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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 235 KB, 1086x1486, myapartment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18413730 No.18413730 [Reply] [Original]

Jelly poorfags ?;)

Bough this apartment for 300k dollar
just 22 years morgage left

im a real estate investor now

>> No.18413739

no wonder millenials are killing themselves at a rapid rate

>> No.18413745

why is there a dryer in your shower

>> No.18413744

>he probably bought a jpg for 300k dollah

>> No.18413750

Does it come with bug protein?

>> No.18413759

i like those kinds of bathrooms desu. I don't think they're around in the USA

>> No.18413761

>just invest in a ponzi bro
>it's not a scam to squeeze you for money

>> No.18413764

the ironic OP's post is normies' wet dream

>> No.18413779

real estate is not a ponzi

>> No.18413787

That's retarded in so any ways

>> No.18413801

how? its an moneymaking investment

>> No.18413862

No closet
No room for a dresser
No kitchen cabinetry
No counterspace
No place to put a television in the living room

What a shitty tiny apartment

Got a nice big foyer for some reason though.

>> No.18413869


>> No.18413880

>prices jacked up with legislation games including immigration causing most of the cost being the land underneath
>taxed to shit like everything else
>expensive to maintain
>supposed to keep going up every year
>need to sell to some retard greater fool
I keep really really wanting to buy something since I have plenty of money to, but whenever I really get thinking about it and how expensive it is while acting as an anchor to keep me there the less appealing I find it.
If my neighborhood goes to shit like everywhere constantly is I can just not renew my lease and go somewhere else. If I need to sell something I get tax'd and fee'd to shit.

Paying rent is called wasting money, but having options is valuable. More options renting for $1000 per month than buying 300k+ for some piece of shit made out of particle board.

Still though I wish I could buy something.I really want to. It seems like such a great idea to own your home and not have to pay someone else rent. But that's so fucking expensive and just doesn't seem worth the overall cost.

>> No.18413884
File: 1.36 MB, 1249x874, comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studio apartment in a shithole for 300k
>meanwhile 3-bedroom houses in Soflo are under 100k

>> No.18413885

where's the shower

>> No.18413895

looks like a norwegian prison cell

>> No.18413900


>> No.18413924
File: 208 KB, 1086x1486, IMG_20200412_092022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be here, anon

>> No.18413975

just do it
its worth it

>> No.18414008

>spend 100k to have your shit flooded every hurricane season

>> No.18414034

Looking at the pic, the wall disposition, that there's walls at all. What do you need an hallway in such a shithole for?

>> No.18414078

- area of entrance hall way too oversized to area of other rooms
- tiny kitchen, no storage?
- one small window for the entire open plan living space. Deep plan doesn’t light natural light penetrate into the space
- no door in entrance hall?
- balcony doesn’t serve the living area? Most people use their bedrooms to sleep
- drafty door in the bedroom ?
- bedroom hardly fits a double bed, let alone any storage for clothes?
- from the outside based on the placement and size of windows would look like a soviet prison block
- most regions have minimum standards for new builds, assuming this is one? It looks like it wouldn’t meet the standards of most developed countries

I’m sure this is a nice place for you but I can’t un see what I know to be true

>> No.18414095

its a great first purchase guys
im gonna make money when i sell it in a few years

>> No.18414125

Whatever you make is going to be cut down so hard from taxes and fees. You probably would have done better by renting and investing the rest of the money elsewhere. There should be blood in the streets in the next few weeks/months.

>> No.18414144


>> No.18414184

Don't make me laugh American. I could buy 10 like this in my country for the same price.

>> No.18414217

Well I just hope this is a real estate agents shitty plan and not a representation of the actually property. Every line on a page of an architectural drawing has a rational chain of decision making behind it, which is communicating and balanced to every other line around it. If you were to dimension the proportions of this space the decision making is a mess. This plan is hard to look at but my eyes have become quite sensitive

>> No.18414282

>not living in a nice country home

>> No.18414339

t. someone that's never lived in florida
Suburbs have superb drainage systems. Also, if it's below a 3 we probably dont even get work off. If it's a 4 or 5, it doesn't matter because we're getting an insurance check anyway.

>> No.18414352

>not being able to find jobs

>> No.18414553

You also make 10 times less, 3rd worlder

I would know because I used to be you

>> No.18415930

I went to Norway and they had those awful showers like in your pic. They just shoot water straight onto the fucking floor. One place I stayed had a squeegee taped to a broom handle and you had to move all the water in the drain manually after your shower. Horrible experience would no recommend.

>> No.18415937

That IS the shower wealthlet

>> No.18415962

Irl or in eLife?

>> No.18416087

What software would allow me to design apartments and create images like this?

Or was this image created by hand?

>> No.18416120

3ds max

>> No.18416143
