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File: 538 KB, 928x932, 2good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18420750 No.18420750 [Reply] [Original]

Bollinger band strategy for you all. Enjoy and make good money everyone. Much love.

>> No.18420775

imagine making this ugly image
imagine trying to decipher it in hopes of making money

>> No.18420781

This is pure jibberish

>> No.18420806

Now this is meme lines.

>> No.18420812
File: 60 KB, 510x332, 1561903467499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those ads?
You know it's not possible to click links on an JPEG-image, right...
Anon, I ....

>> No.18420842

>0.027 cents


great job anon, you're as stupid as a verizon npc.

>> No.18420924

I’d made 1178 from these trade by following bollinger bands. What have you made on Friday?

>> No.18420943

I’m a brainlet and your chart is like reading caveman symbols. What is meant to happen.... a pump?

>> No.18420966

fucking pajeets

>> No.18420985

Is this some kind of satire?

>> No.18421008

This can work when the price isn't drifting too far in one direction. If it moons or crashes, you won't be in profit by the time it hits the other side of the bands. You can get wiped out.

>> No.18421120

Dude it’s by low sell high on a five minute chart if you’re in BTC what the fuck is wrong with everybody here I’m trying to show the newbies how to trade Bollinger bands. If they can’t read it and interpret what’s going on it’s obvious that they don’t have any focus. I know it looks pretty stringy it’s pretty much all there

>> No.18421784

6/10 bait. Not convincing but pretty funny.

>> No.18422124

Why would I be baiting people? I literally pumped ETH myself that day with the only green candle for that 5 minute period with 508 bitcoin.

>> No.18422232

I like it bro but I would zoom out and do it on the 30 minute chart. Unless there’s a lot of volatility.

>> No.18422295

aren't you the nano guy

>> No.18422361

You just buy when it touches the vottom and sell when it touches the top, what's so fantastic about your strategy anon?

>> No.18422974

No look me up on lb. I’m a real trader

>> No.18422996

It follows the train lines of the Bollinger bands you are correct. It’s just by low sell high.

>> No.18423201

can you elaborate on your strategy? just buying wicks out of the bb?

>> No.18423393

Bro stop telling them, the board is flooded with newfags that shit up every thread they see. They don't deserve the advice unless they stick it out past the corona shit

>> No.18423461
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 23435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait are pumping it with 508 bitcoin or following the bollinger bands?

>> No.18424187


>> No.18425010

following bollinger

>> No.18425103

wow, thats a bored autist

>> No.18425123

PS Love you too!
Have a great Easter friendo

>> No.18426154
File: 51 KB, 1365x575, sddss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how would you trade this?

>> No.18426283
File: 316 KB, 1525x652, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18426315

there are about 10 bollinger piercings before that tho

>> No.18426504

i dont trade like that using bitcoin

>> No.18426602

plus please follow the RSI

>> No.18426631
File: 284 KB, 1392x609, memelines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just trade it pic related

>> No.18426697

Way too many false signals. If you can establish a trend it clearly doesnt work, more of a range tool