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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18747386 No.18747386[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Their Bio:
>Please be unique
>If you start the convo with a 'hey' swipe left
>Be creative

Their conversation starter:
>*sends gif of animal waving*
>*sends gif with shy/embarassed expression*

>> No.18747409

All women are stupid whores that for some reason are the soul reason life exists

>> No.18747417

You're unironically not going to find love on Tinder

>> No.18747420


>> No.18747431

Life is overrated

>> No.18747468
File: 32 KB, 640x360, you-just-lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuine question OP. why are you posting on /biz/?
have you heard of >>>/b/ or >>>/adv/ ?

>> No.18747478
File: 267 KB, 600x600, ce8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to find {{{her}}} ?

>> No.18747496
File: 202 KB, 420x510, 1576736612906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they dont even msg me and making up gay ass conversation starters are a waste of my fucking time.

>> No.18747516

I've accepted I will die alone. Girls are just completely boring and insufferable when they're not sucking my dick.

>> No.18747521

back in high school

>> No.18747522

Try the last place you looked

>> No.18747530


>> No.18747532

"I love traveling, going out and netflix"

"if you have a dog i will probably love him more than you"


>> No.18747552

"I'm a nurse in Kentucky - 5''4"

>> No.18747558


>> No.18747567

: |

i live in a small country far away from the US (which i assume you are posting from) and experience the same exact fucking bios? is that it, are all girls fundamentally the same bland piece of cardboard all around the globe?

>> No.18747571

what's so special about you

>> No.18747594

People just put generic bios on dating apps for obvious reasons

>> No.18747610

i am employed and i study, have multiple hobbies including all kinds of sports & working out, making and listening to music, cooking, trading & programming, cars, traveling

what's ur point?

>> No.18747670

Met a girl on bumble who I was falling in love with that cut me off and its completely my fault

Now I larp as cloud strife and realize no girl will ever compete. Call me cringe, don't care.

>> No.18747673

No. Thots are pretty much the same all around the globe but there are non-thot females. Not sure if you can find them on tinder though.

>> No.18747690

Sounds generic as fuck, only thing that's missing is "I love video games especially Zelda!".

>> No.18747732

what about you faggot?

>> No.18747739
File: 83 KB, 592x1015, Screenshot_20191227-005620~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep searching bros. Also try /soc/

>> No.18747753

I honestly gave up on women after the sex and the city craze. I tried to watch 2 episodes. I can describe the show as "shit women talk to each other in private for shock value." It might be the worst fucking thing to become a huge hit, and it caused an avalanche of copy-cat shows like Girls which was probably worse but I'm never going to watch it. I will never understand the schizophrenic nature of women.

>> No.18747761

so you're not good at anything? unless you're leonardo fucking davinci which I doubt you are.

>> No.18747769
File: 197 KB, 774x850, 1583645085830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ladies love a deep thinking big brained stoic. Not some hobby overloading faggot desperately trying to compensate.

>> No.18747778

that's a man

>> No.18747780

Are you really discussing DDoS’ing on iMessage group chat...

>> No.18747784

>all kinds of sports & working out, making and listening to music, cooking, trading & programming, cars, traveling
is exactly the kind of bio you are complaining about

>> No.18747796
File: 18 KB, 181x250, 1587980106674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deep thinking
>women love men that have big brains
>women love stoic men

>> No.18747797

I'm emloyed and dont study anymore. Like video games, work out, make music, and am interested in trading. Hate sports, cars and travelling.

At the same time I never claimed to be special, I know Im in the 80% demographic of this board even though I'm a bit older than the average.

>> No.18747810

5 months dating haven't found a penis yet

>> No.18747818

Why are you posting a selfie?

>> No.18747821

kek, I'm also very conscious of my flaws, I've been limiting my interests to religion, shitcoin discovery and reading about how to build shit

>> No.18747829

I did, took me forever though I would advise anyone looking to be extremely picky if you're looking on tinder

>> No.18747833
File: 22 KB, 690x450, rf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her bio says "I'm X years old" but her profile says X + 1, 2, 3 etc
>obnoxiously liberal
>single mom, bonus points if the kid is a halfbreed
>problem hairstyle/color
>problem glasses
>profile has pictures of her with black guys
>sexuality is anything besides hetero or bi
>meme degree from an expensive private school yet works a shit tier food service/retail job
>"I'm done with hookups I want something real now"
>only interests are Netflix, wine, traveling and animals
>she's just using the profile to shill her social media accounts
And to top it off the very small handful of women who seem likable and don't have any of these issues are all guaranteed to either live far away or have a work schedule that is completely opposite of mine or plan on moving in a couple months. It's so fucking tiring.

>> No.18747857
File: 171 KB, 1300x956, two-young-adult-girls-jumping-over-a-sand-castle-on-a-beach-R1GXH7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having this picture 95% of the time
>5% other time outside machu pichu

>> No.18747859
File: 7 KB, 200x174, images (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't finance. KYS

>> No.18747862

That shit is pointless in a dating app desu. Just put something funny and easy going in there and let the pics talk for you.

>I like experimental and brutal death metal. If you think you're hot shit 1v1 me on quake live and we'll see.
I don't use dating apps but this would be my profile bio.

>> No.18747910

What ya do mr strife

>> No.18747947


OP stop acting like these arent just fat girls hitting you up

>> No.18748380

mercenary, ex-soldier

Right now nothing. I want to get back into bartering but got in trouble with the law so I have to appeal to a board with a lawyer to get my license to bartend in a casino that I have a job lined up at.

I larp as cloud now because everyone said i was super annoying and talk too much. So now I lead a double persona and act like me online but irl Im quiet and try not to say much. That and I used to take so much shot personally, now whenever I get that feeling I just think how cloud would act. "Not my problem". I think its better this way, honestly. I lived in my fathers shadow who was a womanizer charming model, I tried really hard to be him, but I found out he was a drunk with a kid and drove my mom away for a time and my view of him changed. So I latched onto the second biggest influential character to me, cloud. Again, call me a fag, but we all need something to hold on to.

>> No.18748525

>Not being a literal genius polymath when it comes to your avocations= sucking at all of them
Kys retard

>> No.18748570
File: 1.86 MB, 6676x2646, 1567169532376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only omega males use tinder and orbit sluts

>> No.18748668

>back in high school

>> No.18749387

What if I'm going about it ironically?

>> No.18749408

Impossible desu quote unquote Love is unironically post ironic

>> No.18749458

Tinder has absolutely destroyed dating forever. People now literally have no way of knowing who and how many a girl has fucked. They don't have to go through friends or in bars, it's given them all the anonymity of escorting but with a social acceptability. Even the most cunning girls 10 years ago could eventually be caught out by some friends publicly asking her if she remembers banging some nigger. No more.

>> No.18749574

My sister found her boyfriend on tinder. They now own a house together and have a baby with another on the way. I agree tinder is garbage but there's always exceptions.

>> No.18749689

And knowing exactly how many people one has fucked is a requirement for a relationship right? Found the virgin sperg

>> No.18749725

Found the oversocialised cuck

>> No.18749742

Yes, it literally is. In fact I'd say it's the single most important criterion.

>> No.18749764

have sex incels

>> No.18749813

Chill bro, who cares the number of guys a girl fucked already? Theyre all whores, so its gonna be a lot - dont be such a cuck and obsess over it

as if meeting girls in bars was a good thing

>> No.18749825
File: 315 KB, 828x828, 8CE0ABD0-A8B1-472D-B0D1-2027A6F9ACA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18749835

was for

>> No.18749908

Woah thats edgy is fuck.. let's see hear your opinion again when you look death in the eye.

>> No.18749944

>single mother of 6, NOT HERE FOR HOOKUPS!
>on tinder

>> No.18749972

Love exists anon. But only in adolescence

>> No.18749977

You may be called based phoneposter but i have suspicions otherwise.

>> No.18749985


>> No.18749995

Wow this made me hate women.

>> No.18750019

Women are uninteresting, hive minded retards. Use dating apps only to fuck them. You will not, I repeat, you will not find quality women on dating apps. That being said, cut the conversation to a minimum by only asking when they are available to go out for a drink. Thank me later.

>> No.18750022

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s over isn’t it bros?

>> No.18750038


>> No.18750090

where did her eyebrows go?

>> No.18750278

You guys are just losers

>> No.18750765

I did 3 years ago, getting married after pandemic ends

>> No.18750853

Women are retarded, more at 11.

>> No.18751128

Looks is all that matters. When I used tinder I didn’t even have a bio. I just basically msged and said you’re cute and asked for their number as soon as I could. Usually never went more than 5 messages on the actual app, either they give their # or they don’t and you move on. Women know immediately whether or not they would fuck you none of the other bullshit matters unless you’re trying for a serious relationship.

>> No.18751193

This guy fucks. The great thing is you can A/B test setups on tinder in live time. I’ve found you need a shirtless non douchey shot (think paddleboading), a shot with friends, and maybe a shot with a girl (but cropped out so she can imagine herself as that girl). Other than that, its move fast to suss out if she wants to smash or not. No hard feelings, unmatch and roll out.

>> No.18751245


I get a crazy amount of matches but can never really close it with anybody. I think I fall for the conversation meme too often

>> No.18751291
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I did, but as another anon said it took awhile and I acknowledge I'm not the norm. I wish I could date the traditional way but don't have a large circle of friends, went to a small engineering university, and don't go out much. If you have any sort of normal social life it's infinitely better to just date the traditional way but I would still be single if I relied on that. If you are new to dating it's a good way to practice and understand what type of people you get along with. However, unless you are an attractive normie it's not even good for casual sex

>> No.18751759

I went back to college mostly for this and as weird as it can sound it worked and my perfect waifu is now the mother of my 2 kids
she's even vacuum cleaning as I type this lol

>> No.18751957 [DELETED] 

you will make it

>> No.18752067

females love it when you just shut the fuck up

>> No.18752226
File: 280 KB, 1473x1061, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. It really as simple as projecting all the necessary superficial traits in your pictures then going in for the kill every time.

>> No.18752339

goteem gamer