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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18522003 No.18522003 [Reply] [Original]

how you come being interested in finance?

>> No.18522073

>how you come being interested in finance?

I woke up and thought fuck my life i'm going no where

Got my money and said fuck buying stuff that breaks in 3 years i'm gonna buy shit that doubles my money in 2

>> No.18522077

My great grandfather was a WW2 veteran. He stormed Normandy on D-Day. He saved all his money, invested it, became a millionaire. A very. Very. Very rich millionaire.
Then my boomer grandparents/grand aunts & uncles inherited all of the money, and family businesses.
They completely ruined everything that was given to them. Wasted their money, went on 5 vacations a year, totally brought dishonor to my family. When I was a kid I worked on a family farm, busted my ass, skipped school just so I could try to save the business.
Things went under, like I said- due to my family greed.
Now I’m a blue collared high school dropout with vast knowledge on farming. I want my family to be successful again. I want us to own a lot of land again. Maybe it won’t be a farm this time, but I’m making a ton of money working & investing- so one day, my dream will come true.
I want to make my great grandfather proud.


>> No.18522114

Knowing about finance is the only way to free yourself from wageslavery

>> No.18522135

I got my first big boy job and had lots of spare money. No idea what to do with it, not a consoomer so it was sitting in the account.

I wasted a lot of time crawling through the FUT player market and trying to merch it before realizing... why the fuck am I not applying this energy to real stocks? Got into stocks, got into finance, got into economics.

>> No.18522161
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There's no clearly defined path forward for my generation, so I’m taking the way less traveled

>> No.18522194

I'm really interested in what are the forces that move this perfectly orchestrated scam that is the world of finance and everything related to it

>> No.18522213

>how you come being interested in finance?
I’m not. I just come here to shitpost. Two days ago I told people to buy JCP and a few poor saps believed me.

>> No.18522241
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traded crypto for a few years in highschool and shortly after. I had a lot of money and felt like a high roller, then the market crashed

I proceeded to lose money over the next year trying to day trade crypto, it was no longer behaving rationally, so I picked up my fathers reigns, hes a professional broker, and starting trading on the market, researching learning, ect.

>> No.18522252
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Based and entrepreneur pilled

>> No.18522258

Seeing consumerism + careerism for what it is at a young age

>> No.18522265

Please no h8, but I got into the stock market from r/wallstreetbets. I was a Plebbitor about two years ago, I am ashamed to admit. I studied the stock market for a few months but I didn't enter it. I thought it would be smarter to wait until some big crash to get in, because it would be so profitable. Corona Chan brought me here and I have been addicted to the stock market for a few weeks. I feel like a crack addict browsing this board, I think I may have found a new passion. Plus money is pretty sweet and I don't want to have to get a job.

>> No.18522278
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Antique dealer interested in understanding markets, investment and growth. Especially in this terrible economy.

>> No.18522291


Just a tip before you go through all of the cliché and routine epiphanies: there really is no easy money in the market. You make money with patience, picking good stocks and just regularly dumping money into it.

>> No.18522299

Not really interested in finance, honestly. I am from reddit and heard biz had funny pink wojak memes so I come here to make screen shots of funny threads and post them on r/4chan and r/stocks

>> No.18522405

The Four Pillars of investing is the book I recommend to you. WSB and /biz/ are both dangerously dumb

>> No.18522408

You, sir, made me cry.

>> No.18522429
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Because I’m afraid of boredom and inefficiency

I unironically have ADHD and probably a touch of Autism. I constantly cycle through hobbies from things like cooking, gardening, demonology, astronomy, quantum physics, micro biology, etc etc etc JUST because it’s something to do. Each one gets maybe a couple weeks worth of learning new things until the patterns start showing and it gets boring AF again.

Finances are perfect because nothing fucking makes sense and there’s LEAGUES of jargon and bullshit to absorb so I can distract myself forever. Also, I don’t feel like I’m wasting time since anything constructive that comes from it means a more stable life for me and my family.

>> No.18522431

I know. I'm not retarded, but thank you. I'm going to watch through all of Martin Shkreli's finance lectures to learn more. In the first one he says that a 7% annual return was huge, and he'd be happy making that for the rest of his life. So yeah, I know it's a lot harder than it seems to make tons of money. I'm going to start getting into day trading though, that seems a lot more profitable long term with a lot of effort put into it. Thanks.

>> No.18522479

I don't want to spend my youth working so that I can sit around when I'm old. I'd like to not have to worry about money so I can actually enjoy life. So far I've concluded it's not going to happen with me doing nothing and hoping so maybe learning finance and business, along with the learning that I'm doing now, will lead me in the right direction. I'm thinking money probably isn't hard to make with the right point of view and knowledge.

>> No.18522545
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I had a friend get me into crypto by giving me small amounts early 2017. I saw it go up and eventually bought some ETH on my own. Multiplied my initial by 60x to only cash out about 9x. I'm a filmmaker so I took some of that profit to make a film. Now my focus is on learning basic principles of business and finance so that I can approach filmmaking like an entrepreneur rather than purely as an "artist".

>> No.18522641

Yeah, I basically just just /biz/ as an example of what not to do, kek. Thank you for the book recommendation, I'll write it down.

>> No.18522653

I love this--money is great, but using it as a means for something greater is the best mix of responsibility and romanticism

>> No.18522674

Checked, you are a good man anon.

>> No.18522707

Probably wise to do that. There's a lot to learn but to some degree it's all smoke and mirrors obscuring the very basic concepts behind every investment vehicle. Four Pillars boils it down.
Basically the idea is you cannot untangle high profits from risk, no matter what someone tells you. So decide how much risk you want and go from there

>> No.18522731
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>how you come being interested in finance?

I want to be able to raise capital to start an organic farm that I can raise a family on away from this degenerate world world.

So I have been buying silver and saving my money and looking at property markets as well as how to grow food in a cost effective as close to nature way without conforming to the big Agriculture Jew.

>> No.18522779

Wouldnt you like to know, satan?

>> No.18522792

i was always addicted to money. When i was a kid i was hiding and stashing money. Cheating with monopoly. Counting coins for my father.

>> No.18522810

/n/ is too slow so now I’m on /biz/

>> No.18523005

I come here to shit post. /tv/ used to be my go to but off topic threads hit harder. Imagine someone interested in the stock market or crypto coming here and seeing someone take a shit. Makes me giggle. /tv/, by its nature, is less serious of a topic so its not as satisfying.

>> No.18523104

Thanks frens.


>> No.18523564

any resources you recommend on learning to farm? fruits, vegetables, and cows/chickens/goats. I have no plans on doing this immediately, it’s something I’m interested in when I retire 30 years from now. I’ve found my state university’s dept of agriculture has some free useful guides available online

>> No.18523798

As I grow older, I partake more interest in browsing /biz/, instead of some shit like /tv/ or /v/.

>> No.18524542

JCP is up like 15% since then.

>> No.18525376

I heard about some neets making good money and memes on this community forum

That's why I bought PNK

>> No.18525429

Runescape man, Runescape

>> No.18525465

Im not really interested in finances but macro economics and how these forces have an effect on our day to day lives

>> No.18525649

I'm behind on savings and know that I will never see social security benefits, so I need to save and grow my own retirement fund.

>> No.18525691

I want to make extra money.
I want passive income without me having to sell goods or doing a service even if it's 30 bucks a month

>> No.18525711

Shitposting about video games or movies is fun, but deep down inside, you know that these things don't really matter. You can dab on DCucks all day, but the sad truth is that the shitposting is entirely irrelevant to their lives - people might get mildly annoyed if their favourite studio puts out another flop, but they won't fall into raging emotional outbursts.
Finance is a different matter. When Bitcoin drops another 5k, you know that many actual lives were completely ruined by that development. People aren't acting overly emotional for the sole purpose of shitposting - their fear and anger are genuine, based on the fact that their lives got ruined in the blink of an eye. The whole finance thing just adds another layer of hilarity to shitposting.
As an added bonus, finance is also entirely objective. When Trump loses in November, /pol/ will be able to deflect most of the emberassment with "election fraud" and "jews rigged it" and "kill the spics, race war now, fuck democracy". /biz/ can't do that - once LINK goes down the drain, it can do nothing but accept defeat.

>> No.18525736

Joined the army and met two or three joes that had something before the Army
It really inspired me that they had a good chunk of wealth and still joined
I am using 80% of my wealth to invest

>> No.18525923

I wanted to take control of my life a bit more and don't want to work for someone else

I've always been interested in finances and money since I was a kid, and actually considered getting a CPA. But the idea of going to school makes me want to kms so I didn't.

It's also just a lot of fun desu. There's a genuine hapiness inside of me whenever I make money

>> No.18526048

Wealth is the easiest path to power

>> No.18526132

thanks for this feel fren