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1834774 No.1834774 [Reply] [Original]

Why did some crypto with still a big market cap go out of flavor, like Ripple and Litecoin?

And why do some others like Ethereum, Dash and Monero gets all the love and the hot threads?

Redpill me on those 5 big side cryptos, and what do they each bring to the table as I'm not reall into crypto technicalities.

Also, would it not be a good time to invest in Ripple and Litecoin as they are near their all time lows? Or maybe do some dollar cost averaging on cryptos that get low.

>> No.1834783

cuz their niggercoins

>> No.1834799


Thanks for your valuable input

>> No.1834808

bitecoin got big because it was the first real one me thinks

ether is the future, its programable, which makes a difference somehow

>> No.1834822

I think those shitcoins got pumped up with promise but failed to deliver. So they're like the otc penny stocks of cryptocurrency.

They might get pumped again but we need something better, improved...something like ETH

>> No.1834826

litecoin is dead, it's only usecase is currently higher speed transfers than bitcoin but most of the coins in existence are being bagheld

Ripple on the other hand has life left in it, we recently have seen some big volatility on news and the price is relatively low. I'm not shilling ripple here, but it definitely has the *potential* for adoption( it is premised around bank usage and not a traditional peer to peer crypto) vs. ltc which is all but gone

>> No.1834830

There's something in the name, too. Litecoin sounds cool but just feels like a ripoff of bitcoin.

Ripple just doesnt sound like $$$ at all, it sounds like what a tiny droplet of water in an ocean might make.

Ethereum...now that just flows right off the tongue nice and smooth. If the world were to suddenly become cyberpunk I think it would be the primary currency

>> No.1834996


Stop shilling for a moment

>> No.1835038
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Yeah and we'd all be called Etherians right? ayy lmao

>> No.1835056
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Monero is incredible. It is the future of money. Most of the other alts are steaming piles of shit. That includes eth, dash, LTC, ripple. All shit. Bitcoin is ok but only ok. I'll come back later to properly redpill you.

>> No.1835058

RIP Eth. Waiting till it drops to $5 in the next month, then I'll buy.

>> No.1835130


I'm ready for the pill

>> No.1835149


>> No.1835419
File: 78 KB, 865x991, BeginnersGuideToAltCoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good quick guide to the top alt-coins.

I'm still busy but when I get back I'm going to spend a few posts fuddding Ethereum and fudding the shit out of Dash. Some of this fud will probably be copy pasted from smart bitcoin people. Then I'll explain why Monero is so great. Literally what Bitcoin was supposed to be. (Bitcoin will continue being what it is but a transparent ledger is not fungible and cannot be true money. It is something else.)

>> No.1835601


Can you recommend material to read that's not too tech savvy and not written by shills?

And if you wish to continue to redpill on the big altcoins go ahead

>> No.1835616

mostly accurate but nobody used monero to buy drugs on alphabay, they kept using bitcoin.

>> No.1835640
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That might be true. Last time AB gave stats was last year when they first added xmr and it was 2% I think. There are good reasons for that to increase though. Even without the privacy benefits Monero is the only way to pay on AB that doesn't have full blocks and therefore wait times or high fees.

But the best reason to use Monero there is privacy. Law enforcement agencies are starting to get their shit together and trace criminals with blockchain analysis.

>In January this year, courts in the Danish city Herning, found the defendant in a narcotics case guilty and sentenced him to eight years of prison due to traced bitcoin transactions. This is the second case in Denmark where bitcoin-tracing evidence has played a major role in the trial.

Anybody with a brain is starting to use Monero to make their illegal purchases, even if that means using monero to pay with bitcoin using xmr.to

AB hasn't talked about trends in xmr use yet. It might be that they are accumulating before surprising everyone with the stats. Conversely they could be doing the opposite if I'm wrong but that seems unlikely.

>> No.1835645
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Ok Paul Sztorc is not a shill and he writes good stuff, though it can be pretty technical. Here I'll excerpt his take on Ethereum from his article that lays a smack down on Augur.


Ethereum is arunning jokeamong Bitcoin experts. Tothe clearminded, it’sfailureas an “investment” was alwaysa foregone conclusion.
Here are some bullet points in no particular order:
A. Since transitioning from academic experiment tofull-blowndishonestscam, Ethereum is laughed at at Bitcoin conferences.
B. For econo-math reasons,Ethereum is incapable of supporting “oracle contracts”(of which Augur is one). tl;dr How can “Rep” have a market cap, if the operations performed by the “Rep”-holders can be perfectly copied, for free? Therefore, market cap (and, crucially, the betting security margin) will be prohibitively low.
C. When Vitalik proposed Ethereum, the technical elite of Bitcoin were so impressed that 0% of them decided to endorse/join the project (compare this to hardware wallets, colored coins, stealth addresses, sidechains, elements project [confidential transactions, tree signatures, RCLTV], lightning network, and Hivemind).


>> No.1835646

D. The concept“don’t roll your own crypto”is very old, constantly-reproven, and universally endorsed. Crypto takes a very long time to get right; critical errors were regularly discovered in Bitcoin (which was actually a finished software product when it was published in Jan 2009) and continue to be discovered today. However, Bitcoin at least has consistent rules, andthanks to the Soft Forkthesecurity can at least accumulateover time. With Ethereum, every contract changes the rules completely, and resets the potential chaos (For example, “Contract Z commits to ‘'’If contract X is created, auto-create the opposite of X and overfund it by Q.’’’ which disables contract X.” which leads to symmetry-gridlock).

E.Ethereum depends on crowdfund money which will run out, the software will never reach a stable, usable state.

F. The Ethereum team endorses an even bigger running joke:proof of stake, which is alsolaughed at and compared to perpetual motion. There are reasons that Bitcoin embraced P2SH and LN, but rejected PoS, GHOST, etc.

G. Ethereum is strategically trapped: if they fail, the Ether will be worthless, and if they are successful, the project will be forked as a sidechain of Bitcoin (and the Ether will be worthless). They can only survive by maintaining “Goldilocks Success” and by generally being as vague as possible (which explains the overly-ambitious plans, countless buzzwords, endless promotional videos, etc).
Ethereum has only one use-case: quickly finding the most gullible “investors” people…those people who own Bitcoin but can’t think quickly enough to sort the signal from the noise.

>> No.1835647

Ripple is Centralized and they just increased the supply, so it tanked..

Litecoin Was one of the clones, but it didnt really improve much on Bitcoin, and people lost interest.

Monero Got pumped because of potential adoption from Alphalpha bay, then it tanked because Oasis did an exit scam.

Dash has a good marketing (shill) team behind it

>> No.1835649

also, ETH has huge automation potential.. and also Vitalik is a Genius

>> No.1835655
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Dash is
>An instamined scam
>A pump toy
>Not truly private and not fungible

Dash is a fork of litecoin (which is a fork of bitcoin) with a bunch of bullshit added on top. All this stuff was basically one guy (the instamine scammer) hacking at the btc codebase trying to solve some of the toughest problems there are all on his own. This is of course not possible and the features that Dash shills hawk like private and instant transactions are majorly flawed. In a real adversarial environment they will not work. They are simply theatre. Darkcoin was dropped from DNMs for a reason and it is never going back, hence the rebrand to Dash to target noobs.

Dash/Darkcoin/Xcoin has rebranded twice to try and get away from its shady past while keeping the coins in the hands of scammers.

2+million Darkcoin/DASH were instamined in the first30 hours of launch. (1.5 million in the first8hours) Dev tries to make everyone believe it was an accident.

After the initial 2+ million coin instamine, they started using private GPU miners while convincing everyone else it's still a CPU only coin.

In addition, they:

- Lowered the block emission 100x (500 coins per block to 5 coins per block)
- Lower the total coin supply that can ever exist from 80 million to 20 million
- Try and fail to bury the instamine by not mentioning it on the OP or the website
- Try to distance themselves from these facts by going throughtworebrandings

They instamined at 100x emission and then drastically reduced the supply and emission rate once they had their fill. What a scam!

Within two weeks of launch they rebranded to Darkcoin to try and hide the instamine history.
Worst of all Dash is not private, which is its biggest claim.

Video outlining why Dash is awful

Response to above video by a Dash shill (holy fuck!)

>> No.1835663
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Litecoin is not different enough from Bitcoin to be worth anything. It's basically a bitcoin fork with minor variable changes. If it released today it would be a joke. You can see from it's downward trajectory that it will never have the network effects to overtake bitcoin. It had one possible use case as a fallback in case of a catastrophe with Bitcoin. Monero is now better placed for that role.

>> No.1835665

ethereum is the greatest scam i've seen so far. it's like a botnet. and nobody - not a bank or firm or whatever - will ever pay money for ether to power their dapps. they'd rather re-implement it by themselves. all those little ethers will be worthless.

>> No.1835677

sure, but monero is just a nicer bitcoin tumbler, so you throw bitcoin into it, then transact out. the only reason to keep money as xmr is speculation. if sidechains/segwit becomes a reality one of the first things everyone ones out of it is confidential transactions.

>> No.1835680
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Here's a series of tweets that some analyst or something made in response to a Dash shill.

>For one, average transaction value is extremely high. For example, data from 2/21/2017 implies avg txn value > $4K, which is 4X bitcoin
>I would have to imagine this is largely masternodes / miners moving around their $DASH?
>Such a hypothesis would jibe w/ the fact that # of transactions per day using $DASH has gone nowhere since launch. Stuck b/w 1500-2500
>Similarly, # of $DASH transacted/day has also gone nowhere. Again, flat pattern from launch implies 2 me this = masternode/miner activity
>The only thing for $DASH that has gone up is the trading volume, which jibes with a pumping price. But that only works for so long...
>What I look for in a #cryptocurrency, @CashAlternative, is real traction outside of speculation + open devs + wise game theoretics
>I'm not convinced $DASH has these, and I continue to believe that 60%+ of the float being locked up by MNs is a warped incentive model.
>Lastly, 4 a #cryptocurrency that = "digital+cash," aimed at presumably small, instant & private transactions, why is avg txn value = $4K?

OP, if you want to know why Dash gets love and hot threads it is because of some crazy incentive structures.

Dash isn't just acquired by mining like btc. There are "master nodes" that take about half the emission just for acting as nodes without securing the network with mining. You have to lock up 1000 or so Dash to run a master node, making this a quasi proof of stake system.

PoS is worse than proof of work as P Sztorc explains here.

Having Dash tied up in master nodes earning "interest" makes Dash much easier to pump since there is much less actual supply circulating that can be traded on exchanges.

This is not unlike Ethereum where massive amounts of eth are held by the founders, helping the market cap to inflate artificially. (Ethereum is also plans to go PoS lol)

>> No.1835682
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Back to why Dash gets love and "hot threads".
Like in this table >>1835419 there is a budget of about 10% of the emission that goes to "supporting the project". This pays the instamine dev Ethan to keep making new "features" for his scam coin and it also funds shills like Amanda.

And this fucking guy

So master node operators, paid shills and low IQ genuine believers give Dash as much love as they can.

>> No.1835702
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The issue is you need the base layer to be fungible. Governments or stores or whoever could refuse to touch coins that have come back from a tumbler second layer.

This is a good post about why the most hardcore use cases for bitcoin need to be run on the lower chain levels.

Nasim Taleb's post about how intolerant minorities determine the rules applies here as well I think.

Basically those that NEED privacy are an intolerant minority. They will use private solutions because they have to. Those who don't need privacy will use the same thing as the intolerant minority because they can (privacy doesn't hurt them) and it's the only way they can transact with the intolerant people that need privacy.

In reality though everyone needs privacy with their finances, they just might not realize it. You can't have your profit margins, supplier arrangements, sales data on display if you run a business. And if you're an employee you don't want your boss to see how you spend your money.

>> No.1835711

Also yes if crypto is going to go mainstream (which I think it will) there will need to be layers on top of the original protocol for it to be able to scale. The fixed block size poses a big problem for the dynamic movement of money in and out of second layers. Without a tail emission though you need some fixed size block to create a fee market.

>There will be panics to cash out of sketchy or compromised secondary networks. Cashing out means putting a transaction on the parent blockchain. The Bitcoin blockchain makes this very difficult, because the number of transactions is not flexible. Monero has dynamic block size, so that these situations may be accommodated.

>> No.1835739

the question then is, "why are you using monero?" instead of "why are you using confidential transactions?".

and has monero solved second layer solutions without giving away privacy? you already can't use a web wallet, or a mobile wallet, or anything but running a full resource-intensive node over tor, (or their tor-alike theyre developing) otherwise you give up all your privacy and you can be tracked as well as bitcoin.

>> No.1835744

Monero works over tor-like nodes? It was demonstrated Tor can be controlled if you control more than 1/3 of all the nodes. Monero being safe is just an illusion.

>> No.1835751

yeah if tor is compromised or you're sending transactions to any compromised node then you lose all your privacy too, but it is better than sending them over in the clear

my point is that monero is almost impossible to use in a secure and safe way and only truly provides protection from attackers that rely on blockchain analysis alone, which can already be thwarted on bitcoin by using off-chain tumbling.

>> No.1835754

Actually there is a c++ i2p router being developed so that transactions can first be broadcast through that anonymous network.

In the meantime though Sigaint the dark web email provider runs a monero node on Tor. They wouldn't do that if monero wasn't the real deal since they are highly respected for their opsec. They made a post when announcing their node that was scathing of dash and zcash.

>> No.1835761

Using a web or mobile monero wallet is still much more private than Bitcoin. The provider has less info than you probably think and the blockchain gives up no information to anyone else.

>> No.1835773

it gives the illusion of privacy, because the developer can deanonymize anyone that uses their service, which is a lot more dangerous than bitcoin where there is no assumption that your transactions are only visible to you. monero with a public view key is just bitcoin.

>> No.1835776

View key can only reveal incoming transactions. You need the private key to see outgoing.

>> No.1835788

>has monero solved second layer solutions without giving away privacy?

>This address looks no different to a normal Monero address

>> No.1835790

yes, but the issue is if monero ever did become large enough to be used for actual transactions the majority of users would be using compromised accounts with public view keys. most people using bitcoin today arent running full nodes, and its a lot simpler to run a bitcoin node than it is to run a monero one, especially now with ringct and its terrible scalability.

>> No.1835793

whats that got to do with solving scalability without compromising privacy? you need a lot more than multisig addresses that "look" similar if you want to prevent these second layers from being able to deanonymize users while actually offloading the work needing to be done by every full node.

>> No.1835800

Even if one web wallet had many viewkeys, this wouldn't entirely break Monero - the stealth addressing means that someone with a lot of viewkeys could determine which outputs were real, but unless you openly tell people which transactions are yours on the blockchain, they can't use a publicly posted address to find your activity on the blockchain.

>> No.1835803

The second layers are not necessarily anonymous. For people whose anonymity is critical, they should use the main chain. Second layers provide scaling and extra features (like prediction markets). There will be varying degrees of privacy off main chain.

>> No.1835810

Like I said in this post >>1835702
the main chain is where fungibility is critical. Second layer solutions can develop organically to meet users varying needs for privacy.

>> No.1835812

>c++ i2p router
How will that help? Data still flows through service provider, doesnt it?

>> No.1835821

Communication over i2p is end-to-end encrypted. Your ISP won't know what your sending since it will be encrypted.

>> No.1835833

Sounds too good to be true

ISP wont register even the initial communication set-up?

Also what if the guy at the other end gets court order to disclose his communication?

>> No.1835841

Your ISP can tell you're using i2p but they have no idea what for. You could be torrenting, browsing eepsites or sending messages.

It could be tough to identify though so I wouldn't think ISPs are putting in too much effort to detect i2p users and submit them to watch lists or anything.

Your traffic passes through multiple peers and my understanding is that no one really knows what's getting sent where. With i2p you get privacy by design not privacy based on trust. Kinda like Monero in that respect.

>> No.1835866

I made a decent amount of money with Ethereum, the potential for profit is still there but is dwindling.
Don't believe the hype though, while Vitalik is an incredibly smart man, the technology behind Ethereum is a pile of shit.

As for the others, Litecoin brought nothing new or interesting, Ripple is a meme and only one out of Dash/Monero are likely to be viable in the next few years.

Just buy Bitcoin.

>> No.1835867

but they also have most of that information voluntarily handed over by the users.

and this is the real problem, monero is difficult if not impossible to scale to the level of any other basic blockchain due to ring signatures and now ringct which ups the requirement per transaction even more. this means its only really a good choice if you have a hard line stance on being anonymous, and even then you have to take serious precautions no normal user will even understand. great for speculation (although maybe not at its currently inflated prices) and mixing bitcoins but all hype otherwise.

it solves the main issue of associating data passing through with an IP if done correctly, but it doesnt solve any attack on the anonyminity of the transactions themselves.

>> No.1835870

>only one out of Dash/Monero
well its pretty clear that once dash's paid promotion starts to ring false they dont have much else to stand on. their tech is shit and most of it is set up and architected around keeping the core developers in power and rich. if its one or the other regardless of monero's significant shortcomings it's actually got some value.

>> No.1835874

>and only one out of Dash/Monero are likely to be viable in the next few years.
Ignore this, just did some quick Googling and Dash seems like pure shit held by people that bought some as an investment, regret it and don't want to end up with massive losses.

>> No.1835876

generally they wouldn't end up with losses given how high the price is right now, but that isnt really the problem. if youre talking about speculation the only thing that matters is volume instead of tech, given most altcoin traders literally dont give a shit, as evident by ethereum's insanely inflated marketcap.

>> No.1835877

You needed a google search for that?

>> No.1835895

>but they also have most of that information voluntarily handed over by the users.
Right, but you as a user who demands privacy and runs your own node will not have your privacy compromised.

And this feeds into the next point. Transactions will be more expensive on main-net so you can expect that casuals who use web wallets are likely to use secondary layers, both reducing congestion and increasing privacy on main.

In the end large sidechains could end up with setups very similar to paypal or current banks. Most people seem to find that privacy sufficient and it is also proven to be scale-able to the population of the western world.

The benefit of base Monero currency over traditional banking systems is that it's permishionless like Bitcoin. Though Bitcoin is not suited to being money since it is not fungible. See again Taleb's post on how intolerant minorities make the rules for why permishionless currency will take over.

In terms of Monero currently taking ~20x the information per tx, this is still only linear growth (as opposed to x^20 which would be bad). In the scheme of things that shouldn't be a big deal.There are supposed to be more optimizations to ringCT to shrink tx sizes but even still it would only ever be 20x bigger than bitcoin. With technology scaling exponentially this makes the difference in blockchain sizes basically irrelevant.

I don't understand your last point. A transaction broadcast from your node over i2p would not reveal your IP, your Monero address, the address your sending to, or the amount you're sending.

>> No.1835902

>most altcoin traders literally dont give a shit, as evident by ethereum's insanely inflated marketcap
lol yes the Pascal pump was another great and fun recent example. I've talked to traders who like Dash specifically because they like the way its setup to be pumped. They couldn't give less of a fuck about where the technology will be in ten years but they do know how to make money (some of them).

>> No.1835911

surely having few people using the base network itself reduces privacy? you want to get lost in the noise instead of being part of an ever shrinking pool of users who aren't using secondary layers.

the main argument is always fungability is important, but as far as adoption is concerned, its a step in the wrong direction for everyone that has the power to move cryptocurrencies into the public. unless bitcoin disappears its always going to be favored as the lesser of two evils to those people.

>technology scaling exponentially this makes the difference in blockchain sizes basically irrelevant
moores law is dead, and transaction processing is what caps monero's capacity, not block size.

and my last point was about vulnerabilities in cryptonote itself.

>> No.1835949

>you want to get lost in the noise
Right, so the anonymity set is the entire blockchain since you can mix with any txo. There really is not much to worry about there. There will always be people that need that privacy for one reason or another as well.

As far as moving crypto currencies into the mainstream I think that will happen naturally through the mechanism of people needing permishionless money and from there everyone else needing to transact with those people. I don't see people just up and moving to crypto for ideology and I don't think the people using the currency will see themselves as evil doers. Crypto has barely started to penetrate the illegal markets that it best serves. I think primary adoption will be in those markets and the currency best suited to those markets will be what gets adopted. Bitcoin is only a tool for the people who use it at this point. Store of value network effects can easily be overcome with a 20B market cap that's based mainly on speculation.

>moores law is dead, and transaction processing is what caps monero's capacity, not block size.
Bandwidth is the biggest issue. Global bandwidth is increasing and Monero has plenty of time left to grow for second layers to be implemented if bandwidth doesn't keep up with main chain. I don't know all about this but from what I've read this isn't a massive concern.

>and my last point was about vulnerabilities in cryptonote itself.
Well I don't know what those vulnerabilities would be exactly. I basically trust the MRL guys that write the whitepapers know what they're doing.

>> No.1836050

All this monero hype, does anyone know if zk-SNARKS concept being applied to ETH will mean anything?

Also I guess I should convert my litecoin to monero or something while it's still worth approx what I bought it at.

>> No.1836061

Watching these plebs try to fud eth MAKES ME PHYSICALLY SICK

>> No.1836188


Thanks for the links, I read most even though some are too tech savvy for me and english isn't my mothertongue


Alright so to sum it up eth, dash and litecoin are out of the equation either because they have no intrinsic value compared to others or because of blatant flaws, right?

What about Ripple?

Are bitcoin and monero prices too high right now to invest?
Bitcoin seems to be buying the ETF rumors and will be selling the news when it doesn't get approved I guess, and Monero price got jacked up a lot since last august (why?).

Is it possible to make money out of pumps and dumps for some coins (like Dash)? Where to find the info?

>> No.1836439

altcoins are all about hype, in that case you cant discount ethereum and look at ripple. ripple/litecoin are out because nothing is happening with them at all. litecoin added segwit signaling a few weeks ago and thats it for them for about 2/3 years. ethereum still has hype, but also a lot of bagholders holding the price down, dash is going to be nothing but bagholders for a few months now that their bubble is over, and monero is still mid bubble, so hype or not its a risky buy.

>> No.1837357
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>> No.1837366

So i should just leverage short dash soon and ill be able to invest in some real coins later

>> No.1837368

I wanna start betting with bitcoins but I don't know shit about them.

Is there a link I can look up to instead of shitting up the board with yet another bitcoin thread?

>> No.1837396

But didn't some banks already acknowledge they're going to do this with the enterprise association? If they buy a shitload of ether now and it takes off and becomes universal then they'll have everyone else by the sack, and if I know banks, they love maintaining total scrotal control.

>> No.1837401

they dont need to. they won't be running anything important that requires them to buy large amounts of ether or any other public token to operate. the majority of not all of the work will be on running their own private chain, so they dont have to deal with the numerous security/reliability issues and costs of the public chain.

>> No.1838922
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I need answers now, REEEEEEEEE

>> No.1840154

Answers to what? There's heaps of posts here with good info. If you can't make your own decisions then you'll just get some shill selling you some shit.

>> No.1840182

Ethereum ehhh I'm.

But you are right it's all about branding.

Some crypto are just try hards, or suck at design and marketing

>> No.1840244
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wasnt dash called darkcoin?


>> No.1840256
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>> No.1840430


>> No.1841353

i mean at one point the pit is full of people and it can rise to a hill

>> No.1841380


I was talking about that post:

>> No.1842687

Just buy Monero.

If Bitcoin etf gets rejected then money that was looking for Bitcoin gains needs to go somewhere else like large cap alts. Dash pump is finished and people are realizing eth was overhyped. LTC and ripple are dead so that leaves Monero.

If the Bitcoin etf gets accepted that should mean more money for crypto generally witch can only help monero.

Monero went way up last August because the biggest dark net market, Alpha Bay began accepting it alongside Bitcoin. This was a fundamental reason for appreciation and means monero has real world utility. Very different from the regular dash pumps. There is no reason to expect xmr to drop back to pre 2016 prices.

It's possible to make money on the pump and dumps of hype coins if you know what you're doing. Of course this comes at the expense of people who don't know what they're doing losing money. It's safer and easier to have longer term positions based off good research of fundamentals.

>> No.1842712

if the etf gets rejected you can be sure than every altcoin will drop in fiat value. and monero really doesnt have much over any other alt right now, it may have less shady goings on but long term theres absolutely nothing stopping monero being replaced by a more scalable, better designed anonymous coin, given thats its only value and theres no serious integration locking it in to anything.

if you want to trade altcoins for short term profits it doesnt really matter what you pick as everything is governed by hype and timing, but long term every alt is a serious gamble.

and monero going up was in no way due to "real world utility" it was just yet another altcoin pump based on news. the transaction volumes for monero are just like dash, basically nonexistant. and aside from illegal uses and dnm's theres no selling point for monero in much the same way people aren't flocking over to litecoin every time bitcoin has a large tx backlog.

>> No.1842814

All crypto depend of BTC price. Btc go down your meme go down. Stupid dumb Anons buying derivated products not knowing what they're doing.