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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18865458 No.18865458 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of my portfolio?
>MSFT 19
>XLE 132
What should I add? I'm sitting on a few grand to add more stocks
Simple, straight forwards, comfy
Also drop your portfolios and I'll give a rate

>> No.18865546
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should've bought back in March

>> No.18865760
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Yeah, but I'm not really sweating it
I was more worried about another drop, so I'd rather wait it out and miss out on some returns than put it all in and get screwed by another dip
Also I made out like a bandit with swinging on CVE and other oil stocks, but that's why now I'm trying to switch over to a more sustainable portfolio
Also, good shit anon. Now you just need more money so a 60% increase means more than just $600 lmao

>> No.18866262
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Do I really need to add a tranny to get you guys to respond to a stock thread?

>Also scooped up 12 AMD