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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18556887 No.18556887 [Reply] [Original]

every good thread dies with less than 10 replies, thot threads always get over 20+
how to profit from retarded biz posters?

>> No.18556891

ewwww your butthole stinks!!! ahahaha

>> No.18556953
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True, Today /x was the best board.

>> No.18557241
File: 9 KB, 400x400, coingecko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a thread yesterday about crypto market site, got 10 replies and that's the most genuine discussion I've had in months.


>> No.18557314
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>> No.18558283

This board gets discord groups that spam the board with shills according to whatever they’ve been paid for that day/week. If mods and jannies would do their fucking jobs, it wouldn’t be this awful.

Actually directly after the market crash the quality of this board sky-rocketed because the awful discord groups took a break, the scam shills stopped paying for a good week or two.

Anyways the thot-posting is just off brand shilling usually, should be confined to one thread. The moderating/janny team for this board is a fucking disgrace and are likely getting a cut of the rupees from the discord shill groups.

>> No.18559518


>> No.18560470

sell q anon shit

>> No.18560633
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Sometimes I think the future of 4chan is solely as a proxy battleground for a multitude of raid groups from Discord or otherwise, each trying to harness whatever's left of 4chan's meme clout to push an agenda they couldn't push on their own terms, with any normal human beings browsing for fun just caught in the crossfire. Not just on /biz/ either, but on any and every board capable of being drawn into any given controversy. /biz/ is just the prelude of what's to come.

>> No.18560634


shill scamcoins that might appeal to simps and coomers

>> No.18560954

get 4chanx go to catalog and filter(shift+click) all threads with any females(males). with the new wagies on here its more difficult to filter retarded threads tho.
gonna have to get some porn recognition ai to auto filter for me.