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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18243389 No.18243389 [Reply] [Original]

It looks like in the space of just two or three weeks every single brick-and-mortar comic book shop has gone out of business, independent publishers have issued a "pens down" order to staff as their companies go bust, and the distributor who holds a monopoly on physical comic book distribution has effectively gone bankrupt and is no longer delivering physical comic books anywhere. The two big publishers - Marvel and DC - have not fired staff and have told them to continue working. But because they can't issue physical books it looks like they will only be issuing them digitally through Comixology, essentially the Netflix of comic books, but owned by Amazon.

What does this mean? Since about the mid-1930s comic books have been published widely and continually on a regular schedule. Being able to go to your local newstand or bookstore and buy a comic book has been as taken for granted as being able to go to your local diner or cafe and order a coffee. Overnight that entire way of doing things has ceased to exist. It is looking highly likely that from this point onwards the entire industry will be strictly digital.

Will the existing physical books, especially high-grade highly sought after books, tank in value as future generations who have never seen a physical comic book view them as a strange and inferior relic? Or will their price soar due to some kind of pseudo-nostalgia like vinyl? Is now the time to buy stocks in these companies at cheap prices or is now the time to get off a sinking ship?

Just some questions for /biz/ to consider.

>> No.18243443

>Marvel and DC
Multiverse ooga booga, those who can't end a story are damned to watch their comics to lose popularity and rot.

>> No.18244241
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I had a ton of X-Men books from the 1970s-1990s. Now I just prefer to get everything on Kindle when I get nostalgic ever few years. Otherwise I've grown the fuck up.