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18974301 No.18974301 [Reply] [Original]

My bank closed all my accounts, using their discretionary clause. However, they also closed out my credit card, which was nowhere near paid off and still had a considerable amount on it. They have sent me a bill in the mail for the monthly payment, as they restricted my online access.

Should I not pay this? Do they still have an avenue to fuck my goyscore? Also, since the account is already closed on my report, if they did threaten to "reopen" it, could I just settle, like I would with a collection agency?

>> No.18974323

sounds fake and also gay

>> No.18974353

> same size thumbnail
you fugged up dude.

>> No.18974357

My dude, I wish it was fake. Just trying to see if these monkey fucked up by preemptively closing my credit card because of how skewed they were at me.

>> No.18974377

Its supposed to be reminiscent of all "real" Sasquatch photos, put your big brain on boy

>> No.18974394

anyone who says "my dude" is a faggot and deserves what they get

>> No.18974420

Is that how your bull addresses you?

>> No.18974440

Why? Is that what the dude who fucks your wife says?

>> No.18974442
File: 477 KB, 1174x885, 454468B1-BF44-4A86-AE6A-E32627A0C386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lent my mate $100
>he’s a tosser
>I won’t lend him anymore
>does he still owe me the balance
Is that about the size of it?

>> No.18974494
File: 13 KB, 399x400, 1582075186641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I should have specified that this question is only for people with some financial sense, and who know how to play the credit game. Socialist pakis from UK need not apply

>> No.18974546

Ok bro, so you were just after assurance you could commit fraud and get away with it. I can categorically give you that assurance. Write "Go fuck yourself" on the next statement and post it back to the CC co and you will
a. Never hear from them again
b. Never get your good goy points docked
God speed, foreigner

>> No.18974586

You should find the best way to settle the amount, for as low as possible.
Shouldnt be overly difficult :)

>> No.18974603

I don't think you understand, retard. Credit is issued under threat of damage to your credit score. The account I'm speaking of was already closed, and removed from my credit report with a balance on it. If you're that much of a bootlicker that you feel the absolute NEED to give a multi-billion dollar company a few grand "because I owes it", then you are not meant for a financial mindset. Think of how you take all the gibs and twelve year old girls in the English village you immigrated to while being a vile piece of shit? Mine's a little different, because banks tend to be vile pieces of shit themselves.

>> No.18974628

Basically, my incentive to pay is removed, I don't care if some faggot paki thinks I won't be a good guy for not making a donation to the bank as he fucks little boys and goats all day.

>> No.18974759

IDK how I could be more clear for you. But let's try.
>Should I not pay this?
Yes, you should NOT pay it
>Do they still have an avenue to fuck my goyscore?
No avenue whatsoever, it would actually be illegal for them to do so
>if they did threaten to "reopen" it, could I just settle, like I would with a collection agency?
Better! If they threatened to reopen it, you would ask for evidence you signed a contract allowing it.
Go for it, bro. Do it already!

>> No.18974766

I really can't tell you OP. Don't pay them and see what happens. Hopefully you'll get the Sam Hyde $3 per month and the settle for $300 a few years down the road.

>> No.18974795

if you're still here you honestly know your situation best. the decision to repay depends on the size of balance, whether they'll pursue it with legal action, what your income is, wealth and bank account size, and whether you have repossessable assets.

if the balance is yuge and you have a lot to lose because you have a lot of assets and income well you'll have to weigh it out. if balance is small why bother
if balance is big and you have nothing to lose well the answer is obvious