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File: 17 KB, 500x261, india.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18794639 No.18794639 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't a larp or a shitpost, or a trannypost. Consider moving to India, and I'll tell you why:

>Retard locals will worship you if you're white
>Real estate is dirt cheap
>Indian woman is submissive slave and will never talk back
>Growing economy and nobody poop in street anymore
>All types of major cuisine and delicious fresh food

Come to India and your dreams will come true

>> No.18794662

I’m unironically attracted to big butt Indian women

>> No.18794692

Indian women are hot as fuck, only non-whites I'm attracted to desu, I think because they are caucasoid but exotic. Actually middle-eastern girls are hot too.

>> No.18794698

how would i get a job?

I could start with 300-400k, maybe more but I am already in my late 30's.

>> No.18794768
File: 16 KB, 425x321, Yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck

>> No.18794986

some of them are pretty attractive but most of them are not hot going to India is like taking a time machine back to the 80s or 90s everything stinks like curry and oil, garbage everywhere not to mention probably some of the most rude and predatory people in the world

>> No.18795127

You could offer me a pot of endless rupees, eternal youth, every Indian woman I could possibly want and on top of that the status of a reincarnated god in India;There’s no fucking way I would even consider moving to that fucking shithole.

>> No.18795142

>your neighbors are literal pajeet street shitters.
No thanks.

>> No.18795191

>Indian woman is submissive slave and will never talk back
kek, Indian women are the most rude women on earth, they will try to control you.
>Retard locals will worship you if you're white
Not for men, they think you have Jaundice or something. They prefer middle-eastern kinda white, not pale-pink white.

>> No.18795251

These are all lies. Why are you posting?

>> No.18795301

sounds based as fuck i dont even care if im in pajeet land at that point i can do a lot of shit with endless rupees and an army of indian thots at my disposal

>> No.18795376

I'd rather live IRL and become an indian "guru" to get that harem of white girls.

>> No.18795450

>pajeets have no luck shilling their shitcoins so they’ve resorted to shilling their shitcountry

>> No.18795517

Indians are not rude. Just dont be a woman or a manlet and you won't get raped. Indians are warm and inviting people.

>> No.18795523

Shut the fuck up birch

>> No.18795550

Ill have you know hes more of an oak or maple rather than a birch.

>> No.18796206

Indians fucking reek. I don't mean they smell like shit because of the poo in loo meme, I mean they just smell bad. Something genetic, I don't know. Every Indian I've met and been in close proximity to, whether they are first, second, or third generation immigrants, had had a distinct acrid smell. That and their language is fucking annoying to listen to, makes me fucking hate Indians so much.

>> No.18797408


vanesh confirmed.