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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 274 KB, 2160x1440, 09257B2A-66D8-4E09-B8BC-C49B6F5880BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18971432 No.18971432 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like these so much?

>quarter-mill for any ugly, Italian designed, 'super-car?'

>> No.18971451

Pussy magnet

>> No.18971456
File: 149 KB, 1200x800, 11E04D0B-B433-4EDE-B8C5-B9E3BDD0C301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree. Unless it’s got 3 pedals I ain’t buying it.

>> No.18971471

I don't get sports cars, they are always so brightly coloured, they look like huge oversized toys, I can't take anyone seriously when they drive one.

>> No.18971478

Honestly the only reason to buy these.

>> No.18971485

black/white/grey sports cars do not exist

>> No.18971498

White is a classic lambo color.
Metallic Grey is also a ferrari classic on all models.

>> No.18971505

They're also fun to drive

>> No.18971507

Is it actually true? Or just something the super-car industry wants you to believe?

>> No.18971521

Damn I miss 2017 when people posted their eth lambos

>> No.18971528
File: 6 KB, 183x250, 366FF97A-A54C-41E7-BC37-E8D62E2AE41A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d actually drive one, because I have motor sports as a hobby, but I hate the flashiness of it.

>> No.18971532

Can confirm it's true. Note that it is pussy magnet, not wife-quality magnet.

>> No.18971533

This. Losers drive these. I knew a guy in it that bought a porsche. Debt maxed out . Wife was a nurse. He eventually lost his job. Now his wife works double

>> No.18971550
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>> No.18971555

So what kind of girls did your super car attract?

>> No.18971568


>> No.18971576

What's a good sporty car to get that also has a nice interior? I'm thinking a Ferrari like the F8 or maybe the 812 superfast. Are Maseratis good? I keep hearing how bad they are, but I like the interior style. Lambos don't seem very practical unless you live in a place with super nice wide roads.

>> No.18971578

gold digger

>> No.18971592

they do not exist

>> No.18971594
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>not going for practical + sporty

>> No.18971597

STD ridden mentally ill skanks who will suck your money faster than a divorce if you stay longer than 30 minutes with them.

>> No.18971605

They look better than any other type of car.

>> No.18971611

Porsches have always been the patrician/thinking man's choice.

>> No.18971613

essential middle class boomer core

>> No.18971616

Either you get it or you don’t. My father likes golf and football, I like driving fast cars around windy mountains.

We both like making money though, and both hobbies are good ways to find like minded peers. Not only that but it’s good for men’s health to have hobbies and friendships outside the house.

Enjoy your Prius.

>> No.18971634

True but its become much more narrow now with only the Cayman being the patrician/thinking man's choice of Porsche

>> No.18971635

Nan's coffin would fit perfectly in that

>> No.18971715

There is a reason to have as bright of a car as humanly possible, because when you are flying in the left lane the slowpokes in the middle lane are able to see you coming from afar. Grey or black cars are easily overlooked in the mirror and you don’t want to crash into a retard who decided to suddenly change lanes.

>> No.18971809

>Search Results
>Web results
>Nouveau riche

>> No.18971846

It's true, but at that price you can get 250 $1000 escorts.

>> No.18971854

Or a thousand $250 ones.

>> No.18971864

I'd rather have a tesla truck desu
> off grid
> solid steel
> drives itself

>> No.18971883

or 100,000 $2.50 ones

>> No.18971892

The kinds of bitches you would be pulling with a supercars would probably run you $1000 a night, but you could certainly fuck cheaper hookers. Either way say you fuck a hooker a week, that's 5-20 years of hookers dropped on a fucking meme car

>> No.18971919

the car will hold its value

>> No.18971939

Cringe: The Thread

>> No.18971945

GT>super car any day. Having said that, I don't think I would buy my dream car (Aston DB) even if I were rich.

>> No.18971947


>> No.18971950

Imo they're the only cars with a good design. All other cars are ugly.

>> No.18971974

Well I’m married so it’s free roots for me anyway. I’ll take the smiles per gallon weekend toy and the luxury daily.

>> No.18971976

>quarter-mill for any ugly, Italian designed, 'super-car?'
Quarter? A quarter mil?
Nope, the go for more than 400k.
Aventadors are super expensive, given their specs.

>> No.18972038

Which one would you buy /biz/?

And dont start with McLaren Speedtail and all that bullshit 4mil cars, 900k maximum budget IF the car is to be worth more in 10 years, 400k MAX if its a shit supercar that is gonna be worth half in 10 years.

>> No.18972106

None we’re worried about the next penny stock pump and dump

>> No.18972119
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>not buying a chad wagon

>> No.18972144
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The only luxury car brand I will buy is AMG, mercedes is king. When I get rich i'm going to buy a used cl63 and fix it up, perhaps put a new engine and suspension in it.

>> No.18972146

Actual richfag here. Sports cars attract mostly dudes. They want to talk to you in parking lots, and valets ask you about it, and the most annoying is on the highway when you get some retards in your blind spot taking photos, you get boi racers revving up next to you at stop lights. It's mostly male attention.

Females like my Range Rover and my G63 AMG. The G63 seems to be the in car for them now and I get a lot of "that's my favorite car" Some appreciate sports cars, but they are more interested in what they see themselves driving desu. My gf loves my G, waitresses comment on it because I pay the valet to leave it up front because I'm a snob like that/like to be able to leave immediately and not have a valet driving my cars, etc.

Also if you want one sports car get a GT3. The GT3RS is fun on the track but for daily driving isn't great, versus my regular GT3 I even take to the grocery store.

>> No.18972197

812s are great. I still have my F12 and drive it all the time. The v12 engine sound is amazing and really rare, it literally startles people when you start it. The interiors are pretty nice in them and they are comfortable touring cars. The Lambos are too small unless you are a manlet, but their quality has gotten a lot better - the interiors are just tacky to me though. I actually prefer the 812s to the 488s for street driving.

>> No.18972202

females like the luxury, men like the performance and luxury. That being said in terms of luxury per price, mercedes is the best hands down. Infact mercedes is the best car company to ever exist.

>> No.18972207

Are McLarens any good?

>> No.18972232

This looks disgusting, why would you put some Need For Speed Underground 2 rims on a mercedes.

Looks like a gypsy owns this.

>> No.18972261

Yeah I don't think they really care that it's a G63 and not a G550. Except the AMGs do have some unique styling features that make them look nicer, so maybe it does matter to them, but certainly not because of the power.

No, they are trash. Not only do they depreciate like rocks but I had the dealer buy mine back I had so many problems with it. The windshields kept cracking randomly and I had all kinds of electronic problems. Fun to drive and fast as shit but not worth the trouble.

I used to drive the Ferraris for free basically because they held their values so well, until they started making too many of them. I have bought enough where I would get early releases and then sell them after 10 months to a year for the same thing I paid. The good ol' days. Now they depreciate fast also but still not as bad as the McLarens.

>> No.18972262

ok boomer

>> No.18972283

thats turkish imigrant core dude.

>> No.18972488

..and also while that was an okay car in its time, it wasn't very fast and is pigfat. I also think the design dated poorly.

>> No.18972544

I'm pretty sure 99% modern porsches are sold without manual transmission

>> No.18972556

Makes pussy wet

>> No.18972587

No, thx. You can keep it.

>> No.18972661

Most of them are. You can get manuals in them still though, I'd argue it's the best manual ever made in the current 992s. GT3RSs went dual clutch only, but you can get a GT3 Touring with a manual and it's a better all around car anyways.

>> No.18972673

this is why germans should stick to engines

>> No.18972705

It's amazing how terrible the Mercedes designs have gotten. They all look like the same bar of soap now except for a few exceptions.

>> No.18972858

What color is your g63?

>> No.18973092

larp, how the fuck would the waitress know which car is yours? 5% chance you are seated with your car visible from your table and 5% chance the waitress pays attention to which car you walked from so that's approx a .05 X .05 probability of that shit happening each time you go to a restaurant.
But who knows, maybe the restaurants you go to are very different from every single one I've ever seen.

>> No.18973124
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because fast cars make your body release testosterone and adrenaline when you drive them. Same as superbikes, but they're a great way to end up in a wheelchair or dead

I'm buying one of these when I make it for maximum test boost

>> No.18973144

Some basement dweller who is watching car youtuber wrote this shit

>> No.18973151

it's a flagrant display of wealth. really only obtainable when you have fuck you money unless you're an idiot and buy one with your first 500k or 1 million.

if i make it i'm just buying a bmw or something. luxury car but not a quarter of a million and doesn't require a ridiculous amount of money to maintain.

>> No.18973172

T shots are cheaper and more likely to work/less pseudoscience

>> No.18973183
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My personal /madeit/ fuck-you car.

>> No.18973186

Keep seething incel

>> No.18973221
File: 461 KB, 544x381, 235266436423234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided I'm buying a Tesla because Elon scoffed on Joe Rogan when Joe said he believed what CNN writes. If I have to buy a car, I might as well support someone who is based.

>> No.18973226

No it won't, maintenance on these cars is insane and it depreciates the second you drive it off the lot. Not to mentioned insurance premiums

>> No.18973234

tesla is a good option too. i might consider it.

>> No.18973337
File: 83 KB, 500x300, 55d90f621ec6676d916d25a264b48354--mercedes-g-wagon-mercedes-benz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is right
and this
women also love cute camper vans and understated classics

>> No.18973351

Is that Jacob behind the wheel?

>> No.18973353

is "fuck you" what youll yell when you front flip over a speed bump in the parking lot?

>> No.18973359

My uncle owns one of those. He's a raging homosexual icon and has a tiny dick.

>> No.18973378

a good bicycle is enough is you're not a fag

>> No.18973405
File: 180 KB, 1024x683, DSC04976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah fren, it's what I shout out in the morning as I admire my car parked in my driveway while wearing my bathrobe and sipping my coffee.

>> No.18974068

Good taste, nearly bought a GTS earlier this year but decided to wait.

The GT4/Spyder is manual only for now.

>> No.18974250


>> No.18974251

Americans just don't value station wagons. 3series Bmw isn't even available there anymore. I own one, it's the best thing i drove so far. Damn versatile and with the handling of a sporty sedan. Fuck off with "muh wage cuck mobile", it's simply a useful car which matters to some people who can't buy 3 different cars for each use, idiots

>> No.18974258

cringe ngmi

>> No.18974277

not after picking up that weebish canadian scum

>> No.18974285

The epitome of a low-class, no-taste status symbol

>> No.18974336

>not a fag

>> No.18974439
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>women like it
>men like it
>fast enough to have fun on the street
>will 100% go up in value instead of tanking depreciation
>prices are at rock bottom right now

There is no reason to not buy an e46 m3

Buy one for 15, spend 5k fixing stuff and have a car that you will enjoy

>> No.18974475
File: 41 KB, 400x680, Navy-Flightsuited-Biker-723287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck a car, my good gentleman. I'll stick with my based two wheeler and a nice tobacco pipe. Motorcycle master race.

>> No.18974492
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Quality post.

>> No.18974517

what does the third pedal do??

>> No.18974525

NO LMAO, which age do you live in?
>women like it
if 3/10 escorts count as women, ok, else no
>men like it
sure if you are a turkish or gypsy immigrant
>fast enough to have fun on the street
relatively normal speed compared to the rest
>will 100% go up in value instead of tanking depreciation
no comment

>> No.18974539

passenger ejection seat trigger

>> No.18974568
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A migrant from /o/ I see

well for the majority of this board, who are poorfags, the e46 M3 simply cannot be beat for fun, looks, enjoyment and value for money
you cannot convince me otherwise as I know you are butthurt busrider

fuck off, nice cope, dilate, Kys, etc

>> No.18974669

>fuck off, nice cope, dilate, Kys, etc
I'm not sure who's the coping one bud

>> No.18974834

imagine owning a car and harming the environment

>> No.18974849

Very based
Every gen of m3 is better than every car in it’s respecting class but enthusiasts always shit on consensus because they like sounding contrarian.

Look at every generation of 3 series bmw ever made they are all good looking can’t say the same about Mercedes, Audi, Alfa etc. BMW makes 0 ugly cars ever

>> No.18974875


>> No.18974893
File: 92 KB, 960x720, 1547373237836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely based

>> No.18974994

post wallet

>> No.18975103

>3series Bmw isn't even available there anymore
I’ve got one

>> No.18975202

Physics and speedbumps say otherwise
also please show us your tribal tattoo(s)

>> No.18975747

Idk, I would just buy a used Ghost if I wanted to show off.

>> No.18975899

I eat out every night, and often after work. Slower nights waitresses kind of hang out until customers come. The point wasn't to tell everyone how much pussy I'm getting (I'm actually an autist), just that in my experience females are more attracted to the nice SUVs than sports cars.


>> No.18975944

My Civic does exactly what I need it to do and doesn't make me look like I live in poverty. That's all I ask from a car.

>> No.18976029

Unless its less than 3 years old, poverty is exactly what it looks like

>> No.18976103
File: 340 KB, 2100x1181, 2020-Audi-RS6-Avant-003 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to talk to you about our Lord and Savior RS6 Avant.

>> No.18976249

This thread

>> No.18976263


Patrician taste. Always scroll auto threads to see if there's any normal people on this board, ready to post chaddy RS6 Avant, there's always one gentleman though.

>> No.18976386


But not the faggy touchscreen 2020 model. C6 > C7 > C8 > C5

>> No.18976545

lamborghinis are incredibly fun to drive, the more hardcore models will leave you craving for that next drive.
but THIS is what i would buy and own. i dont want to be noticed

>> No.18976569

>2012 Si

>> No.18976589

Drive one then ask yourself that question again. If you have a nutsack then you’ll probably understand.

>> No.18976628

One the worst cars you could buy. Fat and heavy, might as well go sailing.

>> No.18976654

He'll ya borther that's the skimobile right there

>> No.18976668

Very based. I just did the vanos seals and head gasket on my s54. I have it swapped in an e36. It’s a fuckin thrill. I beat a 911 type S the other day.

>> No.18976715

>go to bar
>drop keys on counter while he has a drink with me
>women come talk to us
my boss does this with his Ferrari keys. Works 100% of the time, you may have to wait 5-10 minutes.

>> No.18976744
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Based brigade checking in

>> No.18976762

the golden rule is own a beater car
you flashy autists are burning money

>> No.18976764

As some guy on /o/ said "Lamborghinis are for people who want to be seen. Ferraris are for people who want to drive." You're buying part of a legacy when you buy one of these cars.

>> No.18976816

Imagine paying x20 for a car that barely goes twice as fast

>> No.18976823

based af

>> No.18977150

>the golden rule
Whose rule?

>> No.18977160

i almost threw up. fuck their legacy.

>> No.18977335

he is 100% arab, let me guess...emirati
btw you can just call waitress with horn for a quick coffee, at 50 degree you don't go out of your car

>> No.18977423
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>> No.18977435


>Want to buy new Ferrari
>Have to lease one first to get into the cool kids' club
>You are now worthy of buying one of our entry-level models
>If you buy enough entry-level models, we will allow you to buy one of our exclusive models
>Just don't modify them in any way, or you will get a letter from our legal team. Remember, it's not your car just because you bought it. It's our car, we're just letting you use it.

Seems to me, Ferrari's marketing method is designed especially to prey on insecure people with money.

>> No.18978150

see >>18974539

>> No.18978185
File: 123 KB, 960x960, 1588703305453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I don't like money or visible signs of being highly successful. I'm here to talk about my business and coins that moon though.

>> No.18978236

what is that kind of helmet called so I can buy one too

>> No.18978485

how do you find time to LARP on 4chan while still being a richfag with several cars?

>> No.18979328

4chan is a lot more diverse than you might think

>> No.18979391

Alright, I kinda believe you now.

>> No.18979396
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I'm good with just a $50k fun car.

>> No.18979466

> fun car
> Ford Fiesta

>> No.18979468

No offence but this is like an 11 year olds dream car.

>> No.18979523

It is makes u not a bitch

>> No.18979549

Focus RS man. It is a great car. Some people think of it as an Evo successor

>> No.18979553

theyre fun, and they make you a D list celebrity

I thought the whole sports car gets girls was a meme until I drive my friends 1000hp GTR, I can verify girls will come up to you to talk

>> No.18979573

Based corvette guy

>> No.18979677
File: 140 KB, 1200x799, 1558403323328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For cap wearing teenagers. Pic related is the patrician choice and the true king of V12 engined cars.

>> No.18979998

How much UND for a car like that though?

>> No.18980059

Imagine being such of fucking dumb piece of shit that you intentionally buy a car with a manual transmission. A rare breed indeed

>> No.18980078

This. They are larping as racing drivers or something, fucking retards.

>> No.18980103

t. Kanake

>> No.18980115

literally no reason to buy a manual car in current year the technology is so fast now it's slower to manual shift, I get it gives a different driving experience, but there is no point to buy manual unless you are getting into a classic, or enjoy driving that way, I don't see the point though if you are buying a brand new car

>> No.18980180

Because it's fun. Seethe faggots.

>> No.18980186

makes it impossible to steal

>> No.18980926

>Ferrari's marketing method is designed especially to prey on insecure people with money.

Good thing that rich and famous people are often incredibly insecure

>> No.18980954

>t. virgin

Virgins drive grey Priuses

Chads drive green Lambos

>> No.18981018

Around me, those are driven by rich blonde milfs and Pakistanis. Which are you?

>> No.18981043

Its more fun retard...

>> No.18981129
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>not having the ultimate NEET car

y sirs

>> No.18981139
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My dream car is a Tesla.

I know I’m not shooting very high, but it is at least attainable in my pathetic wage cuck life.

>> No.18981161

Seems pretty based. They don't want retards cheapening their brand. Ferraris are the pinnacle of automotive style and performance, and they can't be improved by mods. If I was Ferrari I wouldn't want my image ruined by some retard putting a bodykit and spinners on their car.

>> No.18981166

>Cuck car for wage cuck

>> No.18981190

Ferrari is for uptight try hards.

Get a real mans driver car like a porchse.

>> No.18981211

This is true. It's just like when you start working out in the gym and you think girls are gonna fap to your body once you get /fit/. But in reality it's the guys who start talking to you at the gym and giving you compliments. Disappointing really.

>> No.18981226

Don't even worry about it, its old technology. Everyone is going to be zipping around in electric cars soon.

>> No.18981257

Power wagons are fucking B A S E D

>> No.18981428
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>Ferrari is for uptight try hards.
lmao spoken like a true moron who has no clue about cars
Every Porsche after 2000 is for faggot ~100k earning managers in a midlife crisis

>> No.18981462
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Reminder that anything below V10 is unacceptable (Nissan GTRs are exceptions)

>> No.18982726

>only interested in what they see themselves driving
>female narcissiam
>checks out

>> No.18982760

>wants to merge humans with AI and unleash the antichrist

>> No.18982783

Buy a lamb when you could have a rolls Royce 4x4.

>> No.18982875

My asian customers mainly from Shanghai are filthy fucking rich. They've let me drive their supercar whips.
I was floored and let's just say this

Every hot chick I passed was mesmorized by my lambo. I was driving a Reventon a super rare Lambo

>> No.18982900

Not specific to sports cars but manual handle snow/icy conditions better. Also repair costs are less.

>> No.18982901


>> No.18982946

You're not a car guy I see.
Better than the EVO. RS is built to do nothing but slam through corners with the throttle pegged
EVO would oversteer you off a cliff if you tried that.

>> No.18982954

If it's so fun, how come nobody buys them?

>> No.18982972
File: 55 KB, 640x360, 1561383917204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my dream vehicle, I'm gonna wrap it in 2D women

>> No.18982984

Most people are too poor and only buy cars to get to work, not for enjoyment. My last 8 cars have been manual. 9 cars ago I bought an automatic because I was poor and had to share a car with my wife.

>> No.18983020
File: 51 KB, 741x649, DZRJ1R5XUAAyTA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are manual cars

>> No.18983026

There's plenty of cheap vehicles with manuals you just have to buy used. Mine's a Saturn SL 4 door sedan with a 5 speed. It gets 40mpg and drives smooth. Little maintenance.

>> No.18983056

My point was that women are terrible drivers and when you throw a clutch in they're as good as dead. Good way to collect life insurance but not so great of you're poor and can't afford a car as a toy.

>> No.18983181
File: 538 KB, 2441x1654, 30ECABD4-90F5-4BD9-8F7F-98302AD842F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Car for arabs and trust fund kids
I prefer something classier
Pic related

>> No.18983196
File: 37 KB, 384x290, wagey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a nice house with a pool is more important to get pussy than a 200k car just lol

>> No.18983259

for road use I will always take a powerful FWD than an overpowered RWD that will oversteer to fuck.

imo lambos and most supercars are like a gold plated Rolex, no one will buy that you own one because you like it.

you own it because you want people to stare

>> No.18983522
File: 83 KB, 1024x725, MAZDARX-7-FD--935_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ever make it I'm going to pick up one of these babies, hopefully before they start selling for Supra money

>> No.18983716
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a 2017 mustang gt for $23,000 last year. IMO It's legit the best looking car you can buy for the money. Still enjoying driving it

>> No.18983777

They stopped making this in 2012 kek it’s a fucking throwback nerd

>> No.18983882
File: 342 KB, 769x383, 423432423424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the Yukon XL Denali

>> No.18984483

Too many larps on this thread. Why would you have RR and G wagon? I’m a car dealer and I have buyers trading in RR to get G Wagons. There’s no need to have two full size SUVs in the same class unless you’re buying one for your wife and one for your side chick.
Post a picture of your RR, G Wagon, and 812 and hold up three fingers so we know you took the picture. Until you post proof stop posting because we will just assume you’re larping.

>> No.18984596

Why not a konigsegg?

>> No.18984646

lol. It's the most garbage car ever. Shifts gears like a 20y old car. Swedes can't into engineering.

>> No.18985406

>wanting anything other than a toyota sequoia or corolla
u already died poor

>> No.18985587

Have Ferrari fixed the chipping issues these colored engine blocks always suffered from? An old neighbor of mine had a 360 Modena and an F430 Spider with chipped engine blocks. All of his boomer buddies with a Ferrari had the same issues.

>> No.18985777

i like this one, with the fangs. which model is this?

>> No.18986013
File: 179 KB, 494x665, ameriblubber.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18986039

>Why do people like these so much?

The most usable, least expensive of getting a mid engined V12 shriek.

Diablo? They dont shriek. SV/SE30/Jotas are barely in shrieking territory, and are too expensive for what little shriek they offer.
Murcielago? Even less cool than an aventador, too expensive for what they offer.
F12/812 or FF/Lusso? Shrieking... but front engined. Different experience.
Testarossa/512TR/M? Not shrieking.
F50? Too expensive
MclF1? Ha.
LaF? Too expensive.
Huayra/Zonda? Too expensive.

>> No.18986067
File: 441 KB, 2250x1375, dls-1531337226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all pathetic

>> No.18986075
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 1558690590201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

575 Maranello

>> No.18986168

Front engined

>> No.18986266

that's based

>> No.18986279

kek at the guy in the back taking a rear angle shot

>> No.18986310

That may well be the case, sir. But OP wasn't asking for based cars. He was asking why people like aventadors.

>> No.18986767

women are gay

>> No.18986863
File: 783 KB, 1000x667, asdfweasdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beep beep

>> No.18986943

How based is picking up a 85k Gallardo?

>> No.18987361
File: 1.09 MB, 2400x1602, 2000 gt interior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want my vintage 1960 Toyota 2000 GT. I don't even care that most of them are left hand drive, I just want to detail the inside and sit in it.

>> No.18988244

>he knows the size of his uncles dick

>> No.18988254


>> No.18988312

really? there are only 20 in the world

>> No.18988341

murcielago > aventaor, ask any1

>> No.18988584
File: 77 KB, 1178x663, 7E6FDF60-7439-4BE2-BBBD-9E6442B047D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the touring version of the new model. It's still sold over there?

>> No.18988726

RR and G wagons aren’t even in the same class. Your clients are fucking morons

>> No.18988748

I don't get it either. I'd rather buy Giulia GTA for that kind of money.

>> No.18988902

Lambos are the real life equivalent of a party hat in RuneScape

>> No.18988932

t. link holder in 2021

>> No.18988938

Why do you want a car that looks like a toolbox or some gay shit. Cars are toys. That's what they're supposed to look like

>> No.18989106

My friend said he bought some coke on deepweb and this guy had a brick of cocaine with a Toyota symbol stamped on it. He let me try some and it was THE BEST COCAINE I'VE EVER TRIED IN MY LIFE. He said tge guy's name was INSTAgram or some shit

So yeah I'll probably buy a white Toyota Camry