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18804793 No.18804793 [Reply] [Original]

"Tesla Stock price is too high imo"

>> No.18804825

Lockdown meltdown. Drama queen.

>> No.18804844

>deus ex profile pic
>those weird ass tweets
>dat tweet putting at risk his investors
It's pretty obvious his twitter account was hacked.

>> No.18804846

Probably got hacked

>> No.18804867

He's literally said this shit on tv before and got punished by the SEC, also tweeted about anime and pedos. This guy's just unstable, not hacked.

>> No.18805293
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It was actually reported in the news my boys, i think he had a mental break down

>> No.18805342

He said imo, SEC can't do shit

>> No.18805514

How to get a gf like that?

>> No.18805594

based elon

>> No.18805666

kek, based

>> No.18805717

Is Elon /our guy/?

>> No.18805740

A frog? Pick one up by the river.

>> No.18805792

He's been launching his day with high doses of Adderal and landing sleep with Ambien for a while. I think his cognitive function has been a bit impaired lately. Looks like he's tripping.

>> No.18805798

90% of us would shitpost like this if we were in his position
imagine all the bullshit he has to put up with while deep down inside you just want to drop gamer words in front of millions of followers

>> No.18805813


>> No.18805858

This really makes me think hes really not that smart. The meme about him working 100+ hrs to out compete or what ever quote was bullshit. Im 95% that he fucks around all day taking drugs for new ideas while he just tells the actual smart people he pays what to do

>> No.18805886
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>tfw you take the first bump of the morning, open up twitter and let the mania consume you

>> No.18805891

What if hes addicted to work or simulating work and his 25h workdays got shattered by lockdown and is now going mad cuz he cant adjust

>> No.18805913

Elon is notorious for saying stupid shit on twitter.

>> No.18805926

It is his company and he knows that his stock and every other stock is enormously inflated. He is probably sending all of you faggots an incredible gift regarding how bloody the market will be next monday.

The stock market literally feels like the crypto market in late 2017: full of retards with no money making stupid plays.

>> No.18805938

this is the actual answer, his work gives his life meaning and helps his self esteem

>> No.18805941

there is only 24hrs in a day. How much of that time is he shit posting? if you're working you are focused on work not thinking of something witty to say because it will put you behind schedule.

>> No.18805958

Brain is mush from psychedelics consumption. Been there and not a fun place to be.

>> No.18805960

Is it based or cringe that he's only getting into anime and deus ex now that he's in his 40s but acts like a 15yo who just discovered his first red pilled media despite being one of the wealthiest guy on earth

>> No.18805971

>When fucking Grimes is the only one who can save us from this retard's dump tweets

>> No.18805972

>Short your own stocks
>Tweet stock is too high

>> No.18805976

He probably spent his youth surrounded by niggers, so yeah.

>> No.18806002

Fuck off you retard he is a genius. You have no idea what the market wants.

>> No.18806015
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He promised to put an anime flag on the moon so I'm going to say based.

>> No.18806019

hes a petulant manchild tosser

>> No.18806025

Ok pedo guy.

>> No.18806043
File: 26 KB, 555x560, DogeMadYes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking guy could have any girl in the world and he picks this fugly weeb? I don't get it.

>> No.18806046

You don't feel slightly ironic or at least hypocritical posting that here on a mongolion basket weaving forum? This thread is literally shit posters complaining about one of the most successful shit posters to have ever existed.

>> No.18806071

Judging by his redditor personality he is just desperate for attention. Also he probably sold short so that's why he tweeted that shit

>> No.18806072
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>successful shit posters

>> No.18806089

He probably browses 4chan. Hi Elon

>> No.18806093

hes not even a good shit poster, he is more like a redditor. Also the only reason he is rich is because daddys money

>> No.18806105

personally dont give one single shit about elon musk or what anyone else does with their life or on social media, just dont care at all

>> No.18806119

In the earlier days I bet he did work 100+ hours a week. Nowadays it seems like it's a bit easier so he does less "real" work.

>> No.18806124

We shitpost for fun hes shitposting and causing millions of dollars of losses to investors which is probably illegal

>> No.18806133
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>In the earlier days I bet he did work 100+ hours a week

>> No.18806138

if you're not a drug user you can't understand what he's doing. he and grimes loaded up on some mushrooms, and probably more drugs, but for whatever reason he decided to keep his phone on him. i wouldn't have the nuts to do that in his position, so its kind of cool to me

>> No.18806152

anon i

>> No.18806179
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and that's a GOOD thing

>> No.18806197

Hey don't act like shit posting here hasn't lost people money or even gotten people killed. I have posted on here for a long time and seen both of those things happen multiple times, the only difference is none of us are behind the wheel of a billion dollar worth corporation. If we were shit would be so cash, racism would become profitable.

>> No.18806218

why are you sucking his dick so hard?

>In the earlier days I bet he did work 100+ hours a week
earlier days of what ,paypal?

>> No.18806225
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yes guys its just those wacky mushrooms got me acting all kooky!

>> No.18806275

kek im convinced is meth. maybe he got hooked on adderal in his youth

>> No.18806316

Does nobody hear read the news or something?
he literally just recieved a $720 million dollar bonus.

>Musk Receives bonus which MUST be used to buy Tesla stock if quarterly earnings show profit
>Covid-19 Lockdown happens musk desperately tries to deny it as a farce and pushed heavily for his factories to stay open
>quarterly earnings show a "profit"
>Musk now gets bonus
>FUD tesla stock on twitter
>get more stock for $720million dollar

>> No.18806322

This is like Charlie Lee warning LTC holders to expect price to go drop. You should be greatful.

>> No.18806361
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i don't know how to feel.
on one hand i lost thousands of dollars, one the other hand i might be able to get more cheap shares

>> No.18806375

once Elon gets investigated its going to get worse

>> No.18806406

Smart until SEC decides they don't like him.

>> No.18806453

Damn if that's true wouldnt the SEC be all over his ass?

>> No.18806454

once you have enough money and fuck a ton of vapid cheating whores, you just want someone who accepts your weirdness and autism

>> No.18806461

I just realized smoke shops are still closed therefore no crack pipes for hobos

>> No.18806473

wasn't the trigger for that bonus 1Q average mkt capital $100B+ ? which he pulled off, tbf.

>> No.18806541

isn't grimes pregnant? crack cant be good for the babby.

>> No.18806835

but he's been "hacked"

>> No.18806909

he emailed the WSJ journal to say he wasn't hacked

>> No.18807021
File: 34 KB, 479x652, 82453B54-F79A-4C81-B38B-73407E2DB746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Elon
Absolute reddit s o y
Your gonna make it kid

>> No.18807043

hes for surely on drugs, you really think elons twitter got hacked? that's hilarious

>> No.18807094

I know you're a little too far up Elon's ass to understand, but "geniuses" get shit wrong all the time and just trusting him because he's smart and successful is a little cringe and makes you look like someone who never grew up and is a little too fixed in their parasocial relationship.

>> No.18807436

Clearly taken too much acid lmao

>> No.18807487


>> No.18807643

