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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18522667 No.18522667 [Reply] [Original]

Delegate to SLG Node
Vote SLG .

Suter Lottery Give Away Node will give back the rewards received if we win the vote.

To those that delegate to SLG node we will provide you with more rewards out of the rewards we receive from those delegating to us.

We will also do weekly lotteries. Only those that delegate to the SLG node will qualify.

Our node is for the people. Dont waste your time delegating to a node that doesn't give back.

>> No.18522697

Fuck off, Poo. I wish we had more time until the scammers found out about suterusu, but alas. Only delegate biz node.

>> No.18522842

Not a scam buddy. Its simple. SLG node will give back rewards to the smaller guys staking. Suter is all about being decentralized. What we do with our rewards is our own prerogative and we want to give them back to the community.

>> No.18522854
File: 5 KB, 304x140, Suternode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18523015

I just bought 30k suter. So if I stake to this node you are saying I will receive what I would receive normally if I were to stake elsewhere but then more on top of that?

>> No.18523119

biz node has been around for over a month, helping people win substantially more with the validator node competition rewards than your little giveaways will give people, face it, your a month too late. The biz node won 3 times. I’m sure if the biz node owner catches wind, he will giveaway more. Also if the team actually endorsed this, huge red flag. Fuck off pajeet.

>> No.18523122

Yes exactly. Validator nodes receive rewards. We will give back rewards to the SLG community.

>> No.18523156

You sound a little bothered or hurt. Suter is Decentralized. Any Validator node is encouraged to promote how they please. You wanting this "Biz node" to be the only one running a promo sounds scammy as hell.

>> No.18523180

Also if there is any one that knows how to create some good memes, reply here. I have some Eth for you.

>> No.18523302

>shilling something other than /ournode/ on biz

Kys, stop splitting the vote you stupid faggot

>> No.18523405

Just coming in here to say that in order for this "completely not a scam" node to give you a piece of the reward, you need to win first. I wouldn't be surprised if this was some sort of effort from some other pre-existing node. Don't go with this node. It came out of nowhere and makes no sense. Never participated in SUTERUSU discussions, just came in suddenly wanting to play Robin Hood. Tell you what, send me 1 ETH Robin, and then I'll try and consider your offer.

>> No.18523455

So if SLG wins the Validator Node competition then we will give rewards back to the SLG community.

Other than that you dont have to win. Just stake to Sutter Lottery Giveaway Node and we will give you more sutter back from the SLG rewards we receive.

>> No.18523459

seems like some very complex FUD that does not represent what the actual /biz/ node is trying to do.

>> No.18523480

If any of you have suter that you have not staked and are considering staking.. If you stake 10K or more Suter to Suter Lottery we will send you Eth.

>> No.18523493

you clearly dont know how it works haha

>> No.18523519



you have ZERO delegated to your node after shilling here all afternoon. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

you cant even drop a few suter yourself? hahahahahahahahahahahah

>> No.18523524

Why won't you say how much? You're too afraid everybody will come rushing in?

>> No.18523749

This is a blatantly obvious scam. Anyone who delegates to this node is a pajeet. The biz node has already won numerous times and has yielded very high rewards

>> No.18523846 [DELETED] 


>> No.18523942

I dont mind being a pajeet if it at least holds up to giving rewards. I never got mine from the biz node. Cant wait till I have enough for my own node.

>> No.18524087

>I dont mind being a pajeet if it at least holds up to giving rewards. I never got mine from the biz node. Cant wait till I have enough for my own node.
The rewards are automated anon. It's not like the node owner gives them out personally. And there's rewards each day just for staking. How did you not get any? Check your deposit history.

>> No.18524101
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>> No.18524107

swaglord420dongsquad @ ur service

>> No.18524150

He's talking about how the biz node owner said they would share some of their rewards as well. Nothing ever came out of that.

>> No.18524244

>He's talking about how the biz node owner said they would share some of their rewards as well. Nothing ever came out of that.
That never happened. I was the 2nd person in discord...

>> No.18524330

nodes cost 5m suter now good luck. There will never be another biz node. This guy is a blatant copy who is butthurt he wasn't here from the beginning.

>> No.18524404

Why would I be butthurt? It actually sounds like you are. Im just looking to give rewards back.

>> No.18524416

Stake to the node. Post your address.

>> No.18524495

dude you are so fucking obvious. fuck off already

>> No.18524555

People have already delegated to your node. Show me your address that has you sending them ETH.

>> No.18524576

??? lmao its amusing how agitated you are. Its a promote suter. Are you ok?

>> No.18524623

Put up or leave. We can see from the site that people have already delegated to you. It may not be from today but you'd be doing them all dirty by only paying new delegates. So show me your address.

>> No.18524629

no not as of today

>> No.18524755

>Donates 10k
>Gets given .001 ETH in return.
Thank you sirs for donating in my steak note.

>> No.18524817

It's amusing how stupid you are. You could just shill for the biz node and get paid, instead you are being greedy, stupid, and will only be successful in siphoning off contributions from an already successful node that people here already delegate to

>> No.18524872

>Stakes 10K Suter
> Receives Eth as reward promo
>also receives more suter than he would otherwise staking at another node

>> No.18525103

>>also receives more suter than he would otherwise staking at another node
So if I stake 10k Suter right now. Tell me how much ETH you'll give me and tell me how much Suter you're going to give me. Let's take away winning from the equation. Always assume you won't win. How much?

>> No.18525210

this guy is saying he will win when he has 26k delegated to his node in total lol.

>> No.18525299

How much SUTER to make it though I still don't have a clear answer

>> No.18525359

At least 100k, $5+ end of 2021

>> No.18525387

I live in a shithole. I'll humor your 5 dollar end of 2021 guess and say that even 10k is incredibly more than enough to get more capital to do a lot of other shit.

>> No.18525414

By the way I was serious about delegating to give this a shot since I can take the hit. But holy shit, you couldn't even fucking do something simple as provide numbers.

>> No.18525513
File: 232 KB, 338x423, 1586710403961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you scared the scammer away kek, no answer to that, check mate

>> No.18525532

he's just some wanker trying to get more suter to his node by adevertising marxist principles on a transistrian anime doll smuggling marketplace

>> No.18525637

Obvious scam

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.18525658

Guys this is how powerful the biz node is:
>Suter Chief Security Officer joins our discord
>Because we are that big of a player
>Pajeets try to split our node
Dare I say based?

>> No.18525706

after the competition im going all in on /biz/, though it would be nice if we win another day, I will stake in the last 20 seconds

>> No.18525783

Saturdays have been historically good. I'm going for it

>> No.18525988

Ill send enough to buy you dinner tonight. Cant say how much suter I will give you because it depends on how much exactly you stake and it will be given at the end of every week on top of what you normally would receive at any other node.

>> No.18526014

>Since I can take the hit.

Take the hit?
Theres no downside to this lol. You stake anywhere else you will receive the normal amount. We are providing more rewards straight from the validator rewards we receive.

>> No.18526072

I never said we would win. I said IF. If we do some how win I think its only right to give back most of those rewards to the ones who made it happen.

>> No.18526627

Could somebody gimme the biz node discord

>> No.18527052

yup, join us fren

>> No.18528367
File: 140 KB, 390x422, consnark2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one I made yesterday, I was going to post it last night but forgot about it. Are you serious about that ETH for me?