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18563641 No.18563641 [Reply] [Original]

If consciousness can arise in a carbon form like me... made of matter, in control of some, but not all of its bodies faculties. Could it be that the universe itself may develop (or perhaps already has) a degree of consciousness?

Could the many moving material parts of this reality behave in such a way to produce the processes of the mind on a cosmic scale?

What would such a mind care for the goings on of one planet and it's people? Would it have control or awareness of it? Or would such a cosmic consciousness be related to mortal creatures in the way I am to my gut bacteria? They play thier role though I cannot control them. They are both separate from and yet part of me. I never look upon them, only providing them with the materials to do thier job and medicine to fortify thier resolve in times of difficulty. They live and die and fulfill thier role as part of something greater, just by doing what they desire to do.

In all our human endeavors we may just be building up a node in what's to be a great global oracle, then itself to be a node to a greater oracle, expanding throughout the cosmos and forming a universal aggregate of knowledge, belief, values: consciousness.

Just as the gut bacteria forms consensus of the stomach, what if it is our purpose to form consensus of the mind?

What am I? A single node? Could we as individuals be nodes, and the aggregated knowledge, beliefs, and goals, linked through technology, a decentralized oracle? Through our individual efforts, we determine for ourselves what is right and wrong, true and false. Over time consensus is formed, the facts are proven, the beliefs shared, consensus is found.

Could that oracle, that budding global consensus be but one node in the formation of a star-spanning decentralized network that awakens the cosmos itself, one that through decentralized aggregation of the universe, its conscious minds, its collected knowledge, forms the perfect oracle....


>> No.18563968

this is coffeehouse philosophy.

look up, panpsychism, cosmophysism, absolute idealism etc.

>> No.18563995

You are a spring loaded contraption that arose from an extremely rare molecular reaction in the deep ocean billions of years ago and has been churning on the surface of the earth since.

We are very rare, very special, and very strange. Everything else is detail.

>> No.18564032

God created you
thats all there is to it

>> No.18564347
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>> No.18564440

Good; I see you seem to understand some of the universal laws;. As above so below my fren>>18563641

>> No.18564472

>babby's first realization that God might exist
keep going, lad.

>> No.18564475

>If consciousness can arise in a carbon form like me... made of matter

>> No.18564484
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>> No.18564502
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>> No.18564822

skydaddy is such a brainlet way to explain the universe

>> No.18564898


>> No.18565096

>If consciousness can arise in a carbon form like me
Stopped reading there
retardo materialisto