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18484294 No.18484294 [Reply] [Original]

>selling proxy MTG cards
>make $2000 in a few days selling rare foils
>all my cards I mailed were delivered to multiple buyers today
>within 20mins I had numerous refund requests
>review is getting nuked
>still $1000 in the black

Check mate cucks

>> No.18484338

>buy swedish penis pump
>use swedish penis pump
>return swedish penis pump

Check mate, liberals.

>> No.18484367

>>within 20mins I had numerous refund requests
and thats why you dont sell on ebay. they bend over backwards to enable buyer fraud

post an example of your work. i like MTG but havent bought cards in years

>> No.18484390

also, when i sold a bunch of cards a couple years back, shipping was expensive and annoying as fuck. how did you ship yours?

>> No.18484423

>not selling jarred farts to incels claiming they are from a female on reddit

>> No.18484453

I have had asshole claim 4 orders didn’t make it to him. Clearly he was frauding me. But he was getting shitty proxy cards. So I just eat the loss. As long as one proxy sells I make all my money back spent getting 100 proxies.

>> No.18484468

>be incel
>buy fake pokemon cards on ebay
>demand my money back

Check mate cucks

>> No.18484513


Kek you just send them wrapped up in a top loader in a plain letter. Stamps are .50 cents. Envelops is like .10 cents. Even selling cards for $1 you can still make a profit.

The problem is I’m selling high end cards as real. That’s why people want refunds. However people who are not familiar with proxies can’t tell the difference. I’m just trying to sell a few at a large margin to make up for the refunds which is working.

>> No.18484556

What's the play? You just hope that a few people don't notice and are too lazy or dumb to see your reviews?

>> No.18484577

What kind of dumb nigger wants an official version of a card for a manlet card game

>> No.18484636

>sell gold ring on ebay
>take a big dirty fart in the envelope and mail it empty
>take all money out of the bank
>spend it on legal weed
This is the future liberals want.

>> No.18484641

you answered you own question
>niggered manlets

>> No.18484645

A dumb nigger I'm trying to sell to. I got some proxies and they are almost identical if you haven't studied how to tell it's a proxie.

>> No.18484651


Even with bad reviews people looking to buy high ends fakes will see I sell them and still pay for them. It’s free advertising as I can’t put that it’s a proxy in the item description. It’s automatically flagged and removed.

>> No.18484905

were you shipping them in just a regular envelope letter with no tracking? because thats what im talking about, shipping lots of cards isnt worth the cost because the cards are low value. but the problem is then you get these fucking faggots lying and stealing from you. which happens even when you have tracking info. ebay always sides with the buyer despite your seller record, its bullshit

>> No.18485068


Anything with real value is sent in a bubble mailer. Shit cards worth $3-8 dollars are sent in a letter with no tracking. I could afford a refund on a $200 card especially if it’s a proxy which I spent pennies on.

Again I’m forcing the buyer to do their due diligence when it’s comes to buying cards. Just like a drug dealer cuts their product, I sell proxies with a few legit cards mixed it. I’d said 40% don’t even bother confirming if it’s real or fake. The biggest issue I have is with asshole resellers who search eBay all day for underpriced cards. I would get a lot of these fucks cherry picking my auctions but I would review their buyer/seller feedback to see if they were resellers. These assholes will complain about anything And everything as well as make sure it’s authentic.

>> No.18485646

oh ok your first post wasnt clear, now i see. you are trying to fake out people. how are you making copies that look that good? are you gluing paper to th etop of cards? or printing the cards on cardstock yourself? or buying from china? got a pic for example?

>> No.18486652

Has anyone met Rudy?

>> No.18486687


China fakes


He is a massive shill. He FUDs his bags to to his patreons. Honestly he has a real good scam going. Cucks literally paying 3x price for boxes to be opened on camera, while Rudy makes money off the views. Also you need to be a paying Patreon to even buy things from him. Not surprised he was an ex Wall Street guy. He is a shyster and huckster.

>> No.18486737
File: 16 KB, 340x255, 1241447577532_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy selling video games to bugmen collectors. What are some other things I can buy to flip on ebay that have a good return?

>> No.18486746

Kek saved this one

>> No.18486787

Austin Powers i-is that you?

>> No.18486805

Looks like a interesting way to make some money but honestly I think just flipping in and out of Binance alts like ARPA is easier lmao

I love MTG but is this really even worth your time? Must be a passion project or something.

>> No.18486819

Where do you get the proxy cards?

>> No.18486832

o-oh no, I would hate that to happen to me...

>> No.18486851

Post aliexpress links.

>> No.18487376

>too late to join patreon

>> No.18487395

Thought this said Ebin General

>> No.18487629



>> No.18488223


>they still don’t know the major marketplace that sells counterfeits openly


>> No.18488356


>> No.18488645


Sorry anon I cannot disclose where I buy everything counterfeit. Selling normies fake Jordan’s probably is the best feeling.

>> No.18488959

plz help a poorfag out i wont compete with you ill do whatever product you say you dont do

>> No.18489498


>> No.18490044

thanks bro. im going to try some THOT clothes like llululemon since that shit is already build so cheaply in china anyway. serious question, have you ever been chinked on this site? like the seller just doesnt ship and disappears? should i keep my order quantities small? also when was the last time you ordered? i have to imagine the coronavirus shutdowns are probably fucking mail from china

>> No.18490326

Taobao. You need to understand Chinese and get an agent though.

>Buy 1:1 fake airpods for 20 bucks.
>Buy real airpods from Apple
>Return game airpods to Apple, keep real ones
>Sell real ones on offer up for 20% off cash

>> No.18490347

Goodluck with sustaining

>> No.18490369

You guys are the reason why you’re poor. eBay isn’t bad, know what to sell and do it right and you’ll be fine.

t. Gross $100k yearly on eBay.

>> No.18490469

What do you sell?

>> No.18490538

My ass

>> No.18490552


Rarely, they are good about refunding you. I order small, so I don’t over leverage.


T. dildo seller

>> No.18490624


>bad reviews block your path

>> No.18491027


Where else do you order?

>> No.18491770

what do you use to ship

>> No.18491788

i dont know but i think the window on this game is closing. alibaba is already mainstream, normies are ordering direct for themselves and prices on alibaba and aliexpress arent dirt cheap anymore, the chink vendors want the profit for themselves since they are now selling direct to the customers