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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 780x438, 200409105402-oil-pump-jack-0408-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18785356 No.18785356 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18785438

I'm ready

>> No.18785494

Walla and just like that oil will never be worth less than -$50 again!

>> No.18785573

Leveraged shorts are ready

>> No.18786431


>> No.18787063

Holding until the end of summer

>> No.18787089

This is actually a big brain post.
Once everyone realizes there will still be nowhere to store the oil next time contracts expire, markets will go poof.

>> No.18787281
File: 629 KB, 720x1113, exxon-shipping-calendar-march-1989_gary-shigenaka_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the tankers?

>> No.18787304

Just let me get rid of MRO in time. Already got my tanker stack.

>> No.18787316

Trump told the saudi ships to fuck off. Hes also extending loans to American oil companies. Should offset losses for may, then a swift recovery

>> No.18787318

Why the fuck next week my shorts are open now

>> No.18787335

If you bought MRO under 4.50 you shouldn't sell it. Hold that shit for long term

>> No.18787370

This >>18787335
Huge upside and healthy balance sheet

He didn't, yet at least

>> No.18787380

>Trump told the saudi ships to fuck off. Hes also extending loans to American oil companies. Should offset losses for may, then a swift recovery

And what will that accomplish? They're still coming. He hasn't signed shit. We have to buy their oil I'm sure, as part of some "thanks for using the petrodollar" agreement we have with them.

>> No.18787394

Got it at 5. Its doing by far the best right now by the oil glut is making me feel nervous.
You think they will fare well during the crisis? I mean do better than just weather the storm?

>> No.18787432
File: 1.07 MB, 1992x1992, 1566672966489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol the oil markets won;t recover until the entire American fracking and Canadian oil sand industries are shuttered

>> No.18787497

If you do not have the stomach for this, then take your money out. May will be rough. BUT, my advice is do not look at your oil stocks until mid june. After may, its only upwards. MRO has huge upside potential at 5 dollars a share. In 24 months you could double, triple, or dare i say 4 times your initial investment. My advice is to ignore the noise, and go long.

>> No.18787511

Good luck with that. In reality the shitty unconventionals will go bust, the surviving ones will flourish. Trump repeatedly said it was a matter of national security (and rightly so imo).

>> No.18787522

also scared money don't make no money. Insiders were buying shares around 5

>> No.18787550

Shorts getting squeezed hard right now, when’s a good time to reenter

>> No.18787606

wait for AAPL earnings

>> No.18787744

But why though? I checked their company and finances and it all checks out damn fine. I think they can get quite cheap oil out of the ground. But what sets them apart in that they can weather this storm?

>> No.18787773

Because they have billions in cash reserves which will allow them to survive at least a year with sub 20 oil prices. July contracts are very promising. MRO should flourish

>> No.18787838

What does aapl have to do with oil?

>> No.18787872
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>> No.18787913
File: 77 KB, 720x405, 20200430_163314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is this fucking thing? Is this like an oil etf lottery ticket or something?

>> No.18787921

The same time I got MRO at 5 I got FANG at 30, MRO is sitting at 6 and FANG at 45 right now so comfy. I’m also scared of next weeks for oil, thinking for securing all my profit and wait. Maybe we can buy in cheaper

>> No.18787939

no one should sell if they are long. Oil stock day traders are cancer. Wait 12 months for the rea

>> No.18788085

don't get greedy. Its safer to hold what you have, and average down if it drops lower again. Why would you sell MRO and FANG when you got them at near all time lows?

>> No.18788099

Any thoughts on PAA?

>> No.18788193

I have a lot of calls for them.

>> No.18788301

how's that greedy? Seems smart to me to take profit where uncertainty lies in the future upcoming weeks. He can sell now, take a profit, and double down if massive dumps occur (which they will)

>> No.18788346

I'm thinking about buying a few $9.50 call contracts myself. No even as a gambling deal, but more as a down payment mechanism for something i want a lot of in a few months at today's prices.

>> No.18788433

how will massive dumps occur when the futures contracts are all showing much higher? WTI is at 17 right now, even if it goes back down to 5 the futures contracts will keep the stocks level. Remember OPEC cuts start tomorrow, wells have been shut down world wide, demand is picking up...this means less supply and rising prices. You are still living in March.

>> No.18788461

I went for $15 November contracts. I have the stock too, but couldn't get more at the price I wanted.