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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18524521 No.18524521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Proposal: New Legislation
Two House Democrats want to enhance the $2.2 trillion stimulus package known as the CARES Act. Representatives Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Ro Khanna (D-CA) have introduced new congressional legislation — the Emergency Money for the People Act — to provide $2,000 per month to Americans who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under their proposed legislation, the congressmen would continue monthly cash payments to eligible Americans until employment returns to pre-COVID-19 levels. “A one-time, twelve hundred dollar check isn’t going to cut it,” Rep. Khanna said. “Americans need sustained cash infusions for the duration of this crisis in order to come out on the other side alive, healthy, and ready to get back to work.”



>> No.18524562

I still haven't gotten my first Trumpbux. I used the non-filers form.

>> No.18524616
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>NO! We can't do that. We already gave trillions of dollars to jews and israel. think of the inflation

>> No.18524626

Your economy gets fucked.

>> No.18524655
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I’m still waiting for my first check

>> No.18524661

I can’t wait to light my blunts with $100 bills on Snapchat

>> No.18524717

Enjoy your antiquated school of economic thought. You will never make it.

>> No.18524730
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>t. europoor
I for one am all for bailing out main Street. Keep the printers brrrrring boys

>> No.18524768

The American economy is too big to fail

>> No.18524824

Who's eligible?
Also LMAO at Trump of all people pushing the democrats left.

It's already fucked.
A Citizen's Bailout would help keep consumption up on a level that makes it not collapse.
Also the Dollar is the world's reserve currency so it's much less of an issue.

>> No.18524870

this would unironically be good for the US economy because it would give youngins who are strapped with student loan debts and inflated consumer good a disposable income to invest for retirement and buy property like their parents did

>> No.18525001

based tax cheat/worthless neet

>> No.18525689

Where is all of this money coming from? Is it done through readjusting / cutting budgets of other programs or is it just money printer go brrrrr?

>> No.18525713

Retards. Utter retards

>> No.18525752

>Citizen's Bailout would help keep consumption up on a level that makes it not collapse
Yes, on the short term it obviously helps, because this way you avoide deflation.
But once people start spending money again you guys are fucked.
Velocity of money is the buzzword here.
You can't control that.

>> No.18525757

either we get a free 2k a month and that's awesome, OR this shitty society collapses. it's win/win, faggot. kys

>> No.18525767

Yes. UBI will work I promise.

>> No.18525785

>UBI only for the big banks
Eat my asshole cunt

>> No.18525787

I mean, honestly, yeah.

>> No.18525805

It comes from where it all comes from.
Thin air.

>> No.18525822
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>it's only allowed for big banks and big corporations NOT for you wagie!

>> No.18525881

like i said earlier

debt doesnt matter what matter is that USD is number one, that america is number one and that money is just a way to keep us under control.

thats is i support UBI.

it will work. its the next step towards humanity.

10k link holder

>> No.18525907


Tax the rich, silly.

>> No.18526003

All of it is borrowed money that is added to the debt and/or budget for that year.
>"Treasury doesn't have to print all those greenbacks because it can simply borrow the $2 trillion from investors by selling U.S. government bonds. "
In most cases none of the stimulus can be added to a budget because the budget requires approvals so it will be in the form of debt.

The debts don't matter, but the ability to pay for the budget does. Without the ability to borrow debt to pay for the budget you have to come up with 2.2 (2.8) trillion dollars. The total tax revenue is 3.5 trillion dollars. The total budget is 5.7 trillion. The total actual budget is (6.3) trillion. You really will cause hyperinflation if you decide to "literally" print more money. You will also cause a domino effect of collapse because slashing the federal budget means people will go unpaid.

>> No.18526038

UBI in crypto when?

>> No.18526075


>> No.18527137

>what is Idena

>> No.18527167

>what is another scam coin that is just like link and bsv being shitposted everywhere

>> No.18527645

Why does it have to be crypto? I'd accept anything to avoid working

>> No.18527713

anything freely given is worthless
just so you know

>> No.18527737

and obviously i don't mean individually i mean collectively. anything you give out for free to everyone is worthless.

>> No.18527812
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Ubi has never been tested that large scale, it can end up in mayhem, or may not. who knows. Democrat elites and big pharma have way more to lose than normal people. Throw in ubi, vaccines, whatever bring it on. We'll see how way it plays out

>> No.18527844

Are they going to fuck over dependents again this time?

>> No.18527866

An additional $2k on top of what I already get from government every month? Deal.

$4k VA Disability
$3k Army Retirement
$3k Disability
$2k stimulus...$12k/month to literally do nothing for the rest of my life.

>> No.18527889
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Me too

>> No.18528568

>never been tested
they are called communist breadlines
it will be all nice and rosy to begin with, eventually that $2k will be the price of a potato and the equivalent of a food stamp card

>> No.18528585
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>> No.18528623


Good time to start selling potatoes for cheaper than the competition then!

>> No.18528624
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>> No.18528638
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Literally this but 2x

>> No.18528658

The competition will already be selling their potatoes below cost (and then stop growing potatoes) due to laws against price gouging.

>> No.18528708

But can they print enough to give their citizens free healthcare?

>> No.18528732

What happens if we lose all our gold and silver in a tragic boating accident?

>> No.18528753 [DELETED] 
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.18528803

This wasn’t the accelerationism I expected but I’ll take it

>> No.18528861
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are you retarded we aren't chinks

>> No.18528886


Wait, I thought I was shit outta luck since I haven't done my taxes in like 3 years.

23 y/o neet here atm

You're saying I can still get my gubbermint cheq?

>> No.18528890

based lmao

>> No.18528892

do it this will pump btc and link

>> No.18528898

I doubt it'll pass. Hopeful, though, doubtful. I still haven't gotten my stimulus check yet so I'm sure if something like that actually did pass, it'd have similar pitfalls like this stimulus has had.

>> No.18528909

yeah you just gotta fill out the non filer form

>> No.18528941


Thanks I think I already found it


In case anyone else needs.

>> No.18528992
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>> No.18529050
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This but unironically

Its a new era boomer, money printer go BRRRRR

>> No.18529060

>the congressmen would continue monthly cash payments to eligible Americans until employment returns to pre-COVID-19 levels
yeah good luck. this will only further prevent that from happening

>> No.18529087


>> No.18529129

meh, you're the same faggot who said we'd never get our trump bucks.

>> No.18529197

i have actually never commented on this issue previously. what i'm saying is that all these measures will only prolong the looming depression

>> No.18529257
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given china's current active role in global politics, doing everything in their power to make the chinese communist party and its policies look good, it would be insane to think that chinese agents aren't in this thread shilling for an expansion of state power

>> No.18529586
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Me too!!! I already received my federal refund but no Trumpbux!!!!!!

>> No.18529649

fucking do it we will pump

>> No.18529669

when we print money and give it to citizens we are inflating the money into existence which means foreigners and billionaires lose wealth and common people get it. It works as a hedge against deflation and it increases the velocity of money so it will actually help us, especially it will help biz posters because neetbux will pump our shitcoins to the moon

>> No.18529685

Based welfare queen

>> No.18529721

china is asshole
There is tiger and dragon in china
they are both gay
china big gay!

>> No.18529745

>citizens: just fuck my purchasing power up

>politicians/fed: say no more

>> No.18529758

the longer a conversation goes on the more likely a chainlink cultist will appear and mention in a thread not related to chainlink the cult coin chainlink. When called out the chainlink cultists seethe and shitpost a response usually saying something stupid like muh 2.5 yrs implying the person who called it out doesnt have chainlink and thats supposedly bad according to the cultist or should somehow care about a coin that does nothing is nothing and accomplished nothing in 2.5yrs.

>> No.18529768

speak english retard nobody care about your chink babble

>> No.18529791

>casually sign post with "10 LINK btw"
>yeah i'm a big fucking deal boys

>> No.18529900

What poorfags don't realize is that UBI increase wealth inequality. The rich have a higher percentage of their net worth in assets, not cash, and a higher percentage of their income is from investment returns, not a fixed wage. So what UBI does is just devalue the currency, and distributes it, and pumps up asset prices. The thing is that hurts people with a higher amount of savings in all cash and whose most of their income is a fixed salary or hourly rate. It hurts poor people by devaluing their savings and income at a higher rate than it does the rich.

It doesn't matter if it "works out," which seems to just be brainlets thinking if its not inflationary then it "works." This is a fiat monetary system. Any amount of spending will "work out." But it doesn't matter if there is inflation / deflation, money is just a distribution of wealth. How you redistribute it creates winners and losers but the creation of money or taxation (destruction) of it doesn't create or destroy anything of value. UBI may give you money but it will be far lower in the long term than you will lose in purchasing power of your income and savings.

And our deflationary environment won't last forever. Eventually, the tide will turn, the dollar's share of reserve currencies will drop, and inflation will return. And UBI doesn't even "work out" at that point let alone improve people's quality of life, the currency will just collapse.

>> No.18529915

They Democrats are trying to tap into the same power Trump tapped into. The problem is that it won't work.

>> No.18530111

dems trying to win the election. the shit hit the fan already so why not. fuck it. after this hyperinflation will take over so none of the burrrbucks will matter in the long run.

>> No.18530241

WHO CARES! This whole shitshow is going to collapse sooner or later anyway. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.18530259

>House proposes

Stopped reading there. Nothing will happen

>> No.18530263

retard boomer nigger

>> No.18530271

As a linkie and a silverchad, I am ok with this.

>> No.18530317


UBI needs to be tied to a commodity like oil such as what Alaska did, that will control inflation.

>> No.18530324

Got my $1200 on April 14, but no federal refund yet. Illinois just got my tax refund back.

>> No.18530398

>they think we're going to buy televisions and Jordan's like a bunch of niggers

Any money these assholes send me is going straight into crypto and PMs. Fuck your dogshit economy

>> No.18530399
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This is only the beginning

>> No.18530422

In ten years saying you have 10 entire LINK will indeed be bragging rights.

>> No.18530662
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Hes not wrong. Youre delirious if you think this society has a future. Who gives a fuck anymore

>> No.18530819

Anyone who doesn't want their gibs are free to return it :^)

>> No.18530851

Turns out I like receiving gibs. Maybe I'll start irresponsibly impregnating women and selling crack too.

>> No.18530903
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UBI might work if it's gathered from the riches taxes and then distributed but if you just BRRRR and hand it out to niggers then you will have more serious problems. Either way UBI is good idea but I always think mostly niggers etc. end up abusing it causing more trouble. In my country's social system I fucking hate that over 50% of welfare go straight to niggers. They don't net ANYTHING to society. Just be nigger and you get fuckloads more than regular citizen. WTF?

>> No.18531919
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>> No.18531970
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What's the problem?

People with a brain will buy precious metals and bitcoin while the proles will buy mcdonalds and a new T.V

Who cares, the country is going to collapse, better to go out with a bang.

>> No.18531998

>7k a month va disability with retirement

callin sum bullshit

>> No.18532003
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Based and Argentumpilled

>> No.18532071

You sound like my macro economics professors and I have no idea what you faggots mean.

>> No.18532100

Its the same as before for me. They exclude non college and disabled dependents

>> No.18532188

Why the fuck are libshits trying to push socialism during this nothingburger? Anyone sane sees right through their plot.

>> No.18532293
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Old Paradigm:
How the fuck do we pay for all this? Won't this devalue the currency? We have so much debt! Just let people work! We should go back to the gold standard.
New Paradigm:
> $1 = $1. Fuck gold, US currency is backed by 3 commodities already- The threat of the USA bringing your country "freedom", Oil, and atomic bombs, in that order. We owe nearly all of the debt to ourselves, and are literally writing ourselves IOU's. Since we're the world reserve currency, it doesn't really matter how many dollars are out there. Physical currency entering circulation and devaluing the dollar doesn't really exist, since 99% of transactions are all on a computer anyway. People will spend the money on shit they would have normally bought anyway, keeping the system running. This can be a massive UBI test. Keynes is dead, we post-industrial economy now.

I don't even know if I'm joking when I typed that. More stimulus checks are likely, though. I see this bill passing in some form.

>> No.18532479

>Won't this devalue the currency

literally the only thing worth about the fiat iou's is that you can buy actual value

>> No.18532525

Fine by me. I will literally just continue to pump fiat into PMs and crypto to a lesser extent. I still have a good income stream because I'm in an essential industry, but I won't know how long that will last.

>> No.18532778

You just explained the problem even if you only tax the rich, more and more people will want to come here and not pay back into the system. It'll be easier for people to pay less taxes. It doesn't sustain itself

>> No.18532803

germany has that. less money but compared to buying power it's neaely on the same level. enjoy the numbers of neets skyrocketing. working people will pay more taxes. it's squeezing out the middle class for stimulating consumer demand. it's all so tiresome.

>> No.18532831

Yeah mane get you some bread and some cheese courtesy of big homie Donald. Let's get it.

>> No.18532839

Yes so instead of colleges lowering their prices or people stop taking out retarded loans let's just have hard workers tax money pay for it so it's more profitable to gouge for a useless degree.

price goes up = demand go down

If we just start paying people to compensate with heightened prices it collapses on itself. Vote with your money stop buying $1,000 phones or new car loans as soon as you're making $40,000 a year.

>> No.18532975

Let everyone fail bailout noone. that is how we return to true capitalism and companies become more efficient.

>> No.18533010

imo wipe all debt (except the banks and investment firms fuck them) and let everything fail
people can keep their houses, cars etc. hard reset and people still have assets to trade with each other

>> No.18533275

I need this because as a student who is claimed as a dependent by my parents for tax credits I got fucked and received 0 from the stimulus payment. This bill fixes that, unfortunately it will never get passed. I emailed my legislators

>> No.18533284

Your parents should claim you as a dependent then which means you won't get shit unless they lie on their taxes.

>> No.18533321

You pretty much just described how boomers spend their money. Most young people i know are pretty frugal

>> No.18533368
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You know, I used to be staunch libertarian but I think I am becoming more left economically as I get older. Not necessarily because I think commies have a point, but hot damn the wealth inequality we have in burgerland is insane. No problem with more gibs for Israel or Africans while the common middle class worker has higher taxes and gets ABSOLUTELY no benefit at all. The more I think about it, the more I see no real reason we shouldn't have a universal Healthcare option. Because a country should use its taxes to invest in its citizens first and foremost.

>> No.18533694

Socialism for the ultra-rich and poor and the middle-class foots the bill. It's a tale as old as time.

>> No.18533750

America only invests in it's enemies.

>> No.18533875

can't blame you, it's logically consistent to go from one brand of retardation to a different brand of retardation

>> No.18533909


>> No.18533923


>> No.18534101

They already gave the corporations 6 trillion dollars in interest free loans to buy stocks. Just like the housing bubble, they do not need to pay the money back, it will eventually be forgiven.

6 trillion dollars gets every American roughly 20'000 dollars. And the federal reserve is going to print a similar amount again

>> No.18534384
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USD is inflationary shitcoin. BTC is deflationary waifucoin. <3 uwu

>> No.18534423

And it's all going to crypto.

>> No.18534441

You think this is not communism we are living in?
You think Stalin lived like the common man?

>> No.18534445

Based. Exactly what I was thinking