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18627545 No.18627545 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like $1 million is still fucking nothing
Even 2 million give me anxiety
The more I think about money, the more I realize, that you can never have enough.
Even $10 million is not fuck you money.
I don't even know how anybody with a few 100k in the bank feels good about himself, seriously

>> No.18627590

Same. Only 200 link. Fml

>> No.18627626

Based entrepreneurial spirit

>> No.18627630

You need at least 50 million and even then your always worried about losing it. 250 million is when you can really strt to relax.

>> No.18627631

Get to 1000 at least
However that's not about LINK
You would have to wait 10 years to live your life

>> No.18627680

Yea, somewhat makes sense.
I only realized that when I got money.
When I was younger I always though having a million would be a lot.
But it is seriously even worse than having nothing.
Because as you said: You are always worried about losing it.
You truely never win. But getting to 250 million is a whole other level.
Also I don't understand how debt slaves even live

>> No.18627726

You are retarded. 1 million is worth 5 or 6 life times in Thailand living like an absolute king.

>> No.18627815

Yeah, in some shithole in Thailand. Not even Bangkok. Apart from that: what would I want in this third world country? Like seriously. Every middle class person can go and live there. I want to fucking show my ultimate wealth to the people in a first world country

>> No.18627847

send me your $ op. you dont need it.

>> No.18627861

I do need it you gigantic faggot

>> No.18627867

10 million is definitely fuck you money

at 5% returns thats 500k a year for free

whatever you do with your free time after that is just more money to pile on. Literally just buy dividend paying safe investments and retire for the rest of your life. You are unironically retarded if 10mil isn't enough and you will never make it and never be happy. Just kill yourself now.

>> No.18627925

>big number good
Money is about utility, if you only want money the what you can spend on it then a reasonable amount is enough to make you happy.

>> No.18627943
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Faggot. Why are you living your life for other people?

>> No.18627958

With my lifestyle, I could live the rest of my life off of $500,000 easily, provided I budget accordingly.
Wanting "fuck you" money is retarded. Why buy a mansion when you can buy a small, cozy plot of land? Why buy expensive cars when you can walk(you don't need to work anymore, so why drive?)
If you've got a wife/kids and live in an expensive state or country, then I understand what you're saying, but If you're a single shut-in like I am than you do NOT need 1 mil to survive.

>> No.18627959

>at 5% returns thats 500k a year for free
Yeah, I can do basic math as well, don't worry.
But after Corona I realized that it is all a joke.
Money printing makes your dollars worth less
The stockmarket is pumped up by the FED and ETF's are in a bubble as well.
Housing market is in a bubble.
And there won't be anything like the last 20 years anymore. Why? Boomers are dieing, they cash out, they sell their houses. Most millenials are poor, have debt and can't afford a house or rather travel or do some other stupid shit.
The only thing worthwhile is shitcoins or some insider stock trades. But the time for so called "safe plays" is gone.

>> No.18627961

You'll never be satisfied then, not even woth a billion. Change your mentality

>> No.18627971

Clearly never been to Thailand.

>> No.18628015

Dividends are affected by inflation too, they will rise accordingly.

>> No.18628027

>Why are you living your life for other people?
Good question. I got bullied back in school and people thought I would not ammount to anything. I just want them to show that I made it big and personally never want to worry about money ever again.
However I do not care about the average Joe.
Meaning I do not feel the need to show off to some random dude on the street.
Just the people who bullied me back in school

>> No.18628057
File: 1.23 MB, 3600x3537, AD12CAFE-0FB0-42F6-8337-9458E15B50D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it enough money to dodge tyrannical governments and laws though? Only then can you realize true power.

>> No.18628068

Well, I do not prefer to spend all my time inside.
I like to go outside and do a trip here and there if I got time. Going to places I have not been to

>> No.18628082

You need a bigger goal
The money is just the means to an end
Have you found yours yet?

>> No.18628086

uh, that's about $700.

>> No.18628090

Go all in on BTC and other crypto and just hodl it until 2022.

>> No.18628093

That's fucking stupid, you were all kids who gives a fuck. They probably think nothing about you right now, good or band. if they knew you were rich they'd just be like "huh, interesting"

>> No.18628109

You sound like such a fag not gonna lie. Also wouldn't living in a foreign country looking 10x wealthier than you could ever look in what ever shitty American suburb you live in be better than staying where you are at trying to impress the people who bullied you as a kid? Wouldn't you want to get away from these people?

>> No.18628193
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15K loser here. It's not about the money, it's about power and yourself. THIS IS OUR MOMENT! We will never have a chance like this again in our lifetime so make it count! I'm literally buying property for 25% it's value!

>> No.18628202

The only way to actually do that is through connections

>> No.18628246

Well, stop complaining you fucking faggot

>> No.18628304

I guess the wounds just never healed, and I try to cope this way. But you are propaply right, I have to sort this out with myself.

>You need a bigger goal
>The money is just the means to an end
>Have you found yours yet?
Good point anon. I made the money with E-Commerce, so it came "relatively" easy. But it does not fulfill me at all. Like you said, I just did it for the money. I have no goal currently.
When I was younger I wanted to have a family, but I gave up on that. Finding a normal woman seems to be impossible.
Getting laid or having a girl around is easier once you have money, but I don't want to attract them with it.

>Wouldn't you want to get away from these people?
Well, there are definetly nice places on this earth. And I got around a bit already. But I do not know if I would be happier somewhere else longterm. I would propaply have to learn a new language to fully integrate if we are talking Europe

>> No.18628321

Definition of millionaire was created so long ago now that it doesn't really mean the same thing, you need about 10 million now to be what it used to mean.

I have a 140k house and 150k in a property development along with someone else and I feel like I can buy steaks and whatever I want at the supermarket and I don't worry about Netflix subscriptions etc but other than that I can't justify affording anything else untill I make more

>> No.18628345

Just give me enough for a house over my head and I'll work part time to pay bills

That's honestly all I need

250k would do it

>> No.18628353

((life expectancy-current age)*median salary + median house price)*2 = make it amount

>> No.18628481

Better than 0

>> No.18628860

that was his literal point

you can't live a super luxury life in a normal country

>> No.18629335

Kind of laws you trying to dodge? Kind sus

>> No.18630009

>he thinks we should still spend our tax money on Israel and welfare

Laws only give criminals power and hurt the innocent. Take drugs for example, drug lords have so much power because drugs are illegal so they have an effective monopoly. Not to mention our government is probably involved in drug trafficking.

>> No.18630079
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Because they don't know any better. It's honestly a really weird psychological thing. You can look at fancy, expensive things and watch TV shows about rich people and their lives, but unless you've actually lived that life and were brought up that way, you never really get it. How many stories have their been of rich kids being fucked over by their parents that turn into financial criminals, shoplifters, serial killers? If you're gonna raise kids in that environment, you're responsible for keeping them there or else you will fuck them up.

>> No.18630142

you are suffering from a fear of death. you subconsciously won't be happy until you accrue enough wealth to somehow ward off death, which is obviously impossible.

>> No.18630333

That’s why you need Jesus my friend. Read the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon was the richest and wisest man to ever live.

“Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless. As goods increase, so do those who consume them. And what benefit are they to the owners except to feast their eyes on them?”
Ecclesiastes 5:10-11 NIV

>> No.18630502

God uses the weak things of the world to shame the strong, and the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. You’re like a modern day Joseph then brother. Give 10% of what you make to helping others and do it without anyone knowing. You will find your reward at the end of your life, when you realize all of the money you made can’t come with you and you’ll find peace with the joy you gave.

>> No.18630597

I support this advice for you OP.
Truly, money is the root of all evil.

>> No.18630630

Cope and cringe. The rich will live forever while you'll be coping all the away until your unattended funeral.

>> No.18630669

For the US I guess north of 20 million should give you a great thoughtless life. Feels bad man, here 5 million do it easily

>> No.18630724

this fucking post right here
t. got bullied hard

>> No.18630769

Fucking checked. Yeah, I've been following those 42 threads lately. I am Christian, but I lost the path a few years ago and didn't really care or think that there is a god. But now that I know that there is evil in this world, I am certain that there must be some kind of god as well.

Good advice unironically. I might not give it to some big organisation, but I might help out people where I can and where I see that it is needed. Making someone smile, makes me smile as well. One thing which really makes me happy as well, is sharing my knowledge about certain subjects, which can help others big time. Even though most people are not open for it, because they are plugged into the matrix and dn't even try to get out

>> No.18630793

Imagine being this weak

>> No.18630855

Sounds like you don't own your money. Your money owns you.

>> No.18630866

They are the ones supplying it.
Why do you think they want open borders? To sing kumbaya and hold hands like hippies?

>> No.18630882

Shut upfaggot.
Hope you lose everything for being insufferable.

>> No.18630893

Okay homo.
Your friends and gf only hang around because you have money.

>> No.18631359

$5 million is the least amount that is not "fucking nothing;" $10 million adds a comfort layer.

>> No.18631420

I could 100% live comfortably for the rest of my life if you took all of my debt away and gave me half a million to set myself up

>> No.18631468

>doesnt know about $1000 eoy

>> No.18631490

you guys are such faggots. you could spread millions around in several different banks under the 250k threshold, some in dividend stock, and then go live in thailand fucking hookers for under $100 dollars until you die. What the fuck are you talking about? You can live an amazing life with only 1 million if you're not a retard

>> No.18631623

The way I see it.
If you have enough money to live comfortably, you have enough money.
If you think you need another million to buy a sports car and a mansion then no amount will ever be enough for you.
If you're content with a small house and a working car then you need much less money to be rich.
Theres always going to be a bigger fish. When you get your 250 million you'll wish you were a billionaire. When you're a billionaire you'll wish you weren't on the bottom of the list.
A guy who lives in a hut in the woods and enjoys watching the birds sing and seasons change, even if he goes hungry occasionally, even if hes cold at night, is still richer than the millionaire who just wants another million dollars. The guy who just wants a hot meal is on top of the world when he gets one. The millionaire is never on top of the world, unless he can focus on a hot meal instead of the next million

>> No.18631880

So you're saying you don't have any friends at all?

>> No.18631910

You have 3 problems. Scarcity mindset, the need for validation and a lack of marketable skills. 1 million is allot if you know you can easily make more

>> No.18631946

Skills are for retards.

>> No.18632041

While you'd probably get a slap for complaining about 1st world elite upperclass problems I like to remind people who think their every whim and desire is set for life with 1 mil that mike tyson blew through a career earnings of like 300 million taxes, fees, lawyers, maintenance on those sports cars and mansions, the staff to run them and general people leeching off you adds up quick

>> No.18632420

Skills like knowing to trade crypto, stocks. Housing. Knowing about economy enough to be about to know when to in and out of assets. Or being able to profit doing something you love, like something's artistic . This is opposed to thinking 1 shitcoin is going to solve all of your problems. Retard