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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 547 KB, 1632x1224, ShibeSideC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
187589 No.187589[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>186491

>> No.187592

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 155 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.187599

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.3): http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/

Want to help PND?
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee) (China Pool 3) 0% pool fee
http://thepool.pw/panda/ 0.3% pool fee
http://wolongsucks.tk 1% pool fee
http://panda.moonishere.com/ 1% pool fee 1% pool fee
http://panda-mine.us 1% pool fee



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.187607

let us all fap to this and have moar fun

>> No.187608

/biz/ was literally created just for doge.
Because it was the cancer killing all the other boards.

>> No.187604 [DELETED] 

fuck off with your worthless imaginary money, cryptocurrency is the cancer that is killing /biz/

>> No.187610

Complain to moot about it. I dare you.

>> No.187614

you little fuck, this isn't /g/

>> No.187611
File: 261 KB, 527x541, deal-with-walruse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fignewton, you seem to be lost. /biz/ was created for crypto currency discussion.

Now get out

>> No.187623
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first coin to reach 1k votes will be considered, let's get DOGE on this shit...for some reason they named it DGC, whatever let's go it's 2 easy clicks (only need 63 more votes)


>> No.187628

Wallet out:

>> No.187633


>> No.187629


>> No.187630
File: 465 KB, 1920x1200, 1254496381846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it time to hex?

>> No.187636

Me and brokencalculator are deciding on a generic design for PND.
<brokencalculator> 熊貓錢幣 = panda money coin
<brokencalculator> 熊貓網幣 = panda net coin
<brokencalculator> 熊貓金幣 = panda gold coin
<brokencalculator> the internet coin is more or less what PND really is
<brokencalculator> 熊貓幣 is just panda coin
<Pixels> I think I like the third one.
<brokencalculator> gold coin?
<Pixels> I suggest you ask others, but that is my opinion.
What do you think /biz/?

>> No.187639

You replied to your own post? What?

>> No.187635


You obviously don't know how ID's work.

>> No.187643

>replying to your own post
are you a wizard

>> No.187641

What is VPN

>> No.187645
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>> No.187649

there are physical gold coins produced with pandas on them.

net coin is probably best.

>> No.187651

>hashfever pool hasn't started stratum yet
>wallet fuck ups

>> No.187652

We actually were saying that we could use one of those as a background.

>> No.187653

Is there a really vague term like cyber?

>> No.187659


>> No.187656

>PND dead
>derp wait for the halvening

because halvening did so much good to DOGe am i rite?

>> No.187667

Me and brokencalculator are talking about how to revive it, make it better than before.

>> No.187662
File: 49 KB, 858x580, dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh 3 billion HEX can't be confirmed. :(

>> No.187663

>cyber net cloud e-coin.com

>> No.187665

It caused a pump to 290 the week before it happened

>> No.187669

What kind of hashing power you got there?

>> No.187670

He's been mining FutureCoin and the results have been phenomenal

>> No.187675
File: 86 KB, 652x434, hash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All rejected, 0 HEX.
Sad panda.

>> No.187672
File: 128 KB, 650x649, 1394157976322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've messed around with using pics of actual gold coins as a base for a crypto logo, turns out breddy gud sometimes.

if you were to use the one of the actual gold panda coins issued by what i assume is the chinese mint, you may run into copyright/trademark/triad issues.

>> No.187682

Why the fuck are you designing a graphic for a coin that is at 1 Satoshi that is literally on the verge of being worthless/free

>> No.187677

and look where DOGE is now

let's see if people will fall again on that HALVENING hype like they did with DOGE

>> No.187678

Trace over the coin?

>> No.187680


>> No.187686

To not make it on the verge of being worthless/free?

>> No.187703
File: 28 KB, 575x324, Bohr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need nodes for Heisenberg

>> No.187709
File: 439 KB, 635x634, cglels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could use the real gold coin as an outer edge like this, or if you or someone is good enough, use the logo to create the appearance of a raised section like a real coin.

i had photoshop filters that did stuff like that way back when, don't have them anymore though. there's probably some way to do it now stock, layers/masks/etc. i haven't kept up on that.

gold coins can look extremely nice in hand, but it's hard to get the same beauty in a picture online.

>> No.187712

i like panda net coin too`

>> No.187715

What's up with scrypt ASICs? they're now the most active thread on bitcointalk so they must be viable.

>> No.187718

Power consumption advantage for sure.
Everything is the same or to be determined with time.

>> No.187721 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 640x960, BBBBBBb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some PND very badly right now.

Don't ask why, it's hard to explain but anything would really help me out right now. :^)


>> No.187731

Actually ROI and $/kh is much better with GPU's
Scrypt ASIC's will need a lot of more development to be viable

And Nvidia's Maxwell mining performance being so great is making ASIC's even less viable
AMD's next architecture and Nvidia high end cards will tell

>> No.187726

HashFever's stratum isn't up yet and GetBy is getting slammed.
Fugggg :DD

>> No.187728

Why is litecoin up so high?

>> No.187732

>posted by cindereynolds
We all know why.

>> No.187740


Brass tacks :

How much does it cost for 1GH/sec of Scrypt ASICs?

No not power, cost to buy.

That determines it, and they've apparently sold over 1,000,000$ worth, so it's probably decent enough that it ROIs in a year. I'm sure GPUs are better Kh/sec / $ but electricity and ASICs forcing difficulty sky high will make them unprofitable long run just like bitcoin

>> No.187742
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 199207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. PVYkRE, pls

>> No.187743

I have no idea what you are talking about. :^)

I'm not even cindereynolds either.

>> No.187747

>brass tacks
Did we fork wood screws?

>> No.187752

You're not familar with the expression "Let's get down to brass tacks"?

>> No.187753

HEX at 1.62 GH/s.
Are we going to die?

>> No.187757

are you gonna gamble away your can deposit again, son?

>> No.187756

How the actual fuck?

>> No.187763


I give you my best teen ass photo and get nothing?

You goys suck. Don't make start mining credits.

>> No.187769

>300 kh/sec for 260$
>3 MH/sec for 2600$
>uses 90W

no wonder they've sold millions

good job spreading the FUD and disinfo

scrypt asics are here and they are cheaper than GPUs

>> No.187770


No, i'm going to win it back this time.

I have never been so sure of anything in my entire life.

>> No.187767

It was at nearly 3GH/s a few minutes ago, actually.
HUGE whales got in at the beginning and instamined.
And they are already selling millions, check cryptorush.

>> No.187774
File: 351 KB, 1697x1614, 1394159502778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinkin' 'bout cashin' out 'n thangz.

>> No.187772

>And they are already selling millions, check cryptorush.
That's the perfect way to kill a coin, can't they wait for the thing to gain some traction?

>> No.187773

I just saw.
Difficulty is jumping to 300 in the next 5 minutes too.
Time to panic.

>> No.187776

>has that amount
>has yet to cash out
You're doing it wrong.
I cashed out at 270 and 4.

>> No.187780

Great job not listening to holdfags.
You did good.

>> No.187777

>implying I didn't
>implying this is more than 1/10th of either currency that i've mined

>> No.187782

>believing manufacturer specs
They're not even out niggra

>> No.187791

Oh did Nvidia give any info on their new GPUs yet? I want my 290x-tier 750 ti. I'm hoping for 1mhash at 200w.

>> No.187788


>19 page thread of all people who have them already

>> No.187797

>tfw responsible for 100% of the pools invalids

>> No.187795

>HUGE whales got in at the beginning and instamined.
>And they are already selling millions, check cryptorush.
More like the devs did

>> No.187799

you can do what you want but if you cashed out on doge you should consider buying back in now

i sold at 290 and bought back at 210 so I'm not doing anything atm

>> No.187805

>consider buying back in

There's still a month before the next halving.

>> No.187807

J doge is still the same price last time i checked last month fuck... when price rise?

>> No.187808

the fuck you doing? its pandacoin.. stop fucking with it.

>> No.187809

In the middle of the month.
We went to 300 and crashed back to earth.

>> No.187810

Remember the usb miners that broke in less than 2 days, they used the same chips than those miners

>> No.187811
File: 30 KB, 300x300, sad-003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I still had all the doge I sold at low prices.

>> No.187817

next time dont post that 3DPD shit

>> No.187816

>There aren't enough open buy orders for me to sell all of my PND on Cryptorush


>> No.187821

It isn't getting us places in the long run.

>> No.187818

Sell them for doge.

>> No.187820


>There aren't any open buy orders for me to sell all of my PND on Cryptorush

>> No.187826


There still aren't enough.

>> No.187829

adding gold to the name isn't going to make it do anything better is it?

>> No.187824

There is no long run for shitcoins.

>> No.187831

Dunno what to say, man.
I told you guys to sell at 4 and 10 and everyone called me a shill while sucking amDOGE dick.

>> No.187838

Not out of the queston.
I had some 20 mil and that nigger above has 40 mil.

>> No.187839

I think they listened to you.

>> No.187835

you have more than 50 mil?

>> No.187841


I did sell at 10.


Yes, see >>187774

I have more on Cryptorush.

>> No.187845

Do something fun like putting up a gigantic wall then.

>> No.187846

People aren't reacting to things that are happening in the present, they are reacting to things they know that will happen in the future.

>> No.187851
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>> No.187849
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>> No.187852

Whats the new launch?
HEX became immediately worthless.

>> No.187855


>> No.187853


>> No.187859
File: 44 KB, 576x432, 7846784678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a good enough reaction pic for this.

>> No.187857

Fuck i have like over a million PND in the reddit tipbot and that shit isn't working, how the fuck am I supposed to gamble tonight?

I have needs you know.

>> No.187858
File: 72 KB, 760x554, 1394160807904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I can't send 20 million PND at once.

>> No.187862
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Apparently one of the developers scammed the other of the whole premine, kek.
Welcome to the unregulated world of crypto, lel.

>> No.187863

People had actually paid BTC for this shit
How is this a good idea

>> No.187866


That was a fluke, statistically impossible of ever repeating that run of losses.

I'm sure of it.

>> No.187868

23 billion... why the fuck is anyone mining this?

>> No.187880

lol at all that lost btc in cryptorush gotta trade fast

>> No.187881

Because you can spend 4 dollars in electricity and make 300 dollars in 5 minutes.

>> No.187877

Instamine P&D with exchange at launch

>> No.187878


I cashed out at 220

>> No.187894


I cashed out most of what I had at 270 :^)

I could have done better though. 273 in particular. I figured everyone would try to cash out at 275 before all the plebs thought it would hit 300

>> No.187896

HashFever had like 90% of the network before the relaunch.
That's the one I'm going with.

>> No.187889

okay.... what pools gud?

>> No.187898

>750 ti
I get better $/hash with my 280x.

>> No.187900

Judging by the first failed launch, hashrapid and internetarena.

>> No.187909


Cant we extricate this dead shitcoin from the doge threads now? It's at 1 on every exchange, enough already.

>> No.187910


I get better with mine, too. But I spend 60% of my mining income per month on electricity. I'm tired of dropping $1k+/mo on a utility.

>> No.187914

We haven't even started yet nyoro~n

>> No.187915
File: 290 KB, 466x444, 1383589181371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even spend the imaginary money?

>> No.187923
File: 44 KB, 153x143, Hell yeah motherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fantastic

>> No.187928


Um, you can gamble with it!

>> No.187926


>> No.187929
File: 90 KB, 640x640, 80405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You give it to someone accepting imaginary money or you trade it to real money giving that to someone who accepts real money.

>> No.187932

This shit is just ridiculous.
We need to develop value within the Doge economy and stop getting distracted by the pump and dump coin of the week.

>> No.187938

/r/dogecoin is doing this for Doge. Here on /g/biz/ is all about Pumb and Dumbs

>> No.187936

What rig is drawing that power? I'm impressed.

>> No.187939



>> No.187943

So when is the exact release time of he next PnD

>> No.187940

hashfever difficultys at 14, with 6mins to go are they going to reset?

>> No.187950
File: 72 KB, 490x435, 37252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is holding you back from inserting your insights about Dogecoin.

>> No.187951


Good luck with that.

Should have sold right before the halving my man. There's fucking trillions of doge, it's like trying to sell sand to people at the beach at this point.

We should be doing like everyone else and be making a new pump and dump shitcoin every week.

>> No.187944

No clue.
If they bungle this relaunch I'm just going to point back at Middlecoin and wait for the next launch.

>> No.187952


How does middlecoin work? Do you like it?

>> No.187962
File: 162 KB, 800x920, 1393807176766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always complain about that and then never post anything that actually contributes

Rrrrrrrrreminder to donate to Doge4Water for the newest fundraiser to help raise awareness for DOGE!


>> No.187958

They use a profit switching algorithm in order to mine and trade the most profitable coin and pays out in BTC.
There is no transparency however and I'm giving it a 7 day trial.
Usually use Multipool so I can trade my own coins.

>> No.187969


I tried hashcows once for a day and had shitty returns.

They got hacked the next day. I liked the idea though and I have been looking for another pool like it.

>> No.187967

holy shit i think people are just going to keep the coin as it is and mine it...

>> No.187972

Same reason I switched from hashcows to multipool.
Hopefully Middlecoin works out.

>> No.187973

I just sent cryptorush my 512k that i solomined and now it's "down for maintenance" and I cant get it back. Fuck CR

>> No.187971

fuck they just changed the relaunch another hour... cant be arsed with it.

>> No.187979

That's fucking hilarious.
Too bad shit was worthless on arrival.

>> No.187976


looks like they're not going to bother hahahahaha

>> No.187978
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>> No.187983
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>> No.187986

It's 2014, faggot

>> No.187988

It was a fun 13 weeks.
That's worth all the money in the world.

>> No.187996
File: 72 KB, 698x658, 1288692056566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PREMINE HAS BEEN FOUND. The user that got the premine contacted me The co-owner of cryptorush and wishes to remain anonymous. they gave us back the premine and we gave it back to the developers. Coin is NOT relaunching!! ALL GOOD!!

>> No.187994
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x1042, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips fedora*

>> No.187995

dayum nigga thats like 30k doge right there

>> No.188000

are u kidding me da fack

>> No.188009
File: 333 KB, 750x500, headache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the shittiest launches of all time.

>> No.188004
File: 38 KB, 348x218, 1289317759921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet sweet drama.
I wonder if all this was planned...

>> No.188010

Fuck this.
I'm not going to even bother with this coin.

>> No.188015
File: 577 KB, 1928x1536, 1394162519113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fun :^)

>> No.188014

Everyone want in on some burgercoin cheese join #burgercoin and freenode plox

>> No.188024



I sold 40 million PND.

>> No.188019

whats going on in here?

Whats all the relaunch stuff about? PND or PANDA?

>> No.188021
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 1385316247568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're starting to get 2lewd in here

>> No.188037

Whoever reported me for violating global rule 11 is a fucking bitch.

I wasn't advertising jack shit.

Is this a new "thing" here now? you don't agree with someone and hit the report button so they get a five minute ban?

>> No.188034 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 500x726, 9986693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this lewd?

>> No.188036

is it Credits? whats the premine that was found?

Why are people shitting themselves >>187996

>> No.188044


>> No.188045

lets go chat in burgercoin and get hat going. Some figs here are optimum butthurt status over PANDA and PND.

USA is next big thing

>> No.188049

mods are heavily invested in shitcoins. put your address in a pastebin and then the pastebin in the email field

>> No.188061

Wait, how do I not miss this train.
PLEASE tell me how not to miss this.
I'm really desperate.

>> No.188064
File: 52 KB, 256x253, 1392702641520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.188062

like this?

Make a new one, the old #burgercoin IRC died.

>> No.188069

Whats the link to the pnd gambling site?

>> No.188071

Wait no, it's still there! :DDDDDD

>> No.188079



>> No.188087
File: 12 KB, 200x181, 1394163553550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news everyone! US regulatory laws have caused Vault of Satoshi to cease operations for US residents! Oh, I suppose that "good news", was a bit misleading.


>> No.188093
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>> No.188098
File: 57 KB, 196x257, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you reside outside the United States this does not affect you.

>> No.188106
File: 45 KB, 400x300, 1392710000365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's bollocks, some new laws are going into effect to regular BTC, and they wouldn't provide any way to comply with those laws from their Canadian office


>> No.188119


It be saying dead links.

>> No.188139

That makes me glad I avoid blatant copy right violation since coinya.
If you still haven't learnt mine RedditCoin, the reddit CEO has posted in the thread pre-launch saying he doesn't want to pursue legal action and would like the coin dropped.

>> No.188144
File: 247 KB, 1496x1150, 1376542941813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is going to be a thing from now on, isn't it?

>> No.188148
File: 81 KB, 766x511, how it feels to chew 5 gum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucked are people in the US that have an account with them?

>> No.188151
File: 364 KB, 1360x768, 750ti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing?

Still mining PND.

>> No.188154


And what's your power draw? I'm looking forward to converting over to these things in due time.

>> No.188153

Only on the worst of them.

>> No.188157

Batshit insane / 10.

>> No.188163

you sure those are optimal clocks?

>> No.188166

Fucked in the sense that you can't use it anymore

>> No.188164

what happened to everyone in #officialpandacoin

>> No.188170

The specs say 60 watt, but according to this guy http://cryptomining-blog.com/tag/gtx-750-ti-cudaminer/ who did an experiment, they only actually draw 38.

>> No.188174

Any higher and it craps itself. I haven't changed the voltage though.

>> No.188183

i mean isnt there some optimal clock ratio?

>> No.188185

>6 cards

holy DICKS

>> No.188205

I dont actually have an account with them, I'm just wondering.

Are people allowed to withdraw their shit?

>> No.188228

Yes, they will get their coins or fiat back.

>> No.188229

>no premine
How does it work?

>> No.188256
File: 2.64 MB, 500x281, NANI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Step 1: You give them your money
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

>> No.188285

Just started mining PND, But i only get about 5khash.. Any tips on how I can get it higher?
And also if someone wants to help out a anon that would be great!

>> No.188286

someone should be amazing & donate some Doges to me. Just got into this & can't mine with my setup. just a few would be fine. to learn how to send and receive. thanks guys


>> No.188299

Why would you mine PND? it's literally worthless.

>> No.188309

Mainly since everybody a week ago talked about how it would sky rocket. So what coin is the beast to mine now?
And it might be worthless but I need to start somewhere to learn. So if some fellow anons want to help me out with a few donations so I can learn how to trade etc that would be great!


>> No.188311


you could buy a billion PND with $5 literally

>> No.188320

yfw its more profitable to mine than doge
here have 100k

>> No.188326

"We don't consider it a pre-mine because we are giving the coins out to the community not keeping them for ourselves". Basically they are selling pre-mined coins before there is an exchange but because they are jumping ship before it even launches it isn't a pre-mine in their minds.

>> No.188327

Anybody want to buy 900 cr off me for 0.01 btc?
I need the money

>> No.188331
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>> No.188337

I'll pay 0.0009 BTC

>> No.188338

Wow thanks!, now I got some PND's to experiment with!

>> No.188339

If it can't be sold, how could it be more profitable?

>> No.188344

tonns and tonns of shilling

>> No.188345


>> No.188350

Last time I looked it was still moving at 17 litoshi but I won't touch it with a ten foot pool myself, I was just looking for Arbs.

>> No.188360
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be sure to l..use it

>> No.188361

And it cant be turned around or what?

>> No.188366

Do you really think it will be? It has been a constant downward trend in value. There's a .5 BTC sell at 1 fucking sat.

>> No.188371

and its been like that for years :c

>> No.188386
File: 355 KB, 549x470, 1263347618159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 7 of these on the way, pretty hype about the power draw.

>20 R7 265 as well

They aren't that khs/$ effiecient when compared to MSRP of Radeon, but its pretty hard now a days to get MSRP.

>> No.188385

someone is buying @ 1 saotoshi on mintpal, clam your tits bro.
We have a lot of time to turn things around but it would be best if we waited till the halving so we are safer from dumps.

>> No.188388

I'm not saying it can't go higher. I'm just saying its unlikely to rise above 2-3 sat again. If that.

>> No.188452

Anyone ever had that "Your computer must have the right time" bug with any wallets?

My computer does have the right time and a time server is running. Driving me up the wall. Windows 7 ultimate

>> No.188470

what share diff should I use as an nvidiatard? 32? 128? 1?

>> No.188472

>getting an AMD card at MSRP

top fucking kek, it's been months since I've gotten one at retail. and i camp the shit out of amazon, too.

>> No.188475

>panda net coin

PNC i like that

>> No.188477

Don't go to amazon, look for smaller retailers, www.shopblt.com or try to get a contact at AMD. They are pretty fucking bro tier.

>> No.188481


There's plenty like that, but their shipping is usually shit. I'd rather have my items overnight.

>> No.188489

hey im making a logo right now can someone find those characters in a nice font for me?

>> No.188493

Depending on availability I'd rather not waste a bunch of a money on premiums, but time is factor for mining. Its actually how I got a contact at AMD.

>> No.188492

In chinese?

>> No.188498

So is PND officially dead yet?

>> No.188502


Go ahead and brag about your "contact"; now that you've mentioned it twice we can all tell how much you want to talk about it.

>> No.188505
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>> No.188506

What do you say when you contact them?
"Hey can I get a tri-x 290x for msrp price" or something?
I just want to get another 290 so it matches the one I bought for 400 ;_;

>> No.188521
File: 988 KB, 1371x1383, PND_sketch_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my first sketch of the new logo.
im going to completely do the background, this is just to get a cross the general idea. what color should i make the P symbol?

please give me feedback

>> No.188523

i meant to write im going to completely redo the background

>> No.188531


i like the P

w8 that sounds dirty

but seriously like the symbol

>> No.188534
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Essentially yes, just be honest and explain your situation, I ended up telling them I went with a competitors product (Nvidia) and I got to talk to some interesting people and ultimately got hooked up nicely. Just don't expect them to do it, but theres no reason not to try.

>> No.188538

what color should i make the P?

>> No.188539

See how silver looks

>> No.188540


Try the letter P in Black and the line in white?

>> No.188541

nah i want it to be mono color. i was thinking silver, black or green (for bamboo)

>> No.188542

then let it remain black, being too fancy wont help us

try lighter shades of black

>> No.188545
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should i work on it?

>> No.188547
File: 120 KB, 852x581, newlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed the logo on my client to this one someone posted earlier because I liked it.

>> No.188546
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Such a friendly panda

>> No.188549

doesnt he look like a total bro :3

>> No.188557
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>> No.188572

welp Swisscex 1 satoshi sell order for PND crossed 100 million

we need to keep working on getting PND on other exchanges. The supply is increasing we need to put that supply in as much market as possible

>> No.188579


>> No.188580

Can't we move to a new coin? I really want comedy gold to happen.

>> No.188582




>> No.188590

nvm that
we could use some trade volume in pnd/doge pnd/ltc to attract traders, the move from 1-2 satoshi is huge, without any whales its a no go

>> No.188617


which is why getting in new exchange(s) would help us bring that

it will dilute the supply

we are getting overwhelmed by PND in just 4 exchanges

>> No.188635

its a stolen logo anyway so don't get your hopes up of it being used.

>> No.188634

>come back after a month of not checking doge
>was planning to hold for a while
>price is steady down

Well fuck. I fucked up, right?

B... Bulltrap?

>> No.188652

Have I missed the hex train?
I'm mining rabbit at the moment so should I mine hex for a while then go back or what?

>> No.188653

mine hex for a couple of days, the rewards are high then it falls

>> No.188655
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here is progress so far
not even close to done

>> No.188660

It's shit.

>> No.188663
File: 55 KB, 1163x553, diff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge difficulty to reach pre-halvening (Jan 23 - Feb 10) level in a few weeks.

>> No.188664
File: 31 KB, 1000x1000, pandacoinLogo1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.188668

What's up with that broken part at the lower middle?
Also, it's shit, doesn't even compare to the original logo. The lines don't match that way.

>> No.188669

thank you

>> No.188672

yeah, its a joke it took 10 seconds.

>> No.188682

Which pool?

>> No.188685

Does the pool hashrate make much of a difference or not?

>> No.188690

... yes. higher pool hash rate means u should expect more frequent payouts, but it also means you're probably competing with more people for the shares on that pool.

>> No.188692

Because I joined one with like 50 miners and then realized there was one with 600.
I don't need to bother swapping do I?

>> No.188697

it's smart to be on at least 2 pools and figure out about how much you mine in a day on each pool and set autopayout to that. From there you can decide what sort of multi-pool method you want to use. I suggest you read the readme and make your own decision.

Also, miners isn't *as* important as the pool:net hashrate ratio.

>> No.188723

has hex launched yet?

>> No.188728

8 hours ago i think

>> No.188731

so can you post the url of a pool, i can't find them and also my conf isn't right. How should i name the configuration.conf?

>> No.188740

i searched their and cannot find it, wallet won't sync

>> No.188736

check their btctalk

>> No.188743

i am not doing anything with hex cause i cant mine,

there should be a hex thread try asking there

>> No.188749
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is toplel really imprisoned? ;(((

>> No.188756
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He's free now, see

>> No.188758

I dont know, is that really you santa? Also amDoge made the script for tipping.

>> No.188762
File: 416 KB, 1200x1200, PND_sketch_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still working on it

>> No.188769

where do i find it? don't have my wallet right now, though

>> No.188770

hex is just the superdumpcoin, if you are not there on the first day you get nothing and it is fucking worthless to mine.

>> No.188787

goin to sleep now ill keep working on this tomorrow

>> No.188802

How long until PND gets picked up by an investor to PnD? It must happen sooner or later right?

>> No.188806

that's why we have to make it popular and people have to speak about it.

>> No.188814

it needs to be on more exchanges for that

>> No.188818

also what do you think about miles idea from yesterday with the coin with the block reward that depends on the current price.

>> No.188825

>High block reward

>Low block reward
Nobody mines, makes difficulty and network decrease.

>> No.188824

Sounds like a great experiment, but will be hard to control. Does that mean it would only be available on one exchange?

>> No.188827

Have it take the average price of the highest-volume exchanges and use that as the target for a PID controller - price too high, block reward increases; price too low, block reward decreases.

Of course, you'd have to have exceptions for periods when there is no trading volume to keep the system from running away into absurdity.

>> No.188828

you don't just dump because the reward is high. And also that would work if the price is good. So if the price raises it will normalize with this.

Low Block reward, maybe a few would mine. Just few to mine so the worth of one coin will raise and this is why they would mine more.

>> No.188830

Yeah that's the thing we all should think of.

>> No.188854
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He's getting dizzy.

>> No.188883

i dont understand the direction of PND anymore

where are we going with this

>> No.188896


I don't know, I just went full retard on that gambling bro his website, came in with 4mil PND and made it up to 9.4mil until I cashed out.

>> No.188900

oh wtf m8

>> No.188906


well you can buy some gold atleast i think

>> No.188908

100btc buy wall just got filled at 150 yet price didn't immediately crash to or past the support at 141. Kinda reassuring.

>> No.188909

Distancing from the wolong saga, rebranding, more services, appealing to the Chinese.

>> No.188910

>Distancing from the wolong saga, rebranding


>more services, appealing to the Chinese.

how can we do that without it having any healthy economy

>> No.188935

I'm consistently losing money on shitcoins. It's not worth it unless you're lucky and hit the right one, at the right time, hold for the right amount of time, and sell at the best peak possible. I managed to get 3/4 once and only once.

>> No.188936

this is not just about money, it's about a community and nice services. We want better services that are cool and that others want to use aswell

>> No.188938

yeah they're pretty much all going down in value. i'm losing too.

>> No.188947

DOGE keeps going down, why

>> No.188955
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I didn't have my miner running for two days now.

I seriously need a profitable coin to mine... any ideas?

only have a single 280x though.

>> No.188956


>> No.188958
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>> No.188960

I've bought 20, stuck half on sell orders and stuck half in a cold wallet. DRK is one of very few coins to have something unique and desirable about it. is very difficult to mine though.

>> No.188962

>cashing out at such terrible price

>> No.188963

because it's dead, stop fooling yourself. noticed how nobody even dares to spam stupid "HODL HODL" anymore?

>> No.188974

so dead it has second most transactions per day out of all coins

>> No.188976

How does one buy btc very fast?
Is there a market on reddit or something?

>> No.188977

so? it get's dumped the most, congrats

even reddit and bitcointalk are giving / gave up on DOGE, just take a look

we are down to 110-120 next week

>> No.188983

bitbargain is instant, not sure if it's uk only though...

>> No.188986


>> No.188990

Nah no one around me and I won't pay the inflated paypal prices

>> No.189016

yeah doge subreddit's growth isn't as fast as it used to be but it's still at bitcoin's level and faster than litecoin

the number of doge-to-doge transactions doesn't tell if it's being dumped or acquired but it does tell the coin is being used

one guy in the bitcointalk thread saying the thread is dead and doge is dead also said the coin will collapse once the 100btc buy wall at 150 disappears. Well, it was filled but the value bounced back to 150 after a brief dip to the 140s.

>> No.189039


If you are dutch/belgian the fastest way to buy some bitcoin without having any fiat money in exchanges is probably Bitonic.nl, it uses a payment system called iDeal and basically it blows Paypal and any other out of the fucking water

>> No.189056

the fuck. this is till here from lastnight? plz new thread.

>> No.189060

Im hoping by the time we reach the next halving we see some kind of rise, even if its dropped some before then. It should help sustain until the next halving ect. The split is going to be between people who sell off now and people who hold out untill the end of the year, we can only speculate as to what is the more profitable option.

>> No.189070

My dogecoin wallet is stuck at "3 days behind" when synching. Its been like this for 40 minutes or so and Ive never had any problems before at all. What's going on?

>> No.189079

If you're using 1.5.2, just restart the client.
If anything older, update and open it again

>> No.189094

Oh, thanks!

>> No.189102
