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File: 7 KB, 305x165, gts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18400729 No.18400729 [Reply] [Original]

prove me wrong
protip: delete system32

>> No.18400772

Whats his purpose trying to chip people? Why can't he just relax with his billions?

>> No.18400885

Zeitgeist predicted this shit years ago

>> No.18400931

No chips, the vax will be a windows dna installer

>> No.18400970

Terry was right. He's going to turn us all into nigger cattle.

>> No.18401074
File: 30 KB, 229x359, 336D6F8B-B1B9-4D04-9084-FCBCD61E0F6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delet bill gates

>> No.18401100

Windows is garbage. Why do normies and libs suck his skinny wiener?

>> No.18401119

Because he's a self made man good guy capitalist who wants to save the world like Elon.

>> No.18401149
File: 9 KB, 318x159, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

communism and depopulation
he can also further influence demographics so he has no one to challenge his genetic line

>> No.18401170
File: 252 KB, 1000x500, B49570FB-4D77-4326-9CEA-F35E0ED55A94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gives a new meaning to inside intel

>> No.18401186

Look at this brainless retard.
>save the world
He is a population controlling freak, you stupid fuck

>> No.18401210


>> No.18401235
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>> No.18401248

Yeah, but his genetic line is weak his children are ugly even with the obvious chemical and epigenetic goodies from his wealth and barely more intelligent then trailer trash and obviously physically inferior.

It's just rich creepy assholes licking their own assholes and attempting to alter the world to their own whims.

>> No.18401267

I was answering his question as to why liberals and normies like him. I don't believe he's all that, but they do. Stop being retarded and figure out how to get context before you type a response.

>> No.18401266

>turn us all into nigger cattle.
we're already nigger cattle anon.

The covid thing is being used to cover up for the fall out from this horribly inferior and trashy 5g garbage tech anon.
It's not going to be long before the cat is out of the bag.

>> No.18401268

>to their own whims.
That's the thing that pisses me off
He has an ego about "helping" people his way
This nigger needs to fuck off he already killed 1000s in his injection testing program in shitholes like africa

>> No.18401289

He's sterilized hundreds of thousands in shitholes like india, china, and eastern europe.
There's a kill on site order for his people and him and his family in many nations anon.

>> No.18401305

Fuck I miss this era of computing. It was, without a doubt, the golden era of computing.

>> No.18401358

how long will the updates take to install?

>> No.18401383

If you think gates genitc line is week you need to actually look at who his mom and dad are. Only reason he got as far as he did was because his mom

>> No.18401670

Did y'all know this dude made a 20 to 1 return on a $10B investment on vaccine development and distribution over the last 20 years? he estimates roughly 200 billion dollars. What kind of pull do you think he has in this country?

>> No.18401861

I cant really find any articles or info on that, not that I don't believe it, but do you have something you could link?

>> No.18401900

Family connections =/= genetic superiority.
Only luck and being willing to do what it needs to do maintain their power.
They are evil and insane monsters if you compare them to normal human beings.
They are also, in all ways that matter, inferior genetically to many other bloodlines who did not live as fat or were as protected as his.

You tried to GOOGLE it didn't you?

>> No.18401925

The money isn't enough. He's angry with reality and wants to seize control.

>> No.18401964

what else are you supposed to use, yandex? not familiar enough with onions to know how to search there. toss a curious anon some hints

>> No.18402141
File: 92 KB, 768x960, ETZgpGqXkAA6YtJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol i am so down ID2020.org is bill gate's biometrics project to be paired with cov-19 vaccines.

This is bullish AF for Ethereum because ID2020 is Blockchain Tech and linked to Ethereum Enterprise Alliance through Microsoft and the Decentralized Identity Foundation.

ID2020 even has a Team member who is part of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (David Treat)

Buy Ethereum and take the Chip. Bribe ur way out of the Eugenics vaccine though.

Pump my Ethereum bags Bill Gates I am rooting for you

>> No.18403456

Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.18404364

are those the incels i keep hearing about?

>> No.18405304
File: 170 KB, 1125x727, EVMwEJ2VAAEDPaH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take the fucking vaccine from this globalist kike.

>> No.18405710

He is going to chip us all, lets stay human and solve flips

>> No.18405718


>> No.18405887
File: 3.29 MB, 400x224, 1579034998698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protip: delete system32
mfw op doesn't use ubuntu

>> No.18405898
File: 107 KB, 1065x959, 2345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this real?

>> No.18406122

i wonder why they use dead fetuses for vaccines

>> No.18406775

from what I've read, they use human fetuses' cells to deliver the vaccine. They have done so with pig cells too but the rejection/side effects were much much larger.

>> No.18406787

to deliver what, since the principle of vaccines is to inject into blood low energy viruses to start a normal reaction and develop antibodies?

>> No.18406810

ID2020 will use hyperledger, retard

>> No.18407300

do they? that sounds cool

>> No.18407723

The guys want to vaccinate the whole world population, but his OS is still devastated by viruses in 2020.
Reality is ironic. His incompetence is OS reflects in his incompetence in health problems. A good OS doesn't get viruses, like a healthy human. But i guess creating a problem, then selling you a solution makes more profit than not having a problem in the first place, right Bill Gates?
By the way Bill, the one we will remember is Linus. Not you.

>> No.18407952

God complex. This is what happens when a billionaire is bored.

>> No.18408005

Yes, basically libtard women's rights agencies convince women (that they already brainwashed and turned into whores) to abort, then sell fetuses to this market.
You get some dead fetus dna strand into your blood after the injection

>> No.18408009
File: 88 KB, 500x300, char-aznable-says-let-the-purge-begin-34886249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


of course it will retard. All corporations use Hyperledger for their internal Blockchain. Hyperledger can directly link into Ethereum by design. the real question is will they issue a Token on Ethereum at some point. DIF and EEA members on the project seems to indicate yes.

>> No.18408089

Feed them back their own aborted children.

>> No.18408118
File: 71 KB, 800x400, sos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a win win

>> No.18408123
File: 89 KB, 700x982, SMB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome, no wonder vaccines work so well if they literally contains little chunks of life

>> No.18409242

>dead fetuses
>chunks of life
something's not in place here

>> No.18409557

giblets of life

>> No.18409638

eh, I'm not a doctor. But I believe they grow the virus on fetal tissue. Said fetal tissue comes from aborted pregnancies.
Yes, this is as bad as it sounds. No, I don't think they actually need the tissue to be human. Yes, I believe there is something truly satanic about injecting dead human baby tissue into other people.


>> No.18410263

there are specific genetic lines of fetuses that get taken and cloned forever, then used for this sort of shit.
There's something very weird here, you know

>> No.18410428

obviously not

>> No.18411036

Not really. Late stage Capitalism. When people desperately try to make profit in new areas, because is fails mostly everywhere else. The human body is a new area for profit. It's still not yet on the market. Those retards try new way to make profit. Satanism is only secondary. Of course it pleases Satan, but that not the primary incentive.

>> No.18411165

The weakened virus is suspended in the human/animal cells to keep it viable until it can be delivered to the new host.

>> No.18411377

I don't know, profit is just a mean, this shit sounds very fucked up

>> No.18411873

Microsoft is a pos but Gates himself is rather based, hoping for 90% reduction in population at least, he's the guy to help us cull the useless herd. Long live the rona because it is the cure.

>> No.18412836

>Implying Bill Gates is useful.

>> No.18412867

Far worse things have been made for profit, including the world wars.