literally only you and 1 other here jewing this thread, stop, it's pathetic.

>> No.1899490


>> No.1899493

but.........I mean, I just know it's not going up lol

>> No.1899498

*goes up*

>> No.1899499

>black buttoned shirt with breast pocket
Nice one, straight out of /fa, is it?
At least your haircut doesnt suck.

>> No.1899500


what's the deal? how do you profit off of this? I mean I get why we would want to participate, but what's in it for you?

>> No.1899501

you are literally retarded if you cant see it. how is ur bag mr strong hands

>> No.1899505

not until like, mid April

>> No.1899509

Because he starts pumps by spending a shit load before he posts his thread. Thread was posted 14 mins after that huge green thing. Because we (hopefully) bought close to the OP, we'll profit. I'll cutting myself off at about 20% profit.

>> No.1899510

The MADMAN just ATE that sellwall, time to go up up up boys.

>> No.1899512

he gets in early on low volume shit coins, pumps it on biz, puts sell order at like double then sells. fucking PONZI, cant believe u idiots cant see it. XMG

>> No.1899515


OP is jewing you all, he bought before he even started shilling, if you lose money you deserve nothing better.

>> No.1899518

When are we going to reach the goal, lads? It's 23:55 here and I don't want to stay up for the whole fucking night

>> No.1899523

he started the thread at 1200. i bought in at 1300 2 minutes after the thread began. OP never lied

>> No.1899529

Yes I always give warning first.

FOR EXAMPLE: in 3 minutes I will be dumping another .5 BTC in

>> No.1899532

is there stop loss on bittrex?

>> No.1899534


eh, that'd be a very obvious and boring scam. I was hoping he figured out a way for him to profit from us profiting. like make us sub-scammers or something.

>> No.1899538

ok i hope everyone who isn't a pussy is in at this point. when will it be time to move this into phase 2 and start shilling to reddit and bitcointalk?

>> No.1899543



And with as illiquid as some of these altcoins are, you wouldn't want to use one even if there was.

>> No.1899544


>> No.1899546

that's kind of what we are. see

>> No.1899558

no, we're the scammed in this scenario. we're the ones supposed to buy up his coins, not some mass of faceless minions who make others buy it up for a share of the profit. (because in the latter scenario we'd have an interest in shilling this shit into a huge bubble -> more profit for everyone)

>> No.1899562

basically OP tricks a small brigade of idiots to buy up his bags after he inflates the price buying extremely low, then he dumps for profit. don't get dumped on.

>> No.1899563

your first post in this thread came an hour after the initial pump
quit complaining
you were late to the party

>> No.1899564

basically this, fucking retards. just look at his fucking face. screams rapist

>> No.1899571
File: 14 KB, 300x295, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899575

if i remember correctly op said he doesnt do these pnds to make money but because he gets off to making a good trade. righhhhhhhhhhhhht

>> No.1899578

How retarded are you guys? can't you see that the more we buy this, the more we all gain? please be more obvious in your jewing, no one is going to fall for that.

>> No.1899580

well. nope. i’ve never said that

>> No.1899582

tried to warn you guys! hope nobody actually put money into this other than the OP and his Jew crew

>> No.1899584

are you somehow retarded? The thing I'm complaining about is how bad and unorganised this would be a scam if it was like this.

I'm still waiting for OP to reply on how he is going to profit from his initial proposition. Something which somehow no one asked, even though this is the most important question anyone can ask.

>> No.1899585

yea u did u cuck

>> No.1899589


how's if we all suck eachother off then decide on a new coin and time.

>> No.1899592

hahah ok whatever you say.

I do remember seeing some other anon say that last night. but idk what that has to do with anything in this thread.

My interest is in seeing if 4chan can pull off a successful coordinated pump. So far it’s working slowly

>> No.1899597

You getting salty over the fact that OP was right about this pumping? well, there's still time to join, the more we buy the more it pumps.

>> No.1899599

I’m holding 39,691 GOLOS. This is pennies to me. Not worried about losing it all.

I’d rather see 4chan pull something off successfully as a group. Instead of all this jew-ing.

>> No.1899601

11.5 btc volume. Much riches, much wow. Kek

>> No.1899604

show ur order history

>> No.1899605

>Don't trust ethereum, ripple, or shift
Its like you hate money.

>> No.1899608


you're bullshitting. how are we supposed to trust some bum who doesn't care about his own well being. what a worthless person this has to be to not value his own time.

>> No.1899613

>I’d rather see 4chan pull something off successfully as a group. Instead of all this jew-ing.
that makes no fucking sense. we are all here to make money u faker

>> No.1899617

It's already going down

>> No.1899618


fuck off kiddies

>> No.1899621

you're so emotional and shit
quit over analyzing this
it's a pnd plain and simple
if you'e not in it, gtfo. easy!

>> No.1899624

With the amount you're trying to tell people that this is a scam i seriously doubt that.

>> No.1899627

sounds so familiar to this>>1899599
really makes u think

>> No.1899631

show it fag, prove to ur minions ur not scamming

>> No.1899633

op show it and get this faggot to shut the fuck up
include timestamp

>> No.1899634

Ignore this poster above, he's just jealous at everyone getting gains from this, probably doesn't even have the money to buy into this.

>> No.1899636

lulz dat red volume
well gj OP. made a couple hundred now some punk with a face has a bad (worse) rep.

>> No.1899642


>> No.1899644


are you fucking retarded? do you realise that when you say you don't profit from this shit, you're not caring about it.

why would anyone want to make a deal with someone who can get bored any minute and than take a big shit all over you?



>> No.1899652

still waiting, make sure to include the WHOLE history

>> No.1899653

You guys are really salty for no legit reason, everything ok in real life?

>> No.1899656

i hurt my back doing db shoulder press on thursday (???) but ya everythings fine. wbu?

>> No.1899671

Hello Kiddies, XMG bag holder here!
Golos, what's in a name, also no succes.
LOL, who wants to be a real MADMAN

>> No.1899674


goodbye $20 ;_; i was hoping you'd at least be $23 when we reunited but providence had different plans for us...

>> No.1899677

Kys senpai buy dopecoin

>> No.1899679

That wasn't this guy it was optionsgoy, two different people.

>> No.1899683

Nah i shilled dope this guy is just chumping you for chumps

>> No.1899684

So, I just got kicked by some angry poorfag.
Here's the real chat. 30 minutes and 10 uses.

>> No.1899689

>pretty sure he shilled 2give and probably TX and ark
Don't think those were all him but I've profited off all three.

>> No.1899690

lost 7 $

>> No.1899691

volume at 13 OP is gone..... can i use kike as a verb?

>> No.1899693

god ur retarded

>> No.1899697

You sold before we agreed. You're not trustworthy. Sorry, senpai, but if you can't keep the group informed then you're not going to be in on the op.

>> No.1899698

No that'd be you, they were arguing and bitching each other out three threads ago or so.

>> No.1899704

Pathetic, we agreed to cut losses on the fly. MADMAN was on board.

>> No.1899706

he hasn't said anything in 30 minutes so he's donezo

>> No.1899714

"The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: I’ve been found out."

>> No.1899721
File: 17 KB, 467x271, fff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I think everyone was more than reasonable. You betrayed the group's trust.

>> No.1899725

>tfw just got an undercut yesterday

>> No.1899726


>> No.1899748

kinda late there buddy.

>> No.1899753

At that trading volume you can't expect to hold it for longer than 30 minutes. I managed to make $150

>> No.1899759

yall niggers should switch over to pivx. Mad gainz being mad there and it's just startin

>> No.1899809



>> No.1899815

wtf lol

>> No.1899816


>> No.1899817


>> No.1899820

are you guys serious right now? lmao

>> No.1899821

This is cruel guys, shit has been over for a while.

>> No.1899841

how new are you? i actually feel kinda bad, wait no its just my ibs

>> No.1899861
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to me, not him.

>> No.1899863

suck my cock newfag jew kike ginger nigger

>> No.1899942

> trading floor

>> No.1899952


>> No.1900067

Does Madman do this at the same time every day?

>> No.1900076


Muh 7 figures.

>> No.1900088
File: 411 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_2419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna call complete horseshit on that bud but cute atempt

>> No.1900118

show us your house then faggot

>> No.1900135


>> No.1900160

my mother fucking nigga

>> No.1900164

OP has finally delivered

>> No.1900169


What time are you doing this tomorrow?

I want to get BTC into the right trading account by then, so I can be ready for tomorrow's moon.

Would you recommend a certain broker for tomorrow's moon? Poloniex? Bittrex?

>> No.1900276

Bittrex for sure. I’ll be back online tomorrow around 11AM EST

>> No.1900280

Missed this one today guys
Can we have a time tomorrow ?

>> No.1900296
File: 1.05 MB, 2001x2001, thank-20you-20images-thanks-clipart-2001_2001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sweet Jesus! Thanks OP. I'll be ready for tomorrow's moon

>> No.1900306

tfw this is 1am ausfag time

>> No.1900330

nigger join the main biz discord tomorrow


>> No.1900423

>invite expired




ok everyone get in