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18296305 No.18296305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18296318
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>> No.18296472

They've got to you
Tell me how broadcasting electromagnetic radiation through my body is a good thing

>> No.18296488

Considering you need sunlight to live, I'd say it's a good thing you absolute fucking retard

>> No.18296510

>It is proven that 5g heats cellular tissue, but negative effects have not been proven
I would not want to live near a distributor

>> No.18296525

2g and 3g are worse supposedly, 5g doesn't penetrate as much

>> No.18296556

The light from a candle heats cellular tissue as well.

>> No.18296589

3g 4g towers placed on top apartment buildings. Last floor always gets cancer and the floors below all kinds of low/moderate ilnesses

Imagine a 5g on your apartment building fucking lol.

>> No.18296615

so go put your head in a microwave then nigger

>> No.18296618


>> No.18296626

whats wrong bro it just heats you up
like a candle

>> No.18296632

Bro science isn't going to cut it here. I need some actual studies on exposure at distances we would be exposed to in the real world.

If its really bad we would be ripping them down but proof is needed not doom porn.

>> No.18296638

The thing of it is there is so much disinformation surrounding this topic. The truth is if you get dosed with enough wattage of nearly any type of radiation it will give you cancer. For example, people that don't understand electromagnetics very well will notice that microwave ovens and WiFi signals both have the same frequency, 2.4 GHz. Well microwaves hest things right? So the logic isn't actually wrong but they are missing a piece of the puzzle. The wattage is so low that it has no measurable effect on your body in terms of energy transferred.
Did you know that water in nature often has 10x as much fluoride than tap water? Did you know that the waterm supply people only refluoridate the water to bring it closer to naturally occurring levels? Did you know that not all isotopes of fluorine are radioactive?

>> No.18296646

You're right at a high enough wattage any frequency radiation can be harmful. That's why they don't let the public within x meters of radio/cell towers

>> No.18296667

I have a degree in physics and whenever I see the
retards it always reminds me of the
same type of faggot who gets his """knowledge""" from fucking youtube videos but never picked up a book in his life
these people should just be euthanized

>> No.18296680

>If its really bad we would be ripping them down but proof is needed not doom porn.

Are you fucking stupid? There are a lot of things in this world that are really bad, that have tons of evidence to back it up, yet people gloss over them


>> No.18296682

Power (energy per time or wattage) matters. The sun warms you with infrared energy at a certain rate that is not very harmful except in extended exposure but a high wattage infrared laser can cut you in half. The difference is the power per time. 5GHz and 2.4Ghz signals operate at low wattage. Microwave ovens are usually around 1,000 watts. For those who don't know a watt = 1 Joule/second and it takes 4.1 Joules to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree C

>> No.18296708

(((Mainstream Psysics)))
Could have stayed and home and save yourself the propaganda and money.

>inb4 you have a cushy job working for one of (((their))) companies

>> No.18296724

>physics don't real
This is bait right? You can prove most of the fundamental concepts of physics at home using simple stuff. Because that's all the first physicists had back in the day.

>> No.18296741

>Last floor always gets cancer

>> No.18296752

>his entire ass

>> No.18296763

5g isn't nearly powerful enough to do anything to you. The only thing you need to worry about with 5g is fucking China spying on everyone.

>> No.18296787

So does Sunlight

>> No.18296859

there is no such a thing as "mainstream" physics you fucking imbecile
physics is physics
but you wouldn't know about that
fucking imbecile, kill yourself

>> No.18296873
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5G is potentially dangerous. It emits unprecedented levels of radiation, and the long-term effects on human health are unknown. Maybe we should take a step back before installing this in every neighbourhood on the planet. There are also potential privacy concerns, since this technology will make it even easier than before to track down exactly where a given device is located at any time.

>> No.18296890

Whenever I see
>so and so people should just euthanized
>abortion is healthcare
I think these people get all their information from the media they should repent and pick up a Bible

>> No.18296912

What's even the point of 5G? Does it have any real benefits besides letting conzoomers watch trillion fps fortnite videos on their phones? The only thing I've ever seen is remote operations, but that seems like a total meme and a good way to make doctors job shittier

>> No.18297067

It can be used for better public surveillance tho. Things like facial recognition, social score etc become possible with 5g. Look at china.

>> No.18297084

>t.calcified pineal gland

>muh appeal to authority

>> No.18297099

yes but no one cares. the only thing that matters is laughing at conservatives.

>> No.18297105

Wow, so the same shit they said about 3G and 4G, and the original cell phones

>> No.18297120

God its too bad humans actually have no idea how much radiation is dangerous to humans, or anything like that.

>> No.18297125

I hope one day we can crack this mystery...

>> No.18297128

It's all proven, just a tip: Don't carry your phone in your front pockets

>> No.18297136

there's a cell tower in the property im renting, i can hear a subtle humming at night am i going to die soon?

>> No.18297142

passive aggressive samefagging lmao

>> No.18297154

>samefagging on a board with IDs
no its called posting multiple times, you idiot.

>> No.18297155

pro 5G anons, respond to this

>> No.18297174

Dude has a point. The internet only amplifies things the more it expands. 6g is probably going to be an even bigger shit show on the forums

>> No.18297190

what do yall really want though? should we ban these technologies for the public because they are dangerous - so only governments can use them? authorities aren't going to abstain from using this technology and researching it - especially china and the us.

>> No.18297213

I too, broadcast sunlight from my body, based retard.

>> No.18297224

So does an atomic bomb.

>> No.18297239

5g gives me diarreah

>> No.18297242

Your second statement is absurdly false, but you read it somewhere so it must be true, and it aligns with your beliefs so of course it is true.

>> No.18297249

>these people should be euthanized
They most likely will be. Along with you.

>> No.18297259

if you go outside then you basically are. the sun emits plenty of sub-visual radiation that just goes through your body.

>> No.18297308

This x100. Fuck China and fuck globalists for letting them get ahead of everyone in 5g

>> No.18297312

Eat the bugs, slaves. We found the chickens you secretly kept in your yard with our 5g 3d scanning tech and will be confiscating them shortly.

>> No.18297316

Much better bandwidth for mobile devices. Not really sure why anyone cares my mobile Internet is fast enough for my purposes.

>> No.18297326

>can't argue with facts
>resorts to emotional BS

>> No.18297346

who cares? we're all going to be dead soon from 5g anyway