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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18746010 No.18746010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you tell anyone about your crypto? Do you have a plan in case you suddenly died tomorrow?

>> No.18746030

>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>need to think of another generic thread so i can post another tranny
>"Have you tell anyone about your crypto? Do you have a plan in case you suddenly died tomorrow?"
>breathe a sigh of relief
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>feeling the depression coming on

>> No.18746032

my friends know i have a lot of money in crypto but not my family. i think one of my friends would probably break into my apartment and try to find my keys if i died suddenly.

>> No.18746038

also that's a man

>> No.18746039

I don't have any crypto
why would I want pretend internet money?

>> No.18746058

that's a mentally ill man

>> No.18746074

that's a mentally ill man

>> No.18746151

she QT

t. tranny loving homos

>> No.18746156

that's a man

>> No.18746192

It actually is a man you retard

>> No.18746196


>> No.18746213

bro that's a mentally ill man


>> No.18746217

my brother has my eth wallet keys and passphrase in case anything happens

>> No.18746680

What's stopping him from gambling away all your money one day?

>> No.18746882
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>> No.18747436

>What's stopping him from gambling away all your money one day?
his blood

>> No.18747470

Yes and yes

>> No.18747946

who is this semen demon?

>> No.18748029

I'm considering leaving my private keys and/or exchange accounts + 2FA credentials somewhere where my mom could eventually find them if I accidentally die.
Or, if I ever get a very big holding, probably leave a will in three notary offices. Something like 1st will to open "go to notary office #2 and #3", 2nd will "first half of my private keys", 3rd will "second half of my private keys.
This won't end well.

>> No.18748216

Nigga, this is gunna end badly. Read Nietzsche for the explanation

>> No.18748368

I told my mom about Link and now she asks me for money. I tell her no after the first $1K.

I will never tell her how much ARPA I'm holding.

>> No.18748388

some man

>> No.18748403

would impregnate

>> No.18748410


>> No.18748707
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ITT: faggots that never heard of dead man switches

inb4 muh keys get stolen by the server owner

not if you do it right you unimaginative retards, leave part of the key with your intended successor and the other part on the DMS, you can't get betrayed nor your shit stolen by the big bad hackers intercepting your message or the admin snooping around

set it to trigger after 2-3 months of inactivity (w/e time you think is the absolute maximum you could go without internet if you take all scenarios into consideration including being in a coma)

fucking magic isn't it

>> No.18748754

I am married to a loving and down to earth wife, but that bitch aint get my crypto or my precious metals in a divorce. I aint tell anybody shit.

>> No.18748763
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>> No.18748841

holy shit are you me?

>> No.18748894
File: 476 KB, 1022x1249, SmartSelect_20200329-214252_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa based

>> No.18749080

You were gonna Jack off to some thot anyways. Tranny or no tranny