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18985530 No.18985530 [Reply] [Original]

How do you achieve meaningful happiness in life without relying on any copes?

>> No.18985653
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you must meet god in order to find happiness

>> No.18985724

>posts the biggest cope of all
Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.18985918

That guy killed himself
The other anon is being ironic

>> No.18986180

lol isn't he psychotic now?

>> No.18986198


>> No.18986256

Cope means to do combat with and overcome problems, so coping is actually one of the most laudable and admirable things you can do.

>> No.18986302

he means cope as in be reliant on something that inevitably fails.
but go ahead and make another semantic argument for the dopamine hit

>> No.18986328

you don't. coping is human.

>> No.18986379

Cope has never meant that. If something inevitably fails, then you have failed to cope.

>> No.18986388

Unless you meet the one true God, you will literally cope every single day. And, it doesn't have to be drugs, lifting, reading, internet, TV, everything is cope, and by cope, I mean shit to take your mind off the inevitable.

>> No.18986394

all this

>> No.18986406

How come it didn't work for you?

>> No.18986441

1000 mg fish oil and 5000 IU vitamin D. Not even joking. Try it.

>> No.18986449

Semen retention

>> No.18986455


>> No.18986478

Who said it didn't?

>> No.18986490

Read the Tao Te Ching and become familiar with The Dao. Becoming familiar with the tenets of Hermeticism is another route. Everything outside of spirituality and self mastery is a cope.

>> No.18986533

>Who said it didn't?
You wouldn't be on 4chan in a depression thread during the weekend for starters.

>> No.18986537

You confront your past traumas, spend the emotions as you need, truly begin to heal. Learn to be better,let go of regrets, start to live your life so you'll have no more regrets most of all.

>> No.18986556

Why not?

>> No.18986569

“Cope” is just a meme.
EVERYTHING can be construed as a cope.
Playing with your dog
Nice meal

It’s all just “escapism” from something according to someone. But from what? Life? Life is whatever you want it to be. Drink a can of liquid cope and get balls deep in some thot’s pussy if YOU want to. Don’t let memes dictate your life OP.

>> No.18986709

What about killing yourself? lol

>> No.18986743

Just do it.™

>> No.18986746

Killing yourself is a permanent solution to temporary problems.

>> No.18986787


>> No.18986853

88 noice

>> No.18986884

You said EVERYTHING can be construed as a cope. I don't think killing yourself can be construed as a cope. lol

>> No.18986957

Killing yourself is the absence of cope. Ending it all before you can “cope” another day. My little brother hung himself while he was drunk because we were going through some hard times, but if he stuck around a little bit longer he would be here with me right now in the good times.

>> No.18987025

You grow up and become a man. Coping is for children, but since now everyone is a child, everyone "has" to "cope".

>> No.18987075

By not accepting the incel frame of reality. By using the word cope in that manner you're adopting their defeatest worldview so nothing will make you happy.

>> No.18987237

Then killing yourself is truly not coping.

>> No.18987252

Death is part of life. If you understand that, you'll never need to cope. Being alive is wonderful and temporary.

>> No.18987437

How come you're not happy?

>> No.18987449

>Being alive is wonderful
For who exactly?

>> No.18987536

Killing yourself is just that. Killing yourself. It’s not “freedom” it’s not “coping” it’s just over. Over before you find out what happens next.

>> No.18987812

Well, you know what they say. Nature abhors a vacuum.

>> No.18987928

I sometime have lucid dreams of my last moments and my last thoughts when that happens.
Unfortunately it only happens for a short amount of time as I am quite horrified by this, but during this short moment I feel like I can understand my life's meaning and goals through my regrets.
I think if we manage to experience/imagine this for a long enough amount of time we can find out "the easy way" what gives our life meaning and it will make all attempts to ignore death meaningless once this goal is consciously known.

>> No.18987937

Jesus Christ, the anointed one.

>> No.18988028

because it proves your life is devoid of purpose, and any response to this point could only be construed as absolute cope.

>> No.18988183

Happiness is a straightforward result of neurotransmitter biochemistry. Make sure your diet is on point and that you are getting adequate amounts of B6, C, folic acid and protein to provide the building blocks for neurotransmitter synthesis. If you supplement B6 make sure you take the active form (p5p)

>> No.18988442


>> No.18988641

take the enlightenment pill anon
