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18636286 No.18636286 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18636289

smokers win again!

>> No.18636359

if you are using patches to quit you should start cutting them in half, and then into quarters

>> No.18636366
File: 142 KB, 1641x805, 1471633163043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use patches to lucid dream

>> No.18636367
File: 16 KB, 200x305, amsblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it with a pouch of

>> No.18636412

why would you want to quit? Smoking is great for so much, including building muscle.

>> No.18636425

Yeah if that would be the case here in Italy there wouldn’t be any covid patient, oh wait

>> No.18637051

this board needs flags

>> No.18637711

while the 'nothingburger/hoax' crew are clinically retarded, I'm beginning to sympathize. They are either making shit up now or complete straw grasping. I await first corpses of prophylactic nicotine drinkers

>> No.18637878

Smoking has already been established to be a major risk factor in COVID.

>> No.18637890
File: 25 KB, 539x591, ben gavel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that makes no sense, the chinks smoke like chimneys

>> No.18637904

The muscle definition of your arm is exactly like a 45 year old woman who has had 2 kids.

>> No.18637929

muh smoking nicotine cures covid is a retarded bastardization of the fact they are considering genetically engineering tobacco plants to include the chemical components of the vaccine that can be extracted.

>> No.18637967

Smoking yes, but not the nicotine itself

>> No.18638055

cigarettes kill the chink virus? what are you going to tell me next, baby boys urine or killing and eating dogs is the cure? could you imagine a more ridiculous assertion given the nihilistic smoke filled little boys urine and stray dog mean buffet of a country where it originated?

>> No.18638064

not really, it curbs your appetite.

>> No.18638071

heavy smoker here.

i had a pretty bad cold/flu coming back from the mountains.

figured i might have had corona but thought i'd have major symptoms / lung shutdown. was fucking escorts and partying at clubs 2 days before lockdown. suddenly sick after. was pretty minor though aside from the most disgusting cough you've ever witnessed.

smoking is based prove me wrong

>> No.18638083

OP also mentioned CIGS

>> No.18638099

Back in February, I thought that China was having a worse time with corona than we would have here because I know that smoking is way more popular in China than in the U.S. If the CCP’s figures are even close to accurate, I couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s not a lung infection; it’s a blood infection.

>> No.18638107

>was fucking escorts and partying at clubs

>> No.18638119

the tobacco lobby went a step too far to get people smoking back again.

>> No.18638154

no it makes sense retard. look at all the healthy ppl getting raped by COVID. smokers get pneumonia so often there body is used to it.

your t cells literally attack healthy lungs overreacting to the virus

>> No.18638178

I don't believe nicotine has any effect on Covid, but if i were to humor OP and say nicotine actually treats Covid, people are going to buy cigarettes for nicotine regardless because they are retards. Cigs would probably fall again after a while as nicotine accessability got more open

>> No.18638345

been smoking for 20 years now
can vouch for the "music" in the dreams.
Sometimes i'm left amazed at the music i hear and desperately try to go back to sleep to hear it again.

>> No.18638572

Tobacco and nicotine are closely inter-related.

The virus uses an ACE2 pathway for ingress, nicotine reduces the amount of ACE2. Your retarded proposal is retarded.

>> No.18638628

It's a hoax.

>> No.18638634


>> No.18638935

This kek