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18453685 No.18453685 [Reply] [Original]

I need a job.
I just saw this "The Cleaners" documentary about people who delete creepy and gory content from Social Media.
How can I get one of these jobs? I wanna work there. I am in Germany if that matters.

>> No.18454224


so like a janny but paid

>> No.18454232

Jannies work for free bro

>> No.18454261

something like this anon ?


just follow dem jiring pages, or better yet, stalk dem employees. Just remember that a bash script will eventually replace you.

>> No.18454283

Imagine being replaced by a bash script
Do zoomers even?

>> No.18454330

they are entitled enough to think ai will replace them.

Protip: This is not the Matrix, you are not Neo and you do not fuck hot chicks in latex catsuits.

>> No.18454348
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But AI should replace everything regardless. It's called liberation from meaninglessness

>> No.18454379

not really. Most practical models of ai learn to be good in one and only one thing. Once out of that comfort zone most paradigm bennies go bye bye. In essence it's Alan Turing's halting problem real meaning. And mind you, this extends to humans. There are domains where logic and inteligence go bye bye.

So skynet vs bash scripts, my bet is on bash scripts inheriting the earth. Least they are the best at what they do.

>> No.18454400

So how does a bash sceipt replace them? And why wouldnt they have done that already

>> No.18454412

i could tell you, but then i would have to kill you.

>> No.18454421

post #2 on a side node, you can also go filthy cheap and have a pakistani or hindu do the job for a cup of rice.

>> No.18454487

thats what he said bro

>> No.18454500


ITT: Retards that confuse shell scripting with Machine Learning. Hint - whatever 20 line script you write isn't going to be able to teach itself the difference between a pair of tits and two baseballs. The absolute state.

>> No.18454543

ITT: "data scientist" who thinks his degree has value. Protip: kill yourself fagot.

>> No.18454673

Infrastructure Architect (((((DevOps)))), making $170k living in the middle of nowhere. Got AWS ML cert because I was bored.
Remain mad fren, and keep pounding those Ciscos. One day you'll get off the help desk.

>> No.18454725

stop making lies buddy. You're nowere near any meaningfull IT infastructure, let alone being any type of meaningfull position in a company . You just copy pasted any random ad you could. Good luck from now till you graduate someday.

>> No.18454780

Oh shit, you aren't even on the help desk, you're still in school. Hahahaha....well, good luck fren!

>> No.18454845

actually, you are on help desk till you graduate.