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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 190x290, 2342342345566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18988737 No.18988737 [Reply] [Original]

This is truly the thing worth paying attention to right now. People are wasting their time with Chainlink and other bullshit for God knows what reason. The market is down 12% and I'm up 98% today. In the next 2 weeks, there is so much money to be made here. The fact that it's not being talked about much, the fact that ESH is a pleb filter, and the fact that I've already made thousands of dollars on ESH is proof enough without McAfee even having shilled it yet.

For anyone interested, here's what I think we're looking at and my strat:

>buy ASAP if you can do it on a small dip, do it. RIGHT THIS SECOND is a good time
>this will probably pump to $2 - $4 dollars until the 15th white paper
>on that date, make sure to have your ETH ready to sell IMMEDIATELY on Idex. If the whitepaper is shit, it'll probably dump
>likely, the white paper will look pretty legit, there's already a lot of promise
>If WP legit, ESH will pump HARD and FAST and continue to the 25th
>on 25th, have ESH ready to be transfered from your Metamask/Trustwallet to Idex after you get the airdrop
>sell as fast as you can
>wait until super late FOMOers realize they can't get Ghost without ESH
>buy back your ESH super fucking cheap
>ride a Ghost/ESH pump together

Enjoy fuckers. I hope you all get rich and get out of the rat race. I'm wishing all you faggots well.

>> No.18988760

>make sure to have your ETH ready to sell IMMEDIATELY on Idex
Your ESH*

>> No.18988794
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Thanks for all of your support, faggot. In the interim: get to working on $ghost memes.

>> No.18988818
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Totally agree

>> No.18988824
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This shit writes itself, honestly.

>> No.18988833
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Already capped your post in the other thread. Doing God's work anon.

>> No.18988843
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"It's free real estate."

>> No.18988857
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>tfw no $ghost

>> No.18988872
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>> No.18988910

Oh wow another scam of the month pajeet shitcoin! What a delight.

You’d think that after NuLink, PNK, Fantom, RSR and BSV people would have learned but nope! Brainlets will fall for the same buzzwords and hype and spend actual money on digital dirt.

>> No.18988914
File: 127 KB, 733x1305, ghosted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$Ghost already has a built-in audience

>> No.18988934

You have no power here. I'm up 1500%. Stay fucking poor.

>> No.18988939

Does myetherwallet work for the snapshot?
Secondly. You say get ready to sell esh when whitepaper releases on 15th but then say if its good it will pump esh and if you sold goping for a dump you will have to buy back in higher

>> No.18988960

if youre up 1500% then its too late to get in

>> No.18988963

Have ESH on exchange on white paper day. Read it immediately. You're going to have to make up your own mind whether or not it's legit enough to risk holding. There will be a lot of people that dump as soon as white paper comes out and take profit. You could be one of them. It's up to you. If the WP is legit, maybe you want to take profit sell half hold half. The choice is yours. People are going to have to make their own determinations quickly and react accordingly. Monitor McAfee's Twitter like a hawk also.

>> No.18988973

If you don't want in, then don't get in. I don't really give a fuck, I'm just trying to actually make a thread on /biz/ not wasting anyone's time. There's an opportunity here. Stay out if you want. See you later when you FOMO seeing people double pumping on ESH/Ghost

>> No.18988980

This. Anyone buying now is never going to make it, in crypto or life. Loser's move there

>> No.18989037


Bitcoin, Ether, and literally every shitcoin on the market hemorrhaged money tonight while ESH steadily built value. Obviously the timing of it all has an effect but I don't expect Bloody Monday to end terribly well for anyone. What do you think is going to happen when people look at what ESH is and discover what $Ghost is when they try to figure out why it pumped so hard when everyone else bled?

>> No.18989039

I can’t decide if I want to buy more or not. I’m thinking maybe if there is a dip tomorrow

>> No.18989103

still absolutely nothing on plebbit about GHOST, as far as I can see

>> No.18989163

Absolute idiot

>> No.18989177

I was an idiot and passed when it was 14c. If I fomo now and get fucked, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Good luck bros. I'll be watching on the sidelines.

>> No.18989204

Yeah sure you don’t care. That’s why you’re so ferociously defending and shilling this scam. You don’t type like a pajeet but we can still smell the stink on your posts.

>> No.18989363

ESH is still uptrending against ETH

>> No.18989403

I have no idea whats going to happen with this coin, but the prospects are good. I want people here to make it. If you think THIS thread is what shilling is while ignoring the countless threads on Hex that are clearly paid shilling for an obvious scam, then you need to fuck off. I truly believe this is a rare opportunity. I believe my strategy is sound. If it is, I hope people can make it. If YOU don't want to be part, then I really don't give a fuck.

>> No.18989420

And to be completely honest, you may be absolutely right. The white paper may be shit, this may be a pump n dump scam by McAfee, it may not, I don't know. All I know is I've profited thus far and I believe there is room to still do so. Look at my post. I said be ready to sell. I don't even know why I'm still responding to you. I guess being called a shill pissed me off because when you look at the catalog and you choose to come to THIS thread out of all the shit out there and call ME a shill. I mean, fuck, are you retarded?

>> No.18989493
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Oh not. It’s retarded.

>> No.18989733

I made a fishing post about it on r/cryptocurrency to see if anyone would bite and I got 0 replies or updoots

>> No.18989910

STAKE / xDAI will give you better gaines.....im in both, but this is way more risky

>> No.18989952

what do you hold faggot? tell us

>> No.18990002

I'll stake 100 Eth when they open that up. I'll take my shitty 5% returns and reinvest them into staking until Eth moons

>> No.18990032

>>buy ASAP if you can do it on a small dip, do it. RIGHT THIS SECOND


>> No.18990076


Gonna be a lot of dips, son. It’s not really the best thing to do with the kids who thought that the game would make a good time for them but it was a great idea and they had to get them back into their own power level before they were able to make it happen

Got bored and started using auto suggest. Sorry not sorry.

>> No.18990106

FUDing a coin that would pleb filter you out of buying it even if you wanted to.

>> No.18990109

I wonder if it's better to sell right before the airdrop.

Everybody's buying in to try and get this new coin, then will dump esh immediately. But once they get ghost, what then? Even if it's an amazing coin, it's not really worth anything until it gains mass adoption, and that's not a given - why not just use an existing privacy coin?

>> No.18990139

That's a crucial decision. There will undoubtedly be big dumps before the WP and before the airdrop, and there will undoubtedly be anons anticipating that to buy those dips. Hard call. Lot of variables. Stay awake and watch close

>> No.18990218
File: 909 KB, 1027x1200, boooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 6k on mcbaseddex today, how do I withdraw back to metamask wallet? I tried with a test amount, and I can see the transaction but no tokens, it says they went to some contract address?

>> No.18990229

>6k on mcbaseddex today
How the fuck did you actually get that to happen lmao
>how do I withdraw back to metamask wallet?
by giving it a fuckload of gas

>> No.18990322

Ok so I managed to get 10k at .25 on Mercatox but there's not a lot of trading going on. What is a decent not super expensive vpn to use so I can use Idex?

>> No.18990389

anything cheap will work

>> No.18990505


>> No.18990510

Private Internet Access. They keep no records. It's like $6/mo

>> No.18990685


i like mullvad

>> No.18990761
File: 693 KB, 1078x1349, 1588835823483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will run on its own exchange on hosted on a dapp on the blockchain. No chinks fucking with you and killing your stop losses and stalling your graphs etc. no government intervention being able to restrict it. (in theory binance, coinbase etc could be shut down tomorrow) this anyone could fire one up.
no KYC
complete privacy
shared orderbook through the blockchain.
fast and cheap tx fees

seems a pretty good sell right?

couple all that with:
pumping BTC and halvening
McAfee king of the pumpers of many altcoin - ultimate front man for the normies.
trumpbux flying around
people stuck indoors due to lockdown looking for some excitement
This is leading to a bullrun
when john starts pumping and the pleb filter for obtaining esh is broken down then normie funds will start pouring in.

why do you think the liquidity is low at the moment? whales are holding esh until john starts his run and the whitepaper is here.
Cant have the price pumped too high by early buyers otherwise you wont attract the masses.
with the white paper will come more liquidity on the exchanges. however the prices are going north and you'll be against the amassing hordes.

>> No.18990861

thanks for the suggestions

>> No.18990871

Can you contact mcfag and sign me up for a shill gig? I can post 24/7

>> No.18990920

Don't, that company has been acquired by snitches

>> No.18990948

esh will keep pumping until may 25th. it could hit $100

>> No.18990987


i'd shit my pants if it hit $100, but i doubt it

>> No.18991076

based mullchad

>> No.18991156

samefag shill scammer pajjeet thread

>> No.18991169

>tfw would only have 150k

not fair bros

>> No.18991223

So from what I've gather near the 25th May you want your ESH not in an exchange wallet, but also you shouldn't have it in metamask? Correct?

>> No.18991239

No, you WANT it in your metamask

>> No.18991246

will i still get the drop if i use mew wallet

>> No.18991249
File: 11 KB, 296x375, 4BEB9782-D51A-4592-93FB-F54E1BB564D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you fuck off with your scheming, john.

>> No.18991303

If you want to get GHOST you need ESH outside of exchange wallet, metamask is fine it’s just that tx fees are huge now

>> No.18991447

MetaMask should be OK.

>> No.18991520

What is risky about it?

>> No.18991590

>wait until super late FOMOers realize they can't get Ghost without ESH
>buy back your ESH super fucking cheap
>ride a Ghost/ESH pump together
why should i buy esh back?

>> No.18991749

when will mcaffee rev the shilltrain? tomorrow? plebbit awaits

>> No.18991773

>when will mcaffee rev the shilltrain? tomorrow? plebbit awaits
soon bro

>> No.18991800

Best investment I ever made

>> No.18991810

You have to add the token to MetaMask for your tokens to be visible.

>> No.18991830

Do you add it to MetaMask by adding a custom token?

>> No.18991925


Thanks, i just saw someone mention that metamask wouldn't work for some reason or other.

>> No.18992008

Are people still accumulating?

This will unironically hit $1bn mcap

>> No.18992050

>This will unironically hit $1bn mcap
ESH will pump right up to the airdrop on may 25th. it's only 10m marketcap right now. it could get to 1bn marketcap. that's 100x in two weeks.

>> No.18992058

15m supply, McAffee exchange coin

>> No.18992095


>> No.18992109

>buy ASAP if you can do it on a small dip, do it. RIGHT THIS SECOND is a good time

There are no fucking dips. Whenever I buy it at the peak, it starts going down and I'm like oh shit, but then it doubles my buy-in position. You really have to just fill some market orders and maybe set a few limits, but shit's not getting filled. People aren't selling for less than 90 cents or so. I'm hoping for a dip to 60 cents or so. Definitely get this while you can. I bought a bunch from .30-.60 and thought that I was too late. Nope. Anything below $2 is a steal if you hold till the 25th.

>> No.18992114

I can’t see this being any less than $150m mcap by end of next week

>> No.18992131

I know that esh is the exchange coin, but after you receive the airdrop you wont get ghost tokens anymore, so what is the point of buying esh back?

>> No.18992164
File: 87 KB, 1491x409, ESHMAY10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, just now started to "dip"

>> No.18992216

Given the situation, it feels as either the vanguard of the next bullrun, or a last desperate attempt to make a last quick buck before general collapse.

It will very probably go up to a few dollars at least. Anybody with spare money should invest in this/those coin/s

>> No.18992322

I've never invested in ESH and don't know how it works, any good online resources/guides you can point me to? And where can I buy it?

>> No.18992330
File: 105 KB, 1024x677, CB43C723-5034-43D2-A61F-E7FB1D47AFEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally trust John and his abilities in creating something with meaningful value. He did it in past. He knows how to do it again. John was the best thing that could have happened to crypto. We really need experienced people in this space. That’s the reason why so many projects fail.

>> No.18992345

Everyone here uses idex, but you need a VPN if you're American. I just use Mercatox. Deposit ETH since it moves faster than BTC. Just put the price in as whatever the lowest asking price is if you want to get in quick. Or you can set a limit and hope it gets filled. Mercatox comes with a built in wallet, but you will want a metamask or something similar for getting ghost. Act quick.

>> No.18992369

this. I'm up from link and RSR. I think I only really lost money with lit.

>> No.18992580

>so I managed to get 10k at .25 on Mercatox

>> No.18992767
File: 25 KB, 827x253, merca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey so im on mercatox now and it wont generate an eth address to deposit to? whats that all about ?

>> No.18993169

it will. wait.

>> No.18993196

You mean to tell me that this guy worked for the government at one point with high level clearance then saw all the nonsense that the government does , so he quit and ran his own cybersecurity software where he sold his company for 70M then dived into bath salts and hookers shitting in his mouth and living with 10 prostitutes where one of them pointed a gun at him while he was asleep and tried to rob him but was unsuccessful then he told the world about the government and the powers that be of the corruption and then allegedly murdered a guy in Belize , Ran as a Libertarian Candidate in the fucking US then got arrested and then broke out of prison and almost got assassinated a couple of times and has since been on the fucking run , and will become a martyr because everyone will want to use GHOST as his memory will live on as his political opponents try to kill him because he exposed the Epstein shit to the fucking world is going to make his own fucking cryptocurrency with its own blockchain and for its DEXes and who has 1M followers on Twitter which he shilled XVG and PIVX which both returned 1000x+ ROI on Investment isn’t going to push this fucking coin to the fucking sky
Then you are absolutely fucking retarded and deserve to be poor. Personally I’m all in.

>> No.18993238
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>using spurtacox

>> No.18993336

>>on that date, make sure to have your ESH ready to sell IMMEDIATELY on Idex. If the whitepaper is shit, it'll probably dump

I'll be looking to buy at that point, if it happens

McAfee's audience is too large to ignore vs. what the sentiment on the whitepaper is

>> No.18993378

dont forget link in your list of scams sirgay

>> No.18993557

You're an idiot. OPs point went completely over your head.

>> No.18993602


Thanks, I'll definitely buy then

>> No.18994362

ITT morons don’t use Mcaffee dex

>> No.18994567

Yeah, mcafeedex will be a flop.

GHOST however, will BTFO Monero.

>> No.18994646


>> No.18994667

The most important thing!!
can you imagine the tons of memes that we can create with the image of John Mcafee and the name GHOST ??

>> No.18994716

yeah, just off the bat I'm imagining mcafee fucking a nigger to death and the nigger's ghost saying something like "massa mcafee pump me so good my soul left my body"

>> No.18994831

>don't use mcafeedex
is there a reason for this? i got my ESH on mcafeedex and everything turned out okay (took a while for everything to go thru)
i couldn't use idex because burger

>> No.18994870



But keep trying.

>> No.18994873

I came

>> No.18994879
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>> No.18995101
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>> No.18995238


>> No.18995344

haven't used idex in two years. whats the deal with login, it used to just connect a wallet?
t. burger vpn

>> No.18995354

anyone having issues withdrawing from Mercatox
>never using this pos exchange again as soon as ghosties drop

>> No.18995413

They can take a while sometimes ive used the exchange for over a year and no real problems.
You must have paid a premium using mercatox.

>> No.18995492
File: 23 KB, 378x206, order 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

support responded so thats a good sign, maybe a bit of a premium but still sittin comfy

>> No.18995534


I am ready to buy 2000$ worth of ETH for this right now, where can i buy it with my CC without having to submit passport, blood testm urine test etc?

>> No.18995540


>> No.18995554

not needed on Idex

>> No.18995562
File: 39 KB, 657x527, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dumb, broke college student from eastern Europe. How could someone like me buy this?

>> No.18995571

You don’t, mongol untermenschen.

>> No.18995609

I think just Coinbase, buy ETH, link with metamask, send it to idex, convert ETH into ESH ?

>> No.18995610


You don't, but you can input the ESH token's address on Uniswap and buy from there with a metamask wallet if you decide to smarten up.

>> No.18995626


doesn't look like i can buy ETH on idex, unless im blind

>> No.18995716

do you not have one of those scammy bitcoin machines near you... Eastern Europe is full of them

>> No.18995813

Why are you all calling AAVE Ghost?
its called AAVE and it is one of the best holds in the crypto space.

>> No.18995907
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Just googled it, looks like a complete shitcoin.

>> No.18996696

this fag didn't pay attention of the privacy coin drama.

>> No.18997291

>Yeah, mcafeedex will be a flop.
>GHOST however, will BTFO Monero.
GHOST will likely only be available on switchdex/mcafeedex

>> No.18997345

Just the same pump & dump it happened with XVG in 2017 beware anons

>> No.18997492

Dude what? Are you this naive? There isn't going to be a Bitcoin correlation when we are still in the ICO stages of a brand new coin that hasn't even been released yet. Look at Hex, did it dump? No, because it's in it's advent.

>> No.18997516

Stop using the word scam when you don't know what it means.

>> No.18997600
File: 688 KB, 1920x1080, 22A8D3A0-28E6-4C6D-BD88-018CDC7A24AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys reek of desperation

>> No.18997637

Ghost been floating sideways all day. What does this mean goys?

>> No.18997693

>on 25th, have ESH ready to be transfered from your Metamask/Trustwallet to Idex after you get the airdrop
>sell as fast as you can
>wait until super late FOMOers realize they can't get Ghost without ESH

What's the point of ppl fomoing on 25th rather than earlier than 25th if the airdrop is on 25th?

>> No.18997778

Shot up too fast, went from madgainz territory like 5 days ago, to speculative investment. Plus we are at $1 already.

>> No.18997844
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>Not making ez money off pump and dumps.

Ngmi. Xvg literally turned 500 bucks into 50 grand when I sold during the bull run. If I had been in a few months earlier I'd be sitting on a couple million. Kick myself for that one everyday. This will go even further beyond though.

>> No.18997896

I just sold for $ at least it's free... and I could hodl some ghost

Free 52$ OXT


>> No.18998156

Daddy hasnt start shilling yet. You just wait

>> No.18998254

based green id confirms non larper

How much did you put into esh?

>> No.18998259

Good considering everything is dumping

>> No.18998390

Will holding my ESH on a Trust wallet be sufficient to get the airdrop?

>> No.18998402
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 1583649229080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is that thing

>> No.18998431


>> No.18998514

100 eth so far

Another 100 eth on the sidelines if it comes back to 0.75

>> No.18998539

Fuck. I've only got like 1500 ghosties because poorfag, what are my odds of making it? Only spent around 800 usd

>> No.18998588


>> No.18998600

Alright OP, I found some JNT from early 2018 sitting in idex. Sold it all for $100 and threw it all in ESH. About 78 of em.

When do I sell this scam PnD?

>> No.18998610

what price did you sell at?

>> No.18998611


>> No.18998621

im in top 40

>> No.18998638

Why yes, I'm in the top 500, how could you tell? Is this a sign ill make it?
What did you buy at and how much?

>> No.18998719
File: 220 KB, 1200x800, toasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy hold so far.

>> No.18998725

how much jnt is that? can't believe its worth $100

>> No.18998757
File: 154 KB, 1218x975, 874786734535786346747567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is where i bought 3/4 of my stack. Bought another 10ish k at 0.00024 on mcafeedex later that day (just after it pumped to 0.0004 on idex) to secure my two masternodes.

>> No.18998759

why is there 1.5m ESH at the zero.address

>> No.18998760
File: 162 KB, 1402x1080, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going all in on this coin
All I ask from you guys is a mother fucking x2 so I can pay off my (((loan)))

If this happens I will literally kiss Mcafee's ass. I lost my job and no one wants to fucking hire me. I'm starting a new semester and this loan is only going to keep killing me. Please Mcafee you're my only hope.

>> No.18998778

Because normies are retarded?

>> No.18998786

I should update this chart desu since price almost doubled since this

>> No.18998794

Lucky fuck. I bought in at 0.002

How did you find out about it? /biz/?

>> No.18998805

Lol I know right. It was worth 2500 when I bought it JUST

>> No.18998817

i believe there will be deffo a 2x, although id wait till just before the white paper to sell regardless

>> No.18998827

Fuck I gotta get to the top 500 at least.

>> No.18998833

not implying i think whitepaper will be bad or dont see hodl potential, fellow ghosties, just being extra safe in this anons case as he has debt

>> No.18998841

Since it's only /biz/ anons that are the top holders, why don't we make a discord and do some coordinated shilling teams so we can all pump and dump our bags?

>> No.18998859

>How did you find out about it? /biz/?
Yup. Some anon made a thread but it didnt get many replies and fizzled out pretty quick. I set my buy order and had it there for 2 days until it finally got filled. Then I made this thread >>18877910 which is what really started Ghost gaining traction on biz.

>> No.18998864

Don't need to shill ghost, that's half the point.

>> No.18998872

itll get washed out soon enough because mcafee will be shilling soon, my strat is similar to OPs. gonna wait till before the 25th to see how the airdrop works though

>> No.18998906

a 2x is guaranteed

>> No.18998912

I have to ask, how much do you have wrapped up in crypto?
Big daddy mc will pump this shit more than a million retards on here could. Just be patient.

>> No.18998959

I would've bought it already but I have no idea how to, can someone explain?

>> No.18999007


Holy shit PLEASE I fucking need this x2
If there's a whale here, please have mercy on me. Fuck I hope this coin goes to atleast 2 dollars.

>> No.18999047

I made more money this past week on ESH then 99% of Ugandans have in their life. Personally, for me, McAfee is going to make me a millionaire, and I love him for that.

>> No.18999051

tee hee down we go ghostlets

>> No.18999149

you realise you'll be getting 2 coins right? if both esh an ghost dumped to 50 cents each that still wouldnt have a loss compared to what you have now. if youre that desperate for a x2 just sell your esh as soon as your ghosties are claimed, and then sell your ghosties before they do another .10

>> No.18999158
File: 67 KB, 700x933, FB_IMG_1585939739763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trying to scam People in 2017+3.


>> No.18999168

*another x10

>> No.18999270

I can't find esh on idex am I retarded? I type esh into the search bar and it doesn't come up

>> No.18999430

It’s because nfortunately you belong in the same club of North Koreans, Iranians and other rogue nations, you’re an American.

>> No.18999468

Use opera browser it has a built in vpn turn it on and use australia as your country when you make a new account.

>> No.18999571

imagine being american and trying to buy crypto

>> No.18999898

wait so really I'm fucked? Even if I do make it off these funds can the IRS or whatever basically confiscate my funds and fuck me up?

>> No.18999928

nah bro you good just use a vpn

t. fellow american

>> No.19000133

How would one go about reporting gains from GHOST?

>> No.19000142

could i get a breakdown of why this is though? If I report this income (my income) to the IRS will they be like okey dokey?

>> No.19000161

It's capital gains no matter what....

>> No.19000237

Yes. I should have added, what if one wants to report gains on exchanges their home country isn't allowed to use? Doesn't matter, just report the TX along with appropriate cost basis?

>> No.19000258
File: 640 KB, 723x844, fd13a4fb9887e4c2cd46e84efda364f5_mario-clipart-mario-ghost-mario-mario-ghost-transparent-free-for-_723-844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We going to make it frens

>> No.19000295

Uncle Sam could care less as long as they get their money.

>> No.19000352

thank god for mcafee

moon mission confirmed

>> No.19000354
File: 128 KB, 640x828, realghostie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Righto. Thank you anon.

>> No.19000361

>reporting gains on a privacy coin

>> No.19000757
File: 6 KB, 168x299, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based mcafee, i'll make sure to send him some fresh logs off my gf if this takes off

>> No.19001124
File: 61 KB, 969x635, nodetable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a disco
big plans in the making to coincide with the whitepaper
i shilled it to you guys for the last 8 days and we still have no ghosters